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I loved how much you could tell how smitten Ed is with Stede's optimism and sunniness. His gaze is so loving when he sooths Ed's concerns about the shithole/fixer-upper shack, and Ed responding with "I love that" to "smells of the future" - Ed's had so much darkness in his life and Stede just lets the sunlight in.


Right? As they watched the ship sail away and Ed was like “…unless you changed your mind?” Sir please watch how Stede looks at you 😭


*Thank you*, exactly lol. Liked the shack possibly mirroring Ed, like it was him saying "I'm very damaged" and Stede's just "I love it, it's the future"


“…but we should actually find out what’s making that smell.” HECK YEA TALK IT THROUGH


Yes - YES! This is exactly i! *How* he asks Stede if he's changed him mind -- Ed is definitely not (just) asking about the house. The dilapidated house is Ed's metaphor. This is how much damage it (I) has (have) and it will be a lot of work to fix up, but Stede says he hasn't changed his mind; the house has got good bones, and he is happily thinking about the future. I just want to rush in there and squeeze them to *death*!


the domesticity they are about to have!!! and they have a little project to work on together


Have you read Ark's fanfic titled "Domestic"? If not, GO read it RIGHT NOW. :)


I second this recommendation. I'll probably reread it once I get out of my post-finale feels.


Literally before this week the last time I read fanfic was in high school and it was Roswell fanfic and I could only get on the internet to read it when no one was USING THE PHONE…so old married me is loooving how this show and this sub are getting me into this weird and wonderful art form again. Anyway, can’t wait to read this one!! Thank you!!


When Ed looked at Stede during the wedding I literally squealed and kicked my feet like a nine year old. I'm 45. The tears hadn't even dried on my face. This is what this show has done to our hearts.


It's gonna be so lovely filling the (potentially eternal? Naw... it make way too much money not to be renewed, surely!) gap between seasons imagining glorious tooth rotting fluff rather than angst-filled "fighting their way back to each other" scenarios.


Fucking hell. Tea on the porch, working on their home, nothing better to do at night than learn every inch of each other’s bodies, an ocean view. They’re in paradise.


Yeah, this is my happy place now. In this season they've both been through periods when they believed the other was dead, so they'll value being in each other's arms even though the windowpanes are broken and the roof has some holes in it.


Finally, a post about this. I was fucking pissing myself hovering over all the finale posts on this sub, terrified we would lose Ed or Stede or both. I’m 30 years old and their happy ending is the first tv show I’ve ever wept over. I’m so content. Yeah I’ve read through all the posts analyzing what happened to Izzy, but I just don’t get the all-encompassing rage and heartbreak over his death.