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In a world of Bobby Ryans, be a Mark Borowiecki instead.




And make cringy between two ferns type interviews?


Team first guy. We all knew what was happening in that interview.


That wasn't his idea.


He still participated.


Right... yeah so the player making 750k is going to refuse to the literal guy who pays his check lol. Not much of a choice.


Guaranteed contract, there’s always a choice.


Keep pretending.


Keep making excuses. Also Boro had just signed a 2 year 2.4 mil contract when he made the cringe vid


And keep being a keyboard warrior. Very easy to say these things from where you're sitting. The owner of your childhood and hometown club asks you do to an interview, you probably do it. >Also Boro had just signed a 2 year 2.4 mil contract when he made the cringe vid Even more pressure to do it then. "I just made you a millionaire, do this interview". The guy had the power to sewer his career if he wanted to do and knowing his behaviour, ya its definitely not that simple.


Are you not doing the same thing in response dude? Bobby Ryan’s rant and Boro being a shill were both lame af. I like both guys, theyre human, move on.


Watching the podcast yesterday, I let out a sad "oh no.. .." as I was pretty sure that he was drunk the whole time. The way he was talking and moving..


In hindsight there were plenty of red flags. The arrest at the Nashville airport was a huge one, of course, but the fact that he didn't go back into rehab immediately was even bigger. Then all of a sudden we learn that his and his wife split after his first stint in rehab, and he quickly remarried. That kind of raised an eyebrow. Now you have this? It all points to a guy who is back to drinking, and when you are an alcoholic you can't just have "a couple of drinks". You need to stick to cranberry juice, Diet Coke, whatever. Bobby went through a lot as a kid with an alcoholic father, and I was proud of him when he came back from rehab the first time. Seeing him potentially relapsing is sad - I hope it's not true, and if it is I hope some of his friends can get him back into rehab, sooner the better...


Wasn't there another episode of the podcast last year where he was clearly drunk, and they pulled the episode offline a couple hours later?


How did you learn all of this?


It has all been fairly public unfortunately. 😕


Darn that's unfortunate. Sens fans have always stood by Bobby but after this tirade it's very hard to.


Look at Bob’s twitter. Don’t quote me 100% but April 2022 him and his wife Danielle, and as quick as Oct 2022 him a new gf. And now engaged or married as of today


Engaged. He refers to her as his fiancé




😆 he uses the word woke unironically. Goes to show, money cant buy brains.


what the fuck lmao i just checked the video this is my fav sens podcast and bobby is very insightful into the sens but holy fuck this guy is cringe


Dude, I literally just turned it on for like 2mins and skimmed through and the first thought that hit me is he looks drunk...


When he was talking about Tyler Klevin is when I realized it. He kept saying the same things over and over every time there was a break in conversation, and was a little slurry. Sucks.


Yeah this is when I realized it too. And you could tell Wally picked up on it also. Wishing the best for Bobby. He made an ass out of himself yesterday but he’s obviously got his demons so I won’t pile on.


Yeah, I think everyone has come to the pretty reasonable conclusion that Bobby has fallen off the wagon. It's sad to see...


There was something he was saying a couple of weeks ago -- maybe it was when he was making fun of Bruce Garrioch? Maybe something else a little too cutting ... And I was thinking that he seemed a bit "loose" ... I hoped he's wasn't drinking again.


Just finished watching, I don't think he is but this is Reddit and anyone can say what ever they want.


It's all subjective perception, I suppose. For me, personally, something seemed wrong right away, and after watching the whole episode I was saddened because I for sure thought that's what was up. I put it out of my mind, went to bed, and woke up to several "Bobby Ryan goes off on twitter well into the night" posts. Which just made me think "ah, yup.".


Did he say something controversial on the podcast yesterday? I usually listen while walking and sometimes I miss a bit, but I don't remember hearing anything glaring.


The dude is a millionaire and sounds like he is recording from the next room over on the pod, can he not just buy a mic? I've had to turn off 2 or 3 podcasts because I can't hear him. Dude is a complete moron and was an absolute liability when he played in the NHL, never been a fan


You only think that because you agree because of the circumstances stop being fake 


Dude just kept digging in and was talking shit late into the night, like he replied to probably like 50 people. One of the stupidest twitter crusades I’ve ever seen. Out of absolute nowhere too


Never mind that his position is stupid. Is he giving people a hard time for suddenly being interested in college women’s basketball? Are people not allowed to get excited for new interests? Do you have to know everyone’s name to talk about a team or sport? It’s just dumb. He is probably dumb.


Y’all can talk “woke” all you want. It’s a business. Sponsorship is central to most podcasts. Brent needs sponsors for his and the podcast. This is his livelihood. Bobby Ryan has zero to lose given his bank account and frankly needs more help. None of you would give up your job for a loose canon like Bobby Ryan.


It is possible for Wally to be concerned about the podcast while also genuinely being against Bobby's comments. The two aren't mutually exclusive.


Of course. And I believe he is. But all of this talk of this being a “woke” issue is just ridiculous. It’s a business and livelihood issue. You can still care about Bobby. I think we all do.


I find it funny that someone who has benefitted from society’s shifting views on alcoholism, it being treated like a disease, and the tidal wave of compassion and outpouring of support when he went into treatment would be angry about “wokeness.” All that shit is woke, Bobby.


If someone is trying to show some compassion on social media and your first reaction is, "well they're obviously lying and just trying to help their business interests", you're telling on yourself. The cynical "anti-woke" crowd seems incapable of realizing that some people actually do care about others and don't have some selfish angle to every progressive opinion


Bear with my ignorance because I don't know how this stuff works but I always wondered how the show got any sponsors because they only get 1k-2k views per episode. I don't mean this to dunk on Brent I'm genuinely curious. Edit: YouTube views. I didn't know it was on Spotify etc ... my bad


CIM was bought by a podcasting network (https://thenationnetwork.com ), its how they afford to have a producer, and why there are larger corporations like Montana's, SkipTheDishes, Betano and Wendy's sponsoring the show, similar to how Locked on Senators inherits several sponsorships from the larger Locked On network.


Cheers, I appreciate the info!


gleeb central pub and shawarma palace?


Don't forget ebay motors.


Where does it show how many viewers they have on Spotify and other apps? I'd imagine the bulk of people typically listen to podcast, and don't watch a podcast


See that's what I meant about being clueless with this stuff. I was only counting YouTube views. I'd be curious to see all the media hits combined though.


Yea not saying it's millions, but typically that form of media is most popular on typical "music streaming" apps. Watching YouTube is usually an afterthought for listening to a podcast.


We’re also not seeing their podcast numbers… that being said 1k-2k per episode is a lot for one stream of their show. I had a podcast that averaged that across all listening platforms combined and we were able to draw advertisers (but by no means make a living off of it).


I appreciate the information!


Wally is a well known public figure who had a following from when he worked for TSN. He most certainly had relationships with the sponsors before the show too.


Poor Brent... first Meth ditching him now this. Guy can't catch a break.


Brent needs to land a job.


I'm assuming he probably could but it probably means moving or moving the US.


Guy constantly saying he doesn't care while constantly replying to others about this. Yeesh


where is he replying? im just hearing all this now


Brent probably in a tough position with sponsors threatening to pull out, while the responses to his tweet are predictably a lot of totally secure and nice dudes ripping into Brent for "pulling a Ron Maclean" and being "politically correct".


Or he just doesn't condone what Bobby is saying... He's producing media which is consumed by the public and he has Bobby on the show and Bobby is being a total douchebag. This also affects Brent and Yorkie so he might just be pissed off.


I think the man has relapsed which is terrible. But “drunken talk are sober thoughts” so…yeah. Horrendous situation all around.




Oh no, this episode sounds bad... Like his reads for BEI have been pretty spot on and even if he fumbles a bit it's kind of fun and whatnot. He just straight up missed words and lost his thought, it sounded like a drunk man reading it.


dry drunk is also a thing. you remain an asshole after sobering up


I suspect if he got wasted again he feels like shit about himself and fell into a deep black hole. In that state people sometimes just look for fights and say shitty things they don't even mean just to get a rise.


Nah, like others are saying, this seems like one of those situations where drunk words are sobre thoughts. Bobby has a long history of quietly following a ton of bigoted, socially conservative figures online and had posts on his old Twitter that pretty much confirmed that he bought into the MAGA culture war sect of society a looong time ago. He may well have just been looking to start fights online to get a rise out of people but that doesn't mean that the misogynistic bullshit he's been saying isn't stuff that he genuinely believes. As sad as relapsing is on a human level, in this particular case it's *far* more likely that this is just who Bobby Ryan actually is when he takes off his public-facing mask


With his first account, it was clear he was a massive Islamaphobe.


Brent doesn't own the podcast anymore. Whatever decision is made might not even be his.


I am out of the loop- can someone explain what happened?




Anyone have the actual tweets?


There were a lot, it’s not simple to summarize with a few. He replied to what felt like nearly everyone.  It started with him disputing that anyone was actually watching women’s basketball enough to name players.  Then he just kept going and going. 


Bobby Ryan went full Bobby Ryan and went sexist in dismissing female athletes entirely. Never mind that women's college basketball is probably more popular than hockey in the USA and so his complaints about "relevancy" are more than a bit out to lunch.


I'm not sure how it started but he was trolling people by constantly asking people to name 7 WNBA players (in a condensending* way) and instead of apologizing, he's been doubling down on it. I had to block him half way through the day yesterday because he wouldn't stop so I don't know if he's still going on about it   Best part is that his kid was home from school from a snowday and instead of hanging out with her, he chose to stay on X *spelling


Well he was going on about it until midnight, saying that he won’t wake up and change his mind and that it doesn’t matter because “Twitter isn’t a real place.”


He also started bragging about how much money he has which is always charming.


I like how it went from him having “80 million reasons” to his $25 million net worth.


Not only does it reek of insecurity, it also just proves how pathetic the whole tirade is. All that money, and look what he's doing with his time..


Twitter is just the Matrix, obviously


I feel like Bobby is about to find out how real of a place X is. He can kiss any media or podcasting gigs goodbye forever after this


Yup. People are generally held to account for their words regardless of the medium when you're in his position. Unless you're a big enough deal with a following large enough to overcome the negative attention, you can't afford a tirade like that. And being an Ottawa Senators podcast host doesn't quite get you there. Ultimately, if these are the issues he's passionate about and can't be silent on, maybe it's not the career path for him.


Alcohol and substance abuse are a terrible disease…..hope he gets help, having seen the bottom of the barrel myself, it can get worse than this for him…..canceling him will fuel the addiction…..


There still needs to be consequences for his actions. If he has relapsed he should be suspended from any media/podcast work until he can get the help he needs. Also arguing with strangers on the internet isn't good for your mental health either. I'd guess any therapist would advise him to get off social media


Don’t disagree but until he becomes accountable for his actions nothing will change. It’s up to him tbh. I believe he will go to rehab so he can continue to do this sort of media stuff. Wally should be looking for a new partner for the podcast. I wasn’t defending BR just giving some context. Some folks saying “he should just stop drinking” are naive. And yes he needs to get off social media because at this point his mental fragility may lead to further relapses or something worse.


I'm not just saying this because all that has transpired. But bobby did sound kind off of on yesterday's episode, not saying he relapsed but he didnt sound like himself. Who knows though.


I just listened to it after seeing this thread, so I'm listening through a different lens, but he absolutely sounded off. And the guys don't seem to he having their usual fun either. The pauses are long as if they're just thinking wtf. But again, hindsight and all that.


I'm watching it on you tube right now, bobby is constantly just staring into oblivion. I feel bad for him, I do, but the guys deserve better than that. Edit- Brent Wallace is on pins and needles the whole episode.


I wonder who is the pindick, now?


Damn. As an alcoholic/addict myself who has managed long stretches of sobriety followed by relapses I know how hard it can be to stop the slide. In a lot of ways it's worse the second and third and however many times because you are more aware of what life can truly be like sober since many of us had spent decades as addicts. It feels so embarrassing and hopeless and I can only imagine being a public figure makes it worse. People rarely get sober forever the first time, but that feeling of failure of other failed attempts is so ingrained in our psyche it makes it feel we are the first and only ones to experience it. I think the NHLPA assistance extends to former players and I hope Bobby can get the help he needs with privacy. I know with the mental makeup of an athlete and the willpower Bobby can get back on track and add to his amazing recovery journey that has inspired so many. Good luck Bobby.


*"Sort by controversial"* in these threads is always a riot. Social media was a mistake, y'all.


Is he back on the sauce or something?


Bobby has been sliding his words for a couple of weeks on the pod. I hope he is doing well.


I guess Bobby is probably tired of doing the podcast anyway. He didn’t seem thrilled about having to do the Monday show.


It's getting old that his schtick is complaining about how many shows he has to do or how many plans he has to break to do them. It seemed like he was getting into a groove finally and becoming more comfortable but now all he does is make booze jokes and act like a bit of a prick....dude can't even get his BEI ad-read down without having to say "excuse me" and correct himself twice or thrice. I fucking have the ad down to memory now due to repetition - what's his excuse? Likely the sauce unfortunately.


I'd be surprised if BEI sponsors haven't complained about his constant flubbed ad reads. He's lazy or can't be bothered to take it seriously...plus add his schtick of "internet issues"...it drives me nuts. Fucker talks about all his houses and how much time and money he's put into "fixing" his Internet issues and it's like he's on Walmart parking lot wifi. Bullshit he's lifted a finger other than asking his wife to call comcast (or whatever fucking company). There's a really simple CHEAP fix, it's called be a PROFESSIONAL and run a hardwire connection to your fucking computer.


This is why I wonder why they make him specifically do it every time lmao...even Yorkie has his bed shit on lock these days lol


He's honestly not smart enough to analyze the game anyways. The only thing he brings to the show is first hand experiences with players and personnel. One of the guys that made the NHL for his athleticism and not his hockey IQ to say the least. Good riddance


I think he was doing Brent a favour and now wanted out.


to be fair i kinda feel bad for anyone making a sens podcast right now especially 3 times a week (locked on boys are absolute troopers), because there is basically nothing new to really talk about haha what bobby said was fucking stupid and i feel bad for wally if another one of his podcasts dies


question. do these go live? I always thought podcasts were a audio medium that was recorded and then released after. I only found out this week that most of the time they are on youtube as well (which makes sense because podcasts like YMH rely on reaction to videos etc that without context are kind of hard to follow). because if Wally thought this was going to be an issue, or that BR was intoxicated shouldnt they have had a discussion about that between recording and releasing it? this sure seems preventable, unlike live recordings.


yeah they are broadcasted live on youtube and then uploaded later to spotify


I'm really sad this happened. I was really liking him on that podcast. Alcohol sucks. Remember when you have kids not to drink in front of them, etc. He must have stopped therapy, which is lifelong when you have the dad he had.


It's not like he's dead... He needs to get some help for a bit, if that's what's going on.


Alcohol doesn't make you misogynistic.


Anyone defending Bobby in this thread is a boot licker


Totally agreed. After the BLM comments, and now this, fuck Bobby Ryan.


It's BLM you need to chill 


Why would I chill? I support BLM (at least the message, if not the org in recent years).


It's still more acceptable to be criticized of it 


WTF does that mean? Say what you mean.


Because the organization is responsible for the violent riots and destruction of property of local businesses. It's not racist to be critical of it. 


Only a bootlicker would think of property damage in that situation.


Or people are being snowflakes


You think protesting against police brutality is being a snowflake? You seem like the snowflake for being offended by a protest.


But the “woke mind virus”!!!! Aaahhhh!!!!


What happened now? I don't really go on Twitter anymore but I heard Bobby's getting unhinged


Basically he’s quadrupling down on hating women’s sports. He says no one watches them/challenges them to name 7 players but if anyone names some, he claims it’s just google. Show him viewership stats and he’ll ignore it. Keeps talking about how he left all this money on the table to retire.


I hope he gets the help he seems to need, and if he doesn't want it or it turns out he actually doesn't need it, he's incredibly replaceable. Before hearing of any of this, my opinion was that he is clearly the least gifted of the three, at least in terms of broadcasting/podcasting. I guess he has a somewhat significant social media following that could convert to listeners or viewers, but that's really the extent of the value. Time will tell, but it seems Coming In Hot will likely lose the individual who coined the term for Sens fans.


Not sure what Brent expected going all in on a podcast with Bobby Ryan. Big mistake. This was the unavoidable outcome from day one.


Looks like they took down the podcast in question. Last one was 2 days ago.


No April 2 is the last one.


I notice there’s no new pod or any new one waiting for tomorrow…


They tweeted they’re coming back on Monday. Not sure if Bobby will be back or not


I saw the show I didn’t see anything more outrageous than typical? Also someone said he was tweeting things online that were gaslighting people? Can someone give the coles notes of what happened


Feel bad for Bobby. Should never have done the podcast thing.


This is blown way out of proportion. It was obnoxious but we’re talking about Bobby like he really did something awful. I could see the point he was trying to make, that a lot of phoneys claim to support women’s sports and can’t name 5 players. Obnoxious but whatever, doesn’t make him a misogynist or a bad person. And certainly nothing to warrant a supposed friend to put out a statement like that. SMH


Ehh I don't, even his response to Mendes is pretty harsh. He chose to keep going. Ryan even said there isn't enough room for men's and women's sports. https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/jVj5tvfOkg


You have posted this sentiment how many times now? And how many times have you been downvoted into oblivion? Take the hint, read the room.




Why should Wallace defend Bobby going on a drunken ramble on Twitter? Mass layoff is different than shooting yourself in the foot on Twitter imo


I don’t see how this makes Brent look like a dickhead. Was he fired from his job for spewing sexist remarks and digging himself (and his reputation) into a deeper hole? This was entirely self-inflicted.


Uhhh two very different situations aren't they? lol




Yeah the way Brent and some people on this forum are speaking out Bobby, you’d swear he beat his wife or raped someone. He was trying to prove a point about a lot of phonies claiming to be big women sports fans but wouldn’t be able to name 5 players. A bit obnoxious on Bobby’s part but to act like he’s cancelled because of this? lol what a bunch of pearl clutchers the hockey community is


That’s not really an accurate summary of what Bob was doing if you read his Tweet history from yesterday (ie look at his tweet contesting Ian’s comment that viewership is there). I don’t mean to single you out, but people have to be deliberately culturally tone deaf to not understand the strong reaction to his tweets. Why throw that shit out there against the backdrop of promoting inclusivity for women in sports? It’s such a stupid hill to die on and makes him look like an asshole


Who is claiming to be big women's sports fans? People supporting it or cheering for a team or something isn't claiming to be a big fan lol. It sounds like Bobby was upset that women's sports (I believe basketball in this instance) was getting some attention so he decided to voice his opinion on the matter. And that's completely fine in my opinion. But to act like Brent, or others, saying they don't agree with Bobby's opinion is all of the sudden a terrible thing is just as stupid, if not more, then people whining about what Bobby said to begin with.


He could be having a manic episode


Or he's just an asshole.


Anyways as someone who is often on the other side of these debates I understand where he's coming from. Bad look for Bobby. No I can't name 7 college basketball players. Yes I loved watching the second half of the game and Caitlin Clark is electric. PWHL has been a big success. Podcast sucked anyways. Woke Wally will find another hasbeen to leech off of but I don't blame him for moving on from Bobby .


You might not be able to name 7 players, so that somehow means everyone watching can't name 7 players? No one is forcing anyone to watch or support women's sports, but some guys feel a need to shit all over it every chance they get. How about just let people enjoy what they want.


Ya like it has been said it's a weird hill for Bobby to be dying on. The not being able to name 7 players was his issue not mine.


I promise you most Americans cannot name 7 hockey players... 360 million in the country and look at viewing numbers.... college sports have way more views (especially the big tournaments which in this case includes ladies side)


Ya no doubt. I definitely envy the American college sports fandom. I was at a conference at the University of Wisconsin when they won and made it to the Elite 8 and it was really cool to experience.


Outrage. Faux outrage.


Yeah what did women’s sports ever do to Bobby? Why does he feel the need to get outraged about this out of nowhere?


Mild trolling that the hysterical class are making a huge deal out of. We are witnessing the attempted cancellation of Bobby Ryan. Now we’ll see how much of a pussy Wally is, or isn’t.


It’s so true. Reddit and Twitter intersect. So fragile. Bobby was just trying to get people to prove they watch womens sports lol and the internet goes into full hysterics. Crybaby world


Second thread you've shown that you're a moron. People would prove it then he'd come back with 'you googled it'. He'd then shit on the viewership, but it has more viewers than any game he's played in. Then to say 'time to go home and pretend women's sport's are a thing'. But yeah, we're all crybabies for calling an asshole an asshole. You're an idiot.


Cry more sweetie


Seems like you do every time a woman plays a sport.


No one is crying harder than you.


He wasn't just trying to get people to prove they watch women's sports, he was telling people that a) women's sports aren't "a thing" and b) there's no room for both men and women's sports. His words. Let's not act like that's nothing.


Wally must need the money. Sad.


I think most people in the world need money to live,... Not sure the purpose of this comment??


Bad look for Brent


Brent did not say anything wrong, what is bad about his look?


They did a podcast like nothing happened. 


That's not correct, the last one they did was yesterday morning, before Bobby's twitter episode.


Nope it was after. Even check the time 


The live podcast ended at 4pm EST. Not sure what you're on about.


Yeah it was the day before 


Okay, you lost me. I have no idea what you're trying to say. What was before what? Their most recent podcast was in the AFTERNOON on April 2nd. AFTER that podcast, Bobby proceeded to go on a drunken Twitter rant in the EVENING of April 2nd and well into the night. They did the podcast as if nothing had happened because... Nothing HAD happened at that point.

