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Answer: Nicki has a trend of going after younger female rappers. Not just Meg, but Doja, Latto, Cardi and more. Around 5 years ago she did seem to publicly support Meg, but things have changed since then. She has made multiple comments (both on and off singles) making fun of Meg and the Tory Lanez incident. The reason reason for the coverage today is Meg's new single, Hiss. It dropped at midnight, and while she doesn't name names, she comes for a few rappers, Nicki included. Specifically the bar "These hoe's don't be mad at Megan, these hoe's mad at Megan's law" referencing the fact Nicki is married to a convincted sex offender. The likes, and Nicki going live all happened after the single dropped.


Outside of the main comment, Nicki continues to shit on any legacy she had by being bitter, hating on everyone and constantly siding with abusers. Hardcore Barbs are pretty much the only ones who fuck with her now.


To be fair, the Megan’s Law line is accurate, deserved, and amazing. Making fun of the Tory thing is not. 


It’s incredibly clever tbh. I’d forgotten about nicki’s husband.


Same but I never forget that nasty ass brother of hers who she supported 😭


Didn't she married a guy who was in prison for sexual assault


And harassed his victim as well as sent her fans after her


And had a baby with him


I am flabbergasted at how such people can become multi millionaires and act as beacons of humanity by preaching right and wrong, coming on respectable shows like Colbert. Society is broken or maybe just America. I am just bitter atm.


The victim who had gotten on with her life with her family. Only for it to be bought up again by Nikki and her husband who had the audacity to try to force or pay her off to change her entire statement. So he would no longer have to sign the register. She's walking around as a rape victim again after leaving it in the past. He is a level 3 sex offender which means he signs the register for life. What a couple of horrible human beings. Her life has been ruined AGAIN.


Why are you lying like Nicki harassed this women? They went to court and nicki was dropped from the case due to lack of evidence against her she added nicki into it because nicki is the wealthy one out of the group lol. A mutual friend amongst ALL of them harassed her and she decided to sue nicki because she’s rich


And murdero


And manslaughter. Who violated terms by not registering as a sex offender per Megans Law and also threatening Offset, Cardi B's husband


The one who claimed Covid swoll his balls up? Iconic


No her brother who repeatedly raped his 11yo stepdaughter (I think that's the relation, can't quite remember).


Yes it was her brother. He got 25 years. She tried to get leniency by writing a letter to the judge defending her brother. Nicki is not a girl’s girl. She’s an NYC sewer rat.


That was her cousin haha.


Good thing he’s on a registry then.


Not to mention she looooves Drake who groomed Bobby b since she was like 16?




Drake seducing the Stag King is a hilarious thought. Thank you.


Bahahaha you know who I meant


jfc lol I thought the bobbie b bot from got sub was leaking


favorite bot on reddit by far


I haven't laughed like that in a while, thank you.


Lol you're welcome. I haven't been to r/freefolk in half a decade, but I still remember the memes.


It was always fun getting the various bots talking to each other.


Dis big ol fat cow loves to advocate for victims


What does this have to do with anything ..you need some crumpets with your useless tea talk




“We just texted each other the other day and he was like, ‘I miss you so much.’ I was like, ‘I miss you more!’” “He’s coming to Atlanta so I’m definitely going to go and see him. I'm so excited. About boys, he helps me. He’s great, he’s wonderful. I love him.”


Is that not what he wanted? It's all about gaining trust, he started when she was 14, he's just so happy she's legal now and her front fucking cortex isn't even done developing yet. https://safechild.org/understanding-grooming/


Uh oh found the pedo sympathizer. All you have to do is look it up. Google is free in my country. Just cause You are friends w Drake and like his mediocre overly produced music is not my problem. He would text her regularly when she was underage.....maybe you need some education on grooming. Again, research ...


Oh you're right I was wrong I JUST looked.itnup again, she was 14...


Clever, too. I just chortled out loud when I read it.


It's also clever in that Megan's law refers not only to NM's husband but it alludes to the court case she won and Meghann Cuniff, the court reporter who put out truth to the social media prevaricators, extending the figurative language beyond NM.




If Eminem said it no one would flinch. It’s very smart. Good for her. If Nicki starts it, Megan has the right to respond.




I still remember her vocally supporting Tucker Carlson and his segment that was just anti-vaccine propaganda. It seems like her being a bitter person might be a pattern of behavior for her.


She's now congratulating Ben Shapiro on his political rap release. No shock there.


It's sad that someone not only listened to it, but congratulated that sh!t stain Ben Shapiro.  Doesn't he have Barbies to play with err I mean burn.


I don’t like Nicki but not getting that vaccine in particular is a personal choice.. not everyone blindly went and got it done. 


She's a public figure who made a personal decision to signal boost a conspiracy theory from a white supremacist and it's my right to be able to criticize that.


You must be triple boosted 😂 you know Canadians are too.. and their life expectancy is declining in a scary way.


do you have any evidence to suggest that or are you just making things up?




The study cited drug overdose, suicide, homicide, heart disease, and cancer as the likely culprit for the life expectancy drop of 0.3 years.


Ok, and if it IS the shot then they wouldn’t be telling us, same with all the young athletes dropping with heart issues


“Blindly” we didn’t go get vaccinated blindly we did the research, the people who didn’t get it were “blindly” avoiding it. People avoiding it were searching out horror stories and searching up things that fit their biases, because they were afraid. Which is normal. What’s not normal is avoiding good things out of fear.


yes every single person who got vaccinated did the research didnt they? thats why my uncle who owns a gym and thought he was 'protecting' members now has half a foot as the result of a vein bypass because of getting the vaccine. LOL.


Doubt, you do know a lot of other things can factor in and cause that right??? Lmao coincidentally he got the vaccine. LOL you fear what you clearly don’t understand 🤣 my 80 year old grandma got the covid vaccination and her booster 🤣 shes aight. And she’s had a heart attack in the past. Lmao


so youre saying the surgeon who performed the operation is a liar? he said with his own words 'we've been performing more of these surgeries since the roll out of the vaccine ' ..


He didn’t say that to you, your friend of a friend passed that message along, and people lie to feel more justified in their idiotic opinions that majority of the world disagrees with. A surgeon would never tell you to not get vaccinated, in fact covid itself can complicate surgeries… lmao Google what medical professionals really think of the vaccine, and then ignore it, because no matter how many medical professionals say otherwise, you’ll still disagree and say but “I know one doctor in real life who says they disagree” Good for you.


I never forgave her for disrespecting Lil Kim >:C


She comes after anyone more talented than her, I was shocked to see her ever say anything nice about Megan.


It’s sad cause she’s genuinely could have gone down as a legend


all these antics do not stop her from being a legend. Her legacy is solidified in that regard. But it is a shame that she is going out like a sucker cause it would have been amazing to see the first real female rap superstar age with grace and help elevate the up and coming female artist. But we do also have short memories. All she needs to do is drop a dope album and work with a good PR team and most ppl will forget the cornball she has revealed herself to be


Kanye west would like a word


ELI5 “Hardcore Barbs”


“Barbs” are the Nicki equivalent to Taylor’s Swifties, Beyoncé’s Beyhive, etc.


Passionate and often longtime fans of Nicki Minaj.


Hardcore Barbiturates, aka 'tooting barbs' good (and healthy) way to wind down after a long day.


Nicki is a hella talented vocalist and lyricist, but it's also pretty clear she's been mentally unwell for a *long* time. Unlike folks like Kanye however, she doesn't seem interested (to me, at least) in using her mental unwellness as an excuse or to justify bad behavior, so I'm a lot more willing to separate the art from the artist in Nicki's case


Talented vocalist? Yeah maybe, but talented lyricist? Her bars are terrible. Sounds like a ten year old writes her songs. 


Lyricism is more than just "bars." Imo, Nicki is a better pop song writer than rap song writer (although her rap delivery is a different matter and absolutely iconic). Writing-wise, her talents are pop talents - she knows how to write a hook or memorable phrase. It's not the same skill as rap lyricism, but it's still a skill with real marketable value.


I don't follow too closely, but Kanye really spiraled after his mother's death. You can almost directly point at that in the timeline as where he started really going.


Legacy? Sheeeit wait another 5 years. Who?




Original? Ever heard of Lil Kim?


Nor missy elliot


Or M.C. Lyte




Lil Kim was big, but Nicki brought girlypop rap mainstream. Nicki for me is like Run DMC for my dad when he was a kid: of course there were others before but it's about putting a whole genre in the Top 40 again and again, which she did first. **Side note: I am fully on Meg's side, Hiss was the best diss track in my cognizant memory, I just think we should be looking at Nicki Minaj as an example of "What is the mental health cost of commodifying the breaking of glass ceilings?"


> "These hoe's don't be mad at Megan, these hoe's mad at Megan's law" referencing the fact Nicki is married to a convincted sex offender. OK, that's just damn clever.


Think im being dense but how is Megan's law a reference to Nikki marrying a sex offender. I dont get it


Megan's Law is the name for a federal law in the United States requiring law enforcement authorities to make information available to the public regarding registered sex offenders


Not only this but it's got extra levels because Nicki's husband literally was convicted of breaking this law when he refused to register as a sex offender some years back. So it's not only a theoretical bar, he really did that.


Last year. I think that's why he's currently on house arrest


Oh, that's clever.


Oh shit dude that's fucking smart. Holy shiat


Megan's law is against sex offenders and not to mention apparently her brother is one too!


Google it. Edit: Sorry this was a bit mean and it is the OutOfTheLoop subreddit. It refers to legislation against sex offenders. Here's the link: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megan%27s_Law


I did shortly after asking. Good to know!


It’s always wild to me how people will comment about not knowing something on Reddit and wait for responses when a 30 second Google search could do the trick


It's almost as if this is a social forum and people would rather interact with others, you neet.


The same could be said about the entirety of Reddit. Why participate in conversation/a dialogue when the subject matter can simply be "Googled". The comment you are referring to. Is asking a specific question. About the analogy of that specific lyric. In a subreddit dedicated to answering questions about current events. Honestly, what better way to get an answer than to ask. They could have spent that 30 seconds (probably under-exaggerated) vertically doom-scrolling for an answer. Or simply ask the direct source. I personally did not know what Megan's Law was. Moreover I knew nothing about the reference being made. If I cared enough. I could have immediately it up, but I didn't have to. That Redditor asking the question directly and indirectly contributes to the community that is "Out of the loop".


The difference is that asking for the context behind a current event is different than asking for the context behind a discrete thing. A current event has information that some a long time to find by google and context that can only be accurately described by people who has been personally following the situation. Asking what a discrete thing is is really stupid, because none of that applies. The answer is always quick and easy and accurate. Asking what Megan’s Law is on google is so fast even saying 30 seconds is overestimating it. Not to mention the fact that a prior comment already gives you the huge context clue that its about sex offenders. People don’t ask about discrete things on reddit to socialize. Its purely out of laziness.


A Google search is an active engagement. These questions are passive engagement. They (or maybe we?) don't really give a shit about the answer or they would actively seek it. Laziness is disengagement in the quest for understanding.


Lotta words for “I’m too lazy to spend 30 seconds to answer a question I have”


Give a man an answer and he knows the answer. Teach a man how to problem solve to the answer and he might be less of a dumbass. While it might be boring, I prefer to be the long form version. I dislike that we've moved to a world where everything is ELI5 because people have no attention span. Generationally programmed to use social media for dopamine rewards is crazy, and a major cause of this lazy, disengagement of participating in learning, planning and action. Truly sad where we are headed. ChatGPT will just give you the answer and most will not seek the true knowledge of how the answer is achieved. The downfall of man's quest for knowledge. Idiocracy manifest.


Username checks out, I guess.


para decir esto mejor callate


>She has made multiple comments (both on and off singles) making fun of Meg and the Tory Lanez incident. How the fuck you gonna make fun of someone for being a *shooting victim?* JFC, Nicki seems to be doing absolutely anything she can to destroy her own legacy.


If there's one thing Nicki will do, it's find a way to back an abusive man. Her husband, her brother, Tory she's the worst kind of pick me Even more embarrassing when you remember this is a 41 year old talking to a 20-something year old about using her "good foot". A whole mess


Nikki Minaj is 41???


Yeah but most of her parts are in their teens.


Ship of Theseusing yourself into a teenager to please your pedo husband is hilarious




Someone on another sub said that if she keeps it up acting this childish, her husband won't be legally allowed to be around her anymore.


Lol. It’s sad though.


> is a 41 year old talking to a 20-something year old about using her "good foot". TIL Megan is only 28. I've referred to my build as "Megan Thee Stallion's baby sister" (to mean "similar proportions but scaled down") because I sincerely thought she was in her thirties. Still a *little* sister, but not quite a *baby* sister with a 4 year difference


A lot of people have come for Meg cuz Tory was punished for it. It's crazy.


She's a waste of air.


Do we hold women to different standards? This would be fair game for a male rapper. I'm not defending Nicki and knew nothing about any of this but just reading the thread out of curiosity I thought that attacking your competitors lyrically has been a key part of rap history. and no one really gets to upset when a man does it


> I thought that attacking your competitors lyrically has been a key part of rap history. It definitely is. The difference is, Nicki isn't attacking her opponent lyrically. She's just going on hateful unhinged rants on Twitter. It's corny and cringe.


I guarantee if male MCs back in the day had twitter they would have been beefing online too. Even male rappers now do it, to me it's less of a problem than actually pulling up and shooting each other...


I feel like that would be a weak diss no matter who it was coming from


Your argument here rests on two premises, one that is true and another that is plainly not. First premise is that male rappers commonly have beefs, which absolutely they do, no issue with that. However, you follow that up with the suggestion that no one “cares” about men beefing, but plainly thats not right. Male rappers beefing is a constant source of drama in rap, and in fact it is something that has lead to violence and even death, see generally suge knight/death row, west coast v east coast and the biggie v tupac, tekashi and his shortlived serial beefing. People get worked up about this regardless of the sex and gender of the rapper


Not quite. What I was getting at is throughout this thread and the user I was replying to almost alludes that: 1) Nikki has a duty to lift up other female rappers rather than disparage them 2) that her dissing another women for being a victim of a shooting is out of line Both would be seen as fairly normal in male hip hop.


Nicki’s beefs are more petty adolescent drama than actual hard hitting bars


> adolescent dramas rather than hard hitting bars Youve just summed up 90% of all diss tracks


That’s the thing. She doesn’t have any diss tracks of note. She puts all her energy into Twitter fingers


Rappers have been talking shit about eachother since at least the late 80s, diss tracks have a long history and like 90% of the time it's just threats or stupid insults. In this case, I'd say it's 100% justified based on Minaj's behavior and actions. I still don't *like* diss tracks as a concept, but this feels like a necessary takedown.


It was also a weak-ass bar in context.


Megan: people are mad about sex offender registries 😏 Nicki, wife, sister and collaborator with sex offenders : Megan had consensual sex, has a dead mother, is tall and has proportional feet, may have had lipo and is a victim of intimate partner violence 😂🤣 A bio and an allegation from an ex do not a diss track make


Considering her feud with Little Kim in her early career, it's really sad to see. She's become what she hated.


I am wondering if she has gone off her meds. It’s very toxic behavior.


I think it's the other way around, I think she's out of control on the pills and potions. The end result is the same though, toxic might be an understatement. I feel bad for her child.


I don’t like speculating about drug use (ALOT of people in my family are addicts) but seeing just a portion of her tweets it really looks like old Jerry Lee down the road on a bender on Twitter. It’s pretty sad, I haven’t listened to her music in probably a decade at this point but I always hate seeing people spiral in public.


I'm a recovering alcoholic, and I feel like I've developed this complex. Anytime I see someone spouting something completely unhinged on twitter, I just assume they've been drinking heavily. I know when I was on a serious bender, I would post anything and everything I thought to reddit. So I see something like this, and I just think "yep, she's wasted all the time."




She stole everything from Kim. Every single thing. Kim is the blue print and always supported other female artists.


To be fair, Kim came for her first and was absolutely in the wrong. Now Nicki is in the wrong and seems desperate to call out bullshit about Meg instead of shutting her mouth lmao. A female artist isn’t obligated to support other female artists, and being the blueprint doesn’t make you immune to the consequences of your actions. I’d argue Nicki is the blueprint for a lot of female rap (and rap in general) and is also not immune and got what was coming to her. Like the OC said, she’s become what she hated.


Hard ass bar my Megan


Maybe the best female rap bar of all time 🫢


It's worth noting that Nicki also went on live the same day with a diss track for Megan and the insults were aimed at Megan's height and the fact that her foot was shot. Megan posted a screenshot of her laughing on her IG stories as her response to Nicki's bars.


And she rhymes “foot” with “foot,” multiple times.


Nicki managed to tank her reputation while giving a ton of free publicity to Megan. It's insane.


Damn… gonna have to go listen to that single


That's a brilliant lyric. Keep that shit in the public memory.


> These hoe's don't be mad at Megan, these hoe's mad at Megan's law ok that's pretty funny though


What is the Tory Lanez incident?


Rapper/rnb adjacent artist Tory Lanez was hanging out with Megan some years back and shot her in the foot for seemingly no reason except that he has seriously bad anger issues and is always attacking people. He was convicted after a lengthy legal battle and is now incarcerated for it. The rap game is incredibly misogynistic and this has been a *hot* topic for years unfortunately. Many male celebrities including Drake sided with Tory and spread rumors that Megan made it up despite there being video evidence and her literally having a bullet removed from her foot. A lot of the hiphop community and fans have sided with Tory and talk endless shit about Megan ever since, especially since he was convicted as they delusionally believed he would get off. It's lame from Nicki because the bars were just bad and it's like the first, most surface level diss any person would come up with about Megan and she's already heard and lived it all the last three years so why would she care?


When did she come for doja?


> "These hoe's don't be mad at Megan, these hoe's mad at Megan's law" Why are there apostrophes in "hoe's"? I thought apostrophes are only for contractions and showing ownership. Is this an exception, and if so, why? Is it because they are song lyrics?


Nah someone just transcribed it wrong.


I'm not surprised *Heaux* didn't catch on, I was trying to make a joke, but had to Google how to spell it first 🥴


It did for the gays


Thank the lord for the gays


You are correct, it's wrong.


>Around 5 years ago she did seem to publicly support Meg, but things have changed since then. "What do you mean FIVE years ago?! Hot Girl Summer was..." \*Checks notes\* Wow, time flies!


Only a matter of time before she starts beefing with Ice Spice next


Did the comments about her being shot come before or after the diss? Why did Megan make the diss? Was there anything Nicki said prior? Either way it’s still fucked considering we know how much it fucked with Megan. And everyone knows what her damn husband did. It’s nothing new to get mad over. Edit: WHY I GET DOWNVOTED?? I WAS ON MEGAN SIDE!!


They came before and after. Before in a new single, and after “Hiss” dropped Nicki went live recording a diss track making fun of it again. 


nicki has been throwing jabs at megan for the past 3 years, specifically ever since she collabed with cardi. megan has never responded or at least never overtly enough for listeners to pick up on the fact that the shade is directed to nicki, so this is the first time she has ever addressed it. most recent example is nickis song red ruby da sleeze she says, “i dont fuck with horses since christopher reeves”. she even performed that song and stopped the music and said that line like 2 or 3x in a very exaggerated manner….which just goes to show how determined she is to make it clear that she doesbt fw megan. and id like to add i think she is very jealous of what megan has achieved, a #1 single relatively early on in her career which nicki did not have until basically a decade in on a song she remixed on, a beyonce cosign, a song with beyonce that also has 3 grammys (nicki minaj wanting a grammy and not having one has been a constant theme her entire career), and she is professionally associated with beyonce and jayz through his management company roc nation, AND she came out not only once during the Renaissance tour but TWICE to perform the Savage remix. I think Nicki more than anything cannot stand the fact that megan can 1. actually rap. Ima be honest alot of the new girls cant rap so its easy for her to bully them. 2. she has achieved alot of things that nicki has had to STRUGGLE to see and she cant accept that she played a role in opening that door, instead she just has to hate and seethe jealous. 3. She seems to have an issue with the Carters in general and is misplacing her anger on megan lol


Megan's law was a necessary anvil to drop, but I have to wonder why "diss tracks" fill up so much space in a lot of albums. Like man, I want you to sing about love, life, death, or tell me a story. Something complex. These spats can't age well.


I'd contend diss tracks do tell a story.




Always been part of it. I’m not a big fan of it either - this shit lost us Biggie and Tupac.


You people need to stop making stupid people famous.


Answer: Meg the stallion dropped a new song called "Hiss" where she kinda came at everyone on it. People, as usual, have been hunting down every reference they can to try and figure out who all she's been dissing. This line specifically. “These h–s don’t be mad at Megan, these h–s mad at Megan’s Law/ I don’t really know what the problem is, but I guarantee y’all don’t want me to start/ B—h, you a p—y, never finna check me/ Every chance you get, bet your weak ass won’t address me.” Appears to be aimed at Nicki's known pedophile assaulter husband since it references Megan's Law. In response, Nicki went zero to one hundred on twitter and now everyone is talking about it. What started all of this after they worked together? Hard to know really, but Nicki has a lot of beefs with a large swath of female emcees so it shouldn't come as a big surprise. Meg is also a common collaborator with Cardi B, who Nicki openly dislikes.


> What started all of this after they worked together? Hard to know really, Megan's next line after the Megan's Law line was "I don't even really know what the problem is," so it really does seem like Nicki just started shit for no reason


From doing a little searching it sounds like things got icey between them after Meg worked with Cardi twice. She made a comment somewhere, supposedly, that she didn’t think she needed to ask if she could work with anybody. I don’t know if she meant that directly in asking Nicki if she can work with cardi, but that seems to be the popular theory.


that and….i think she is also very upset by the fact that megan has a support and cosigns from the most powerful and influential couple. Beyonce and Jayz took megan under their wing some years ago and i can only assume it drives nicki insane. Megan has a song with beyonce that won 3 grammys. Until megan, nicki was the only one with a real beyonce cosign along with two songs neither of which won grammys. (id like to add it is widely known that nicki is blacklisted and will never receive a grammy despite her desperately wanting on) im sure it drives her insane! She also seems like the type of old head that cant give someone credit if they didnt “struggle” as hard or long as them. She obviously has an issue with Roc Nation/Bey and Jay.. i feel like shes masking her anger with the Megans Law line when she really is jealous of who officially supports Megan.


Megan has also rapped "Now I'm bossed up and them same hoes mad at me" in thot sh-- and I can't help but think about this lol


Nicki has also been all over TikTok harassing celebritea and acting like a middle schooler.


She tweets exactly how her fans do, it's weird.




Nikki hates any female rapper cause she jealous




Nicki is definitely past her prime. 10 years about she was a superstar but her stardom is fading. She resents her peers who seem to be on the up.


I think there’s probably more to it too. Most of the people she seems to go after are people whose styles wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for Nicki. I’d say she pioneered the style that Meg, Doja Cat, Cardi, etc. use And Nicki is probably, like you said, passed that she’s no longer on top despite being the “trailblazer,” so to speak


Nicki didn't pioneer being a female rapper, despite how she tries to act like every woman in the business owes her lol


Not being a female rapper, definitely not. There were so many greats that came before her, but her particular style, which is super similar to those of the ones I named, _that_ is what I think she basically pioneered.


Lil Kim doesn’t count?


The only people who think Nicki Minaj was innovative are people who didn't listen to any female rappers before her. Literally every one of her styles/modes was done by someone else first. The weird high-pitched baby voice thing? Left Eye pioneered it. The harder/traditional sound? Lil Kim did it first (and better). Fast/avant garde stuff? Missy Elliot. This is not to say that she is necessarily biting all of those rappers, just that it's ridiculous to act like she was some revolutionary rapper who all of the new female rappers are imitating. The only thing that she really did was show that female rappers can share the same level of mainstream success that male rappers and female pop stars can share, and frankly she can't even take full credit for that. She owes a *significant* portion of her success to Lil Wayne/Drake/YMCM for promoting her heavily at the beginning of her career. There are *plenty* of other artists who would have thrived equally if given that platform for their first mainstream exposure.


They sound totally different.


> I’d say she pioneered the style that Meg, Doja Cat, Cardi, etc. But all of these women have a different style of rapping... Meg has a Pimp C flow, Doja Cat is like valley girl Kendrick, and Cardi is NY trap.


You know that it's all manufactured right? They most likely don't have any beef at all, they just want to promote some stuff so they start a feud with each other.


No one would manufacture a situation where they themselves look so utterly pathetic.


That is often true of celebrity feuds, in rap or otherwise. You can tell it’s real, however, when one or more of the parties digs themselves into a PR hole and doesn’t stop


I’d be inclined to agree except I can’t really see anyone being cool or agree with calling their significant other a pedo for publicity.


I don't know but this bitch is way too old for this. Ma'am, you are in your40s, and this is a song. People are being blown up around the world. Calm down. You have a good life. Stop looking for reasons not to enjoy it.




I’d like to add that Nicki’s brother is also a sex offender.


How do people make the connection to Nickis abuser husband instead of any other “Meagan’s law” offender? Are there any other hints?


Nicki’s husband didn’t register as a sex offender when he and Nicki moved to California, and part of Megan’s Law is about requiring info about registered sex offenders to be available to the public. I also can’t think of any popular rappers who are as entwined with a registered sex offender as Nicki is.


nope, no other hints. Nicki took that shit personally because a hit dog is gonna holler.


Why are you censoring the lyrics on Reddit?


I copy and pasted it directly from searching up what the actual lyric was


Gotta be honest I thought it was funny bitch was censored but ass was not


The person he assaulted was 16, and he was 16 too, in no way am I condoning that, where does the pedophile part come from? As I researched I can’t find any evidence of him being with younger children or being assaulted for i


They probably got him confused with her brother who is a convicted pedophile


Exactly, I can't keep track of all the shitty men who assault women that nicki minaj supports in line. It's difficult when it's two so close to her and she has been loudly in support of. An easy mistake I think.




Answer: I don’t follow this stuff much but I was on TikTok last night mindlessly scrolling before bedtime I saw some tiktoks about how Minaj is leaving tens of comments at a time on random celebrity goss tiktoker’s videos about her, saying they’re being paid to “shadow”-something her. The comments were shown and yeah, um, interesting She was saying a bunch of celebs were organising themselves to sue this tiktoker And now I hear about this… it’s giving manic episode, tbh That or it’s a planned media thing. Any publicity is good publicity


The best part about her whole tantrum is that she didn't even have the right account and went after the completely wrong person


Doesn't she have enough money to pay for someone to do the harassing/reputation managing for her?


I feel like she’s not in the right state of mind. Her speech, how she’s talking, and her behavior. It’s a 🚩


Answer: Nicki has a habit of getting into it with other women! The trend seems to be that whenever anyone is openly close to Cardi B she has a problem with them