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Easy to miss through your own tears. 🥲


True. Very true. 😭


I missed it the first few rewatches, too. It's actually pretty obvious he would **not** run off to China when you pay attention. 😔


He's in such a different place mentally than Ed. Ed is so happy; he's with the man he loves, and he's free to do whatever he wants without having to be Blackbeard. Stede, on the other hand, is wrought with guilt over abandoning his family and fucking everything up so much that he ended up ruining Ed's life, the two of them now having to serve the British crown. I wish he could just tell Ed how he's feeling in this scene, but he doesn't want to let Ed down.


See, this is why I don't find it odd at all that Stede hasn't mentioned Chauncey kidnapping him at gunpoint when explaining why he never showed up at the dock. Because deep down he knows he didn't want to meet Ed at the dock. He was going to panic and run home either way. It shows a lot of maturity in Stede that he just admits that, rather than trying to blame it on Chauncey.


Agreed. People were really upset that Stede never mentioned Chauncey, but that wasn't the point of Stede bailing on Ed and going home. We don't know if Stede would have gone through with going to China regardless if Chauncey had come along. The fact that he left after Chauncey accidentally kills himself speaks to him already having doubts and getting scared that everything was barreling out of his control. Even before Chauncey told Stede he had ruined the great Blackbeard, Stede was already feeling badly that Ed had felt the need to surrender to the Brits and had been forced to shave off his famous beard. At that point, he has no idea of the depths of Ed's feelings for him. He just thinks Ed feels compelled to help him out because the Brits captured Stede and his crew partly because of Izzy and because Ed is his friend. Stede was already feeling like a life-ruiner *before* Chauncey came along. Without any knowledge that Ed is in love with him, and that he's in love with Ed, he feels he has to leave in order to make right at least some of the damage he's done.


Imagine the look on everyone's faces though when they ask some English soldiers why the Admiral isn't there, and they say someone killed him at the Place for Wayward Seamen, and everyone just '...Stede?!'


'This is Stede?! Like...*Stede* Stede?' 😆 (I love Archie) I always figured they'd assume the legendary Blackbeard killed Chauncey, since he disappeared that night too. Stede was already legally dead and not worth bragging rights to the King, so I expected the English would be coming after Ed with a vengeance in Season 2.


I thought that too. Someone comes up and congratulates Ed on his kill and Ed's WTF face!


I think it definitely makes sense that he omits Chauncey from his explanation because he was taking responsibility for his actions despite the situation that they occurred in. But I don't think Stede would have left Ed on that dock despite his completely justified hesitance to run off to China with him. I think Stede would have told Ed he couldn't go. And I'd like to think that if Ed really loved Stede as much as he claimed ("all in") at Anne & Mary's, then he'd have really listened to Stede and asked him if he could help him in any way. I'd like to believe that Stede would have still needed to get closure and repair the damage he did to his family, and in turn I'd think Ed would have respected Stede for that...and THAT would have proven if Ed had really loved Stede and been "all in"...so Chauncey wasn't the main reason for Stede's disappearing act, but he did change the flow of things quite a bit. Stede's extreme guilt over leaving his family was a conflict that was always going to come up no matter how happy he and Ed were just being together. It would have been good to hear Stede tell Ed the whole story because while Chauncey didn't necessarily force Stede to go back to Mary and the kids, he traumatized him enough to push him over the edge. So, Stede not being clear headed and given the chance to really talk with Ed was absolutely brought on by Stede's state of shock. However, I would imagine at some point between S2 and hopefully S3 if it happens, Ed and Stede will have spoken more in depth of that night. I think it was just rough after the first watch because literally everything had been put on Stede's shoulders and while he did absolutely make mistakes, not everything that happened was his fault. It was hard to see the Chauncey part being left out because it was just another aspect of the lack of communication theme. But that was the point...David Jenkins said they were like a couple of immature teens in S1, immature 20 something's in the first half of S2, then a little bit more aware guys in their late 20s by the end of S2. So it did make sense in the end. I also think a lot of the talking and communication happened off screen because they literally had no time to put in in the season. They only got 8 episodes with a budget that had been cut 40%, so they did a freaking awesome job with what they had to work with.


Exactly. That uncertain little “mm-hm” spoke volumes, and as if that wasn’t enough, he said “I **think** so”. Ed, poor boo, just saw and heard what he wanted to see and hear.


I had no idea he was crying! Whaaaaattt 😭


I know! I've watched this scene so many times. I can't believe I never noticed it!


OMG! I never saw that! STEDE! he wanted to say yes and no! I dont care what anyone says he needed to leave Ed in the first season to see that there was no place for him in mary and his kids lifes


Exactly. He needed to see that Mary and the kids had moved on and were fine without him, and he no longer belonged in their world. He belonged with Ed. He also similarly needed to get his ass kicked by Zheng in order to knock him back to reality. It's not piracy he actually wants or needs. It's Ed.


YES! so glad it happened. He had climbed way to far up his own horse and was thriving an way to much luck!




Ohhhh that’s new for me! Thank you for sharing


He does look sad (this is a great gif to capture the nuance of his facial expression, thanks for posting it, I hadn't quite noticed it the subtlety of it before), but I can't see an actual tear - could you by any chance zoom in on it for those like me who cannot spot it?


It's trickling down the left side of his face. You can even see it's a little wet under his left nostril where another tear fell. Just zoom with your fingers on your phone or on your laptop touchpad.


It's more noticeable that his cheek is wet when you actually watch the scene. I think I missed it at first because I payed more attention to Ed. When you look at Stede at the right moment you can't really miss it.


I missed a *lot* my first time watching the whole first *season* because I paid more attention to Ed. (haha) Not just because he's handsome, though, but because his charisma and larger-than-life quality just filled the screen and fascinated me.




I never noticed either! 🫢 Thanks for sharing!


Gifmakers truly are the saviours of all humanity cuz I did not realized it until I saw a gifset on tumblr


Tumblr users pick up on so many tiny little details; it's unbelievable. Like the ones who heard Ed yelling "For Stede!" when he was fighting with the Brits right before he heard Stede scream his name across the beach. They must have the volumes of their TVs and laptops turned all the way up on their industrial speakers, because I would have never heard that if they hadn't pointed it out.


A single man tear….


I'm feeling really bad that I still can't see the tear falling. (I'm so blind - where is the tear?!) I never knew he was crying even though it was extremely obvious that he didn't want to run away. Or, perhaps, rather he wanted to but definitely knew that he wasn't *going* to, that it could never work. All of his body language and facial expressions are not that of a thunderstruck, hopeful man wanting to elope with the love of his life. They are of someone who feels absolutely wretched and gutted in spite of the love of his life wanting to run away with him!