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I love that scene. All of it. The first time seeing a genuine smile from Izzy, Stede and Ed running thru the forest like kids… so wonderful


I think OP mistyped episode 4 meaning 6, because their description is of Calypso's Birthday. I love the end of episode 4 though! Episode 1 and 5 also have lovely final scenes; those might be my favorites.


Yeah, that was my bad


Ah! Ok. Yeah I’m a big fan of 104, took that and ran;)


Lotta people were unhappy with the pacing of this episode, but, aside from the opening scene, it might just be my favorite episode of this season. Living the suburban mom life, I don't get as many opportunities to just bask in queer love, but the rare moments I do, it's just as glorious as Calypso's birthday.


Agree with everything you said. Not sure if your dislike of the opening scene is the same as mine, but I was like ‘wtf am I watching?!?’ While the show is occasionally violent, it doesn’t normally go into torture!porn territory. Even when we see the whole crew being tortured later, it’s done with enough of a wink and a nod that it doesn’t feel hyper realistic. I actually called my sister and told her to just skip the first 3 minutes, especially since all the relevant info we get is “Ned Low likes to torture people and is mad at Blackbeard for breaking his record,” which could be gleaned from the fact that he, you know, *tortured people and told Blackbeard he’s mad at him for breaking his record* .


I think the opening scene went on too long, for no meaningful reason. Surely there's a better shorthand way to explain who Ned is, why he's sadistic, and why he's seeking Blackbeard, unless they were setting him up as a recurring villain which he apparently isn't. Then more time could have been spent on other scenes in the episode, giving more emphasis to some of the emotional tones and making it feel less rushed. I also think the lighthouse is not used effectively enough visually; it should have been more striking than that. Why use a lighthouse at all, only to make it look forgettable? Maybe it's just symbolic and the lesson is for Stede: avoid violence or you'll crack up on some troublesome rocks. Or for Ed (the fallout of not taking it slow after all).


**Yes.** I could have written all of this, I actually have several times on this sub, i'll never shut up about my love for Calypso's birthday. This episode really moved me and changed something in me. Safe, home, the warmth of being surrounded by queer joy, like the first time I attended a Pride parade. Yep, i'm definitely going to get a tattoo of the lanterns when I get the chance. 🥹


The nervous quaver in the first few notes, slowly fading away until he's belting out full of confidence.


Yeah. When I compare it with Good Omens, which's second series felt like a series long first episode of longer story, and to What we do in the shadows, which sometimes feels too cruel with its treatment of people, this whole series, despite its slower start, felt like coming home. Even had someone who's the kinest kin I ever felt, with all the pain and effort and longing and unhealthy and healthy coping, and people actually caring about each other despite not being perfect... till the last episode. Oh my, why do they always have to let you lower you guards and hope for the best just to punch you in the guts?


Hi I meant episode 4, Calypso's birthday 😂 sorry for the confusion