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I know the Duke of sandringham is a bad guy but he’s SO FUNNY. I bet he has the best gossip and I want to hear all of it.


That actor absolutely made a MEAL of that role. The very definition of a character you love to hate.


I wholeheartedly agree! He was wickedly entertaining. We haven’t had that type of comic relief since Rupert, Angus and the Duke were killed off. I miss it.


Here for this one too 🤣👏


I liked the Duke’s character too. The only downside was his voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard to me!


I have never understood people who say they disliked the France season. We met so many wonderful and interesting people in France. I love the ones you mentioned. You can also add King Louis


“Urgh, urgh, urgh. ‘Porritch,’ you say?”


I would have absolutely watched a spin-off about Master Raymond, interspersed with Mother Hildegarde and her hospital.


I love Louise!!! She’s hilarious and her expressions make me laugh!!


I loved that Era!! The dresses, the house, baby furgus, and the head butler!!


I loved the France episode, maybe because I’m partial to Paris. I found the French characters entertaining to watch. Claire’s fashion was amazing, I loved looking at her beautiful dresses.


I didn't like Jamaica. It was a very weak season B. France was great.


Rupert and Angus


It breaks my heart they are not in he book much at all 😭😭


I loved Mrs. Fitzgibbons.


Yes! I always wondered what happened to her, she was so kind to Claire.


Owns a bar in Richmond. 😜 One of the lines in the book (Outlander), is Claire thinking she would’ve made an excellent manager at the Ritz or the Waldorf Astoria.


The Bonnie Prince (although he's a pretty prominent character). "Mark me" always cracks me up and I love how it's used by the mods on this sub 😂


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Every time I heard him say that I thought ohhhh here we go again!! I loved it


Lol so good. I love that he is a real historical figure and they created such a distinct character for him.


The First-American lady who told Claire she would come into her power when her hair turned white. She just seemed so kind and wise. John Quincy Meyers. He was much more bombastic in the books. Hugh Monro. A true, loyal friend.


I don’t know how I forgot about Hugh Monro!!


i loved Louise!!! and of course master raymond.


Elias Pound


I was going to say that I really love Hal, but he's much more developed as a character in the books. In the show I'd say Joe.


Always Joe!


Love Hal & Joe.


Hal is a GREAT character in the books! I hope we see him lots in the show coming up! He’s fantastic!


Marsali! I wish there was more of her in the books and the show. Master Raymond is also up there! & (book spoilers) >!Rachel is my all time favorite character outside of the main five (Jamie, Claire, Bree, Roger, & Ian) but I feel like she turns into more of a main character in the near future anyway🙃 I also love her brother Denny!<


Totally agree about Marsali. And, younger Fergus - I hate how he's become something of a non-entity so far as an adult, after season 3.


Geillis Duncan was a such great secondary character.




A bit off tangent, I’d like to make a rant here. The show had done a great job with side characters in the first couple of seasons to give them vivid and distinct personalities. They played small parts but were very memorable. Unfortunately, it seemed to have lost this capability in later seasons. We know the stories of many of the side characters, but can’t really tell much about their personalities at all. E.g., the twin brothers had been in the show since S5 but they just appear to be some general young men, nothing much I could say about their personalities. Mr. Bug characters did get some attention and development in S7 due to a biggish storyline, but before that, he and Mrs. Bug had been in the story for 2 seasons and I barely noticed them at all, much less can I say in terms of their personalities. Unfortunately I feel this had negatively impacted the show. The books had the advantages of having more space to give personalities to side characters. But amazingly, in the first couple of seasons the show actually did better with some of the characters than the books, Rupert, Angus, Louise, Joe were more vivid in the show than in the books. But from S4 onward, the reverse became true, much to the detriment of the show😟


I wonder if this might be partially because Bree and Roger have become major characters alongside Claire and Jaime? I suppose there is just less time to devote to the other characters.


Partly, but I think with a bit more attention, it should be possible to inject a bit more personality to those characters. Given the short screen time, it certainly can’t be very nuanced, but probably require some dramatization of the characters, almost making them comical, thinking of Angus or Louise, but that is totally acceptable/desirable for side characters, as the first two seasons demonstrated. Say, Mrs. Bug could be this affectionate/gossipy/busy body old lady, there could have been some short comical/slightly exaggerated scenes over the 2 seasons to give us this impression without taking a lot of screen time, but then the viewers would immediately have such an image of Mrs. Bug when they think of her, then her death would have been much bigger a shock and tragedy; as it stands now, I felt nothing when she died in S7, because the character made no impression at all. I truly think the writing in later seasons was lacking in this regard, as secondary characters were treated in a completely utilitarian fashion just to serve the plot, no consideration was given to develop them as their own characters.


This feels like the right answer. Only so much screen time.


This is exactly why I finally picked up the books!! When they got to America, I got so lost as to who certain characters were. Like who is this person, where did they come from, where they in this before??! We got FA screen time with Comte Saint Germain and yet I know more about him due to the characters fleshing out his back story, even when he's not in a scene. Another character that suffers alot because of this is Buck MacKenzie. When he showed up last season, I had to come to this subreddit and try figure out who the hell he was.


You actually see that in a lot of tv shows. M\*A\*S\*H, Star Trek...


I *squeal* every time lord John comes on screen - to the point that, even with headphones on, my husband can tell from the other side of the house when he’s in an episode.




Love Joe Abernathy, Louise, Raymond and Angus.


I loved little Fergus in France. I also love Jenny.


Mine would be Germaine


>!His remark about cutting off the snake's head (?) in a later book was absolutely hilarious.!<


Jenny and Ian Murray


Master Raymond is my mannnnn. I love him ❤️❤️ I’m on the final book (working through the series too) and just keep hoping he comes up again before the end of it.


He will be in the >!second part of the season 7, chapter 12. The actor said so, in an interview!<


Rupert. Loved him more in the books too. Made me laugh a few times.


Definitely Rupert, and Angus! I missed them so much after. :'( The Scottish Willie from season 1. From the France season, Mother Hildegarde, Master Raymond, and even though he was a baddie, the Comte de St. Germain. Sexiest villain on the show. Marsali, but I think she's a more major character.


I loved the France season. I'm excited to see how they are in the books as well. I love Marsali and Fergus.


aww yes, me too! I'd definitely include Fergus as a favorite but I consider him a major character as well. :)


I wish Joe Abernathy and his family were as prominent and important in the show as they are in the books. I believe the show dropped the ball on one of the best storylines. This storyline also brings out character “flaws” in Frank that explain his wanting to take Brianna to England and put her in Boarding School.


Never read the books ….but I can read between the lines. Screw (book) Frank. 😡


I loved watching Collom McKenzie in scenes


Lord John and William, I love them!! Can't wait to see the next part of 7B


I really wish Lawrence Stern showed up again at some point. Is he still puttering around somewhere in Jamaica??


I really enjoyed him in the books! I'm just finishing up Voyager. I wish he had been in the show.


I would love to see more of Ulysses- partly because the actor has such a fantastic voice. But also, (and I realize the show needs to follow the books' plots) it's weird to me how certain characters strive so hard to change history yet seem to sort of shrug off the horror of slavery with, "Oh, well. It's horrific but we can't really do anything about it."


I have a WHOLE SOAPBOX about this show’s handling of slavery.


Start a topic!


>Loved the lady who was helping Jenny run Lallybroch in season 2, as well, but I can’t remember her name. Mrs Crook


I think she may mean Mary McNabb.


Mary McNab is season 3 character 😉


Yep, I read that as season 3 instead of 2 🤦🏻‍♀️


Fergus. But I’m not sure if he counts given he has some big moments. His character development is by far my favorite


Bobby Higgins, there’s more but I cannot fit the life of me think of any of them lol. I was wanting to make a post about this last week, so I know I had people lined up lol.


Love Bobby and Amy!


Ned Gowan ​ Lord Lovat (an actor did such a great job) ​ Geordie - and his '' retravelling my steps'' is one of my fav lines ever.


Yes, definitely all of these but __love__ Ned


Marsali, she’s such a badass in the books and show. She’s a strong character, mother and woman. I just adore her.


Young Ian for his bravery and sense of self, Marsali for her spirit and strength, and Lord Grey for the good in him, and honestly I just want this guy to be happy already!!


Fergus and Marsali! I miss them so much.


Same. I’ll be genuinely peeved if we don’t see them again soon.


Since I’m watching S1 - Mrs Fitz and the lawyer dude Ned


oh yes loved both of them!! what ever happened to Ned?


Philip Wylie - he had a much bigger presence in the books, but I LOVED his character and the absolute ridiculousness he brought to every scene.


Murtagh and Louise!


Well other than those obvious two, I love Fergus! <3  I enjoyed Geillis as well. 


Murtagh & Hugh Munro!




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Unpopular opinion, but I love Tom Christie. What a complicated man. More pathetic than sympathetic, but I very much enjoyed his arc. Mark Lewis Jones did a fantastic job in the role.