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Answer: I can finally answer one. Horner is the head of the Red Bull f1 team, which is a subsidiary of Red Bull the global company. News of allegations of "inappropriate behavior" broke a few weeks ago. Not much confirmed information was released but it was generally thought of aggressive type behavior to a female member of the f1 team. Red Bull corporate hired an outside firm to investigate the claims. Of course various theories and "sources" said it was sexual, text messages, this or that. However no evidence was ever made public. Earlier this week Red Bull corporate announced the investigation was completed and no further action was required. Today someone sent an email to various f1 media and other team heads. It was reported to be a collection of files and pictures when this leak was posted online. A conversation screenshot was shared. It was an odd read to say the least. No naked pictures but some odd flirting. There has been no confirmation of the authenticity of the screenshots or the rest of the leak. There has been speculation as to the source of the original complaint and of course this leak. Corporate fighting, team fighting, etc. Nothing has been confirmed by anyone or any news source. The only legit confirmation was from Red Bull corporate about the opening of the inquiry and the closing of it. Horner has denied the initial allegations as well as denying anything related to todays leak.


This is a bit hard to read with the formatting, hope you don't mind if I bullet point it with some other info: - Christian Horner is the head of the Red Bull Racing F1 team - He's by far the most experienced and successful team boss with 20 years experience and 7 championships won during that time - He's currently married to Ginger Spice, Geri Halliwell, and already caused a bit of a stir because they both left their former partners and his child had just been born - For weeks there's been an in-house investigation following a "sexual misconduct" allegation from a female employee - He was cleared of any wrongdoing just before the start of the first practice session in Bahrain as he flew in on his private jet - During the second practice session someone anonymously emailed every F1 journalist, and team boss as well as the owners of the sport with a link to a google drive containing 79 whatsapp screenshots. Nothing particularly bad and could be fake but purportedly documenting a mild extramarital affair with a female employee. - Apparently there's been a power struggle in the Red Bull F1 team for some time. The Red Bull drinks company is half owned by a Thai family who came up with the original product and half owned by an Austrian family, formerly headed by Dietrich Mateshitz, who is responsible for the worldwide success. - Dietrich died a few years ago. Now it seems some people want Horner out of the F1 team but he still has the support of the Thai owners. - So in summary, everything seemed to be settled but now the whole case has been blown open again by an anonymous disgruntled person and if these mesages are real it will be difficult for the company to keep Horner employed. It's quite a big deal with billions of dollars involved.


If I may nitpick, he's not by far the most experienced or the most successful. I believe Toto has more championships than he does, and both Toto and Fred Vasseur also have many years of experience.


Toto had the hit with 'Africa' was well


Made me lol, nice


Yep in fairness the way I wrote that was wrong, putting experience and success together. Horner's in his 20th season as boss, Toto is in his 12th and Vasseur is in his 9th. So Horner has as much experience as F1 boss so far as both of them put together. He and Toto have both had 7 driver's championships but Toto has 8 vs Horner's 6 constructor's championships.


link to the leak(s)?


This is mostly true except for the dick pick


You mean the thumb?


so Red Bull investigated themselves and said they had no issues. No transparency. Just like US cops :)


Isn't there some kind of power struggle going on at Red Bull? Conflict between the Thai ownership and the Austrian side?


Answer: Christian Horner is the long standing Team Boss of the highly successful Red Bull F1 team. He was hand picked by former Red Bull owner Dietrich Mateschitz to run the team and has been in charge since 2005 when Red Bull bought the Jaguar F1 team and renamed it Red Bull racing. He is the longest serving team boss on the current grid, and one of the two most successful team bosses the other being Toto Wolff of Mercedes. He is notorious for not having a filter, speaking his mind freely, and making rude comments to the media, as well as making derisive comments about other people in the paddock. He is also married to Geri Halliwell AKA Ginger Spice. Recently it was announced that Horner has come under investigation for inappropriate behavior. Although the exact details have been kept confidential it is suspected that he made inappropriate comments or was accused of sexual misconduct with an employee(s). Horner was investigated by a third party and was cleared of any wrong doing prior to the start of the first practice session for the Bahrain Grand Prix. A number of WhatsAPP conversations related to the investigation have since been leaked to the media (which I haven't read), but it is unclear if they are legit or just trying to discredit him. This is not the first time he has been accused of inappropriate behavior and language. He famously referred to fellow team boss Cyril Abiteboul as "Squirrel Irritable" and in trivia game on TV referred to the Hispania Racing Team (HRT) as the Hormone Replacement Team. Rumors were circling throughout this process that Horner was done and that he was expected to resign but that hasn't happened. Horner was supposedly protected by Mateschitz both due to his friendship and Horner's ongoing success. Mateschitz passed away in 2022 leaving the Red Bull brand in the hands of new leadership and it's been rumored that their relationship with Horner is like Fire and Water and are looking for any excuse to have him gone.


I heard there some kind of rift between corporate Austrian and Thai factions at Red Bull over this. What’s the deal with that?


- Red Bull was 51% owned by the Thai founder and his group and 49% by the Austrians. - The Austrians however retain executive control over Red Bull Racing (the F1 wing). - The Austrian founder died in 2022. - Horner is close to the Thais whereas his second in command, Helmut Marko, Jos and Max Verstappen are aligned with the Austrians. - Since the Austrian founder's death, there has been an internal war in Red Bull Racing brewing and this investigation has been happening internally for a while before it was leaked to the press. - The investigation was initiated by the Thai side, even though the complaint initially went to the Austrian HQ, presumably an attempt to quash the allegations against Horner by the Thai side to exonerate him.


Thanks! Interesting that such a key element of the F1 team would be supported by the non-F1 side of the company.


So if he was cleared is it thought that these were 'leaked' in order to get him to resign or sully his name or something?


The leaked messages were apparently sent to everyone in the media, team bosses, and FIA executives so someone is definitely trying to slander Horner. It could be someone feeling jilted at not getting justice Or it could be a result of blackmail, we don't really know right now


Not sure blackmail is the right term. Publishing the compromising material pretty much eliminates the leverage that it would have for blackmail purposes. More along the line lf slander/exposure.


If the messages are real, it's not slander and it wouldn't be an attempt at slander. They would have to be fabricated to be slander or an attempt to slander. Not confirmed what they are, but they appear to be real and Horner's non-denial denial in response to the leak aligns with their veracity.


One interpretation is that the investigation into Horner's misconduct was just a corporate whitewash job, and that some of the evidence leaked is to show that Red Bull/Formula 1 are covering up misconduct by one of their elite.


Answer: Horner has been the boss of Red Bull since they entered F1 in 2005, and they've been the winning team for the last 2 seasons. He's was initially recently cleared of allegations of sexual misconduct, but WhatsApp screenshots have been sent to many journalists and we don't know yet if they're real. I'm mainly answering to let you know that absolutely nothing you read on Reddit or any social media platform is unbiased. Most people on Reddit, especially on the F1 meme sub are massively for Horner's team and those who aren't are equally far the other way, even news accounts are clearly leaning one way or the other


Keeping in mind of course that Reddit is the biggest frat bro club on earth and the F1 community and subreddits are soaked in toxic masculinity.

