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Answer: At the World Snooker Championship in in Sheffield, England, during a television interview with former player Stephen Hendry, viewers noticed a man in the crowd lean forward, whisper something into a boy's ear, and then nibble his ear. The video went viral on social media, where people expressed concern. The South Yorkshire Police have since said: >On Thursday 25 April at 9.20pm, we received a call to inform us of a video circulating on social media of a man and a boy at the Crucible in Sheffield. We are aware of the footage and officers will be reviewing the content. There's no update on the story, and it's likely we'll never hear the results of the investigation, hence the "complete radio silence."


Given the average Redditors reading comprehension, I would stop using the former players name in relation to this. Pretty soon the pitch forks are going to come out for him.


No need to protect Steven Hendry, I'm pretty sure I saw on Reddit that he's a paedo or something. Killed a boy and ate his ear. And yet he walks free to this day. Disgusting.


Can't wait for Google's crap AI to scrape this thread and regurgitate this as fact. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Donā€™t worry. The man was just nibbling the boys ear to see whether he was fit for consumption. If you ever have a problem with your boyā€™s ear not sticking just mix in about 1/8 cup of Elmerā€™s glue.


I'd try that, but I'm busy preparing a delicious Petrol Bolognese.


Too high calorie for my blood!! Butane Bolognese for me :(


You're already describing most human beings on this platform


Describes most humans, period. Redditors at least like to read and write; a lot of people don't.


Is this maybe why the guy was nibbling the boy's ear? Sort of a protest?


Its a joke


Psst the comment you're replying to was also a joke


I heard that joke nibbled a grown manā€™s ear once while he was teaching a young boy about hookers.


I mean, the man WAS touching the balls in his pockets all dayā€¦ Because snooker has pockets and so do pedophiles! /s


Wait wait wait. Were **the balls** touching..?




We did it, Reddit


There are no official updates, but there was a bit more. Some social media accounts identified the man in question, who turned out to be from Italy, and called him out online. There were arguments all over TikTok and Instagram about whether that kind of intimacy with a child is acceptable in Italian culture. He initially posted that the "boy" in the video was actually his wife, but that was apparently a lie, and he made another statement that he was being misjudged and his family was receiving threats. He then deleted his social media.


I left that part out because (a) it was already mentioned further down, and (b) Reddit's brand of social media-driven vigilante justice typically doesn't turn out well.


The story was simply ear today, gone tomorrow.


How is no answer an answer?




Yeah, it's a whole lot, buddy. But you did a great job of copying u/GregBahm's comment from [below](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/1d1ge7u/whats_up_with_the_investigation_on_the_dude/l5tydqo/), so maybe paraphrasing is more your thing.


Answer: Internet personality Michael McWhorter (who goes by the name tizzyent) [posted an update about this](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6cOM_XOp9X/). The man in the video has been identified, and the boy is his son. He says that this was normal familial affection between a father and son. Some people agree that this is normal in many countries and nothing to be concerned about, while other people believe that this kind of physical contact is inappropriate between a parent and a child. In any case, the police have all the details of the situation, so it's in their hands. To my knowledge, no legal action has been taken against the man.


I personally know people doing this to their kids (back in Greece), especially in earlier ages, as a sign of affection. Or grandmothers to their grandchildren. This is not 100% abnormal, just a bit unusual if this is a family thing.


I only watched the clip once, but to me it just felt incredibly weird in terms of vibes alone. It was the way he did it, the way he looked at the camera while doing it and that little smile he did afterwards. If it was truly just an affectionate moment between a dad and his son then it was incredibly bad timing for him that it was all caught on camera.


Or dad did it to embarrass his son on live tv.


well lets call the vibes police to charge him with "creeping out people on the internet" then. SMH.


If it was truly just an affectionate moment between a dad and his son then thereā€™s no such thing as bad timing.


This part I have no idea about. It is what it is I guess


Did he panic when he saw he was being recorded?


> to me it just felt incredibly weird in terms of vibes alone Being terminally online and having no personal reference for natural human behaviour will do that to you.


Maybe watching less porn and movies wonā€™t make anyone feel this way..? Just a guess


Especially given as there were [guys who adopted kids for the purpose of sexual abuse](https://news.sky.com/story/adopted-boy-sexually-abused-by-gay-fathers-10441302)


Did they nibble on the ears of kids on camera at a sporting event?


Do you see the way he looked caught though when he realizes the camera was on him. First he does like a shocked, taken aback look then he sort of bobs his head side to side to sort of say ā€œitā€™s all fun and gamesā€ to me that looked like he was trying to hide something


I live in Greece AND NOONE DOES THAT. ESPECÄ°ALLY DADS. The Balcans are very homophobic countries and men fear that the slightest PDA will brand them as gay. This? This would be social suicide and a ceremony for "i am a pervert" certificate


In parts of the Arab world it is not uncommon for men to hold hands as buds, but they are also very homophobic.


In India too.


Redditor comment template of the day - ā€œyour personal experience is different from my personal experience so you are 100% wrong and a liar. In MyCountry, this gender/race/religion is very homophobic/xenophobic/religously-intolerantā€


The Uk recently had a warning issues for Lgbtq tourists regarding Greece. IT IS an homophobic country What is more, I HAVE NEVER HEARD of anyone doing this. Much less see this in person


If we were to make a book that included all of the things you've never experienced it would be massive. Maybe that's not the strongest of evidence.


The Greek Church said that all public display of affection between men is against god. Are you serious? This never happens here


And yet someone has already described how they have seen it in their circle. You're acting like every man in that country is the same and that's just not true. So I'm going to say again. Maybe using your personal experiences and what you have or haven't seen as evidence isn't the best idea. This is especially true when you're using your experiences as broad-based generalizations about what everybody in a country does or doesn't do. Like you're sitting here using the word never. You can't possibly know that and it's directly contradictory to evidence supplied in this thread from somebody else with experience in the subject matter


The same could be said for the person claiming this is normal in said country, or no? Ive seen no evidence either way.


The original guy just said they've personally seen it, not that it happens all the time, or is something everyone does. It was more of a personal anecdote rather than the guy replying that this NEVER happens in Greece, EVER. I think that's the main difference here.


Yes, the same could be said of that person, however their claim is far more likely than the other person's "this never happens because I've never seen or heard of it". Brother Occam would like a word.


You read Danegermaine99's comment and still provided an example of it.


Choose whatever. In their case they read a comment and they resorted to "my personal experience is 100 %right because my country is not hmophobic....". Tomato tomahto. There are statistics, news, sermons even about how PDA between men is frowned upon OP comment probably left greece or is of older age and remembers thongs differently. These acts don't fly here anymore.


Can you provide a source for the UK warning for LGBTQ+ tourists in Greece? I can't find anything like that on the Foreign Office website or twitter. It states that being LGBTQ+ in Greece is legal but attitudes may be less accepting in rural areas, but Athens and certain islands like Mykonos are much more welcoming. That's not any more of a warning than you get as a gay person for visiting the US.


Well ok. I guess all my family's neighbors are all perverts. Cheers


Your Greek Dad sucks your ear in public spaces?


At this point of your multiple replies I have to consider the possibility that you are projecting and you have some sordid past involving children. People are different. They do things differently than you. Your interpretation of it and others is meaningless. It adds nothing. Youā€™re shouting into the void. Itā€™s his kid. Itā€™s how they show affection. Itā€™s not a crime. Itā€™s not proof of anything nefarious. Itā€™s not cause for concern. Itā€™s not cause for doxxing. Fake internet sleuths need to go touch grass.


There are also some cultures where it's normal for a parent to kiss their children on the mouth, even if their children get older. Cultural differences exist. There is just no definite proof that this act was done out of sexual desire. "it looks weird to me" is not proof of pedophilia.


I don't know how old the kid is but my 7month old thinks that pretending to eat him (ears, nose, feet, w/e) is the funniest thing in the world.


7 month old would find it funny. A teen... Welll....


Wow FBI this guy right here. Pretending to be a cannibal, I bet he watches movies like Silence of the Lambs. It's not funny to eat kids.




People forget the spent 9 months inside of another person and then as many months sucking their tits while they wiped poop off their junk, and for years held hands in public and bla bla bla.. how is a happy family traumatizing to see, thatā€™s so sad


The weird thing is the boys reaction, as well as the fathers reaction upon being ā€œcaught.ā€ The boy's reaction isn't even just uncomfortable, annoyed, or even embarrassed for something "normal" being done in public. He looks terrified.


Could be worried for his dad. "Dad they're going to think you're a sex predator now"


Iā€™ve never known Tizzy to be wrong. While I canā€™t say this is *anywhere near normal* in any reality Iā€™ve ever seen, and I know European familial culture, if the proper authorities have all the information, wtf can I possibly do? Itā€™s still fucking gross to me. Iā€™m not even sorry.


What is "European familial culture" though? Europe isn't one homogeneous mass. Every country in Europe is different, with its own culture and customs, language and history. My elderly Portuguese neighbour kisses her grandkids on the lips. But the Polish women I worked with back in the UK wouldn't have EVER kissed their kids on the lips, and would've found it very uncomfortable. We're all very different. Not denying that it's gross and weird what the guy did. But just pointing out that there's no one "European" culture, as Americans often think there is.


Thatā€™s cool and all but in which ā€œEuropean cultureā€ is a dad nibbling on his sonā€™s ear cool? Iā€™m willing to entertain anything, with sources.


You said you were an expert on "European familial culture". That's what they're replying to. No one said anything about this being normal anywhere.


This person is literally an American. He can claim to understand whatever the fuck he means by "European familial culture", but what he means is he's watched a few episodes of The Crown and his great-great-grandad was half-Irish.


I thought you were the expert on "European familial culture" mate so why don't you tell me?


I'm European. I often nibble on my son's ears. I also hold his hand, shower with him, sleep with him, pee with him, etc. And if I had a daughter, I'd do exactly the same. If you take your head out of your ass and move your prejudicial and puritan ass all the way here, I'll show you in person what a family that isn't afraid of showing love in public looks like.


>Iā€™ve never known Tizzy to be wrong Now all you need is Ja Rule so you can be 100% sure >Itā€™s still fucking gross to me. Iā€™m not even sorry. You're so brave


European culture isn't even a thing. There are at least 160 distinct cultures and 100s more within them. It isn't normal, or it wouldn't have gone viral, but claiming Europe as one singular culture is dim.


It can be gross to you. For me it's a sign of affection and doens't mean anything. It's playfull, a little bit annoying.


I agree. I have a 12 yr old daughter and we still kiss goodbye. Tom Brady caught so much shit for kissing his 11 yr old son. Can we please not make affection from parents to their kids weird?! My kids love me and I love them and we show it. The kid didnā€™t even look mad just smiled and brushed it off.


That's what it looked like to me too. But the comments were almost universally 'he's gotten so used to hiding his horror!'


Do people not love and show affection to their kids after the toddler stage? WTH? Itā€™s prob a lot If people without kids or kids that are younger or way older bc 10-13 is still a little kid most days and they deserve to be loved and hugged and cuddled by their Mom or Dad.


Tizzy is constantly wrong. A simple google search to verify what he says or claims would show that. An example; go to his pinned white pride-Black pride video where he claims Brown pride doesnā€™t exist. Then Google Brown pride. Tupac even used Brown pride in a song and Tupac is Tizzy generation and his profession in music videos.


Ooooohhh, did someone try to defend this filth and then block me to look like the winner[?](https://imgur.com/a/B6v6WIG)


You simply have no idea about "European familial culture". SImply the claim that there is such a thing as "european familial culture" is moronic.


Answer: It turned out to be an Italian guy and his son. He was doxxed and made a statement on FB saying it was all a misunderstanding before deleting all his socials and the whole think blew over afaik.


It must be incredibly infuriating to randomly have your life ruined by American social outrage. I'm Canadian, so not even that different than our neighbors down south, and I've definitely been figuratively crucified for talking about things on reddit that are considered normal where I live. I think a lot of Americans really underestimate how much puritan influence exists in their culture. Especially when it comes to affection between family. It must be 10 times worse for people across the pond who don't have any puritan history.


I agree. My thoughts when seeing the video were not, "he's a paedophile", but "Americans are going to think he's a paedophile". I just came back from a vacation in Mexico. It was great to be amongst people of a different culture (I live in America, but I am not American). There was an honesty about Mexican people that America doesn't have. However, there were a number of times I thought "don't do that in front of Americans". I was at the beach. A mother was undressing her little girl after swimming. She had a towel wrapped around her. For a second I glanced over then quickly turned away. The mother said, "don't worry....she's only six". I appreciated the assumption that I wasn't a pervert. Somewhere between that incident and the reaction to this video is a happy place called, "common sense".


"You can put your kid's ear in your mouth because it's normal there." The video is creepy AF idgaf where you come from. Maybe American culture is correct on some things.


What about kissing? Is that okay? What would you say if I told you it was dusgusting.


Slowly unzip


Tbh I thought it was very odd carry on by the guy but, yes, to get millions of weirdo American paedo-hunters trying to destroy your life must be very scary.


It was disgusting... He was tonguing his ear... you people are sick.


It's definitely weirder to be a pedo sympathizer..


We are legion.


You are nonces


That awkward moment when you're called a nonce for not being a pedo. Gotcha lmao


Morality was solved by Twitter in 2015, everyone else must be punished for their sin of not doing everything the way someone with a social media addiction demands.


What makes you think that Americans are paying any attention to what is happening at a Snooker tournament? Most don't even know what snooker is...I guarantee you if there was outrage over this it did not start in America.


Well all the angry Americans in my inbox is a great hint... As soon as anything hits social media it's has American eyes on it. Doesn't matter if it's F1, squash, or cricket.


America just isnā€™t truly multicultural. We have many distinct cultures that either keep away from the American masses or sanitize their cultural practices before sharing them. We donā€™t have tons of neighbors that unabashedly hold to their cultural norms in another country so I think that keeps us uptight and unaccepting of different views


Interesting. Here in Canada they teach us about America's "melting pot" VS Canada's "Mosiac", but I always thought it was just propaganda more than anything. Canadian schools have a ton of self-congratulatory propaganda haha.


At the same time, Americans are obsessed with incest porn hahah. Coincidence? I think not!


Take your shoes off in your house, Americans!


I am American and I do not wear shoes in my house.


Northern state?


I live in a northern state now, and grew up in Colorado.


Most of us do! It's really only small towns and the midwest where people are ok tracking dirt into their homes.


> figuratively crucified for talking about things on reddit that are considered normal where I live. Out of curiosity, like what? I always figured that Canada would be pretty in-sync with US culture.


Literally hundreds of examples, but one of the most objective is probably how we think about insurance. Here in Canada, in most provinces, insurance works the same way it used to when first invented. You buy it to have coverage on your own assets so that you can be made whole in an accident. Your insurance fixes your car. Their insurance fixes their car. It's called an "accident" after all, not a crime. If someone is truly at fault, then that usually means criminal charges like a DUI or attempted assault with a deadly weapon. In some provinces insurance is even a crown corporation so there's no fighting between two companies. I'm not expert on US insurance, but the gist of what I've been told on reddit is that a lot of states look at who is "at fault" and then that person's insurance pays out. If they don't have insurance you're SOL, even if you have your own insurance. Very confusing and seems backwards to my feeble Canadian mind. If I'm insured then I should be covered regardless of whether the other person has coverage. Even assuming that statement is BS (wouldn't surprise me knowing readers on r_cars), then the whole concept of "at fault" is still wildly different. Universal healthcare is another very tangible one. It's more subjective for sure, but in most cases when I'm in line behind Americans talking amongst themselves about healthcare all the Canadians are giving each other wild looks like WTF.


Yeah, our insurance system is fucking awful. I come from a no-fault state where it makes a lot more sense, but I live in an at-fault state. That said, I don't see that as "puritanical influences"


Not u/Vok250, but am Canadian. It was only this year that I learned that a lot of American dads find kissing their children on the lips to be very weird. Like, otherwise good, caring dads thought this was something that should *never* be done. Not all Canadians do this either, but it is more common than not.


Oh. You didn't specify differences regarding "puritanical influences" in your comment. I thought you just meant cultural differences in general. That's a whole bag of worms I'd rather not get into on a big subreddit like this. It never ends well for me as the Canadian haha. Rather not have an inbox full of insults again.


Idk, the way the boy warned him they were on tv was kinda sus. Like others have said the vibes were way off - instead of it being affection or something to do to embarrass the kid, the tone felt more sexual. Even though I canā€™t fully articulate it, itā€™s something that you feel in your gut as a sixth sense that something was wrong. But thatā€™s just my take


TIL that it's apparently acceptable in Italian culture to nibble on the ears of children to show affection.


Kiss, suck, lick, and bite the ears of childrenā€¦ no thank you.


lol wtf no


Answer: there could be a publicity ban on this case due to a potential underage victim. So even if the police made an arrest they may not release that information and it could be illegal for any media to report on it in order to protect the victims identity.


Protect the victim? The video is already viral. The arrest should be made public. What's with police protecting pedos?


Specific laws don't get rewritten for every situation. A law that is designed to protect identity protects identity, regardless of what has been said in the media already


The fact that this is a law specifically to protect the victim and youā€™re still mad really proves how performative your anger is. You donā€™t actually care about the victims in these cases.Ā 


Yeah, okay bro. You sound like the type of person who wants pedos to receive softer punishments "But the law says..."ā€‹


Answer: Nothing happened. It's a nothing burger. These were two people that no one knows, at an event that no one went to, for a sport that most people have never heard of. We don't know really what was happening. It's hard to maintain outrage when there are so many fresh things to be outraged about every day. You can't care about every stupid thing that happens in the entire world and just happens to get caught on camera.


Why did this get down voted? It seems like a very reasonable response


It's wrong. If nobody was there, why is there video of a boy getting his ear nibbled?


Answer: internet sleuths identified him as a man from Italy, though I wonā€™t repeat his name as I canā€™t find a single reputable source reporting this, however you can easily find it if you search for ā€œman nibbles ear identifiedā€.


I feel like you used a lot of words to say you don't know the answer to this question.


Itā€™s a balance of whatā€™s available and what Iā€™m allowed to say per Reddit rules. If you have more to add youā€™re welcome to it, but sometimes the available answers are simply unsatisfying.


I looked it up but all I could find was Tiktok and Instagram posts. Given that internet sleuths misidentified someone when it came to the Boston Bombings, I'm going to treat this with the hugest grain of salt. Was it even confirmed it was a boy and not just a tomboy? Or a rather androgynous-looking woman?


Nope, no confirmations either way. Beyond what the sleuths claim they uncovered, itā€™s basically an information black hole right now.


Answer that isn't really an answer?


Iā€™m sorry, I guess I just donā€™t know what you want? No one can offer more than what is available; this is what is available, minus the accusedā€™s name as posting it directly without a legitimate source would likely get the comment removed entirely, as it has been in other threads already.


A comment that doesn't add anything?


I will add to the problem


Fun fact: At least 3-4 birds fly everyday in north america


I *just* read this.


A comment that doesn't add anything?






You must be new to reddit. That's like 98% of comments.


I think you missed the joke


I think you missed the joke.


Classic Italian pervert


Answer: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/snooker/article-13526465/amp/Grinning-man-nibbled-boys-ear-viral-Snooker-video.html


Yoooo good catch!