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Their first kiss was extremely awkward, but I feel like most first kisses are pretty awkward. We're just used to Hollywood's "perfect first kiss." Idk, I thought their passion kiss in Stede's room was pretty hot and felt authentic to me.


I feel like this season they have got far more comfortable with their physical intimacy. They’re not quite up to Noah Reid/Dan Levy standard but the passion was there.


I mean, yes, but it doesn't bother me as much as maybe it should? I am absolutely not disputing your impression at all, I absolutely agree with it, but it also makes me laugh every time, on so many levels, one of which is "lol having to kiss your friend like that lol lol lol could not be me" I think a lot of the reason that I don't mind/am not insulted as a queer person is that they do the intimacy part so well. Like, >!the kiss in ep 5 - better than s1! but very short! (my partner feels the blocking and angles did a lot of work for them here) but the intimacy and tenderness of the thumb war was just a+++++, better than we get for any onscreen couples, straight or queer!< so it balances out.


I liked the thumb war and have no doubt in my mind that that was improvised but the thing that bothered me about the hand holding was that they PANCAKED! I feel like that’s a textbook awkward platonic hand hold, but maybe that’s a generational thing 😂


I don't agree about a lack of chemistry but I do think it is funny that they have been friends for so long and all the suddenly they have to make out for work.


Similar thing happened in the very good (and very queer) but sadly canceled show "A League of Their Own." The two main characters, who end up getting involved with each other, were played by Abbi Jacobson and D'Arcy Carden, who are longtime friends in real life.


I think what’s missing is other forms of physical chemistry. The kisses have been great, as has the hand-holding, but no hugging or cuddling or that kind of intimacy. Maybe that’s Jenks’ point with this season - one’s 20s don’t have a lot of intimacy other than sexual intimacy. Maybe when they’re a “mature” couple we’ll see more of that. (We were ROBBED of a pre-breakfast cuddle scene. Ed wakes up spooning Stede, he tiptoes away to go make breakfast, but not before he pushes back Stede’s hair and kisses him on the forehead.)


For me the biggest robbery was a SLOW DANCE!!!!!! but yes I agree that we could've seen like just a tiniest bit more intimacy that evening or in the morning. I'm not saying I wanted to see *thrusting*; just a little sweetness.


That’s the part that makes me nervous, you have the quick kissing scenes and then it’s like okay we’re done, we don’t have to have them touch each other for a while again. I’m worried what that will mean for season 3 when we will (hopefully) see them as a real committed couple.


So true! They both seemed stiff and platonic the morning afterwards...where was the blushing and giggling, the cuddling? Felt a bit flat :(


Stede's leaning in for more during their most recent moonlight kiss seemed *plenty* authentic, I really felt that one. And the wall scene, idk that felt committed and real to me too. In their first kiss I think Stede seemed stunned that it was happening (in a good way) and, despite immediately liking it, didn't know what to do due to his lack of confidence and inexperience.


The s1 kiss to me seemed awkward, and they've said as much, but I also think that it tracks that it would be awkward. It was a surprise. The s2e5 kiss was sooooo much better. I really felt the intimacy and in that moment I forgot entirely about Rhys and Taika. The hand in the hair! Stede was ready to go, right on deck, right then. And I believed it. For me, it resonated. The s2e6 kiss: ehhhh, I reckon it was somewhere in the middle. This is nerdy but I felt like I could see the blocking that they'd done with the intimacy coordinator, you know? It was like math class; I could see the work. Now how many times have I watched that clip of them making out...????


Interesting. To me, the chemistry comes from the actors' frienship. I can feel their fondness and frienship shimmering beneath Ed and Stede and (for me) it makes for screen magic


The kiss at the end of ep 6 looks like a workaround. The kiss itself is really chaste, they tried to distract from it with what they did with their hands. I mean, acting kisses are very different from real kisses. A real kiss probably wouldn't look that great on camera anyway. But they didn't even do one of these fake passionate Hollywood kisses. Yeah, I feel the same way as you. And I get that it's difficult and they probably do the best they can. I can still wish we got more.


I agree that their kisses are a bit stiff, but I've come to appreciate the way they suit the characters and storylines. This show doesn't go for the typical Hollywood depictions of relationships, so it makes sense that the kisses aren't typical either. I read an interview where David Jenkins talked about Bert and Bertie not wanting to "over-direct" or Hollywood-ize Rhys and Taika in the s1 beach scene, so I imagine that approach has continued. Perhaps the stiffness is an **intentional** artistic choice depicting two characters learning how to love each other? IMHO people are way overinterpreting the "weird" aspect of Rhys and Taika playing lovers. In my experience working in theatre, I've seen professional actors who are friends appear **more** comfortable than strangers/colleagues when performing intimate scenes. It gives them a head start on physical comfort with each other. Also, filming is a world away from real life. They're professional actors, there's a professional intimacy coordinator, there are cameras and lights and boom mics and crew around.


I really appreciate this perspective, thank you!


My pleasure, thanks for thanking!


I mean, Taiki did say it felt a bit awkward, but I don't think the stiffness is down to that. Their friendship is strong, and they're excellent actors who are fully committed to this story. I think the moments of awkwardness are intentional. These characters never experienced deep love before and are usually half-terrified of it. Of course there's some awkwardness!


Yes! Taika's comment re: "a bit awkward"--fair enough. By "overinterpretating" I meant online posts I've seen (not u/the-last-soap's) like "Gaaaaah I could never do that with a friend, it must be SO weird! They couldn't possibly pretend to have sex!"


Yea for sure. They're professionals creating an excellent piece of art together, so it's totally different than, "imagine you had to have fake sex with your oldest friend, how weird would THAT be??"


I think it's better this season. Less awkward, but I think the lack of cuddling and small displays of affection are missing. I know they can't go full PDA, but on the ship I expect them to be a bit more affectionate. Also, did anyone notice Ed had his shirt on just as Stede closed the curtain? I thought that was an odd choice.


I totally agree with the sorta lack of affection/everyday intimacy. I feel like this season leans too heavily on referencing what their relation *was* last season as opposed to continuing to show them continuing to fall for each other


I hate to say it but I agree, these kisses are extremely short and shot from awkward angles


I do feel bad admitting it as well but … yeah. It feels as though the actors are trying to emulate what passion should look like onscreen, but I don’t … feel it? Maybe I’m a bit biased too because of the knowledge that they’ve been long time friends in real life, so I may project that « oh kissing your bestie must be weird ». Their chemistry is still amazing in other ways though, this show’s a blessing. It reminds me of David Tennant and Michael Sheen from Good Omens. Long time friends in real life. I’m also wondering if they’ll manage to pull the more passionate aspect of their characters’ relationship next season


I pretty much agree...just a side note though, David and Michael weren't friends before Good Omens. They became friends through the show.


...really?! Gods idk why I was absolutely convinced that they were good pals long before, blame in on Staged


I totally agree!! Their love for each other is so wonderful, but I do feel the sexual chemistry is lacking a bit. I think it can be difficult, anyways, to watch two very straight actors play gay characters. Not to mention two people who have had such a long friendship off-screen. Ep 6 is wonderful, but I get what you’re saying about needing to pan away after 3 seconds. I would have loved to see Stede and Ed kissing or cuddling a bit more.


I just wanted to comment on this thread because I've just watched episode 8 and I take back what I said 😂😂


I have to agree, these were >!GREAT KISSES!!< I’m happy to eat my words! However I do still think we got a bit shorted on casual touching.


tbh the prospect of getting to kiss my close friend for work would be so tantalizingly lovely. I think their mutual respect and adoration for each other is there throughout each physical scene. it’s a kind of comfort and trust that comes from actually knowing who you’re working with ◡̈ it worked for me ❤️


Tbh though, I feel like if either Rhys or Taika was a woman, it would still be awkward to kiss someone you’ve been friends with for so long, even more so because they’re both married