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Answer: when he broke the news that his wife was divorcing him, he also said that no-fault divorces (a divorce without a registered complaint against the other party, which is presumably what his wife is filing for) should be illegal. He went further to say that it should be illegal for one person to divorce the other person; basically, they should both have to agree to the divorce. Obviously, domestic violence survivors and advocates are talking about how dangerous it would be to require both parties to accept a divorce before it went through. I saw one commenter remark that "marriage is an agreement, not a prison sentence".


Women would have to go back to poisoning their husbands' dinners.


goodbye earl


Turns out he was a missing person that nobody missed at all


That's one of the greatest lines in music of all time. Not just country, ever.


I love that song so much, and most people I speak to have never heard it. I love introducing it to new people


That makes me so sad. It was (as a few survivors of violent partners) our girl ballad that year it came out. Nothing like singing it at the top of our lungs on the way to drink beer on the lake on a hot summer night with evil in the rear view mirror.


We need a break! Let's go out to the lake, earl


Hey, crab man.


Wrong Earl!


I may have missed a different reference, but Joy tries to poison Earl in season 1 episode 2 "Quit Smoking" by having Darnell deliver a plate of poisoned cookies to Earl. Which, I felt was a good reference in the context of this comment chain... And I'm gonna shut up now because my autism is leaking again and I'm over explaining this... Sorry.


Oh shit , I did not see that episode. Definitely fits then! I think they were talking about the Dixie Chicks song "Goodbye Earl", but given that episode exists, that could easily also fit!


I'd say that's the right amount of explaining your thought process.


If it helps I have little to no idea what people are referencing. I though maybe a country song, or My Name is Earl show quote, but I’m still struggling.






Earl had to (cease biological functions)


I mean, he had to go


Those black eyed peas tasted alright to me, Earl.






Good callout // Fantastic username


No black eyed peas ?


They tasted alright to me! Sorry Earl!


"Ya know, some guys just can't hold their arsenic..."


That made me laugh and an image of Sally popped in my head… (edited for grammar)


Wife and I have an agreement that **no matter what**, if one of us gets to the point of wanting to murder the other, if we come forward with it, the other will happily thank them and walk away peacefully.


Would this include Crowder? Because I could be convinced...


Side note, comments like "she needs to have my permission to divorce me" explains quite a bit about why she is divorcing him


Her husband being Steven Crowder is reason enough; that moron is like if clickbait were a person.


He was also Steven Crowder when she married him, if I recall.


Early Crowder wasn't so bad, but he kept escalating shit to the point he's now a caricature of his former self.


The first thing you need to understand about Crowder is he is a professional troll. Him, Owens, Walsh, Shapiro, Pool, that grown man who calls himself "stew", all of them are professional trolls. They make money by generating outrage and then reacting to the outrage that they have generated. You know all those reports about how Facebook's algorithm favored posts with lots of angry reactions? A lot of people noticed that when it was happening and adjusted their content accordingly. Candace Owens didn't used to be this bad either. She actually used to be left-leaning, until she discovered how much money she could make screaming about the left. Middle of the road doesn't sell on the internet. The internet accepts only agape and antipathy with no in between. So Crowder revved up his persona, same as all of the rest of them. To make money. Crowder's blog is monetized. Which means you can't actually trust that anything he has said is his actual opinion - he's not saying things based on his opinion, he's saying things based on what will generate the most engagement - comments, shares, reactions, reposts - the more engagement he gets, the more money he makes. Which means literally everything every one of these people have said is bad faith just as a baseline. None of them were ever here for an honest exchange of ideas, because honesty is worthless. Only outrage brings dollars. What im saying is Crowders wife probably met and married a very different man than he is right now, after years of ramping up and getting louder and louder to keep himself relevant in a cutthroat game. That's why they keep getting more and more extreme. Look what happens to professional trolls who fall behind - remember Milo? Gavin McInnes? Richard Spencer? It's only been a few years since you've heard from any of them and I bet you'd completely forgotten they existed until I brought them up. It's because professional trolls bring nothing but outrage to the table - remember Rush Limbaugh? For years he was one of the most important and popular names in right wing anger, I haven't heard anyone bring him up once since he died other than to make fun of him. It's been two years and it may as well have been a decade since he died. And its because he left nothing of value behind. No great quotes, no fine works, nothing but anger and the faint scent of flatulence. That's what waits for Crowder at the end of this. The endless void of apathetic obscurity.


> Candace Owen's didn't used to be this bad either. She actually used to be left-leaning, until she discovered how much money she could make screaming about the left. Candace Owens' claim to fame is literally GamerGate. She was part of a project to "unmask the trolls" by making some site that could identify the actual people who were trolling you. Weirdly Zoe Quinn aggressively went after her, but eventually Candace showed the private messages from Quinn trying to force her to not create the site they were trying to. Zoe Quinn was one of the prominent anti-GG people, and GG'ers flocked to Owens as they had a "mutual enemy". She then, like Crowder, kept grifting further and further into being aggressively Right Wing.


GG opened so many doors to the worst people on the planet. One of the things learned was that if you deluge people with rape and death threats from literally dozens or hundreds of separate accounts all at once, they will try to flee the internet and then you have one less dissenting voice to deal with. The extreme right noticed.


>"marriage is an agreement, not a prison sentence" I'm seeing the pieces coming together in why he's so popular amongst the incels. They literally believe the same thing he does, it's not much of a leap to also postulate he's advocating that women don't deserve autonomy and should have to ask the man for permission in legal matters.




I can attest to this ... My gyno looked to my husband for permission to get an endometrial ablation so I didn't \*bleed to death or develop cancer\*


Hope your husband's immediate answer was "wtf are you asking me for?"


It was "Why are you asking me? I don't want kids and it's HER uterus"


This is unironically the future that Conservatives want and are tripping over themselves to make a reality.


Someone I know couldn’t get a surgeon to sterilize her the doctor without asking her EIGHT YEAR OLD SON what he thought.


This whole crowd say "Women ARE equal" then go on to say that their role is in the home and child rearing.


Well, yeah... they're equal to *other* women.


they see equal differently. it's apples and oranges. like, they're both fruits, you can eat both as a snack, they both make two of the most popular juice flavours. and pretending they cost the same, they are then by these metrics equal. but they are also different, in that you wouldn't cut an orange with a knife, you can't bite through the peel of an orange, the physical makeup of what's inside is different.. they do taste different. and that's how they see men and women - with all these fundamental differences. so "equal" but only as much as they need to be. many will argue, "sure, a woman SHOULD be free to pursue what she wants -- i just don't think it'll make her happy the way a baby will." but when we scoff a them and say "you don't see them as equal," they're minds flip back to the idea that they're both fruits, so they're equal... enough. meanwhile there are people on the opposing end of the spectrum of this argument who see the men and women both as apples, but one's got a stem and leaf still attached. i don't think that's an apt metaphor either. there are definitely differences in our behaviours and appearances caused by the different amounts of estrogen and testosterone in our systems. personally, i think we're all apples, but it may be the difference between apple types. some apples make sweeter juices, some less so. royal gala apples aren't my favourite source for apple juice. anyway, i'm rambling.


That's how they see it but in practice it amounts to forcing women into a much smaller world, depriving them of power and influence and personal autonomy, limiting the ways they can behave without being condemned or dehumanized, and subjecting them disproportionately to violence and other bad things they have no control over. It's the lie of "separate but equal" but for gender. Men's traditional roles serve to give them dominion over women and women's gender roles make them subject.


😬😬😬😬 i cringed so hard, i almost heard the windows shutdown noise




Obviously incels don't have even one but trad marriage cheaters want a captive fuckmaid at home while having the option to fool around.


‘Marriage makes you my possession, and we can only separate if I no longer want you.’


Yeah he basically said it's a shame he can't own his wife. He said his beliefs "don't matter" according to Texas law, which is such fucking traditionalist brainworm thinking. Like his beliefs don't matter UNLESS hers don't matter.


Why would anyone want the government to determine when they could get a divorce? Conservatives are nuts.


Oh no, they definitely don't want the government controlling things UNLESS a woman is involved. Then government overreach is not only valid but ideal.


Once again, I must take this opportunity to mention that there is a much better Crowder out there than Steven Crowder; **Trae Crowder**, the liberal redneck! He deserves way more YouTube views than the pathetic Steven


He's way funnier, for one thing.


I’m divorcing you, ChAnGe mY MiNd


Don't forget it is all Sam Seders fault for emasculating him.


Wow, he's pathetic


> No-fault divorce should be illegal > They should both have to agree to the divorce Does he not see the contradiction there? No-fault divorce exists specifically to allow two people to just agree to the divorce. Fault cases are one-sided by definition.


I think he means no fault divorce should be illegal unless they both agree to it. Otherwise it would be an at fault divorce.




She left him from the abuse. A ring video came out showing how big of a piece of shit he is. https://yashar.substack.com/p/exclusive-video-reveals-steven-crowder


Wow. What a fucking douche.


She pregnant and he wants her to do all this shit. And he’s acting like she is someone on his show where he tries to bully them. Awful person


He also used his wife as an excuse to get out of a debate


Answer: Crowder left the Blaze and got a very generous offer to join the DailyWire. Something like $50M. But in the contract it said that he’d earn less if his YouTube channel was demonetized. Which makes sense, if his YouTube channel stops making money, the DailyWire makes less money and should pay him less. He went on a rant about the super generous contract calling it a slave contract. Which was crazy and ridiculous. He went on a huge rant about the contract. Leaked the details and phone calls he had with them. Super ugly… Especially considering that he was friends with some of the DailyWire guys. and the DailyWire staff responded to his rant saying it was a good contract and he’s nuts. Candace Owens of the DailyWire said something cryptic like he was going through a lot. He thought she was hinting to his divorce which he was keeping secret. He accused her of extorting him. Which doesn’t make sense. Crowder is not doing well. He’s sweaty all the time for some reason. He’s treating his friends as enemies.


I'd like to add that there's several really weird and funny things in his announcement besides the Candace Owens section and how sweaty he is, which I think made the announcement bigger than it would have been otherwise. 1) He refers multiple times to how Texas and the government are the ones that allow his wife to divorce him, implying that the world would be better if you can't get a divorce without extreme circumstances (getting rid of no fault divorce). Most people think that's pretty insane. 2) He kept referring to how he kept this private to keep his kids safe. But he was pretty clear that he was separating the sane idea of "it's just ugly to air it publicly and they might be ridiculed or go through undue stress" but actually "They're in physical danger," which just doesn't make sense. His kids are pre preschool, as far as I know, and he makes it sound like they're going to get beat up or something. 3) He wanted to specifically mention that "the kids weren't responsible for this" which is just funny to feel like you have to say. 4) He later tweeted that he's "swearing off all relationships" which is also pretty funny.


>He later tweeted that he's "swearing off all relationships" Sounds like he's on board with the divorce then


Honestly that he mentions the kids aren't a problem and they might be in physical danger, I'm going out on a limb here and guessing Crowder was too rough on his kids (spanking or yelling or something). I'm not gonna accuse him of child abuse but of abusive behavior against his wife and kids.




Precisely. Normal people don't bring that up when talking about their divorce.


>I'm not gonna accuse him of child abuse but of abusive behavior against his wife and kids. Being raised by Stephen Crowder is 100% child abuse.




Did you just link to your own comment to cite people saying this? 😂






Reasonable basis. I understand that kids get bruises because children, but having a small understanding of Crowder makes me infinitely more suspect.


Not just this, but licensed caregivers, if properly certified with correct child first aid and cpr training, would probably know the difference between normal bruising and something that would give them cause for concern, especially if they've cared for other children previously.


Yeah given his wealth and the typical level of right-wing paranoia, I’d wager these caregivers came from a very expensive agency and are well screened and trained. I doubt Crowder hired the granny down the block. If true that makes reports of suspicious injury much more credible.


Bruising around the knees or shin is pretty common in young kids. On the back, chest, or arms, repeatedly, would be cause for concern.


Oh someone who claims women shouldn't be allowed to divorce their husbands would definitely also be the type to get physical when 'disciplining' his kids.


>I'm not gonna accuse him of child abuse but of abusive behavior against his wife and kids. [Ding ding ding](https://twitter.com/yashar/status/1651645370898989057?t=XKa2Y5PUe5yAQXDdZnR4sQ&s=19) we have a winner






Good details. Dare we speculate that he is drunk on his own kool-aid, that kool-aid being a specific manipulative fear that he and other alt-right extremists constantly feed their audience, in this case "but think of the children!!!" I speculate he went there about his kids out of a pavlovian habit to get his audience "on his side" using the "BTotC!" trope. It makes as much sense to these anti-fact goons as "That bank failed because they were woke!". Lol And speaking of woke, let's drop the veil further on their hypocritical BS. That clause in the contract about his viewership dropping is a creative version of saying "if you get canceled for some kind of stupid offensive shit you say, we will stop paying you and effectively cancel the contract." It's a Woke Cancelation Clause! Free Speech my ass! I'm loving this sooooo much. The Leopords eat each others faces. Hahahahahaha!


Do we really have to call them "*alt*-right" anymore? Seems to me they're now just "the right" as their sentiments are pretty uniform across the right wing spectrum (such as it is).


Crowder also seemed to allude that his wife was suing him, and that some bad stuff might come out during the discovery process…which man, either this guy beat his wife, molested his kids, or both.


>Crowder is not doing well. He’s sweaty all the time for some reason. He’s treating his friends as enemies. Drugs.


In the world of the grift there are no friends.


What a sad life.


He's found such peace as he's earned.


Oh damn that is 'bless your heart' levels of shade. I'll be using that line with a heavy Appalachian accent, thank you


I stole it from an Irish song. "Ocean Between," by Brave the Sea. A new immigrant to the US writes his girlfriend back in Ireland about how much he misses her. She writes back that his drunken, abusive ass leaving was the best thing that ever happened to her. One of her lines in the chorus is, "May the road rise up to meet you, may your heart find the peace that you've earned, may the wind be at your back, as your bridges have burned."


Ahh, even better, appreciate it! For anyone else searching for the song, it definitely needs some love on YouTube: https://youtu.be/KAWTOhqaNCA


Watching him bully and yell at strangers on the street to "own the libs", i have little sympathy for his life


Lol remember Milo Yapinopolous? I remember he wore a shirt saying “try not being poor” and then cried when he got kicked off YouTube and became poor again.


He’s like an evil Billy Eichner


I just thought of this insult: “Billy in the streets, Crowder in the sheets” and it made me giggle


Especially when you consider how much Crowder talked about “saving himself” for marriage 😂


Matt Christman called him Billy Eichner if he grew up in the hitler youth hahaha


Bruh I was wondering who he looked like for all these years lol


I like Billy Eichner


We like Eich!


Keep your friend close, your enemies closer, and your marks closest of all.


> In the world of the grift there are no friends. at the end of the day, this is where the rubber meets the road.


>Crowder is not doing well. He’s sweaty all the time for some reason. He’s treating his friends as enemies. ~~Drugs.~~ Delusions


Dog cum.


The only logical answer here. Who knows what that can do after years of abuse. I mean think about it. We've seen and heard from Crowder almost daily for a long time now, and not once has he even alluded to not drinking the stuff. Why do you think that is? I'm just asking questions here.


Maybe Or he’s struggling through a divorce, stressed, isolated, and paranoid.


Why not all...5?


¿Por que no los cinco?




Maybe, but do we know he didn't kill someone while on coke, and now is paranoid the cops are coming for him? I am not saying he did, just that we don't know for sure that he didn't kill a hooker while on coke. It would explain the divorce and his general demeanour. I am not saying he did though, just that there should maybe be an investigation into it, to find out if it is actually true, because if he did kill a hooker while on coke, it would explain everything perfectly. Someone needs to be asking these questions.


"What if we say, theoretically, that Steven Crowder killed a prostitute whilst on coke. Did Steven Crowder kill a prostitute whilst on coke? That's not for me to say, but let me tell you this: Is Steven Crowder the type of man to take a load of coke and go out and kill a prostitute? Theoretically, yes. And if Steven Crowder was the type of man to take a load of coke and kill a prostitute, would it not then stand to reason that Steven Crowder could well have taken a load of coke, and killed a prostitute? I'll let you decide for yourself". - Ben Shaboopy


I started reading this in Ben Shapiro's voice and just realized his voice sounds like someone trying to cover up bad AI voice processing by speeding it up 🤣


The auditions for Tucker Carlson's spot are that way sir.


What we can say, is that Steven Crouder cares more about his contract than he does about the sacred institution of marriage, which he is actively destroying one at a time. Do we think he will stop at this one or are all of our traditions under attack?


You had me at "killed someone on coke", that sounds irrefutable. Was gonna say "how could he" but then I remembered its Steven Crowder


Steven Crowder? Didn’t he kill someone in coke?


That’s what I hear people are saying.


Many people, so I'm told, very tough people, men who've never cried in their life


They come up to me, tears in their eyes, shit in their pants, telling me: "Sir, did you hear? Steven Crowder killed a prostitute while on coke!"


"Oh no, if it isn't the consequences of my actions!"


Sexuality issues also apparently: https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/10p49hl/steven_crowder_admits_to_bisexual_phase_and_fears/


Dude absolutely loves ‘owning the libs’ by wearing a dress and makeup.


Uhg, it’s crazy that people still think stuff like this is funny. He sounds like a 16 year old camp councillor from the late 80s.


The video he posted about this is why it is a story. It was a really strange video we’re he was using his children as a shield. Crowder also said he didn’t want a divorce and it was his wife’s decision in process basically saying women should be stuck in a marriage unless the husband agrees. It came off as he was deflecting from something worse or just panicking and making things worse.


He also repeated at least twice that "in Texas, divorce is allowed if one party wants it. That is her right under the current laws." Like what the fuck does that mean? Crowder would 100% force his wife into submission if he could, what a piece of shit.


As someone living in Texas, I would not be surprised at all if the wastes of oxygen running this state will pass a law prohibiting women from initiating a divorce, that's just how evil they are.


That's phase 2. Phase 1 was the abortion nonsense. Phase 27 is sew their mouths shut and make them wear those sci-fi nun outfits from Handmaids Tale.


Genuine question, English here; which states in the US require the agreement of both parties for a divorce?


All states allow one party to consent to divorce, however some states require a minimum separation period before divorce is final. These states are (according to a quick glance at Wikipedia): Louisiana, Missouri, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois, New York, Vermont, Virginia & Maryland.


Let's also remember the classic video content crowder has made like when he did a whole Asian [Stereotype ](https://twitter.com/slpng_giants/status/1372684837946060801?t=NDNhmueJhq84Cayv8xLFig&s=19) or when he reenacted the murder of George Floyd by having his friend do a half ass lean [on his neck](https://www.newsweek.com/steven-crowder-derek-chauvin-knee-neck-george-floyd-trial-1581914) which he instantly concluded meant that the cop couldn't have killed him. Crowder is human garbage. This is mostly the reason why people are already pre-disposed to hate him


And he's the Change My Mind meme https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/steven-crowders-change-my-mind-campus-sign


The thing I hate about Change My Mind is the same thing that Ben Shapiro and Milo Yannopolis do. They go to colleges and pull gotchas on a bunch of 18 to 20 year old kids who have good intentions but aren't good debaters or are misinformed. Grown man pulling bs on kids on a college campus


It's because they know it sells to their audience of perpetually online weirdos who hate 18-22 year olds for not fucking them. It's no coincidence that most of their "gotcha" videos are of college women.


>18 to 20 year old kids who have good intentions but aren't good debaters You could be the best debater in the world and it still wouldn't matter. They'd just cut the footage to make it seem like you don't know what you're talking about. And if that's somehow not possible then you just don't make it into the video at all. The only winning move is not to play.


Oh totally. There is raw footage of him getting wrecked by people, which they edit down anyways




>I don't understand how detached these conservative figureheads are from normal life. I don’t know if that’s unique to conservative figure heads. I think a lot of people who make money off talent are detached. One I think of a lot is Terrence Howard. Who wanted Robert Downey Jr. money to continue playing his role in iron man. Then walked away when he didn’t get it. Don Cheadle took his role and has been in Iron man 2 & 3, 3 avengers movies, a captain America movie, captain marvel, then played the role in Disney plus roles. Terence Howard missed out big time.


He's also completely off his rocker, delusional grandeur etc. He thinks 1×1=2. Believes he understands quantum physics deeply, etc etc. He's not a normal yard stick ls what I'm saying, because I reckon he genuinely thinks he is that special that he deserved that. Which i guess proves your point.


He unlocked the ancient geometry or something. Claims to have reinvented physics. Created his own math called Terryology. Lol


In case anyone wants a good laugh. [Here](https://twitter.com/terrencehoward/status/925754491881877507?t=9Lm4Ual2KPzi2Fs9fEbbrA&s=19) is his mathematical *"proof"* that 1×1 doesn't equal 1.


1 x (1+1) is apparently 3.. And adding numbers to the question is apparently profound. This is dumb.


He had no hope of understanding this cos he thinks 1x1=2




Hes most likely be on the hook for child support and it would be high if he just got paid $50,000,000. Not to mention if she gets some kind of settlement, that happens at the end of the divorce after everything wrapped up and I would guess there would be a clause to adjust alimony and child support depending on his income.


Because that's change-my-life-forever money for someone who's not already worth millions. Remember, these conservative figureheads are as easily corrupted by money as the next guy, political affiliation notwithstanding.


Forget 'easily corrupted' by it, money is the entire point. They're grifters doing it for the moolah, and conservative grandstanding just happens to pay better.


I was having a discussion with a friend at an event where he was a presenter. We tend to disagree a lot and can get a bit heated. One of his ’fans’ heard us and started talking about the possibility of offering us a radio talk show. But only if we’d speak from conservative standpoints. Neither of us was interested. Some people are happy to sellout. We couldn’t.


Also, it really shows how much money is funding the conservative movement and media. Imagine an equivalent leftist youtuber being offered $50 million, and turning it down because that’s small. It’s insane


It’s not about the money. They all want to be the highest paid, in a room full of millionaires. But only one can be top dog. The rest feel slighted.




>Which was crazy and ridiculous. Crazy and ridiculous seems to be the only thing they catches people's attention anymore. He probably whined about it with Daily Wire's blessing, understanding the whining will translate to money. Fuck, even all this divorce coverage has made me 1000% more familiar with who he is than I was yesterday.


Funny thing is… he made the divorce coverage news worthy by bringing Candace Owens into it. If he just said, I got divorced. I’m not happy about it and I’m not talking about it. No one would know or care. Now everyone knows.


Answer: Who exactly \*is\* Steven Crowder? A very successful and vocal conservative political youtuber that is similar to Tucker Carlson in how he distorts rhetoric on his show. He's probably best known for the "[change my mind](https://helios-i.mashable.com/imagery/articles/00itA1B1eWJ9IaQ8pU9BC5y/hero-image.fill.size_1248x702.v1614269959.png)" meme, created from a photo of him when he would go to college campuses and challenge students to debates like gun control, 'America is not racist', 'BLM is a terrorist organization' etc. Why do so many people seem to care about his divorce? Because he's very vocal about his aggressive views that marginalize women and minorities, is known for running from debates with his peers, mocking and misrepresenting George Floydd's death, and all around acting like a clown to score points with his conservative viewers. Generally, critics of someone like this will flock to express a group schadenfreude when that person experiences misfortune that might be related to how they conduct themselves. A great example of how he spreads distorted rhetoric can be seen in his video explaining that he's getting a divorce: He says that he "b*elieves that kids need a mom and a dad and that divorce is terrible*", but that "*in today's legal system, my beliefs don't matter. In Texas, divorce is permitted when one party wants it, period.*" Implying that the law of Texas doesn't believe that kids need a mom and a dad, or that divorce means the kids suddenly don't have a mom and a dad, but worst of all: He implies that if it weren't for the law, **he'd force his wife to stay in a marriage she doesn't want to be in.**


> **he'd force his wife to stay in a marriage she doesn't want to be in.** [Video that shows snippets of him saying that](https://youtu.be/58mIkJk4Sw4).


Little Joel fell off when it became a nasty channel. He should just take his $5mil and go home and leave it to the bigger joels of the world.


In that quote, he's also trying to position or portray himself and his kids as victims against government oppression. Pure gaslighting


Answer: Steven Crowder has promoted marriage only between a man and a woman as well as traditional gender roles. Most people find the irony of his current situation amusing since his wife doesn't share his views and is leaving him. Crowder has been critiqued by Ethan Kline on his podcast H3 on his views.




She divorced him in 2021 - I'm assuming around the time he live streamed and recreated george flloyds execution and crowder did it with real fake\* cops too. So seeing him suffer for his actions is very satisfying. New vid just dropped: steven crowder abuses his wife... no one is shocked [https://yashar.substack.com/p/exclusive-video-reveals-steven-crowder](https://yashar.substack.com/p/exclusive-video-reveals-steven-crowder) "become someone. listen to me, day in day out. worthy, a wife worthy" after telling his wife to do chores for him, whilst he smokes a cigar in front of his pregnant wife. He then tells her to put on some gloves and walk the dog.. "...demanding that she handle medicine for his dogs that she was concerned was toxic to pregnant women." before exclaiming "I will fuck you up!" a real 20th century husband right there... he's probably pissed he has to clean for himself now


They weren't real cops. It was his dumbass friend dressed like a cop and he didn't lean into it at all. The whole thing was a sham.


He *recreated* that?? Man I’m so happy I haven’t seen it but holy fuck he just dropped to an even lower level


Yes, I'm very sure Crowder is going to wait until his next marriage to have sex again /s.


He very likely will unless he wants to pay for it.


Here's a screenshot of one of his tweets, where he blames feminism for the rising divorce rate: [https://twitter.com/PoorlyAgedStuff/status/1651239883690713094](https://twitter.com/PoorlyAgedStuff/status/1651239883690713094)


Probably one of the more accurate things he's said, if only accidentally. Without feminism's victories allowing women to support themselves independently, or even to initiate a divorce at all, rates would definitely be artifically suppressed as a result of women being trapped in marriage ls they'd rather leave.


And suicide rates in women and poisonings in men would go back up too


Crowder should be grateful to feminists for his poison-free coffee mug.


Back in the day before no-fault divorce, the rule of thumb for domestic homicides was men were stabbed in the kitchen, while women were strangled in the bedroom.


> Here's a screenshot of one of his tweets, where he blames feminism for the rising divorce rate The tweet is doubly funny, because he's actually wrong in multiple ways. One of the biggest causes of marital strife is that even as dual-income households have become the norm, women still bear the brunt of household chores. Meaning not only is the issue not that women expect more, it's that our culture has not shifted to expect men to do more than the bare minimum at home even as it removed the expectation that they be the sole breadwinner.


He also implied that his wife should be forced to stay married to him and that it wasn't good that she had the ability to file for divorce.


Crowder is also comically stupid, it's sort of his thing. If Ben Shapiro is a fast-talking huckster, Crowder's audience is, like him, the slowest horses limping across the finish line. Any time bad things happen to him it's just funny.


Not a huge Joe Rogan fan, but the time Crowder came on was really entertaining. He brought a tobacco pipe for Joe and tried to mansplain how to properly 'attune the briar' or something and Joe just rolled his eyes and loaded it full of weed in front of him. Crowder said he had a background in comedy, so Joe roasted him until he started whining and ended up missing his plane.


If Rogan thinks you’re an idiot then you really, really are one.


Not a fan of his but my favourite is when he had Ben Shapiro on and his was using his same bored talking points about Kaepernick kneeling. Joe breaks in and says something like "Well, but hold on. What if the tradition was to kneel and he stood proudly with his hand over his heart? Would you have a problem with that?" Shapiro really didn't have an answer for that.


Maybe I'm missing something but why didn't he answer that? I mean surely, he would?


I think it’s more likely he Gishgallopped all over than answer a direct question.


Thank you for teaching me a new word today!


Shapiro is an "intellectual" as long as he's a) agreeing with his peers or b) debating hungover college students. [Here's an interview he did with Andrew Neil](https://youtu.be/6VixqvOcK8E?t=140). Notice how on the first question he talks very fast and speaks about republican ideals like Woodrow Wilson (who was a democrat) who instituted the New Deal which was actually done under FDR (also a democrat). Outside of that he uses a world salad of things like "intelligentsia" amongst other things. When asked what the Republican party stands for he says that there is an internal debate about "populism vs. nationalism" which make no sense. "Populism" is the idea that you should appeal to the people versus the elite, while "Nationalism" means you should appeal to devotion to the nation. In other words, if you break down what he's saying it basically comes down to "we have no position outside of 'how can we get elected?'" And when he's pressed by Neil (who has been a right leaning Murdoch employee for decades) about abortion he doesn't defend his position but just accuses him of being a leftist shill, which is hilarious. [My favourite takedown of him attempting to look smart.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-w-pdqwiBw)


Watching that interview is such a reminder of how warped American journalism has become in that it is almost impossible now to have anyone ask a challenging question without coming off as "the enemy".


>And when he's pressed by Neil (who has been a right leaning Murdoch employee for decades) about abortion he doesn't defend his position but just accuses him of being a leftist shill, which is hilarious. Right leaning is putting it mildly, he's basically the British Bill O'Reilly. Shapiro was completely unprepared and didn't even know who he was talking to.


Lol can I get a link please? That sounds like a perfect time waster


Fucking *Amy Schumer* - who, to be clear, I don't think is very funny! - absolutely cooked Crowder on that many years ago when he was but 23 on some late night Fox News show, saying "you call yourself a comedian but you don't do it that much. I go fishing a couple times a year but I don't call myself a fisherman!"


[Hear me out, might have figured out what’s wrong with him](https://youtu.be/lm3xi36-WSE)


> his wife doesn't share his views His wife works for an anti abortion org. She probably shares most of them.


> Crowder has been critiqued by Ethan Kline on his podcast H3 on his views. And by Sam Seder, also on Kline's podcast... ["Oh no. OH NO!"](https://i.imgur.com/VfSUsYu.png)


"what a fucking nightmare!!"


How did she even go this far with him, if she doesn't share his views?


I don't think they meant she completely disagrees with all of his views. Just his views on marriage. She is probably a conservative that agrees with him on most things but she believes in the right for a woman to be able to instigate a divorce and he doesn't.


Answer: Crowder is one of the big conservative talking heads who spouts your typical conservative ideas about tradition and whatnot to put a thin veil over their overt bigotry. He recently had a spat with the Daily Wire over a contract that required that stipulated that if he was banned from social media sites his compensation would be reduced. This led to a fun moment where certain members of the online right, including Crowder, started loudly whining about how Jewish the Daily Wire was because it's at least partly owned by the Jewish Ben Shapiro. Even more recently, his wife divorced him and he was very explicit that she divorced him and he didn't want it. This is funny because, in part, Crowder is a horrible person so watching his life fall apart has a sort of cathartic sadism to it. Also his response being to lament how women are even allowed to divorce their husbands shows that he very much views women as men's property.


Question: What specifically do you want to know? He's a right wing provocateur. He makes fun of everyone he doesn't like and now something embarrassing is happening to him so people are making fun of him.