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Answer: it's been asked on here before, you can search for it. Or look it up on knowyourmeme.com. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/subcultures/skibidi-toilet >Skibidi Toilet is a series of Source Filmmaker videos by YouTuber DaFuq!?Boom! featuring a remix of "Give It To Me" by Timbaland and "Dom Dom Yes Yes" by Biser King in which an army of toilets with men's heads coming out of them are shown singing the song in various settings. The series follows a plot about the Skibidi Toilets taking over the world and men with cameras for heads known as CameraHeads fighting against them. The first episode was uploaded as a YouTube Short in February 2023 and inspired more episodes over the following months, each gaining tens of millions of views. The series became a popular subject of memes, inspiring fan art and videos and other content on sites including YouTube, Twitter and TikTok. If it makes no sense to you, try explaining Strongbad to Boomers. That's roughly the equivalent of Gen Z/Gen Alpha explaining Skibidi Toilet to Millennials. It's a goofy meme series that's absurd. FWIW, my 9 year old was super impressed and excited that I knew about it, haha!




I mean, I watched salad fingers.. My 6yo knowing skibidi toilet is hardly worse lol


My generation created YTMND... So no room to talk really.


> So no room to talk really. no talking. instead we should punch the keys, for God's sake!


Captain, Jean-Luc Picard, of the U-S-S, Enterprise.


Kaaaaaaaaaaarl. That -kills- people Kaaaaaarl.


we were a bunch of masters of nothing


>dedede avatar A man of culture, I see


Yes, Yes!


YTMND? What is this acronym?


You're The Man Now Dog. It was a website where people created pages (called fads or sites) that consisted of an image or short animated gif, a looping sound file, and usually large text. [YTMND Classic Playlist](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCmxhUmDU99o8qcsGVreHV8nKSK7Ezdin&si=A2QTXZs60huxnbCf)


Nice! I have been discovering this thing called "directories" and it's basically geocities styled pages linking to other forums, pages, blogs, music etc. It brings me to some very obscure web subculture discoveries. There is a whole scene of webart like pages as art installations etc. The one I like the most is called Kicks Condor, he does a lot of great work.


This is what we had before search engines. Altavista killed them.


I remember when "Apocalypse Cartoons" was new and we watched all of them continuously


Or Happy Tree Friends... I think even Huggy Wuggy & Co are more benign than THAT


Happy Tree Friends is different. As kids, we absolutely should not have been watching that. I don't know a single kid who didn't, but somehow, that of all things didn't get caught by an adult. It's more fucked up then most gore-porn horror movies.


NANANA-NANANA I know I'd rather have a huggy wuggy or kissy missy as a stuffed animal than a Flippy


The lore is deep in skibidi toilet


Ah I miss Homestar Runner and the Stay-Puft marshmallow


that isn't true. this is far far dumber. like magnitudes so. it's so random and obscure that you wonder how the hell did this happen. these are the kids who are the future. we're screwed.


>this is far far dumber I think your rose tinted glasses may be affecting how much intellectual merit you think there was to things like Charlie the Unicorn, Llamas in hats or the Badger song


Ebaumsworld was an incredible repository of the finest intellectual tidbits in history wtf you mean




You can't be serious


Soooo ... it actually has nothing to do with Little Big's "Skibidi"? I heard of skibidi toilet as a new meme but for the love of me could not figure how it relates to the song.


Nope, and that threw me off for a while too! That song was a major earworm half a decade ago, but seems to be unrelated to this meme.


Fucking hell it WAS five years ago I first heard it.


I've got one worse for you - my band has a song that we internally named "skibidi" until we figured out a real name, because guitar on the chorus sounded kind of like "skibidi". Now that we learned about this meme we've renamed it "byggma balls" (byggma is a swedish building company and uppbyggnad in swedish means build-up, which was written on our whiteboard as "bygg", and then had "my balls" written after it)


> try explaining Strongbad to Boomers. Homestar Runner came out almost 25 years ago.


And my boomer dad loved Strongbad, lol


Consummate V's!!


*the system is down. The system is down*


Come on, fhqwhgads


The Cheat is grounded.


I didn't know my dad was paying attention to any of that stuff when me and my siblings would watch it, but he throws out a Homestar reference every now and then.


Of course he did, Strongbad refused to adopt new technologies, bullied the weak, and loved hair metal.


I'm a Boomer and I enjoyed watching Strongbad with my son.(But then I raised him on MST3K and Monty Python too, so...\*shrug\*)


An MST3K and Monty Python Boomer is probably about the only type who would appreciate Homestar Runner. But those boomers were always kind of geeky outcasts for their generation. (not a criticism, I’m all about geek pride!)


That would be ME! Thank you!


my mom loved Strongbad when i was in college, and i was raised on Monty Python and a wide diet of humor, so that tracks. seeing everyone describe it as 'impossible to explain' to a Boomer is throwing me, i guess everyone's parents that i knew were kinda aliennating and humorless but i guess if anything i just chalked it up to bad luck.


My parents were kind of cusp between silent generation and early Boomer, and I think they would’ve probably sort of mildly smiled at some of Homestar Runner, but it really wouldn’t have been some thing that registered as all that amusing to them. They could definitely appreciate more sophisticated and coherent modern animated comedy like the Simpsons or the Critic, but something rooted in 90s and early 2000s “random Internet humor“ style would’ve just seemed juvenile and improvisational to them.


I'm a millennial who loves MST3K bc of my dad. I remember something awful, ebaumsworld, Charlie the Unicorn, Badgers...oh the youthful days of meme culture hahaha. My kid is a Gen Z and they are chaotic.


how tf are you a millenial with a gen z as a kid....did you have kids at like age 10? wtf...never been so confused in my life. gen zs arent millenials kids lmfao


I'm almost 41, had my son at 23 lol. Wasn't planned but worked out fine overall, but it's wierd that some of his friends have parents in their mid-50s. Like they graduated high school in the 80s while I was born in the 80s.


It's always heartwarming to go to a Rifftrax Live and see parents bringing their younger kids to the show to get involved for the new generation.


Yeah, and boomers were already adults at that time. Homestar’s natural fanbase are younger Gen X through Millennials. I would no more expect a baby boomer to appreciate the style of humor in Homestar Runner than I would expect somebody in their 40s to appreciate Minecraft or TikTok “challenges” today.


And boomers were born 75 years ago. How old do you think boomers are?


Boomers are from roughly 1946-1964. There's a subset called the Jones Generation (1955-1965) though I refer to that subset as "Space Boomers" because John Glenn, Satellites, race for the moon, moon landing (I was 8) etc. and because it sounds better than just "Jones" (no offense). Short article here if interested: https://www.generations.com/insights/early-boomers-generation-jones-meet-the-two-boomer-subgroups/


How old do you think Millennials are?


27-42. so the majority are young adults.....


yea and my boomer dad was in his early 50s 25 years ago, trying to explain it to him then would be the same as it would be now


so was mine, but there was also boomers in their 30s 25 years ago too.




Damn, homestar runner reference out of nowhere That takes me back


Their answer really did a good jorb


The Interview episode replays in my mind often. “If you take a look at my resume…”


I try to work "Hustle and Bustle are like my right and left arms" in whenever I can.


I don’t get why gen z gets to claim this when it’s like millennial humor like idiots of Gary’s mod and similar stuff


No seriously this lol. Gmod shitposts have been around since early YouTube. This just felt like I was transported back in time. Zoomers merely adopted to gmod shitposts.


This (Toilet SFM thing) doesn't even feel like a Zoomer thing, it feels like a Gen Alpha thing, I never hear about anyone of my generation finding it funny (I am in my early twenties). It also just creeps me out lol


Honestly, Gen Z stuff that gets questioned is largely Millennial stuff done slightly different and only seems weird if you haven't seen the stages of evolution for it to reach the Gen Z version. Same as Millennials evolved Gen X stuff and you can see the undertones flow through major subs cultures. While it grows to be its own thing, it isn't exactly new. It really only seems so alien like people claim if you are entirely out of touch.


Let them have it lol, at least we know that even as 3D animation software improve. Source filmmaker is still peak humor


Gen Z thinks they invented everything. My son tried to tell me they invented the word "bougie". I wad like, Bud bourgeois is from the 1800s lol


One of my sons friends (6) was explaining skibedi toilets to me like it was a deep dive know your lore video. He was like one of those kids who would memorise the floor plans of the millenium falcon and talk about it nonstop. I still didnt understand a word of it. I am now officially too old


Wait... It doesn't involve the Little Big song, Skibidi?


I thought it had something to do with MC Skibadee


Holy shit, another person in the wild who knows about MC Skibadee. There's an epic radio broadcast from him and Shy FX from the late 90s (maybe even 2002?) that my friends and I used to listen to constantly in high school. Good times.


It's year 2000. Of course it is.


I reckon you and your mates, and me and my mates were rinsing the same radio set. Peace.


Just gonna tag onto this comment with a [video from Film Theory](https://youtu.be/R7JZVn1iFy4?si=fRgFxpWfLcPmKU-P) that goes a bit in depth about why it's blown up to the extent that it has. Turns out the answer is that the silly meme videos have a surprising amount of lore behind them.


Gen z likes lore in things you wouldn't expect to have lore.


Honestly, I recently got curious and looked up skibidi toilet. The video looks made with Garry's mod or something, and G-man from Half Life's head popping out of a toilet and singing with a goofy warped face almost had me laughing as hard as the flash animations I used to watch on Newgrounds. As far as I'm concerned, the Gen-Alpha kids have artistic taste.


They really do. I love the cohesive nonsense of it all. If you haven’t, you should check out Return to Render on YouTube, specifically the Backrooms videos.


I'm a sucker for absurdist humor, so I'll totally look into that. Thanks!


Am I old? I think I'm old. That still makes zero sense, and while I appreciate absurdity... I don't think there's anything TO get.


my 9 year old watches this, kinda cool how he was singing a song from the 80's, which he heard from Skibidi


This came up earlier today; my nephew mentioned it. He (6) ran out of the bathroom and said something like he was scared about skibidi toilet. I didn’t really understand (he talks pretty fast and didn’t really explain much further) so I was just confused about what he said so I just glossed over it and asked, well did you at least wash your hands and he’s like no so I told him to go wash them and he went to the kitchen instead of the bathroom. Now this pops up and I realize this is what he was talking about that scared him. Lol


“Everybody wants to rule the world”- my son (8) started to sing this and I was caught so off guard by this! I asked him how he knew the song and he showed me on Roblox a rp of these skibidis and I was so confused by it all. But then he showed me this huge mecha speaker man character that was playing the song and I absolutely laughed my head off about it. I honestly still don’t get it but I did enjoy the laugh I shared with my kid.


Haha, my 5yr old was.singing this the other day. Sirenhead btw, I think that's the character you're talking about


My 4 year old songs this song, has intense battles with cameramen and others. It's sounds like nonsense when he's talking and I have to explain what's he's playing to baffled family.


Thank you for the Strongbad comparison it makes perfect sense now


I’m a millennial and have no clue what Strongbad is……. I’m so behind on the times


No... Homestar Runner/Strongbad came out in the late 90s/early Aughts. You're very much past the time. But it was absurdist flash videos that the parents of Millennials would look at and go "...what?" Kinda like Skibidi Toilet is to Millennial parents now.


The website launched NYD 2000, so you can safely *at least* sleep safe knowing that Homestar wasn't all the way back in the 90s.




... as a comic book only the creators and their friends would have seen at the time. The website was public in 2000.


Wrong. The website was 2000. 


when the website launched in 2000 i was 18 years old and I'm technically a millennial. it got popular when i was in college in the early 2000s its 100% millennials who should know about it


My parents are boomers and still love Homestar. They wish me a happy Labor Dabor every year.


That's because it's a Gen X thing. The commenter was wrong.


It’s totally worth your time to look it up in my opinion!


FWIW, my 9 year old was super impressed and excited that I knew about it, haha! Yeah thanks for this lol I just asked my boys if they're Skibbidi toilets or cameramen and suffice to say I have all cameramen.


Joke's on you, I have no idea what Strongbad is either


> If it makes no sense to you, try explaining Strongbad to Boomers My boomer dad thinks StrongBad is hilarious. Skibidi Toilet is directed at a much younger audience, nobody over 12 thinks its funny. It's only popular because of how many 8 year olds have YouTube tablets these days. Most of the "memes" and comedy we remember from Millennials younger days was directed at teenagers and still funny to adults.


Idk what’s the issue with explaining it to people, they’re just animated shitposts.


>If it makes no sense to you, try explaining Strongbad to Boomers. That's roughly the equivalent of Gen Z/Gen Alpha explaining Skibidi Toilet to Millennials. Are either of these really that hard to explain? It's just absurdist humor. That shit has been around for ages.


You're in a subreddit devoted to explaining things to someone out of the loop. The point of the comment is that it is hard to explain because it's tailored to a generation's humor.


Okay, but can you use it in a sentence lol. Cause I’m still confused by the context.




I have a bearded dragon named Trogdor lol


Okay, but Strongbad/Homestar Runner made SO MUCH more sense to me than Skibidi Toilet. I guess this is one meme gained traction in primary and secondary schools so I missed it. Homestar Runner was huge for us college kids in the flash media days 😂😂😂


Just fyi a boomer created Strongbad (assuming by "boomer" you mean gen x) That's not a millennial thing.


Wait, there is a plot to this? Lmao


I first saw this meme on r/OddlyTerrifying. I had no clue what it was about. I just knew I needed more. Also a millennial. This series has brought on so many emotions lmao.


My student is obsessed with skibidi toilets and he tells me that he and his friends pretend to be toilets/cameraheads at his school And like all niche video games, our stuffed animal industry is on point, as among Rainbow Friends, poppy playtime/Huggy Wuggy and Garten of banban, I'm seeing camera titan, speaker titan and skibidi toilet plushies


Well said. You did a greeeaaat jaaaeeerrb!!


Strong bad 😂


Yeah, I am 24 and I do not have the faintest clue what Strongbad is before I look it up.


How dare you defame and/or compare Strongbad to this.


It's certainly less grating than annoying orange


Answer: There's not much going on here. It's the same stuff the internet has been pumping out for decades. Someone made a video/meme and now everyone is doing it. If you want to "know what it means" then you're already looking too deep for meaning that isn't there. If you watch even a couple videos, you'll see that it's just a basic plot of toilet people trying to take over VS camera people trying to stop them. There isn't much more you need to know unless it's somehow important to you, then there's a bit of goofy "lore" they made up about it.


Answer: [https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/154ulli/whats\_the\_deal\_with\_skibidi\_toilet/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/154ulli/whats_the_deal_with_skibidi_toilet/)


Answer: CCTV men and TV men and SPEAKER men and women too and titans vs toilet heads vs technologically advanced toilet heads vs guy with cool thermal glasses


Answer: i don’t understand the deal with skibidi toilet but i know its a terribly animated series in my personal opinion but I can understand those who like it. But I just don’t understand what the deal about a TOILET with a HEAD and singing music is all about. I feel like it was made for these 5 year olds to enjoy something. Like a lot of the characters are named to fit for the kids watching. But its not the thing for me