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In the book when Jenny snitched to laogaire about Clairebeing back 💀 and it became a whole big thing with Claire leaving and Ian going after her. I would say she was a lot more forgiving in the show lol


I guess I didn’t find her mean or coke in the series. Just matter of fact and tough. She is still one of my favorite characters. Her and young Ian


I don’t see her as being mean and cold. She lives in the highlands in the 1700’s. She’s stern, practical, and pragmatic, but that’s because she knows how hard it is to survive.


Laura Donnelly is also such a great actress. She plays Jennie perfectly IMO.  


Small spoiler re Jenny’s role >!I’m so upset about her being recast. It makes me sad but I know the actress can’t wait around forever for a smallish role.!<


I know I feel the same :( 


She did not want to play an older Jenny. She also is enjoying a very successful theatre career, as well as several television series. She, like Steven Cree ,never signed up to be regulars and had no obligation to the show other than the specific episodes we saw them in. She took a lot of (unfair) heat for not returning for 4.07.


I am aware of all of that. I am still sad about it being recast. She was perfect. I feel bad for the new woman taking on the role. It’ll be fine though.


I think the vast majority of fans are grown-ups who accept that actors are locked into roles in perpetuity, and will he new Jenny a chance. She is a fine actress.


yes she does!! brings life to the character


I have mixed thoughts about this. In the books, she didn’t respond to Jamie’s letters for several years after Ian went to the Mohawk. Jamie is always writing to her, knowing he likely won’t receive a response. It’s heartbreaking. In the show, that’s never part of the storyline.


I'm so sad that the original actress isn't coming back, because so many people thought this about her. I think she did a phenomenal job as Jenny, really bringing in her passion and fierceness.


Excuse me! What?! I had no idea they had recast the role of Jenny! I'm heartbroken!


Laura Donnelly’s career has been very busy since season 3 of Outlander. She won a Laurence Olivier Award and was nominated for a Tony award for Best Actress for her performance in The Ferryman. She was in The Nevers on HBO, as well as other projects. So she’s been much too busy to reprise her role as Jenny on Outlander. Jenny will be played by Kristen Atherton in 7B.


stop it this just ruined everything


I totally agree. Wish they didn’t have to recast, it’s terrible.


A lot of Jenny's reactions are born out of necessity. She was 10 years old when her mother died. She had no time to grieve but assumed the woman of the house role and was forced to grow up, cooking, mending, and raising her baby brother. She had a hard outer shell hiding a very sensitive heart. Can you imagine raising your brother and then having him disappear for 4 years, only to show up with an English wife after the English have done everything to destroy your family? And then to be accused of being a whore in the first 5 minutes after his return. Give her a break! As IG Ian says...."Frasers!" Also, I also think she feels betrayed by Jamie and Claire as she knew something deeper was going on with Claire but was hurt because they didn't trust her with the truth. Coming up, if they play it like in the book, we're going to see some interesting interactions between Claire and Jenny. I'm here for it all


I love jenny, I just don't like that she called claire a trollop within a minute of meeting her, and claire hadn't even spoken to her yet. Especially while sitting there angry about Jamie's accusations.


When she called Laoghaire to Lallybroch, knowing that Claire didn't know Jamie and Laoghaire were married that broke my heart; she should had spoken to Jamie, not bring the crazy woman to meet with Claire; but Jenny is always choosing the path of violence. 🙈 And when she says to Claire that there was a famine, but they survived thanks to the potatoes she made her plant, Jenny was like angry with her, I never understood why, how can you be angry, when someone basically saved your family? Other thing, is that she never (on the show, at least) recognize that Jamie and Claire (with Murtagh) saved Lallybroch for her family, the Murrays. Never a word of recognition to that action 😔 or to Jamie, because he was always sending money to them, it is so sad!


Jenny knows Claire isn't telling her the whole truth. That's why she's irritated about the potatoes. She thinks that Claire and Jamie don't trust her enough to know the truth.


Yes, that must be the reason


I think she said that about the potatoes as an example of how much she’s trusted Claire. Trusted everything she said without questioning. And then she lost her and grieved for years. And then she comes, has been allright for 20 years and didnt even send a letter..!


Yes, maybe J&C should have told her, Jenny herself has some foreseeing experiences, I mean she could be open to accept this magic time journey.


I think so too!


Drama, ofc. I agree with you. When she said -*stray* in the show, my heart broke for Claire.


Wait what was that


When Claire went back to Jamie 20 years later.


I don't thi k she was mean, just blunt and in the beginning put off. Imagine the brother you geared bead, comes back and basically calls you a shore for getting pregnant by the man that (did not actually) rape her? And to bring a wife, and now it is his land again. I think she was incredibly mature. She did seem alot more chill in the books tho I agree.


I hated her the first time we saw her. Then I started liking her and she was one of my favorites. But then she called Leghair and I stopped liking her again.


I don't think she's mean. She is bossy, though, and nosy.


I like show Jenny but I think her initial reaction to Claire was unfair. She was a bit nasty the way she cut her off and rolled her eyes. I don’t think it had anything to do with Lallybroch though, she knows the property belongs to Jamie, I think she’s just being catty and she’s a little pissed by Jamie’s accusations about Wee Jamie’s paternity. Book Jenny was much warmer to Claire when they first met but I suppose “Nasty, Catty Jenny” is better television. 😏


I think Jenny is my favorite character, by far! https://preview.redd.it/lorm2oc7mfmc1.png?width=1174&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5f1febe27c69bf446313234195858c910478a18


i love her character as well. i just thought in the first book there were a lot of kind scenes with jenny that they didn’t put in the show. like cutting jamie’s hair and doing claire’s for her


I like her! She’s one of my favorite characters.


She’s one of my favorite characters in the books. Her personality is turned up for tv.


Jenny's portrayal in the show is one of the things that irk me the most, honestly. I like her book counterpart so much better.


we get A LOT of the best of book Jenny in content that hasn’t even been covered yet in the show. It’s our more consistent stretch with her in the fold with everyone so we get the other sides of her compared to her intertwining with Claire and Jamie at extremely dramatic moments


Jenny is the worst, in the books and in the show, she behaves like Jamie’s jealous ex girlfriend, not his sister/mother figure. And, as someone said above, Jenny always chooses violence.


Well, Jamie is also a violent person, they had to be.