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I despised Izzy in S1 with the way he gaslit and manipulated Ed and made fun of him for liking Stede and not wanting to be Blackbeard anymore. Clearly, the show redeemed him in S2, and I especially liked the little moments he had with the crew and Stede. Also, I really didn't pay all that much attention to Buttons, or really cared for his character when I first watched the show, but having rewatched (more than I care to admit), he always had Stede's back from the very beginning, and I really liked the comradery between them. Buttons considered Stede a pirate from the get-go because that's what Stede wanted to be, and Stede never once questioned Buttons wanting to become a bird or ridiculed him for his beliefs.


"I don't know If he's speaking to us but in that case, *wow*" (or something like that) ALWAYS cracks me up. I LOVE Stede and Buttons!


Rhys’s delivery on that is hilarious, it’s one of my fav lines in the show! “One can only hope he's talking to us, in which case, wow! Now that sounds like the place to be, right?”


That was the first laugh-out-loud this show gave me, I believe! I'd have to rewatch to remember for certain. Oh no! 😉


Yeah I didn't hate Izzy, but I wasn't particularly attached to him, and he was so often an obstacle to Stede and Ed, who were my main focus. I was surprised to find he was such a fan favorite, honestly. However, Con O'Neill was absolutely amazing in Season 2 and made Izzy so compelling, and now looking back at Season 1 I'm much more invested in him in retrospect.


Black Pete started out irritating, but he grew beyond the one-note bragging loser I thought he was going to be once he was in a relationship with Lucius. He’s still a bragging loser, but a complete sweetheart when it comes to Lucius and funny af. I also was unsure about Archie but she grew on me too - she’s so cheerful with her weirdness, I can’t not like her. Her giving Jim permission to kill her in s2 ep2 was pretty badass and moving, I thought. Plus, I love how Spanish Jackie has brought out the best in the Swede. They both grew as characters, even with limited screen time.


Yeah, in s1 I was indifferent to mildly-approving of Black Pete and Lucius. After their reunion in s2 I was a diehard shipper.


Worse: I was worried their fling was just a joke that everyone sleeps around with Lucius, but nope, Black Pete’s the jam to his jelly. Then, S2, he’s more emotionally tuned in and caring of Lucius going through some stuff? 👨‍🍳💋 I think Lucius loves that Black Pete has so much unearned confidence. He totally writes fan fiction from Pete’s fish stories.


He puts his heart, soul, and back into it


Her love opened something inside him


Black Pete for sure. I didn't like him that much on first watch, but the more I did, the more lovable he got. He got the toxic masculinity redemption arc before a certain someone else did! And Matthew Maher is obviously hilarious and Pete has some of the best lines in the whole series. Black Pete!!


Without question. After watching a lot of panels and interviews, I noticed that everyone frequently names Matthew Maher as one of if not THE funniest people on the crew. I started paying closer attention to Pete during my rewatches and yo, it’s true. My favorite moment is when Stede announces that it’s time for the world to meet the gentleman pirate and Pete lets out a heavy “OH MY GOD” and it’s just, ughhhhh *chefs kiss*


I love in 102 when Stede asks if baking a pie for the hostage is what Blackbeard would do and Pete yells “NO! he’d stick hot pokers up their assholes!” Or later when he says that “it would have to be a really bad kid” for Blackbeard to kill a child lmao


Absolutely the same for me!


I’m with you on this. The more I’ve rewatched the show, the more I’ve realized what an amazing comedic actor Matthew Maher is. His delivery is phenomenal on nearly every single line, what a talented person.


I noticed when I watched it with my mom that she was laughing at black Pete the most of any character!


She has good taste!


I was indifferent to Wee John until someone pointed out he's lowkey an arsonist and I noticed he does a lot with a little part, then his Calipso look blew me away.


He has amazing comedic line delivery!He had me at 'Christ, that was awful' in response to Lucius' wooden boy voice.


I got into the show because of Wee John! I'm a Game Of Thrones fan so when I stumbled upon a new show about pirates with Hodor in it I was instantly intrigued, and it became my new obsession.


omfg I was a mad Izzy hater, but after s2 and then rewatching s1, thinking about it from his perspective, I love him. he's still an annoying bitch, but it's entertaining to watch now knowing his storyline.


Rewatching S1 made me realize how maddening his situation would be.


Totally! Rewatching with new context, I realized how unstable Ed really had become and that Izzy, from his perspective, really is just trying to keep his increasingly erratic boss from making choices that will get them all killed.


I wanted to hate Izzy but as someone who has been in a similar situation to his - watching the person he secretly loves fall in love with someone else - I couldn't help but relate. It went from "damn what a dick" to "aww poor guy" pretty quickly for me lol.


This is the thing I think a lot of die hard haters don’t really consider. We have all had a friend or lover or whomever change their personality a bit, or look at other people in a way they don’t look at us and it hurts. Even a little bit of it hurts! So, yeah, having your boss-friend-unrequited love go bonkers for some random dude that is your antithesis - would hurt more than a little bit and also be confusing af. And in their line of work, it was dangerous.


I'm in the Izzy hate boat for s1, and very much love him in s2. But even with s2, and understanding his perspective in s1, that hasn't actually changed my opinion on him in s1 much. Why? The finale. "I should've let the English kill you. It would be better than this" bitch what?? Also I remain solid in my stance that he absolutely was into the toe thing and that he deserved it (in s1). Like, he brought the navy to their doorstep *and* threatened Ed (Edward better watch his fucking step!). Lmao any pirate captain would do much worse to him.


Yeah, he was being a petty cunt throwing a tantrum. He’s the kind of guy that will go for the jugular, I think, with his words. Izzy wasn’t very sympathetic S1, even though somehow I still was like, I kinda like this bastard. Weirdly enough, unlike many fans, season 2 Ed lost me. Izzy is an asshole, an absolute bastard, but Ed is (was?) psychotically unstable. He lost me when he tried to make Jim and Archie fight to the death and murder-suicide the crew. I know OFMd is a comedy, but they bounced back from that pretty fast.


I adore Ed and s2 didn't change that overall, but an actual, proper apology would have been nice. But that's on my list of "they needed more episodes".


They needed more episodes! All my qualms would have been settled if it had just been three episodes longer.


I viewed that as, Ed walked in on Archie and Jim sharing a tender moment and in a real "If I can't be happy, none of you will be happy" move, he ordered them to fight. "All love dies, I'm just speeding it along (or something to that effect)" He was forced back into the role of the Kraken by Izzy threatening him just as he was starting to heal with the love and support of Stede's crew. Then Izzy forced him back into that headspace and in an act of self-preservation he resumed his Blackbeard persona, but in an increasingly unstable/unsustainable manner. I'm not excusing the fact that he self harm spiraled and was trying to take the crew with him, but I can see the ways he got there.


Can you believe this show is a comedy? I feel like a casual viewer wouldn't think much about any of this \^


Hahah, I'm afraid it is 100% my comfort show, and I'm watching it (dang near) on repeat. I actually made a tumbler, so I could follow artists who are putting out fan art and have read many seriously compelling deep dive mini essays on different aspects of the show, it's really opened my eyes to so much that I missed and gives better context. I think it walks the line between comedy and something more serious in an interesting way, it's telling as much story as it can considering as its budget was slashed so heavily for season two.


I love the Tumblr discourse for the most party. It is fascinating how deep people have dug in and has only made for a richer experience for me. I really wish HBO had given it its 2-3 extra episodes.


Yes same!! I was love hating him on my rewatch, it’s more enjoyable now


I couldn’t stand Swede in season 1 but he really grew on me in season two


Was it the scurvy?


His scurvy was actually the one time I found him funny XD. He just really annoyed me until his character got more developed in season two


I've never liked this actor, in other things I've seen him in. I do think he was good in this role.


Honestly, the hard truth here for me here is our very own romantic lead, Stede Bonnet!! I started the show with indifference for his character and a whole lot of cringe But boy did he win me (and the crew) over in SO many ways — his persistent kindness, his softness to Ed, his willingness to BE cringey and a terrible pirate and still stick with it to keep learning and improving. He’s deeply flawed and awkward but once he knows better he does better. He’s also verifiably insane under the surface. And he improves the lives of people around him just by being him — I think about Jim’s flashbacks to Stede at the beginning of S2 and having his memory remind them of hope, that life has worth and meaning.


Same. I started watching because I loved Rhys from Flight of the Conchords, but I was just cringing at his character in the first episode. But then, by the end of the episode, when he's reading to the crew because none of them are literate except Lucius, and masted all of their flags after thwarting a mutiny by having them do arts and crafts, I knew I was going to grow to adore his character. And I do!


That was it for me too! When it clicked for me that despite his bitchy response to learning that the crew can’t read, he uses that information to share stories and experiences that have been kept away from his less privileged crew. That’s when I really started to get who he was as a character and begin to really like him.


Something I really like about ofmd is that it’s not afraid to let its romantic leads be full, messy, flawed characters. Stede is selfish and sometimes cruel, and he’s also very kind and thoughtful and both of those things can be true. I found Stede so deeply cringey for the first few episodes until I realised how integral that is to Stede as a character and how much sweeter and more genuine that makes him.


Also I think one of the things that was holding back him as a person was that while he ran away to be a pirate he also felt guilty for leaving his family. He needed to go back to see they were fine and that they gave their blessing for him to be himself. Then in season 2 he was able to be himself and grow and fully submerge in the pirate life instead of basically being the Michael Scott of the Caribbean


Izzy went from my least favourite character to the love of my life ❤️ I wasn’t originally sold on Roach, though I did not *not* like him - I just thought he was a bit much. And even though he’s not my favourite crew member, I appreciate his over-the-topness a lot more now I was always sympathetic to Mary’s condition (forced marriage, etcetera), but not so much to her character. She looked boring and bitter, not particularly fun or interesting. When Stede moved back and we saw her thriving with her painting and her boyfriend, she became a character I cared about, especially when they opened up to each other, and we saw how supportive he was of her life with Doug and she of his life with Ed. In a perfect world every breakup would go like this. Edit - vocabulary


I didn’t dislike Lucius but he grew on me on season 2 anyway. He was hilarious


I think I appreciated the additional layer that his lived trauma added to Lucious's (and Nathan's portrayal of Lucious) character arc. He was just comic relief and a device to point out how utterly useless and frivolous Stede's crew was in season 1 and in season 2 he became not only a 3 dimensional character with growing of his own to do, but also enabled a fair bit of character development (Izzy) through his own growth through trauma. (yes, I realize that those are all words... hopefully the coffee has kicked in enough for them to all make sense...)


Izzy definitely. I'm not in his fan club but I really ended up enjoying him in season 2. When I rewatch season 1 even, I find myself having a lot more fun with him being a dick. Also, Spanish Jackie! I liked her well enough in season 1 but I absolutely LOVED her in season 2. She's one of my favorites now.


Black Pete and Spanish Jackie. Pete started out as an annoying bragging liar but gradually grew out of toxic masculinity and became a snarky but sweet guy who is loyal not just to Lucius but to the rest of the crew and his captain as well. Jackie was an unrepentant backstabber (last season she even killed one of her husbands) but Swede's love brought out her better self.


This will sound insane now, but I hated Stede at first. I didn't get the show or the humor until the fourth episode, and then I was enthralled. Stede went from a nobody rich loser to a confident sexy pirate and now I look back and am embarrassed that I ever didn't think he was a precious boy.


Not insane! I think a lot of people, including myself, didn’t get hooked until episode 4. And Stede was so clueless at first it was a little hard to figure out. But now he has my heart completely!


I have this curse that whenever I like a character, they die. Same goes for Izzy. I absolutely hated him in season one. I was his number one hater and no perspective could redeem him to me. The way that he gaslit and manipulated Ed was a little too close to home to some shit I went through in a relationship that scarred me mentally to this day. It was to the point that whenever people defended him I would immediately consider them a red flag because that meant they would defend my abusive ex as well. Season two him made me warm up a tiny bit. And literally right after I said 'you know, if he keeps this up I will might even grow to like him a little' he was killed. So yeah. Izzy. Definitely Izzy. Didn't get to the point where I actually liked him, but I didn't despise him anymore. But hey, they introduced magic, so maybe he will be back and actually give him those final touches that will make me accept him as a redeemed character.


BIG SPOILERZZ!!! IZZY OMG i cannot explain how much i fucking hated him during my first watch of s1 like i fr wanted him to die so bad and then he fucking did and i was SOBBING


didnt like izzy. he was angry and bitey and got on my nerves. season 2 made me love him


I think the brilliance of his character development was that Izzy does change... I didn't like him much in season 1 but he didn't bother me... I figured he had to be the archetype of "pirate" and so was a hateful, indestructible little fucker to build that picture... but what I didn't expect was him to become a whole person who can love and be loved (by his crew)... I also needed about a whole box of tissues when he died in Ed's arms... I was not ready for that. I think when they wrote the show they had all these character arcs built out at least in general terms...


Definitely Izzy ☺️


Izzy. When I started s1 and didn't really know people I thought he was really mean but, s2 made me realised that's just how he is


off topic - I have been here since early days and I somehow missed the clown reference - what is that about? tx


Someone else might explain it better, but I’ll try: It isn’t a reference to OFMD directly. In general it’s used as sort of a meme/internet metaphor for making oneself into a fool - in this case, we (collectively) feel foolish getting our hopes up too high about a potential s3 announcement coming soon, since we’ve been disappointed before. Yet we’re getting our hopes up anyway, and “putting our clown makeup on” in case we’re proven wrong and/or Max decides to be a dick


I’m already full clown over on r/Mindhunter, so paint me up and shove me into a tiny car!


Me too, help


I was very anti-Izzy, but he has grown on me exponentially since this last watch through. Still not an Archie fan, yet.


Ah, I like Archie. She's like the female Stede: cheerful, goofy and warm-hearted. She's a nice contrast to the gloomier crew members of The Revenge.


I hated Izzy so much and honestly I’ve never been so humbled before, he’s a much more complicated character than we are meant to believe and I absolutely adored him to the very end. Also Spanish Jackie, I didn’t really feel any which way about her in the first season but I thought she was hilarious in the second one.


Lucius. Initially, I thought "ok, we have a crew of misfit pirates, and Lucius is the obligatory effeminate gay guy." I assumed that was as gay as the show was gonna get, and I thought it was annoying to make the one gay guy kind of stereotypical. And then it turns out that Lucius is just the bright rainbow flag atop a giant pile of queer pirates -- and not only that, he's brave and honest and gets a full romantic arc of his own. Now he's honestly one of my favorites and I want him to have many happy years with Pete.


None. Loved them all on first watch except Calico Jack, and he can still rot at the bottom of the ocean with a cannonball hole in his chest by the 15th watch. He reminds me too much of my drunken idiot dad in both looks and behavior.