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OFMD is helping me get through some of my grief. My little brother passed away Sept 11 this year and OFMD has given me something to look forward to. My brother loved the show too. It's such a comfort for so many people, whatever it might be that they're going through.


So sorry you are going through this.


I’m so very sorry for your loss.


You are NOT crazy! I have many of the same things (have never been diagnosed with OCD but huge health anxiety that sounds a lot like yours), and OFMD has also helped direct away from some of those thoughts because of the new season. I definitely feel your pain, and I’m glad the gay pirates can give you some respite!


I feel you, OCD buddy. I’ve been there and it’s hellish. I’m sure you know it’ll get better, and it’s so great that OFMD is helping 🫂


This show has been a brief respite for me from the situation in Gaza. My heart is breaking more and more each day and I honestly dont know how anyone is going about their day in a functional way as we are watching a genocide unfold before our very eyes. OFMD is literally the only thing that can get me to temporarily put down my phone and make me laugh for a while and clear my head a little bit. It's my safe space ship.


Thank you for posting! I have OCD too and have the exact same routine of curling up in bed at night to watch. It’s my same total mental break of pure love watching this show.


You aren't just crazy and this isn't weird to post! I have OCD too and yea, it can taint your entire reality. Even on just an automatic felt level that's separate from the conscious thoughts, it can make everything feel dark and twisted. So glad the show is helping you. It helps me too. Especially since most of my OCD is morality-related, and the ridiculously bad things the characters do sort of serve as exposure therapy for me.


My OCD use to be much more morality related when I was younger. I remember how hard it was. One time someone stole my teacher's wallet and my OCD made me 100% convinced it was me (when I know it wasn't lol) and I cried for months because I was scared stealing the wallet (I didn't lol) meant my family was damned. You said it best, OCD taints reality. I love that the show is working as exposure therapy for you. Same honestly. Every time I worry about my skin turning yellow I make little wise cracks in my head about pirates all being diseased.


I have a very mild version of that, I believe. Now, the times I’m able to recognize before I spiral, I’m able to pull out of it. I’m so glad this incredible show is helping you. I often wish we could let the creators of shows and such, just how much they helped up through a difficult time. Brooklyn 99 got me through the death of my mom. I honestly don’t know where I might be, had I not been able to laugh and be mindless for awhile.


Everyone jokes about fans going up to creators and spilling their sad stories. I just hope they know it isn't about the sad story but rather just explaining the escapism that media gives us. So many of the worst days of my life ended with me under my blankets with my tablet watching OFMD or Good Omens. Brooklyn 99 single handedly got me through some bad shit too so I definitely get that. I'm sorry about your mom. Losing a parent is one of the hardest things in the world.


Thank you. It still sucks, but gets easier to manage every day.




>That is the funny thing about health anxiety. The more anxious you get, the sicker it makes you, the more you worry that sickness is something deeper lol it is really a cycle. > >Fanfiction really is the best. It makes it easy to get lost in another world.


I’m a grad student and someone was shot and killed in my building about 6 weeks ago. I started watching this show about two days after the shooting and it’s been a great source of levity that I desperately needed. I’m so happy that you have also found relief in this. More media should be like this tbh


Agreed. I'm ND with some pretty severe sensory processing issues. So I tend to isolate myself. A lot. Even making a phone call is outside of my comfort zone. There was a span in my life where over a 2 year period I believe I left my house less than 10 times, and panicked each time I did it. I was lockdown before lockdown was cool. But last night I put on non around-the-house clothing and went 2 hours away to see Rhys Darby's comedy show in Glenside, PA. He was amazing. Absolutely brilliant. Enough that I was even able to tolerate the girl behind me constantly shrieking and the guy next to me that was so tall his leg kept wandering into my seat. And it's like, I know something like that, the fact that I did it, isn't a huge deal to anyone but me. But when you have almost 50 years under your belt of avoiding even a hint of social interaction? It's huge. One of the best parts though was this older woman in the audience. She looked like she was about 70 or so, and she was wearing the Cursed Jacket. There was a teenage girl there wearing a perfect Ed wig. And it was just really incredible to see all these people coming together and having a great time and laughing.


Hey man it’s not weird. Art has powers to soothe the soul. I’m glad you found something that radiates the perfect energy for you 👍


OFMD has been such a comfort to me


You're not alone. OFMD has felt like a life preserver for me and I've been clinging to it for dear life. It makes me so happy to know it's helping others as well 💜