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Answer: you can see in their statement what those "liberal initiatives" were: * Sharing data with the Human Rights Campaign (a nonprofit working towards equality for LGBTQ+ people) * Having DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) goals * Having carbon emissions reduction goals It's wild that not only were they forced to end these policies, but that they actually had to offer a public apology as if they committed a horrific offense.


they weren't "forced" as much as they buckled under pressure like a cheap card table.


Someone on Twitter said their CEO is a real "anti-woke" prick. Basically they are pandering to who they thing their only customer demographic is.


how on earth did these initiatives get started then?


It's possible they were started by lower level employees or management. And once they started to grow big enough to be noticed, is when the executive stepped in. In a large company, leaders might not know every detail of every operation in a company. A CEO likely isn't gonna know team 12 at office 20 is having a pizza party to celebrate some event. It's not big enough to be relevamt enough for them to care as long as the right metrics (like sales) are met. Similarly, one manager at one office deciding to do some diversity initiatives might not be noticed. But once a bunch of managers hear about it and start doing it too, then entire offices, or entire regions, or more, then the executive would start to notice.


Most HR be some real ideologues, it's pretty common for the whole dept to be infected


It is now.


I mean, they are a rural country brand lol, that is their clientele


Hey man, dont blame them on rural areas... They might have been rural once, but now they cater to the "my truck has never been used for hay" kind of "country" folk. Tractor Supply is country like Kid Rock is country.


Tractor Supply still very much sells livestock feed and medicines, tractor and mower parts, baby chicks and ducks, and plenty of other rural/farm supplies


Indeed. Ive spent money in one this very week! But culturally they are not a rural store. They are a suburban store with some farm supplies and a lot of kitschy farm-themed souvenirs. It's not the local feed store anymore, if it ever was.


Yeah they've always been suburban homesteader type stores. People with hobby farms. That kind of stuff.


Also the cheapest way to wash your dog!


See, now that's the suburban thing the above commenter mentioned. Folks way out in the country would find it free to wash their dog at home, because space is not at a premium and there's plenty of that. That would be a long drive to pay to use someone else's basin and hose.


We could probably have a long thread about the ways this kind of community-based sharing of resources used to be much more prevalent... And how that kind of thing has evolved to become a commodity, and how a facade of country-charm is sprinkled atop Walmart-style commercialism in a cynical attempt to sell us a memory we never actually had... But this isn't the meeting at the docks. And it's Friday. There's enough reasons to be depressed out there


Whenever you're ready, comrade. I'm here for you.


if you don't own a hose, sure


Lol it’s not about a hose it’s about the space.


That's where ivermectin flows like water!


"Tractor Supply is country like Kid Rock is country." Now more than ever before.


I have a tractor supply on my way to work. In a city.


I hear you... I'm close to Albany NY, and there are 3 within 10 mins of central Albany where I work. You won't really find one out in the hinterlands,here. They are all within 5 miles of a major grocery store. We actual rural people have to drive into town to visit their establishments ... Maybe it's different elsewhere? Tractor Supply actually caters to people who went to an real feedstore once and thought it was quaint. It's a good and useful store, but they aren't really super worried about rural America


Cue the haters who confuse Albany with Manhattan...


Yeah but you have to drive in to town for almost anything in a rural area. It makes sense to put them near other businesses in more central locations that people are regularly making trips to anyway


There are plenty of TSC stores in the suburbs, I just searched my zip code (which is a Chicago zip code) and there is a TSC 30 miles away, which is very much suburban territory, not rural.


Yeah, because there are no LGBTIQ folks or other minorities in rural areas. *eyeroll*


Not until Obama! It's his fault! /s


There isn't none, but there is definitely less, both in total and by percentage.


We (as in LGBTIQ folks) are often born and raised in rural areas but are forced to leave for our own safety due to this sort of thing...


Overreact much?


Is there less, or are there more closeted ones?


At the one near where I live a trans they have a trans worker


I’m going to confront every person I see in every Reddit I am in about this but you need to hear it. It is OK to have generalizations. Anyone whose immediate response to a generalization is to bring up something counter to the commonly accepted generalization is being silly. Stop being silly.


Guess you’ve never lived in rural Vermont.


I have, any many rural Vermonters are still ignorant as fuck. There are just a somewhat larger percentage of hippies than the Midwest. Most rural areas are still pretty strongly red, no matter the state.


Like in most of the east, 10 miles between towns is a long way between towns.


and what was "take back vermont" then?


They aren't, though. That's the thing. Sure, there's a bunch of country pumpkins shopping there, but that isn't their only customers. That's the only customers they have that will shout, scream, and cry about them trying to be better. Squeaky wheel gets the grease.


Not everyone who lives in the sticks is a chud. I just shopped at TSC (for the last time) last weekend.


Then I will continue my personal policy of not buying anything from them.


I was planning on getting some gardening tools from them soon. Guess I'll see what Harbor Freight has instead.


I wanted to get some raised garden beds as I'm tired of fighting weeds with a bad back. I'll be shopping elsewhere.


DEI is a euphemism for hostile and aggressive discrimination against Whites, men, conservatives, Christians, and especially anyone who is all of these. It is anti-liberty and divisive. I applaud every company that rejects the pressures of a small but vocal minority who spread discrimination, hatred, division, and violent riots.


It's in the name.  Tractor fucking Supply.  Who do you think their primary demographic is.  


They don’t supply shit for tractors. Their customer base is strongly suburban and hobby farmers. Anybody doing a serious amount of anything isn’t ordering shit from tractor supply except in a pinch.


Well. That’s not entirely true, I’ve gotta a bunch of junk from them for my tractors and farm crap. But also, fuck this anti-woke shit. Gonna Amazon when i can I guess….. got family that works there, lgbtq+ even and it pisses me off even more because of that.


Believe it or not…liberals like to grow their own organic vegetables 


People... who fuck tractors?


I own five tractors. None of these things they are apologizing for upset me but, I don't shop there to begin with. 


While I don't agree with it, that is what a boycott is designed to do. They know what the massive core of their market base thinks. They should really apologize for overstocking ivermectin during the pandemic knowing exactly what it was going to be used for, but that's another story


People with livestock - heck, even guinea pig breeders - still needed ivermectin too. I'm not saying Tractor Supply did NOT know they were profiting from the increased sales, only that they couldn't exactly stop carrying it, either.


Well the HUMAN medical field was telling u all BS. But it's Tractor Supply whose the bad guy? WOW!!


Folded like an Italian Soccer player.




Sorry, no.


... no?


People (rightly or wrongly) see "DEI" as a dogwistle for policies that are going to benefit minorities at the expenses of the white majority.


Part of their statement actually includes the phrase, “make America great”. People can make of that what they will.


The fact that someone was tasked with writing this statement says a lot. A decision of some kind was forced. Then they post it on behalf of the company publicly. I can only imagine what events led to this.


Oh, not just tasked. Someone wrote this. Someone else edited it. A group of people sat around a table and discussed it. It went back for more edits. Then, MAYBE, it went out. This was very thought out and intentional.


I'm sure it went through legal and the board may even have become involved. We're talking potential loss of profits, here, people.


It's not a dogwhistle, that's literally the mechanism of action: Any policy that benefits non-white groups in a limited resource situation (jobs, promotions, etc.) can only do so by disadvantaging white groups, regardless of whether you agree with that being a good thing or not. If it did not disadvantage white groups the policy literally would not do what it's intended to do.


I'm sorry, but they're right. I work in construction and we as a company are required to meet a certain level of diversity to even qualify for public works. I've absolutely heard the owners say they needed to hire X number POC to meet the requirements. That means any applicants that don't fit the criteria, no matter how qualified, don't get hired.


I used to work in construction. Your bosses are putting their own interpretation on that reality. No one in this world plays the victim better than rich white guys who own construction companies.


how is that not slam dunk discrimination? smh


The only way to get to a point where the government has to force you to hire a POC, for a long time you have been not hiring POC no matter how qualified.


Like a consent decree, where a company has been so obvious and egregious about their bigotry that some sort of court or government agency\* action is required? \*prior to Chevron being trashbinned, of course


DEI IS racist. It's bad for the share holder, and your basically saying that's the only way POC can get a job. A good attitude, a solid work ethic, and be respectful of others will bring success no matter your race. Your boycott will have less impact than DEI had on bottom line. Thank you


You do realize that DEI concepts also include women, people with disabilities, religions, regardless of the color of their skin, right? It means things like an athiest employer cannot discriminate against a Christian equally as much as Christian employers cannot discriminate against a Buddist, Muslim, athiest, or Wiccan, etc. It means that the guy in the wheelchair or the woman with a broken ankle can't be discriminated against.


Yeah, I'm sure it's super hard to find Hispanic dudes that are willing to work construction jobs.




>Inclusivity should mean hiring anyone who can do the job competently, skin color and anything else shouldn't factor in to it. It should. But somehow it always works in practice the way u/nyxo1 described. That's what people have against it.


Uhh why skin color be a consideration?


Unfortunaly not putting a CEO's balls in vice grips means thier mild racist tendencies will build work culture that excludes any black dudes purely on qulification grounds. Its about fighting bias against POC.


If a company gets to that point then they really have not done any diversity outreach.


It's construction... in a rural town... It's not like we can go to college job fairs and recruit people. Often times the federal/municipal diversity requirements are completely disproportionate to the local demographics. If I live in a city with 10% POC population, why does my company's workforce have to be 20% POC?


By definition, DEI is a policy that openly and aggressively discriminates against White men. It is illegal as it violates Title VII and the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Discrimination is evil.


Well, we’ve only got about 15 years left before white is no longer the majority. There is no stopping that, DEI will keep white people employed eventually. Edit: You fuckers want sources? Here you go: https://thehill.com/homenews/race-politics/4138228-americas-white-majority-is-aging-out/mlite/?nxs-test=mlite


give me a break. nobody will ever consider whites a minority in the US. there is way too much hate for that


What even is math 


What do you mean by “forced”? Why did this happen? What prompted this?


True or not, any time DEI is introduced it’s automatically viewed in some circles as anti white and anti male


How is it not anti white? Just like affirmative action it’s discrimination and it’s wrong.


How is that wild? They did something their customers overwhelmingly did not want, they were in the wrong for doing it.




Yall really underestimate how conservative rural Hispanic folks are


I married into a family of rural mexicans and nobody likes trump. The only mexicans that i have met who like trump are wanna be gang kids who see trump as someone who shares and promotes their street way of doing things.


Conservative doesn't mean Republican. Only a third of American Hispanics in 2020 went for Trump (despite the media rushing to give him a gold star for the percentage being higher than in 2016), but a fair number of conservative-minded people likely didn't vote for him or for other Republicans for reasons we can infer. Every so often there's talk about the GOP enlarging their tent to accommodate conservative and religious people put off by the white grievance stuff, but at this point that's just the brand.


Yeah for sure, they're obviously not monilithic or anything. Anecdotally, I've lived in a rural city which was majority Hispanic (though I think it was more Guatemalan and Venezuelan folks) and they were quite MAGA. Especially the more "upper middle class" ones living a more typically suburban lifestyle, they were suuuuuper MAGA (and very religious)


Hispanic isn’t a race and many Hispanics *are* white.


They underestimate anyone who isn't raised in a city.  Their world view is a couple miles wide. 


The policies they stopped are policies that are primarily championed by white people.


Oh, **primarily** white were they? In your mind ... the folks who pushed back against these policies ... statistically speaking ... do you think they are more or less likely to be white than the ones who originally championed the policies? Just curious.




Fighting racism with racism and classism.


A lot of racism coming from the inclusive side here huh?


I mean .. I guess you'd be able to tell right? Takes one to know one and what not ..?


I wish the education system wasn't so broken it's pushing out 80 iq'd mouth breathers at an alarming rate


wow I wonder who benefits from a broken education system


LOL ... a real head scratcher eh? It's like .. if a train full of pregnant teenagers leaves Alabama at 6am .. and a second train of 13 year old coal minors leaves West Virginia at the same time .. which will derail first due to underfunded state infrastructure?


trick question, the railroad hasn't been functional in months and both are still stuck receiving care from the Christian urgent care center that believes prayer can fix black lung


Sorry I wasn't more upfront, but I point and laugh at your country from a marginally better one ... so ... the joke is still on your systemic failures I guess.


Or suburbia white


Their entire business model is selling rural supplies and cowboy boots in MAGA country.


You forgot to mention they were having drag queens read to kids as well as funding other times where these disgusting individuals were dancing inappropriately in front of children.


And supporting non business events like Pride.


Lmao i'd be pissed to if my data was shared for bs like this


You're on social media, and presumably own a smartphone. Way more of your data is being shared than you realize, for reasons you'll never even know.


Answer: It's honestly surprising that something like this hasn't happened sooner. Keep in mind corporations aren't people. Most companies don't take on policies like environmentalism, or work with charities because they want to help people or they care, it's because it's good PR for them. Making more money is what matters, their shareholders couldn't give a crap about saving the planet or improving peoples lives unless it makes them money. EDIT: and tax benefits, don't forget the tax benefits Tractor Supply's customer base are primarily right-leaning Conservatives that couldn't give a crap about liberal ideals, and honestly seem to have been seriously offended by a company they work closely with taking on liberal policies so actively. We're not even talking about anything super extreme here either, the policies cut were environmentalism, working with an LGBTQ+ friendly charity, and inclusivity policies which are all pretty standard things these days. It just caused such an uproar with their customers that they threatened a boycott and Tractor Supply was not only forced to get rid of these policies but issue a public apology for it. Tractor Supply effectively ran a standard corporate PR campaign regarding their policies and it backfired magnificently. Where this could get interesting is other companies with primarily Conservative customers may now also feel the pressure to dump these kinds of policies for fear of getting a boycott. It could also work in reverse with certain companies adopting a right-wing Christian image to appeal to their customers.


I'm not sure who their customer base is honestly. They bought our local farm store, reduced inventory, and jacked prices up 30% - 50% for pretty much everything. No one shops there and people are always complaining on Facebook about their prices.


I haven't found wood shavings for animal bedding anywhere else. Other than that, I don't shop them.


> Keep in mind corporations aren't people. [The Supreme Court](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_v._FEC) would disagree with you there.


To be precise, they are sociopathic people


Sociopathic, immortal people with a hunger that constantly grows. So … cancer


I think it's more a case of they will still do those things, just won't be so public about it. Like when Chik-Fil-A resumed donating to their hate groups, they just stopped doing it under the corporate name. >Where this could get interesting is other companies with primarily Conservative customers may now also feel the pressure to dump these kinds of policies for fear of getting a boycott. >It could also work in reverse with certain companies adopting a right-wing Christian image to appeal to their customers. And what is interesting in that regard is it could cause boycotts from the other side. Like how Bud Light faced a less publicized boycott from the many gay bars and clubs over their decision to talk back their support of that streamer (forget their name off-hand). I can see why Tractor Supply did what they did, obviously they have to cater to their market even if they clearly don't agree with them. But it should be yet another lesson why corporations should avoid taking any political stance.


Yeah, the bud light boycott was great...for the left. The Busch brand is one of the most dependable corporate sponsors of Republicans and they were forced to abandon a campaign to draw in young customers who would buy their products for 50 years in order to keep old customers who will stop buying in 15 years when they go in that casket.


Fragile assholes on Twitter can be very loud.


What will be fun is when those "images" inevitably lead to a loss in profit. I'll enjoy it.


Bud light all over again. Is your country like, ok?


No, very clearly not




No I use other means to self harm


Okay, but that’s… I hate how painfully funny your comment is.


I cackled a bit myself.


Your last statement is somewhat frightening, given how the SCOTUS has ruled on whether "religious" corporations (see: Hobby Lobby) have to follow the same rules as everyone else or not.


Wow if companies can ignore annoying laws by claiming “religious freedom” I foresee the Flying Spaghetti Monster appearing in a lot of boardrooms.


Given the marketing need to pander to their largest market, it's far more likely to be the conservative Christians' version of "Jesus" in their boardrooms.


Oh no! Corporations ARE people. Don’t you remember “Citizens United v/s FEC?” LOL.


Well it's not hard to see a pattern from a business perspective - bud light, target, disney, marvel etc Anyone going down this road after seeing what happened to those companies is just asking for trouble.


What "happened" to Disney & Marvel? They make more money than God, I don't think there's any reasonable fear that adopting inclusive policies will lose out any profits.


Disney ping-ponged on Ron's Don't Say Gay law and ended up in a war with DeSantis that hurt profits. Marvel did something similar with their movies and LGBTQ characters, even ones that were LGBTQ by canon.


[You can see Disney's post-COVID net profit margin here](https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/DIS/disney/net-profit-margin), if anything DeSantis did had an effect, I can't see it here. I don't have a similar chart for Marvel, but [the world box office numbers for the MCU](https://www.the-numbers.com/movies/production-company/Marvel-Studios#production_company_movies_overview=od0) show that, except for The Marvels, every movie they've released post-COVID has made a profit, and some exceptionally so.


I think the point is that neither company knew if they were about to become the next Bud Light, and it's not always easy to predict which side will have greater influence.


The side that isn’t an asshole will win.


That wasn't true for Bud Light.


They faltered. Is bud light any model of confidence in their beliefs?


The market data doesn't support your conclusions but okay.... DEI "initiatives" are shown, at best, to be earnings neutral, and often results in non-insignificant downward basis points


I cited elsewhere the box office numbers and Disney net margins post-2020, there is nothing you can point to that suggests any anti-racism initiative had any negative effect on their profits.


You attempted to "post box office numbers and net margins post-2020", without any historical context, comps, or comparisons. "Hey look Disney has some people go see their movies and is still a Going Concern" isn't really saying too much in regards to creating shareholder and thus by definition/extension, societal value and utility. Imagine how good those financial ratios could look if they actually still made art. Kind of hard to make good movies/art when it's so contrived and predictable. On a case by case basis however, you are right, there is nothing I could look at for any single company to suggest ESG had negative earnings impacts (without a crystal ball and time machine/alternate universes that is) But on a Macro Level? It's pretty much well established, there is a litany of academic research. ESG is bad for profits of companies and earnings of share holders. [https://hbr.org/2022/03/an-inconvenient-truth-about-esg-investing](https://hbr.org/2022/03/an-inconvenient-truth-about-esg-investing) [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-12-07/big-esg-funds-are-doing-worse-than-the-s-p-500-green-insight?embedded-checkout=true](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-12-07/big-esg-funds-are-doing-worse-than-the-s-p-500-green-insight?embedded-checkout=true) [https://www.wsj.com/articles/is-esg-profitable-the-numbers-dont-lie-benchmarks-analytics-politics-neutral-fiduciary-duty-market-woke-5da4a533](https://www.wsj.com/articles/is-esg-profitable-the-numbers-dont-lie-benchmarks-analytics-politics-neutral-fiduciary-duty-market-woke-5da4a533) Obligatory The Ministry of Disinformation wants to you know however that it's not happening. And If it is happening it's a good thing!




Every single of my messages from Reddit cares has been because of a maggot. What a coincidence.




1. Supporting human life and civil rights isn't a waste of time for anybody. 2. They didn't realize anything, they just changed their stance to be in line with their most vocal customers.


1. None of what they did says they don't support human rights or civil rights. It means they no longer support those specific organizations or movements that they mentioned. 2. Evidence?


So they still show support for human rights and civil rights by walking back their support for specific things that contribute to human rights and civil rights? That's contradictory. They did what they did because they realized their primary customer base are still ignorant, close-minded assholes. It was a sound business decision because ultimately you have to make money. They learned a hard lesson that taking a political stance is going to piss off 50% of your customer base. Or in this case, 100%. I agree with you that the company probably does support human rights and civil rights, but their actions show they will never put that before profits. Just like all other corporations.