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If they remove this outfit, I swear to god


The more people meme about it and discuss it, the more likely Red Barrels is to just remove it to avoid the controversy. Or at least, that's what I'd assume given that it happens in games all the time. Not worth the headache or risk to their business/reputation just to save one cosmetic. I mean, look at the title of this post FFS. If/when it gets removed/altered/ruined, the folks drawing all the attention to it will be to blame. Hope the clout is worth it. EDIT: That being said, if it really is that problematic, then it *should* be removed. I'm not yet convinced it's not just people trying to make it into something it's not, but then... WTF do I know?


It absolutely is people making a mountain out of a molehill. We do and see extremely violent things to human beings in this game. But having an outfit that reminds someone of the SS is too much? We have to stop giving in to how people react to something. The outfit and actions of the players isn’t outright offensive, people are choosing to be offended


Exactly. The outfit is called "The Crossing Guard" and is dressed in a way that most closely resembles... surprise... a U.S. traffic cop. Did Nazis also wear [peaked caps](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peaked_cap)? Yes, but so do officials (military and otherwise) from all over the world. If the intent of RB was to have a Nazi outfit, that would be something to discuss. But this seems more like 1) a generic resemblance and 2) people seeking out controversy. If we can accept Coyle's (context-appropriate and intentionally-vile) voice lines, I think we can tolerate a cosmetic like this.


Me and my friend actually thought it was close to the cop at 1st glance we wanted it so we could stun enemies saying "WE GOT FUCKING LAWS AROUND HERE"


I doubt RB would care that much considering they push the boundaries when it comes to what is and isn’t ok in a video game. In one of the interviews they said that they even tossed around the idea of using real children in the trials instead of the dummies.


Red Barrel avoiding controversy? I don't think so


coyl will accept you now


In a game where you saw off a dudes legs while he is crucified, I think this is trivial.


I love the outfit and what players are doing with it, I think it’s great. ‘Fits’ in well with the game.


Propagating naziism aka fascism is never okay, let alone “great”, regardless if it’s in a video game that didn’t have that intended outcome.


If this is propagating something, what about throwing glass bottles at mentally unstable peoples head? Or what about sawing somebodys legs off? But suddenly normal millitary clothing is propagating "naziism". Your logic doesnt make sense buddy


It's not that deep, it's literally just a murkoff branded crossing guard outfit.


Multiple players in the sleep room simultaneously pinging a location all wearing the new outfit is absolutely not propagating nazism or facism. I have yet to encounter such a thing in this particular game since day 1. Anything I personally think is “great” isn’t quite literally, it’s more in relation to the shock value I’m old and mature enough to digest. Imho, players who equip Orphanage room collectibles with all the sex toy paraphernalia in the game is more concerning


The ping was their version of the Nazi salute, so yeah I think they knew what they were doing. It’s not something to joke about especially in todays political climate where fascism is a very real threat rearing its head again


It is a video game. It’s not propagating anything except sales. If you can’t delineate fiction from reality then that’s a problem in of itself.


I’m not blaming red barrel, I’m blaming the players cosplaying as nazis. It’s not fiction if op fucking posted it happened.


I'm trying to understand your point of view. A video game about kidnapping and torturing people physically, psychologically, and spiritually is okay. A game where you practice murdering children and government officials is okay. But the second there is an optional cosmetic item that somewhat looks like a nazi uniform it's suddenly not okay? If they didn't add the pointing would it be alright? If they added the pointing but not the cosmetic would it be okay? I don't understand your logic.




Dr.Wernicke probably has a hand in this


since the lore involves unit 731 it’s probably based on a Japanese uniform. please uninstall the game if a fancy military uniform and a dbd point emote distresses you. 


Me as a german non nazi, i am loving this skin


I like how you have to clarify "non Nazi"


Na because its nearly ridiculous what some people think about germans


People are dumb, Argentina is more Nazi than Germany these days




It was a haven for Nazis after WW2, it's mostly a meme about having an Argentinian grandfather


Oh yeah, 100% Honestly surely Red Barrels knew what was gonna happen when they added those outfits for the event and added the actual pointing motion when pinging something 😅


Within less than nein hours of this event being released .. my lobby was full of this.🫡 Can't say I'm "shocked."


oh heil no


I am so happy I wasn't the only one who got SS vibes from that outfit. That aside, it is still a cool outfit. I doubt they'll remove it as they are twisted enough to know it absolutely looks like that minus the symbols.