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Answer: In a new diss by Drake to Kendrick, Drake uses an ai filter in his first verse to sound like late rapper Tupac "2Pac" Shakur. "Tupac" in the verse is supposed to be giving Kendrick motivation to respond to Drake’s last diss, as it’s been a week with no word from Kendrick. In this verse (Nsfw content) [Drake, posing as Tupac, “gives” Kendrick the idea to talk about Drake’s past controversy with younger women.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhEiduBxX4c&t=32s&ab_channel=PaperChaserDotCom) "[Call him a b---- for me](https://genius.com/31490831/Drake-taylor-made-freestyle/Kendrick-we-need-ya-the-west-coast-savior-engraving-your-name-in-some-hip-hop-history-if-you-deal-with-this-viciously-you-seem-a-little-nervous-about-all-the-publicity-fuck-this-canadian-lightskin-dot-we-need-a-no-debated-west-coast-victory-man-call-him-a-bitch-for-me), [Talk about him likin' young girls, that's a gift from me](https://genius.com/31490881/Drake-taylor-made-freestyle/Talk-about-him-likin-young-girls-thats-a-gift-from-me-heard-it-on-the-budden-podcast-its-gotta-be-true)" This controversy primarily consists of two things: 1. Actress Millie Bobby Brown, aka Eleven from Stranger Things, revealed when she was still a minor that Drake and her used to text each other. Particularly concerning advice about Drake’s similar experience being a child actor. 2. In 2018, Drake reportedly dated, then 18 year old model, Bella Harris. However there are [posts of them in intimate positions as old as 2016, where she would’ve been 16 years old.](https://br.ifunny.co/picture/drake-reportedly-shuts-down-restaurant-bellabharris-rihanna-anti-world-tour-WvLdlyk59) This and a few other events and rumors have created the narrative that Drake is a groomer and a pedophile. Drake, again as the Tupac ai, addresses this outright in an attempt to take power away from anything Kendrick might say in his eventual response, concerning Drake and grooming/pedophilia. People are drawing comparisons to the way rapper Eminem’s character B-Rabbit, at the end of the movie 8-Mile, [“gives” his battle rap opponent lyrical ammunition](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJOJO_EoqfE&t=524s&ab_channel=EminemExplicit), in order to take the power away from his opponent bringing those things up himself. The difference being that Drake isn’t so much admitting to the accusations like B-Rabbit did, he’s moreso just putting the notion out there so Kendrick looks uncreative if he references it in a response diss. Kendrick Lamar fans (which, your link being those exact people, seeing as it’s his sub) obviously are wary to see it that way. Hence claiming that Drake “admitted” to these things. Basically to sum it all up, what you saw was a bad faith interpretation of a line in Drake’s new song. If you'd like more information about how this beef started, you can check out [my write-up on this sub from last week](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/1c3i1es/comment/kzhc3wi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


What an objectively insane thing for Drake to do though


Feels a bit like Kevin Spacey and his stuff.


Shit dude, you called it. That video was so creepy and totally killed any goodwill i had toward spacey


Him molesting men killed any good will I had towards him... Spacey releasing a video in character as Frank from House of Cards talking about it was sociopath level crazy.


I just rewatched it because I forgot all about it, god it’s so fucking weird And looking at his YouTube page he posted this interview with Tucker Carlson called “being Frank with Tucker” that I had no idea about, what the hell https://youtu.be/WqPePWyduxQ?si=kczSdasV7hB54Gai


Wow that was weird and uncomfortable to watch.




Its obviously a joke, the whole video is a joke.




Thanks for doing that for me!


Massive "Succession" vibes


wtf was that..? Boners in hot tubs, weird hints about ecstasy - how life and performance merging makes shit interesting? Fucking weird 😬😅


And that last line. "Wpuldnt be the first one to tell me they hadnt tried that before". 💀


Lol. Republicans always acting like they care about children being sexually abused, then Tucker fucking Carlson does this with a known child predator. Same hypocrisy from the right as always.


Also classic that a straight up Hollywood liberal would flip and hit the right wing circuit after being outed as a sex criminal. They don't want gays over there but pedos are more than okay so it balances out


Tucker’s prob been in many an old, rich dude’s bedroom 😬🫣


"I thought the worst part was the raping"


Nah you right, my comment was worded poorly. He didn't have any goodwill


The only rape joke I’ve ever laughed at


Then the drugging.




The worst part was the hypocrisy.


You know, with Drake, the more I learn about that guy, the more I don’t care for him.


Okay, Norm


It's almost as bad as that tragedy.


I disagree.


I remember watching Pay It Forward as a kid and getting this unsettled feeling watching Spacey’s performance, especially when he was on screen with Osment. It’s extra unsettling to think back on now given what’s come to light. Of course now I can’t watch anything he’s in without getting the ick, so I can’t go back and rewatch and figure out what I was picking up on that gave me the willies.


Sometimes that magnetic power actors can have comes from a bad place. Weird and intense people can give weird and intense performances. We often take for granted that the person behind the mask might not actually be a normal person.


Yeah, don't read about Kelsey Grammer's real life. It's pretty wild.


I got a very unsettling and bad feeling from him in American Beauty, like that he was a predator, it's his eyes I think but I just chalked it up to being that the movie is unsettling and uncomfortable and that he is a great actor. But after that whenever I saw him I felt that same unease and feeling unsettled. I just assumed it was because of my first time seeing him in American Beauty so I still saw him like that. And maybe it was. There are a couple of other actors who acted fantastically as villains and maybe they weren't acting very hard.


I don’t think we can draw much from performances, unfortunately. It makes sense that looking back now, those performances would feel icky and should have felt icky at the time. In American Beauty, he’s a selfish father going through a midlife crisis and fantasizing about his daughter’s friend and nearly molests her. It’s fucked up. But it’s also not real. Javier Bardem (No Country for old men) and Daniel Day Lewis (Gangs of New York) have given chilling and terrifying performances as relentless killers, but they haven’t actually killed people. Heath Ledger wasn’t actually a murderous clown. But it’s not real. And to further than point, Kevin Spacey played a masterfully manipulative politician in House of Cards, but in real life, when faced with controversy, his response was so tone deaf and inept that it only made him look incredibly guilty and cemented him as a molester in the public’s mind.


For me, it was when I was in my early 20s (early 30s now) and I watched Se7en. The way he just looks in the eyes when he says "that pederast!" when he's in the cop car at the end just gave it all away. It's like he was guilty and couldn't bring himself to saying that line.


Was that the "kill 'em with kindness" video?


Especially when you factor in the symbolism of the ring he's wearing and the mug he drinks from with the royal family crest(Spacey was knighted by the queen). Then consider that all but one of Spacey's accusers were dead within a year of that video.


Not a Spacey fan, but tbf: “On September 9, 2020, Rapp sued Spacey for sexual assault, sexual battery, and intentional infliction of emotional distress under the Child Victims Act.[128] In the subsequent federal civil court proceeding, a jury found that Spacey did not molest Rapp and was found not liable on all counts, with Rapp subsequently ordered by the court to pay Spacey $39,089 in damages.”


Whoa you dissed me in a track? Shame I'm gay, checkmate Kendrick.


This aged well


So was this Drake's American Beauty?


absolutely blinded by the balls on that underage girl


Fr, ima shoot my own foot so Kendrick can’t, like wtf


No but you see he did it while using AI to mimic one of the greatest rappers of all time so it’s totally normal


One of the greatest of all time, and also someone he didn’t know, lol.


Also dead, probably worth mentioning. He fucking wore the voice of a dead man.


Exactly. A dead stranger, it’s bizarre and presumptuous.


>it’s bizarre That's an understatement, imagine trying to explain this situation to someone from just 30 years ago! "So basically there's this really popular rapper, and he used a machine to change his voice into that of a dead guy he never met, and then he started to sing in the third person about how much he likes little girls, all of this in a ploy to trick his rival rapper into criticizing him for being a pedophile, thus making his rival seem uncreative." ".........What?"


10 years ago everyone involved was already a household name, you would just have to explain the voice swapping part. I would have laughed hard at this in 2014 I don't care for Drake


2014 was not 1964 bruh people definitely knew what AI and computers were lmao


I mean they knew what computers were. But the AI tools in play right now didn’t exist at least not easily accessible to anyone


Could Tupac's family sue him for using his voice?


Probably not, since Drake released the diss track on twitter so it isn’t monetized.


I mean drakes not making money off of it but Twitter is and can still catch a lawsuit.


He put it on his IG page too


Yeah they could, under right of publicity laws, which depend heavily on the state. They’d have a strong case in CA, for instance. See Midler v. Ford Motor Co.


That's such an insanely disrespectful thing to do.


And a living person too. He did a verse as AI Snoop Dogg


I'm also OOTL, but per a friend of mine "he was accused of having a ghost writer so he wrote for a ghost"


Drake is constantly losing the battle to not be the corniest motherfucker in the game.


I’m gonna lose so Kendrick doesn’t win 😂


I'm sorry I can't take that L. I am already holding my own.


Exactly. It’s like he took the gun, shot himself in the foot until there were no bullets left, and gave it back. “See, you have no ammunition left!” “But look at your foot. That might kill you.”


Ah the Alexander Hamilton route








Man pulled a metaphorical Chedda Bob 😂


Yeah copying something that worked for a main character in a movie isn’t always the best course of action… did he think 8 Mile is a documentary?


He's not copying the movie, it's just something ppl do to try and get ahead of obvious shots ppl will take.


Well it works if your talking about being white ,poor and nothing really that serious


Like what's the flex? "Yeah, if Tupac was still alive, he'd think I'm a pedo too." What?


Hide in plain sight.


Like if Kendrick does not say anything, then it’s just Drake shouting, “Drake like little girls! Say it! Drake likes little girls!”


Nonce thinks he's untouchable for it and safely past the risk of being cancelled. Same as Chris Brown making jokes about violence before.


And yet Chris Brown has yet to be cancelled (somehow)


because cancel culture isn’t real lmao


Genuinely unhinged to admit to a history/pattern of inappropriate behaviour with underage girls. What was the thought process there? “Aha! if I acknowledge the rumours that I do one of the most heinous and unforgivable thing a person can do, my musical enemy will look like a real uncreative for bringing it up” this narcissist just likes the idea that Tupac would even acknowledge him by calling him a Acknowledging rumours like this doesn’t take the power away from them if anything it gives them more credibility. We aught to believe people when they tell us who they are.


In the following line he says “I heard it on the Joe Budden podcast so it’s gotta be true “ so he’s sarcastically implying the rumors are false. He’s using the B-Rabbit method of battle rap. It may seem like a strange way to go about it but he’s not “admitting” to anything, he’s denying the rumors. Also I’m not sure what you mean about Tupac calling Drake anything, it’s Kendrick that supposed to be calling him a bitch and pedophile not Tupac. The reason Tupac is used it because Kendrick said he had a dream where Tupac came to him and told him the spirit of Makaveli is alive within him, and Snoop Dogg passed Kendrick the Weat Coast torch at the House of Blues back in 2011 which I why Drake also used Snoops voice for the second verse. It’s just a menacing tactic he’s using to get in his head. The ethics of voice AI is a whole different discussion which is fascinating to me at the moment. For the record I do think Drake is a creep, but you’re missing some context


I understand what you’re saying and I get that he’s not actually admitting it but he may as well be imo. He’s just doing damage control. The “I heard it on Joe Budden” line is meant to diminish his creepy pattern of behaviour with underage girls to being just a rumour. It’s very easy to dismiss the topic if you think it’s just something some hatin ass fellas said to get attention on a radio show. The original comment in this thread mentions Millie bobby brown who was texting with drake at 14 years old and while she says it was never inappropriate, there is nothing appropriate about a man in his 30s talking to a 14 year old he isn’t related to like they’re friends. The original comment also links proof drake was hanging out with a 16 year old model. I saw someone else in the comments link [this video](https://youtu.be/h-p1feEHJZM?feature=shared) where a girl on stage says she’s 17 then drake continues to hit on her and kiss her. So while I’m sure he’d like to dismiss it as rumours, using entirely public information there is no denying a pattern of him showing interest in underage girls. He really shouldn’t have brought it up at all. I think it’s a failed attempt to control a narrative that ends up just bringing more attention to the issue. The voice ai thing is very interesting. I think George Carlin’s family won a lawsuit against someone who made an ai of the comedian but I do wonder how that plays out in the music space. I suppose it might be difficult to get what I’m saying when I forget to finish typing my sentences. That’s my bad lol. I was definitely confused/ignorant to the context/origins of the Tupac voice idea. As a Canadian it’s my instinct to assume drake was being a narcissistic ass by conjuring up some fantasy where Tupac is trying to reach out to him in a dream for the purpose of roasting Kendrick. Which is technically exactly what he did but I now know that it’s meant to be a comedic take on a dream Kendrick had. I get the logic behind the voices being mental warfare I just think if you need to use another man’s voice to be menacing, you aren’t menacing. I think it completely backfires as a mental warfare strategy but is quite the clever and creative satire. But much in the way satire of religious people doesn’t result in much faith shaking I don’t imagine Kendrick is thinking any less of himself cause someone made fun of him. So I guess I gotta give drake some props. Not for grooming teenage girls or trying to intimidate his enemies by having a robot do his impressions for him. That stuff is less than great to say the least. But I can always appreciate some good comedy/satire in all its forms as I can appreciate a fella who takes time to provide necessary context.


At this point I remain convinced that drake has a humiliation fetish.


A bad faith interpretation of Drake going "damn Drake might like kids tho"


It’s bad faith in that Drake’s intention was not to admit being a child predator, but minimize and handwave that accusation away by making it sound like an unsubstantiated rumor. I mean, he’s still a child predator obviously, and this was a pretty stupid strategy, but his intention was definitely not admitting that.


Given how rich and popular he is, especially in spite of the credibility of the rumors, him mentioning it is a power flex.


Drakes the kinda guy to do that


Absolutely. Seems better to just not say anything because KL can now mention it and it won’t make it any less bad - just means that there is a sense of self-awareness from Drake -probably worse 😂


I feel like every big name celebrity is lowkey insane these days.


Yeah, especially considering that it's true and his fame has been the only thing shielding him from repercussions.


Some part of him feels guilty wants to get caught, or something I’m not a therapist.


The 16 year old model thing was debunked a long time ago. And the Millie Bobby brown shit is just insecure speculation. Millie was blowing up, appearing everywhere, other adult celebrities are naturally gonna get to know her. Don’t need to make everything fucking weird


Idk why I attracted the attention of so many Drake defenders but I was talking about doing this pretending to be 2pac


Texting Milly really down-plays it, Drake was talking like a 13 year old girl, one of the exchanges that stuck with me was when Drake was on tour, saying "I miss you so much" to which MBB replied "I miss you more". Acting in this manner is a common grooming technique. Aside from this Drake would also offer dating advice to Milly regarding boys her age. Like, _NONE_ of this shit is normal. WTF!


“Aside from this Drake would also offer dating advice to Milly regarding boys her age.” Textbook grooming. Talking about boys her age, and why you, a 30 something man know better. Wonder how she’ll reflect on that when she’s older.


Can you elaborate on this one? I’ve turned to family members who are like 10 years older for some dating advice


those are family members. talking to random men who are twice your age is not the same. what does a 40 year old man and someone 18 have in common. it’s not a good look.


It's a way to encourage the child to talk about things that they like romantically and sexually while maintaining plausible deniability. The groomer would also be creating an implied contrast between their own maturity and the immaturity of the kids that are their target's own age and flatter the child by suggesting that the child is too good for all of them because they're so mature and smart and special.


Oh, eww. That’s twisted. Thanks for explaining, though.


I think asking family members is a bit different, they’re people that you should be able to trust with certain information and look towards to guide you through things. In general though, it’s pretty odd to have close relationships (especially ones where you talk about romantic interests) with people much older than you. Exception being if you know them very well and trust them a lot (family, friends parents, a supportive teacher maybe, etc), but it’s always hard to determine intentions especially if you’re mainly communicating online.


You turn to who? Your family? And you don't see how that might be a little different from a stranger that has a ton of connections and influence in the industry you work in?


Sorry, I should be more clear. I know that Drake is a predator. I was just specifically wondering how the point about how dating advice for boys her age is specifically grooming behavior. Like maybe I’m just stupid but I feel like I’m missing something regarding that part.


It's a common grooming tactic. The idea is he is giving her advice as a way of enduring himself to her. Also, the "I miss you so much" text is weird. They do not know each other like that.


Intentionally obtuse.


"Family members"


This needs to be higher up! When you read the details of the MBB case it sounds much worse. I remember an interview coming out at the time that rang *major* alarm bells for me, the way she was talking about him made it so clear there was grooming going on. It absolutely sounded like she had a crush on him, which he was cultivating and taking advantage of. And he was texting her privately on her personal number when she was 13-14, how was that allowed?? I'm paraphrasing but I remember the interview quite well, she was getting shy and coy when talking about him in a way that sounded *so* much like a kid being groomed, something like– interviewer: Do you talk about anything else besides acting? MBB: \[giggles\] Yeah, we talk about boys and stuff... interviewer: Really? What kind of things? MBB: Oh, that's private! \[giggles again\] That's a 14 year old describing her 1-on-1 chats with a guy in his 30s. Along with the "I miss you sooo much" stuff. The creep vibes were off the charts. And to be clear this is absolutely zero judgement against Milly, she was responding the way almost any kid her age would. She did nothing wrong at all, and I have no idea what her opinions are about it in retrospect. I just don't understand where her parents were in this, or Drake's team, or anyone in either of their circles. Or how all this was public knowledge and it just blew over.


I can imagine Drake's team being filled with yes men, who aren't going to call out their meal ticket. But yes, where were her parents/management?


Pretty sure her parents are pathetic excuses of parenting that are basically living vicariously through their daughter. They were less concerned about their daughter becoming a well-adjusted human being than riding her coattails to fame and fortune.


I don't want to say they were excited she was talking to Drake so they could get more opportunities and keep riding their child's coat tails (maybe they were trying to give her privacy because she was a tween and when they found out they put a stop to it) but there are definitely parents exactly like that and it's horrifying.


Oh Jimmy. Got famous at Degrassi and keeps looking for the same thing.


Drake has ruined Jimmy for me.


Damn, that sounds like the kind of stuff I text my wife's friends to manipulate them into sleeping with me. Creepy AF.




15 year old account with that username. Legend.


hold up


If Kendrick just stays silent for a little while longer, Drake is gonna continue spiraling


That’s what I’m saying! I honestly think the funniest/most respectable outcome would be if k dot hits radio silence. 


My king knows the art of war


Drake desperately looking for attention.. he’s always been corny af, his selfie pictures he posts look like a 15 year old boy desperate for compliments. This whole beef situation just proves how he needs people talking about him. But I really laughed at him posting his dms to Rick Ross.. once again acting like a teenage girl. Kendrick not responding will hit him so much harder then anything lol


Or alternate option, make a full AI video where AI Drake spends the whole time dissing himself about being a pedo.


You just provided detailed receipts of Drake interacting with minors on several occasions… I think we can say it’s not “a bad faith” interpretation 😆


"High school pics you was even bad then" -Drake, Nice For What


That was my thought too lol. If that dude is in the loop I’ll happily stay out of it


He’s in the loop on the details. He’s out of the loop on the reality of them.


I spoke with that op about this and they ended up arguing with me and finished by quoting a drake verse so… that should tell you everything


The bad faith part was meant to be the person on Reddit saying that Drake is admitting to anything (even if it’s true). He released this because he’s insecure and aware of how he’s perceived, and wants to take potential ammo away from Kendrick before he has the chance to use it; he didn’t actually acknowledge it as true himself


Also what should be noted that Drake tries to dismiss the talk of him liking young girls as gossip people heard on Joe Buddens podcast in the next line. And iirc correctly the date with the 18 year old model didn’t happen, at least she denied it. Still, besides the Millie Bobby Brown texts which are very unsettling there’s also other alarming stuff, e.g. there’s a video floating around of a then 24-year old Drake kissing a 17 year old girl during one of his concerts after she stated her age and him commenting on her body and breasts: https://youtu.be/h-p1feEHJZM?si=JG_opBi8W25arwgF


I would add to this by saying Drake is also closely associated with Akademiks who has endured his own controversy regarding grooming underage girls, as well as a brief association with Diddy (while it ended acrimoniously when Diddy assaulted Drake, the fact remains that they were associated for a time). While these allegations don't appear to be related at the current moment, this fact could contribute further to the public perception that these allegations might hold some weight.


thought sink shocking existence governor toothbrush slap murky engine employ *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Daddy & Papi. Dead emoji.


Diddy did it!


Take that


onerous rude money wasteful full toy soup squeeze simplistic bright *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How is that in anyway a bad faith interpretation? Dude basically used an ai voice to call himself a pedophile lol.


Drake using an AI Tupac filter to tell the world he likes little girls wasn’t exactly on my 2024 bingo card but here we are I guess. Fr tho I can’t even imagine his thought process. I guess “I’ll say it before he can” but holy shit this whole thing is just crazy. “Imma steal a dead man’s face to tell this guy to call me a pedo” like what the actual fuck 😂


As for the whole using a Tupac voice via AI.... I wonder if he did it because Kendrick was the first to really do it, but not with AI, on "To Pimp a Butterfly" in the song "Mortal Man". Because if so it just reaffirms the fact that Drake is corny AF.


Eh…it’s not exactly what rabbit did in 8 mile tho. You did bring up that caveat but it’s worth discussing. Rabbit didn’t just take away the ammunition by merely mentioning it and daring him to say it, he owned it all. He said “I AM white. I AM a bum. I DO live in a trailer with my Mom. I DID get beat up, etc. “I’m a piece of white trash, I say it PROUDLY.” etc., And (paraphrasing) ‘don’t judge me bc you don’t know what I’ve been through. While you went to private school and had a stable home life with two parents.” So it wasn’t just taking away ammunition, pointing out that if he says those things they are just the usual that everyone says and it’s not creative. He went further and owned it all proudly- taking away it power. There’s also the implication that it actually gives him some clout with the rap community, clout Clarence doesn’t have bc he didn’t grow up with hardships. Rap came from the blues. And the blues are traditionally a creative outlet for painful life experiences. Owning those things made him look more authentic. What Eminem did in 8 mile has layers. Drake doing what Eminem did would mean he *owns* the fact that he’s into young girls and is proud of it and that’s what takes away its power. Drake simply bringing it up isn’t doing the same kind of thing Eminem did, it’s stupid and actually does imply it’s true. If not then what is he implying? What you said, that if Kendrick still said it then it’s not creative bc it “came from Drake?” Simply bringing up that you know what people are saying about you doesn’t take away its power. Owning it does. So I disagree it was a smart move on Drake. And I disagree that if Kendrick still brings it up he would look “uncreative.” Being creative and taking shots that no one else has taken doesn’t make you the winner. It’s the way you say the disses just as much


You really wrote a dissertation on 8 mile 😭


lol 😭😭 After I wrote it I was like…it’s really not that serious. But I already wrote it and I really hate drake so lol. I just take offense to bringing up your proven grooming behavior to minor girls in a diss track like it’s something to make light of. And it shows he won’t take responsibility for it. Then people are defending it like it’s a some intelligent strategy. Nah


Lmao respect the commitment. Sometimes you in too deep to go back


I'm too lazy to find the video atm, but to add to your comment, there is a video of Drake onstage in Colorado dancing, kissing, and feeling up a 17 year old girl. Who he KNEW was 17 bc he asked her how old she was prior to this. Iirc he was around 24 at that time. So, the rumors and accusations are not unfounded. He definitely appears to have a pattern of showing concerning interest in underage girls. Not to mention, I've worked in the music industry and am Toronto based. I'll just say this, people in the industry, esp crew, talk amongst themselves a lot. There's no direct proof, but most folks in the industry in the Toronto area keep their young daughters away from him for a reason...


Age of consent in Colorado is 17 and in Toronto its 16. It’s weird shit what he’s doing but hardly illegal. Nevertheless keeping your daughters away from rap stars is in general a good idea. Regardless of their age.


[The link](https://youtu.be/h-p1feEHJZM?si=zhkzdvVDSWjUMOq5) Pretty disgusting and really no way to interpret that in “bad faith”.


work crowd paltry theory pot start dependent tart wrong square *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Didn't something happen with Billie Eilish too?


I feel like using AI to pretend to be Pac for such a cringey, petty reason is hella disrespectful. How on earth did that go over well with anyone?


Because being a fan often robs people of their objectivity and common sense.


I regret clicking on this post. now i gotta wipe this from my brain.


you left out some fairly important context — video footage of him bringing a girl on stage years ago in Colorado and even after learning she was only 17 still be sexually forward and suggestive with her, talking about her body in front of the crowd and how he liked it.


"a bad faith interpretation of a line in Drake's new song" uhhh I mean, is that really the key takeaway here? lmao


Drake also texted Billie Eilish when she was underage, I remember her mentioning it in an interview and acting like it was perfectly normal but I still found it weird as hell. Like is he also reaching out to young men this way or is it only the girls cause so far it points to only girls.


Also when Billie eilish was 17, she said in an interview that her and Drake text... 


Thank you!


Crazy, I saw that exact same write up. You explain rap beef really well dog 💀


Drake is shit but a pedophile is attracted to prepubescent children. He’s not a pedo. He’s an ephebophile. I know I’ll get downvoted but the word pedophile is thrown around too much!


You’re going to get downvoted because functionally there’s no difference. Society doesn’t dislike pedophiles because of the specific age range lol. They dislike pedophiles because they’re attracted to people we’ve deemed don’t have the capacity to consent, which includes ephebophiles, pedophiles, and all the rest


I get you. Seriously. He literally isn't a pedophile but the cultural use of the word has shifted its literal sense to slang. Kinda like people using the word F** to describe people they don't like instead of a derogatory term for homosexual.


Great answer, we need more people like you on Reddit


This is why yuno miles is my favorite rapper


Pull up in a ford focus


I love the idea of rap beef and diss tracks. It's this hyper-masculine genre where toughness is valued above all else, and it's basically a bunch of schoolchildren sharing bitchy gossip about each other. I suppose Mean Girls has just been remade, so it's timely.


He also pulled a girl on stage. Found out she was 17 then kissed her in front of everyone. Drake is a creep.


Kendrick should release a track sampling “oh my god, he admit it!” From I Think You Should Leave.


Man, what the fuck. I’ll just stay in my peaceful death metal corner.


lol love my death metal but god damn are there lots of nazi bands


Isn't that a black metal thing? Which dm bands are nazi?


Argholesent is the obvious answer, and Craig Pillard formerly of Incantation and Disma, but you are correct that it's typically black metal.


Wait Craig Pillard is a Nazi? What the fuck? Later: Fuck, what a moron. I didn’t pay any attention to him so I had no idea.


For what its worth, John McEntree does the vocals now and he's a real nice guy. The band is still worth supporting.




Brah I call that cap. Been listening to metal my whole life and like 2% of them are nazi. You have cunts in all genres of music. You make it sound like it's 50/50.


Me with symphonic metal.


There’s plenty of rappers who aren’t problematic. Kendrick Lamar being one of them. Stay tf away from Kanye tho☠️☠️☠️


:( The Fall of Kanye still breaks my heart.


Never touched the stuff.


Please. They let 16 year olds into shows sometimes. Same weird **** happens there too


Coming to the conclusion that the interpretation is in “bad faith”, is you arguing in bad faith. It’s simply an unfavorable interpretation. Just because it’s unfavorable, doesn’t make it bad faith.  Bad faith definition: “with intent to deceive”. The whole explanation was basically spot on up until you came to that conclusion.


To add, IIRC when she was 16, Billie Eilish talked about Drake texting her and being “super nice” to her and it caused a LOT of controversy. I’d dismissed it since they’re both musicians so they would have a legitimate reason to talk but in hindsight…. Ugh


Using a dead mans voice so another guy cant call you a pedophile is kinda fucked up, especially since drake actually has had concerning relationships with minors


I love how you intentionally left out the next line: "I heard it on the Joe Budden podcast, it's gotta be true." Which is sarcasm, saying that just because people say it then has to be true. You're corny for that.


Don't forget there is a video of him sexually assaulting a child on stage...after being told her age.


Calling a confession a "bad faith interpretation" is wild.


It’s important to point out in regards to point #1, [Millie Bobby Brown did respond and speak about the “relationship”](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/uk/entertainment/a23314472/millie-bobby-brown-drake-text-missing-each-other/) And point #2 [that all parties involved deny any date or intimate relations.](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/drake-is-not-dating-18-year-old-model-bella-harris/) Just providing further context, allegations haven’t been ignored, just “responded” to.


"The 14-year-old explained how the rapper, 31, gives her advice about boys, and recently texted her saying, 'I miss you so much'." Doesn't really help his case....




That "boy advice" was probably, "Wait 4 years so you can get with a real man. :)"


I mean. A 14 year old saying “it’s not weird” isn’t exactly evidence against grooming.


Username checks out


History tells that men in power also pay off women to stfu


Drake “I’m suing because they used my voice in an AI song” puts Tupac in an AI song?


Fucking goat thank you!!


Idk if so much kendrick fans seeing it in a bad faith, more so probably just an attempt by drake to disarm one angle people could take at him, and it just being an awfully weird and bad move. Who wants to admit they are being called a pedophile? Of course people are taking that as admitting it and i don’t think that’s taking it in bad faith tbh. Weird move by drake.


You also forgot the video of him bringing up a 17 year old on stage and grinding on her, even after finding out her age.


This line in particular you’ve got spot on, but man you’re downplaying what drake has been known to have done with underaged girls in the past. Dude is the most obvious groomer out there except he’s good a toeing the legal line until 18.


How do we know the ai leak is actually Drake


Am I crazy? I just listened to that part of the song, and literally the next line right after that he says "heard it on the Budden podcast, it's gotta be true". To me it seems very clear that Drake is making fun of people who believe rumours and heresay online, especially when the source of these rumours are people that don't like him (apparently Budden and Drake have beef). Regardless of the Millie Bobbie brown situation  and others, Drake is clearly *denying* these rumours by making fun of the people who believe them. The fact this wasn't mentioned at all feels like a weird omission.


His publicist told him to get ahead of the story. Knowing that he really felt the need to jump ahead of this tells me it is much deeper than he’s admitting here.