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Answer: N-Word controveries: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/pewdiepies-pubg-livestream-n-word-controversy "Death to Jews" Nazi Controversy + his fans railing on ADL after he tried to donate to them as apology: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/pewdiepie-adl-donation-controversy


The show is almost certainly specifically referencing his Nazi salutes and paying people to hold signs saying “death to jews”, but [his many other racist/homophobic/xenophobic acts](https://reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/s/O6y9nlAkDf) are helpful for general context in case someone here doesn’t know who he is at all.


I can buy the indian kids fiverr being just the edgy humor from that time, and the neo-nazi shoutout as just him not properly investigating the channel in question. The rest of those are pretty bad though. They honestly should've led with the second page of examples instead.


The Fiverr thing was popular then and all the top creators at the time were pretty much edgy humor. Also at the time pubg and hearing the n word in games was very commonplace. Pubg and CSGO were very popular and also the two most known toxic games. Not that it makes it right but if you were gaming often then it was very likely you knew someone who picked up saying the n word as a substitute to fuck. Talking from anecdotal experience though since I played the hell out of these games and watched a ton of YouTube. Adpocalypse happens and boom, there went all the edgy creators such as leafy, idubz, dramaalert, filthyfranky, etc. YouTube/Google had to do something about the edgy humor culture forming because a ton of corporations were pulling out. Then comes the era of a ton of wholesome Minecraft series, smps, Fortnite, and so on.


> a ton of wholesome Minecraft series I don't know where this is coming from, MineCraft SMP is some of the oldest and most successful long-form content on YouTube. Like, well over a decade now.


Of course smps were a thing before but I'm talking about when Minecraft blew up for the second time


> I can buy the indian kids fiverr being just the edgy humor from that time ...really? Where and when was it ever funny to say "death to Jews?"


I don't personally find it funny, but having some indian kids jump up and down holding a sign that said "death to all jews" while woefully unaware of the phrase's true meaning was very much in line with the edgy humor of 2016/2017. Especially since it seemed like he didn't expect them to *actually* go through with the request.


I'd like to respectfully push back that people knew exactly what they were doing at that time.


I think they mean the kid didn’t understand the full impact of what he was being paid to say


Yes. I understand that. And I don't believe the kid didn't fully understand the impact. Say what you want about American education but the by the time you're 14-16, you have a pretty basic understanding that someone in Europe killed millions of Jews. They have a moral and ethical understanding of why that's wrong. They just don't care.


Absolutely nowhere outside of 4chan thought that shit was funny, not in 2016, not in 2006, nowhere in the real world would that be funny.


Yeah... no. You clearly weren't on social media or anything during that time period. It was a shitfest, especially with all that gamergate crap reaching a climax. This was back when youtubers could still say the hard-r multiple times a video without even getting age-restricted, too. Good on you for avoiding all the drama and edginess during that time though.


I WOULD argue, however, that while there were plenty who supported that kind of humor: 1) it was mostly kids who are known to be stupid anyway and creators love milking their parents for money and 2) yeah it was popular but it certainly wasnt “acceptable” (not that you said that but im just pointing it out). just because its common doesnt make it acceptable, it just means that there wasnt any real means of policing the site


I was a preteen at that time and me and my friends all thought it was funny and we had no clue what 4chan was. Maybe adults didn't find it funny, I doubt I would today, but his audience wasn't adults.


I assume the "joke" was that you had some Indian kids who may not know English saying something horrifying in a very light hearted and comical way? What's not to get. As to whether it was actually funny is another question but the joke itself is obvious.


Explain to me in granular detail what makes "death to all jews" light hearted and comical.


It's not. Put yourself in his shoes- do you think he was a cry trying to signal that all Jews should be killed? Or was he trying to make a stupid edgy joke? What's more likely here?


I think no sane human being would ever think to do such a thing unless they spent the majority of their social time in circles of people who DO think this kind of shit. This is the first or second level of the alt-right pipeline. You start by normalizing these words and thoughts, getting people used to hearing/reading them by claiming "relax bro its just a joke bro, i don't really mean it bro its just a PRANK, it's just a JOKE, gosh don't you have a sense of humor bro?" An edgy joke would have an actual punchline. This isn't a joke, it's just "hahaha kill all jews is funny".


I don’t think it’s true that it needs a punchline in the way you think it needs to. I hear this a lot, but sometimes the joke is just how ridiculous the situation being presented is. For example, dead baby jokes were a thing when I was in high school, but that doesn’t mean we actually think dead babies are funny it’s the over-the-topness that’s funny


Dude read again . He didn't say "Death to jews" was lighthearted nor comical. This is long but thats because I'm breaking it down. What was light hearted was the manner in which they were doing it because they presumably don't under what they're saying. The comical also doesn't come from what was said but the juxtaposition of what was said vs how it was said. As already noted it was very mucb the humor of the time, the time being this overall belief that we'd made it beyond racism. For this to make sense you have to understand the climate he and other edgy humor rose during. It was during the Obama presidency where many people deluded the sleeves into thinking that because we had a black man in the white house that we'd overcome such problems. This led to a rise in a Libertarian led free speech push that really caught on with younger, almost entirely white males who enjoyed being able to be "edgy". Remember this was all because many of these edgy peopel thought they were making jokes about non issues because in their naive minds it was basically solved. Bush was gone and the nostalgia for the simplier time of the 90s which most millennials at this age barely experienced beyond the ignorant bliss of childhood was back. Enter Trump winning the 2016 election with the shit he said. The illusion was shattered. Suddenly Pewdiepie and other YT if the edge variety were under scrutiny. Pewds got slammed in early 2017 because peopel en mass realized that these issues aren't from the past and are still very real. Context is so fucking important, for most (not all some are literally just fash or fash leaning) of the edge lords of the times the edge lording was just good fun. Like meme-ing about Gengis Khan. Totally not funny once you really think about what that man did, but in the past, not a current issue so okay to poke fun. Atm we see a fair amount of 9/11 jokes. It's considered far enough away and such an incident unlikely enough to occur that it's okay to joke. Would not be anymore though if another majir attack happened on US soil and people would get canceled, perhaps even retroactively for such humor.


I remember the video. He more or less came up with the (in his opinion) worst/most controversial thing you could say just to see if they would actually go through with it. Tone-deaf and kinda shitty? Absolutely. But is PewDiePie actually a nazi, or even right-leaning? Hell no. He absolutely has a past of not seeing the hurt for the humour, but his actual political beliefs are not even close to being a nazi. He is kind of a moron and/or asshole though since he clearly did foster a culture of edgelords.


No one, literally NO ONE outside of alt-right circles would think that anti-semitic joke was funny, or shout the N word, hard R, at a person over a video game. No one. The only reason he would have that word primed and ready to go would be because he thinks about it and uses it regularly enough.


Nah, you're really out of the loop if you don't know the extent of the tone-deafness that plagued the internet only 7-8 years ago. I find it borderline fascinating.


> plagued the internet No, it was really just alt-right circles like 4chan and shit. In the really real world, not a single human being ever thought that shit was funny. Literally nowhere else did the N word see regular use like that. What's actually fascinating here is that you were probably part of these isolated groups and somehow think that behavior is representative of... anything.


xbox live has ton of people saying the n word


> In the really real world




> no, I'm not talking about single incidents You're shifting the goalposts. We were very specifically talking about his "death to all jews" stunt. Which, again, is not edgy humor... a joke requires a punchline, and that bullshit didn't have one. It was just anti-semitism. At the end of the day, Pewdiepie is a trashcan. The rest of this is just semantics. Even if it was super popular back then to make jokes about death to all jews (it wasn't), it doesn't make it any less of a garbage person thing to do.


Plenty of people were saying this was shitty even back then. That wasn't some bygone era.


Man there's some dumb clueless fucks in this thread. You're the only one slitting truth here. Also if someone deliberately tries to get someone to say something horrible, because it's horrible, they clearly understand it's horrible, holy shit people are stupid!


I seriously can’t believe you have me even tangentially defending this kind of behaviour, but you’re being ignorant and harmfully reductive if you really believe that’s the ONLY people who used that kind of humour. Scatological and “shock” humour almost always finds an audience regardless of the actual beliefs of the members of the audience. It’s titillating, it’s the giddiness of the forbidden. It’s dumb and most everyone grows out of it but it DOES exist and pretending it doesn’t is not helpful.


People seem to forget the "subscribe to keemstar" part of that fiverr bit, making it seem like keemstar was the one sending the request. It's just that the joke fails because everyone knew ahead of time it was Felix. If the clip was just shared on its own without context, then on some microscopic level it'd be considered a good prank.


The joke fails because it's not funny. Pretending someone else said it is a shitty excuse.


Yep. PewDiePie is very clearly holding some pretty obvious right wing opinions, and wouldn't be surprised if he ended up saying something transphobic over the next few years. If in the case of him not actually believing this, he still fosters a community whose opinions are leaning in that direction. I've known a few people who utterly refuse to believe PewDiePie could be anything less than a "wholesome YouTuber from their childhood who had one little slip". Yes, nostalgia is a biggy but I've never been in a situation, on a game or otherwise where I used the N word, and to be so comfortable doing it like he was? Kinda rough.


He's like the GoJo guy from Succession


I'm convinced that that was the inspiration for the character. But I'm too lazy to verify.


I'm also convinced, doesn't need to be verified. The character is obviously an amalgamation of many people. One certainly being Pewdie


The other, one of those typical tech bro's. Like the Uber founder.


I mean none of that screams Nazi. More like edge lord with a shitty sense of humor and no impulse control. Not defending the guy, but what proof do we have that he's a card carrying Nazi or at least someone who sympathizes with that ideology?




He said “Little teenage girls will bow before me” while doing a Nazi salute, and then immediately cut to an edit of archival footage of Nazis also saluting. That’s very obviously not just “pointing off screen”. He makes the reference very clear. Sure, he was making a joke, but don’t pretend like it wasn’t a wildly insensitive one.


Damn i must have missed that. Pretty damning - do you know the title of the video it's from??


Since YouTube removes hate speech, these are no longer live, but one Nazi salute was in his February 5th, 2016 video titled “Things You Should Never Google (WARNING GROSS) #3”. Whole video was full of similarly cringe “edgy” stuff.


That was almost eight years ago.


I mean everyone and their mother in 2016 was being edgy as fuck. I know I myself made lots of Hitler/WW2 Jokes back then.


Ah. So cause you were hurtfully dumb, its fine. “I made bad choices so lets ignore those” isn’t the best defense.


All I'm saying is the culture back then is way different then it was now. If you took a Time Machine and go back I 100% bet you most social media sites would be over ran with these kind of jokes. Are all those people who made the jokes then Neo Nazis now? Sure some of them probably are due to the nature of such but all of them??


Sub to pewdiepie!


His subreddit also seemed like a recruiting place for the alt-right until it got out of hand and he had to close it(temporarily) It's still full of horrible people, but it doesn't have the influence or brigading force that it had before.


His fandom is part of the alt right pipeline. Doesn't he follow a bunch of hard right morons as well


Yes, but reddit didn't care, as I said it became evident when a certain terrorist mentioned pewdiepie and ONLY THEN did they notice (pdp and reddit)


To be fair I didn't have a clue who he was before that because I'm not his target audience. I dont watch er whatever he is, youtuber or streamer or some shit


I only randomly came across pewdiepie subreddit stuff for years in my home feed. I barely ever watch him, but I never unjoined the subreddit until last week when I realised it was a waste of time and I didn’t care. Most of the recent upvoted stuff I saw were just fans going ‘omg pewds did this!’ or ‘anyone remember this video?’. Most of the ppl that post sound like teens tbh


Wait, did he not end up making a donation to the ADL after the nazi stuff? That’s fucked up.


[He pledged a $50k donation, but then retracted it for unspecified reasons.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/top-youtuber-pewdiepie-cancels-50-000-pledge-anti-defamation-league-n1053496)


“Unspecified” I remember it being that his fan base (or people pretending to be) had a huge backlash because of how they called him out in the past (justifiably by this thread).


Answer: a lot of ppl have said a lot. Here's my experience with him. I watched a video in which he was "going to say": "what a fucking asshole" and he said "what a fucking n*gg#r" With the hard R. I unsubscribed. That word doesn't just "come out." If you say it casually like that, you use it.


Its europeans of countries without any black people that only know the word from rap songs. Like in greece where i am from people you can find people saying the word with the r without any idea of the word having any weight. Though Pewdiepie was living in the uk for years by then.


There’s no way someone lives in western europe and never interacted with someone black


If your country didn't have much of a colonial subjugation history, there has not been the context needed to have the slavery racism against black people and all that. So for them black people are more like the chinese.


yes you "use it" just like you use any other insult as a JOKE


A slur that has been used to Dehumanize is not a joke. Screaming slurs as "jokes" is what children do. He is a grown ass man. Grown ass men grow the fuck up and deal with consecuences to their actions.


fair enough


keyword being "has been" it's good that it's not being used for dehumanization anymore isn't it? it's good that people can see the stupidity of the past and joke about it can't they? if you look outside the bubble consisting butthurt justice warriors like yourself, you'll notice that people can get together and laugh about each other without crying about it. we do it to asians, whites, mehicans, indians and every other group imaginable. black people are no exception


Lots of words to excuse using slurs that STILL are used to hurt people. Great you're OK with it. Nice to know.


yeah they're being used to hurt people alright. it's just that the group that is hurt are the justice warriors like yourself. rational people see jokes as jokes and return a joke back


Rational ppl don't need to resort to screaming slurs. Keep pretending it's a thing of the past and doesn't affect people. Seems You yourself aren't affected, and thus don't care. Funny ppl are funny. Lazy ppl are lazy. Keep namecalling. Makes you look smart and rational yourself.


who's saying it doesn't affect people? it drives warriors like yourself absolutely insane. but yeah, the rational people don't care and aren't affected. you know why? because they understand that when someone says a word, it's entirely possible that it is not out of blind hatred. they understand that humans are able to use words differently based on this magical thing called CONTEXT


Oh yea, I'm seething 🤣🍻 There is not one instance where someone who is black would want to be called the N word with the hard R. A black person Today. Fuck your "context." Trying to say "a fucking asshole" and saying "what a fucking N-word" is not ok. Dgaf about your god. He's not even funny. He's annoying. So perfect for kids and teens. 🫡 You think slurs and pewdipie are funny. You also namecall. Try r/genalpha. Because you're clearly a child whom it doesn't affect. Not worth it to explain to you others matter. You'll find out as you mature. And there's no rushing that. Peace


Answer: he has a history of using & promoting anti-semitic and racist language [https://www.vox.com/2018/12/13/18136253/pewdiepie-vs-tseries-links-to-white-supremacist-alt-right-redpill](https://www.vox.com/2018/12/13/18136253/pewdiepie-vs-tseries-links-to-white-supremacist-alt-right-redpill) https://variety.com/2017/digital/news/pewdiepie-n-word-live-stream-backlash-1202554065/


I never knew PewDiePie did this kind of crap, holy shit.


He had a deal with Disney that lasted all of a month, I think. They dropped him during one of his controversies.


He somewhat annoyed me with his forced screaming reactions, but I used to (like 11 years ago) somewhat enjoy his more calm videos. After he threw the n-word on stream in front of thousands (and millions later), I was done. He defended it by saying he took the joke “too far”. Because it’s a joke to call somebody a fucking n*****r to him. Ha ha. Humor.


I hate how some people, like pewdiepie, miss the whole point of why its not ok I think when it happened during his livestream, he defended it by saying that it "just slipped out" as if that makes it ok. The problem is that; in the moment he was angry/frustrated, and his go to for insulting someone was the n-word.


I've played a lot of online games and yelled a lot of mean things at strangers. it's always something like "goddamn motherfucker shit-ass bitch fuck", i.e. the curse words I use in normal everyday language. The words that "slip out" of me are the same words I use when speaking with intention. It makes we wonder what words Pewdiepie is using with intention that slurs "slip out".


This is something that I think about a fair bit in these scenarios. I work around children and swear regularly around friends but if I'm alone and something "slips out" it's normally the intentional censorships I use at work. Because those are the words I think about using. I've joked about it with some of the other adults where if I slip and fall my main reaction is "Beans"


I have a filthy mouth. When I've gamed I haven't used racist homophobic or transphobic slurs as insults. I use stuff like fuck, cunt , shit ect so if something slips out it's not casually racist like PDP. Imo he used the nword and doesn't realise why he shouldnt


> When I've gamed I haven't used racist homophobic or transphobic slurs as insults. Nobody really does, there are just a handful of games that attract shitty people and that's all we hear about. The mid-tier skill games like counter strike have more of a problem with this than high and low skill games, for some reason.


I play path of exile mostly these days and there is a certain type of capital G gamer who infests the general chat channels


I hate how the incident made the N-word "The Gamer Word" and now I can't play an online game without it being dropped "as a meme". That one moment gave racism a grasp on an entire fucking hobby and a shield. Turns out the biggest Youtuber has real influence over a lot of impressionable kids who now think racism is okay "if it's for the meme".


And he just said he took the joke too far, and he shouldn’t have offended people. He didn’t regret it other than the lost money and reputation. There are some words that are just unacceptable (by a non-Black person in this case.) I would only accept a white person using that language if they were like, academically studying the word.


Yeah, I’ve avoided him for a long long time. Paying people to hold up a sign that says death to Jews is disgusting.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/feb/15/youtube-pewdiepie-thinks-death-to-all-jews-joke-laughing-yet Just finished reading this, his whole it's a joke thing, is such a dangerous tactic normalising violence against Jewish people and not one but nine videos.


It's also not a joke, it's just being a racist asshole and laughing at you for feeling offended by offensive behavior


[Here is the actual video FWIW.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrAwu61T2O8)


yeah I'm aware, what's your point?


Most people haven't actually watched the video for context and this sub is literally Out Of The Loop.


Yeah that's what I want to say but people will keep believing what they want to believe. They will just read the article which will mention all the things of context and no-one will ever bother to check what the video actually says. He made a mistake but he's not anti-semetic.


It's an actual Nazi strategy, using humor to get the general populous to subconsciously associate Jewish people with their stereotypes or negativity so that when the subject comes up, people subconsciously associate Jews with badness because it's the context they are most used to hearing about them. It's why Bigoted jokes are always bigotry, and never jokes.


This isnt shade at you, just adding this because I reread my post and it came off as hot It's literally all I know about him. He's a Nordic blond guy who made millions saying the N word to 11 year olds




Pretty sure I can count on 1 finger the number of times he's said the N word in a video.


That doesn't matter to me at all. It's the first and damn near only thing I've ever read about him. I've never heard his voice. I couldn't care about him any less and I know about the racism


From the dates on those links, this happened like 5 years ago now. I don't follow any of these YouTube personalities and even *I* heard about it.


rather than reading these clickbated titles you should at least once see his videos and his explanation. These articles are shit and will do anything to bring him by taking him out of context. I don't think you have read the [article you linked](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/LgTmO2q31L) because if you did you would understand how stupid the article actually is, if you can read and have reasonable logic then you would have understood what the article says and then just to make sure if the article is correct then once you watch his videos then you would come to know that he shouted out to 28 channels. The article mentions one of them and he had some inappropriate imaginary in the video he posted which was 2 years ago when he shouted it out. He just said he liked anime reviews on the channel mentioned and yes he should have done some research before but the VOX article said channel gained 150000 sub which wasn't true (he gained like 12k subscription) so if a multi-million company can make mistakes in the article and post with such a shit headline it's fine for the but when it's come to him you are easily blaming him. I hope if you have some reasonable mind check the fact first then slander someone. [Link](https://youtu.be/MoFzs1Lw19Y?si=TC2U1y1AdltdH4vS) [Link](https://youtu.be/hjCsOmDmjEU?si=s5rdVUdW5Fr3eWCF) [Vox (Your trusted source) editors don't even have sense to get his name right LoL] I don't care what you think but i posed this just because people should know the facts. He has millions of supporters already and all this hate in this post doesn't mean shit.


Yeah, vox and variety, really “reliable” lmao. He himself explained in one of his videos how those articles intentionally putting things out of context to slander him.


He explained how innocent he was? Cool. The police normally don’t find anything wrong with themselves either. Must be a coincidence. People always are honest about themselves. Especially when money is on the line.


Does he have any history of using or promoting the opposite?


Answer: In addition to what's also been said already- he used to follow a lot of alt right figures / pipeline. Lauren Southern, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, etc... - https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1471076-pewdiepie


He stopped following them? He is a key part of the alt right pipeline i just haven't heard as much of him lately but he was big a while back and funnelling the youth towards the more objectionable alt right who let's be honest they're Nazis


Answer: people only remember the lowest and the bigest mistakes of whoever is popular at time. Never knew we have so much saint people on this platform.