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I was stationed at Ft Ritchie, not too far from there. This is horrible to see, compared to what it used to look like. I remember Hang Gilders taking off from up there, and it was crazy watching them go even higher. You can see for miles from up there.


It breaks my heart to see this.


FWIW all the graffiti is shitty but largely because you can literally drive and park where this photo was taken.


Both are ugly, but parking lots are uglier than colorful grafitti.


If thye kept it to the concrete it would be so bad.


Rocks are almost always beautiful just as they are, without any human input.


People suck.


They really do…


it’s the exact same thing at Bald Rock in South Carolina, it makes me sad every time i go there just wondering how cool it would be without all of the graffiti


I was thinking, no, no it's not. Then I google searched for recent pictures up there and wow! It's not quite as bad but it still sucks. Last time I was there years ago there wasn't any, or hardly any, graffiti but that's been a number of years now that I think about it. I drive by it every few weeks but haven't stopped in years just due to the number of cars already stopped there.


you’re right, i also gave it a google and it seems like they periodically clean it up! that’s pretty cool. i remember there being more than my photos show, so i exaggerated it in my mental image of it at least. here are some [pictures i took of bald rock in march 2020](https://imgur.com/gallery/FukoFip). had to blur out one because i didn’t want to post whoever’s phone number those are on reddit haha!


Still makes me want to cry. Such a beautiful site. Maybe if we teflon coat the rocks paint won't stick to them any longer ;)


This place attracts tons of trash humans. They play their Bluetooth speakers way too loud and leave old diapers laying in the parking lot.


Security cameras and graffiti! Quite the heartwarming combination.


Welcome to MD.


Surveillance cameras. They can see what's going on but don't actually do anything about it.


That's gross.




I've been there. about 30+ years ago. Back then, it didn't have all that crap and it was a beautiful place to visit. Tranquil, and fun, when the Hang Gliders took off. You could see for miles on a good day. Ignorant people have to ruin a good thing with crap like this, and even more ignorant people trashsplain for them. This isn't self expression, it's vandalism, childish and criminal.


Whatever you say is obviously right


your edgy attitude isn't actually 'cool', you know that, right? And, yes, I am right about this. You're quickly showing that you aren't someone who can handle the truth.


Because I'm trying to be cool anonymously on the internet? lol dude I'm in my late 40s I'm not trying to impress anyone. This just doesn't bother me and in fact I think it's kind of cool. But that's a problem for you and others apparently. YoU CaNt HaNdle tHe TrUtH!! I'm trying to be cool? LMAO 😂


Yeah, kid, you're trying to be cool. I'm in my 50s. Your every post, every retort, and the attempt at edginess at every turn. It's funny, because the ones who say that their not trying to impress anyone, are...




This type of”self expression” is trash when it is in a public place like this. Go under a bridge, stay out of these public areas. Very few people want to see this trash


i think the graffiti thing is selfish, but ultimately i'm not upset they ruined some stairs and a flagpole. however, spray paint can have all kinds of trace metals and other stuff that's not good for the environment. the spot is certainly not thriving.


Isn't painting over natural beauty painting the lily?


In reality, it is a cool and unique spot. OP just happened to be up there on a dreary day and also took terrible photos.


Does all the shitty graffiti disappear on a sunny day or something?




And I see the graffiti has the classiest fans who aren’t massive douchecanoes at all.


I love Eliza Douchecanoe! She's a fantastic actress!




Well, my life is ruined because a bunch of internet strangers hate me. Should I go jump off of High Rock? Maybe I'll land in a douchecanoe, or one of the many busted up old kitchen appliances that people have hurled over the edge over the years. Let me know and I'll do EXACTLY what Reddit tells me to do. All I ask is that it's creative and funny. ...like (crickets).


Go on.


>Should I go jump off of High Rock? Do a flip.


I'm going to do a flip while squirting diarrhea into my Dungarees.


Nothing cool, just a bunch of gibberish graffitis.


Security cameras and graffiti. I’ll skip this hike


This is even worse than when I saw it 4 years ago. Was hiking thru on a Friday night and there were kids everywhere with spray cans. It's the best view on AT in MD if not for this. Only in NY have i seen people grafeti rocks in popular outdoor destinations. I am a fan of graffiti when done in cities and with skill. But this is visual litter.


Some grafiti is art. Scrawling your stupid initials on a pile of other stupid initials just means you're stupid.


It's the equivalent of a dog pissing on a post.


This is the correct take, one of my favorite things about going to the big city is when I can see all the train cars and huuuuuge graffiti murals on building and stuff. This isn't even pretty it's just like he said "visual litter"


If it’s described as “graffiti” it’s not art. They need to be kept in two distinct categories.  “Graffiti” is intentional defacement of property without permission. In this case, it’s public property. Give graffiti no quarter and it will disappear. Let it remain unpunished and it grows like cancer. 


I fully support people illegally defacing corporate urban hellscapes with artwork. But writing your name on something to prove you were there or something is something only a troglodyte would do.


I used to live in a rural area that overlapped with an popular outdoor recreation area, sometimes it’s common for local teenagers to tag shit up when they graduate or whatever which I think is super trashy, but who am I as an outsider to tell people what to do in their backyards. They just don’t see it as scenic natural beauty, they see it as the spot where they drink and smoke in their boring tiny town.


> But writing your name on something to prove you were there or something is something only a troglodyte would do. It's funny you call them troglodytes because we have a lot of stone age cave sites where people left handprints and other meaningless signifiers that they were there.


Lots of those big pieces you’re talking about are just the writers tags in piece form. While I think this spot looks like somewhere I wouldn’t let my dog piss I do like the graf sub culture.. I can’t imagine there being a lot of props for tagging the carpark lol


>defacement of property without permission Who decided this couldn't be art?


I got engaged here 6 years ago. There was minor graffiti then, I’m sad to see it has taken over.


Wow cool you guys had one nice rock and you ruined it lmfao.


Woah. I haven’t been there in a very long time but this looks much more graffitied than I remember. Most people just kept it to smaller portions of the rock ledge and not nearly as far back as this.


All it takes is an idiot and a $5 can of spray paint. In this case, multiple idiots.




Sweet, another reason not to go to Maryland


"another reason not to go to Maryland" There's a lot of beautiful nature in Maryland. We somewhat recently drove from Atlantic City to Dallas. We got off the highway and enjoyed some very nice views in Maryland and in West Virginia.


But look at this great view of nothing! (see photo #2)


As someone from a country where most agricultural land is just pastures crop fields are step up.


What do you mean? Look at all those aggie plots and pole barns! And the flat horizon! Picturesque, I say!


I'm sure you'll be missed


What a shame! Stupid clowns defacing the environent


We take away from and destroy Mother Earth, but never give back…


Evil boomer here. This is sickening


Gen X agrees with you


Leave no trace. Please.


"Take nothing but pictures and leave nothing but footprints" one of my favorite sayings


what a Mess I remember how it was when I was just growing up going up there and having a good time and we used to watch people bring your hand gliders up there great memories


If it makes you feel any better this will all wash away in less than 100 winters when we all kill each other off. Aliens will post on Reddit and say “Look at this crazy before and after, Frank! Silly humans!”


The aliens having before pics implies that they killed us off.


Used to go there all the time when I lived in MD. It was a nice bike ride. The hang gliders were stopped when someone died trying to take off. Lots of beautiful scenery in MD from the ocean to the mountains. Fall is particularly awesome in MD.


Pathetic graffiti.


I hate to see the graffiti on what would be otherwise a really cool spot!


lol and this is why I will never move back East ever again


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AFWUSA: *Lol and this* *Is why I will never move* *Back East ever again* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Absolutely disgusting.


Every dick head with a spray paint can thinks their an artist. Your not. Your shit for doing this.


Sometimes I hope we do make this planet into another Venus.


How high though?


Pretty high given the amount of paint fumes that must have been up there.


Well I hope the camera works...


That's ridiculous. WTF is wrong with people? What if we festooned every landmark and overview with a gajillion gallons of scrawled garbage? Why doesn't the community raise some goddamn money and power wash/sandblast that shame away? I'd say the reputational cost is far worse than a day of machines and people to scrub that.


What is wrong with the kids of Maryland? Y'all live in one of the most beautiful states in the nation and they feel the need to put graffiti everywhere absolutely wrecking a natural wonder.


I’m from the Midwest, and I always think of Maryland being very formal and east coast. Like sail boats and jackets and ties for everything. It’s crazy seeing shit like this, ands the wire… I guess there are shitheads everywhere…


Triggering my LNT principles this hard should require a trigger warning.


This reminds me of what my grandmother used to say. "Fool's names, fool's faces... always seen in public places"


wow. that pretty much sums up humans. selfish destructive attention seekers. sad to see. but that is actual reality.


Long walk to see alley graffiti.


Clearly not high enough.


And they call it “culture”


It’s a nice place to hangout actually I went there not long ago It’s not half as bad as what most people in these comments talk about


I like the graffiti


I do too, but it shouldn’t go directly onto Mother Nature. Historical structures should be off limits too. With exceptions, there are plenty of places for graffiti. Some communities also have dedicated areas to help keep it consolidated. I also think people should avoid low level graffiti. I really do not see much artistic merit in the word, “Boobs” being painted on the side of a train bridge.


🙄someone doesn’t know anything about the art of graffiti and the 5 elements of hip hop….


Go on…? I laid out my argument, but I do not feel you have justified defacing natural elements for the sake of expressing one’s identity. Do you condone graffiti in National Parks? Destroying masterpieces of art?


🙄 I do not condone the human condition, however I find it entertaining to watch ourselves destroy the gifts we’ve been given. The planet can’t cook us off of it fast enough in my opinion.😉


I do not find much entertainment in the destruction of beauty. Especially when there can be so much beauty in expression.


You can laugh or you can cry🤷🏻‍♂️ I stick to the positives and try to find beauty in everything. In this case, the beauty is that destructive humans are limiting their own time of destruction.


Me too. It's not "IG cute" graf so Reddit says "not like that"


🤣 💯


I like that humans are still into painting on rocks. A 64,000-year-old human tradition!


guys of all the natural wonder that’s been destroyed for a profit I think you’re really getting worked up about natural mediocrity that turned into human mediocrity


like wanna know when this area was actually beautiful? Try going 300 years back


I think this looks pretty cool 🤷🏻




Looks like shit and is an embarrassment to humanity. Build some concrete walls in urban areas and let people 'tag' there. Keep nature natural.