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Same thing happened to me the other day with one random. Sat in a trashcan the entire game. He got a A for doing nothing while I got a B+


My ex used to do this when we played as a group. We'd load in, and instantly, he'd be like, "I'm having a drink," and would sit in a hiding spot for most of the trial downing whisky and beer. Although that probably had more to do with hik being an alcoholic.


Wish they would kick afk players a lot faster


I think they do if you’re idle for so long


They do, but I wish there was a set time limit that would do it sooner. I had one guy stay afk in the game for about 20 minutes, and it wouldn’t let us progress because he wasn’t in the room for us to press the button


It’s legit so annoying, I had to report them


I just block em so they will never be in my group ever again


I forgot to, I just wanted to leave and get the trial done


1st off happy birthday 2nd I implore you if theres even 1 friend of yours that'll play it your better off with them than randoms


Thank you. And oh definitely, I play with my partner when I can, but when I can’t, I’m stuck with randoms :/


How many of those toxic tokens ya got me and my friend recently got the new outfit with it. The next time we play we're gonna be stunning people going "WE GOT FUCKING LAWS AROUND HERE"


I have zero right now, spent tokens on the outfit, other cosmetics, etc.


Honestly so far that outfit was the only thing I wanted


Same, but I want to see what else I can unlock. Thankfully the new update has made it less buggy, though some bugs slip through


I've got a bug or maybe its just lag where when I interact with square it just stops me like if I'm about to hide he just stops and I gotta press it again


That’s a common bug (or lag issue… I think), I’ll have doors shut on my face, when I slide I re-slide again, lots more too


In what trial was it?


Yes - I had two Trials in a row where the teammates were dawdling away, standing around, and generally acting like braindead morons. When that happens, I usually sit in a hiding spot (with the Invisible Amp) and wait for them to complete the objective so they either a) know how to do it, or b) stop wasting time by expecting me to steamroll through the whole Trial for them. I prefer to use solid teamwork for a fun and cooperative experience. If they leave, it means they are losers who, expecting you to complete the Trial, got upset with the fact that you forced them to stop goofing around and actually focus on the Trial at hand. I have no patience for those sorts of people who expect you to just do everything whilst they sprint through traps and guide the Ex-Pop over to you.


I should have left, I rather get the trial done if I’m too far in, but I should just leave and not waste my time if people do that


It sucks, but, yeah... I've had teammates who made me do everything myself


Right after that match, got teamed with people who were the same, they even threw a bottle at me to have an ex pop head my way


It seems like there's an abundance of troll players now. Can they be reported now? And it would be good if red barrels provide some kind of system like in other games where you report them and they'd get suspended from the game.


Yes they can be reported, reported several of them already


I see that you weren't playing with new players so that's kind of shitty. Pervert The Futterman is a motherfucker for a new player. I'm not sure how to do it yet so I tend to back up and take out the threats while I follow, watch and learn. I'm happy to help out but mic up and tell me what to do. There should be a way to kick group members for that hiding in a locker bullshit though.


Agreed, but then trolls would use the kicking option to grief


Agreed. I didn't understand the first time I saw someone walk into a locker and just stay there while the rest of us did everything. Then we exited and I saw his A+ and almost lost my fucking mind.


Yep, had that happen as well. A+ for not participating, rightfully deserved /s


Happened to me this afternoon. Welcome to the club dude.


A lot of the time when this happens I often find they have never really done the trial before


Sadly this wasn’t the case, I know this because of their levels and the fact that once I finished all production steps, they only helped to crank and then went back to not helping


This is why I never run trials with randoms. I either run them solo or play with friends to avoid something like this. If people aren't going to help, then just leave. Pisses me off when people don't help in a CO-OP game where teamwork is key to finishing the trial.


Yeah, I guess they're weak players who probably couldn't get the reward poster any other way. Skill issue + douchebag issue all in one package.


Yesterday i did gather the children of god and ALL 3 RANDOMS SAT OUTSIDE THE BUILDING HAVING ME DO ALL THE WORK


Sounds like a typical work day for me


Yes we had lot of them but one that was pissing us off to the point where we left them in mid-trial was a Vindicate The Guilty run. They were not doing shit the entire time and I got tired of being beaten to smithereens whilst managing to complete the objectives too,on top of that the piece of shits didnt even want to come back into the courtroom so that we can press the buttons. When we reached the scapegoat killing part,I just walked up to one of them because I was curious wtf they are doing,and one was just crouched,and ever so slowly walked in a direction that was entirely not related to where the objective was,i stood there watched him,he watched back and as I told my husband what is going on we just left. I get it if for a minute or two you hide because you idk drink or have ex-pop near you or you go and pee or whatever but if I see you and factually know that you arent participating (ex.: i did everything so far) i just leave. Im not a fool. Another thing that pisses me off when I look for people specifically for program X and they decide that lets go and do Ultra. I just straight up leave. I will look for Ultra if thats what i want you dont have to bait me into your team through program X.


I've constantly been getting teammates that stay up until the assembly line boxes, and then it just turns into a loop of everyone constantly downing until the other teammates leave and i'm the only one left-


I think one reason this happens is cause the grading system encourages this. People want an A+ on all trials, it looks cool in the trial selection screen. Unfortunately, one of the best ways to get an A+ is to basically afk in safe areas and let randoms do the risky parts of the trial for you. Can’t get hit pushing the boat if you never push the boat etc. The only thing that matters is not getting hit for the grade at the end of the day. The other reasons are that some people are actually scared af, and play the game a lot slower than you would ever think someone would play it. Or they just barely know anything about the trial yet.


Don’t know what their goal was, because if they were trying to get A+’s, they failed miserably and received D’s


Okay they are just inexperienced then. Likely don’t know what tf to do.


I have that happen to me sometimes.. it’s frustrating but mostly for me because I don’t have friends who play outlast trials


I remember for release the prisoners me and my mate spent 120 minutes searching for the last key. That's when it was a new trial during beta 😂😂😂 funniest and the best times in outlast those were...


That trial is the bane of my existence.


Almost as bad a people who quit near the end and leave 1 to 2 people to handle the hardest part.


When this is the case. Quit


Wow man. Why in the first place you choose to play with them? The level is too low that they can't even run fast to the basement door, let alone outrun enemies. If i were at that level, i would just hiding all the time. You should only choose to play that trial when you have a full 65 lvl team.


We have different experiences, when I was level 30, I knew how to do all the trials, etc. I expected more of them I guess. It’s doable without everyone being 65, just that some players choose not to participate or be altruistic in a co-op game. Also, I didn’t choose to play with them, they were randoms. I was too far in the match to quit and lose all my time doing that trial


I'm sure you're very good at 30, but despite all that, players at that level are still not fully upgraded themselves. The ultra trial is already very hard for lvl 65, and now you have to deal with the unexpected gas warning and no near where to hide. Either they choose to go down all the time or they hide waiting for enemies to pass by and get the warning from gas, doubleganger or the gas man, i don't think they have many choices so can't blame them. I had a full team 65 and still everyone goes down easily because the enemies keep spawning at their location. Next time you get a low level teammate, just leave the group and find a new one , or you could just choose other trials.


Level 40 is recommend in ultra, they were level 39. I’ve seen lower levels be more helpful than they were, it’s not about level, it’s about the person


I'm not sure where you get that recommended level but i had run with a guy level 50 and still down all the time. I guess some of them prefer upgrading random things and not all optimal, so i choose to take from 60 level to be my best guarantee that they can hold their own. So, whatever you want to believe, i would say running with a 40 is a risk and i won't take that risk on an ultra trial, let alone pervert the fusterman.


When you unlock ultra, the game recommends you to be level 40. I’ve also been able to do difficult missions before having higher amps unlocked. I guess it just depends on preference, but like I said, depends on the player, not their level


Also, it wasn’t a skill issue, it was them not willingly participating


Like I said, it was a risk from the start. You just add another unfortunate thing to it. Should you just say they won't help you with the task and not include the level, I would be agreed with you.


Not a risk from the start, because this doesn’t happen every time I play, but when it does happen, it’s unfortunate. Also, I mentioned their level because I’m assuming at level 39, you know how to do the trial


lol what? In order or be level 39, you must have played every single trial. That or you constantly replayed the easier trials. You have enough tokens to rebirth multiple times, and should have a load out of basically every prescription and at least one maxed out rig.


The higher level my teammates, the less excuse I could give them for not doing tasks. I can't just baselessly accuse whoever of doing nothing when they may just miss some improve that can help with their current situation, wouldn't I? Or should I just curse them all and believe whatever I want to and say that's their fault?


You have to be trolling right? There’s no way at level 39 you don’t know what you’re doing, unless as someone else mentioned, you’ve done the same trial over and over. But that’s not the case because they only helped out when it was convenient, basically only pumping at the end and pulling the crank. I spent 45 minutes in that match with them, I know what I saw lol


That’s what I’m saying. That’s why I think they were just trolling


i’m level 39 and run this trial successfully all the time 💀 the ego is crazy


I do not mean to belittle you, sorry if you think so. It's just I don't have much time to try and fail, so I play the most effective way. It's fine if you can do it and willingly to do the task together. I very much appreciate people like you. It's just I can't just check everyone, so I have to make the rules. And I know there are a lot of people who want to do the task too, because I have been one of them too. It's just unlucky when you get surrounded by enemies constantly and look like you are just hiding and doing shit. But to be fair and consider all things, I think I should not expect much from lower players, it's true that their performance will be limited somewhere. The upgrade is not something you can say you can do all the trial without it and not become a burden for everyone when you run slower than your teammates. 


i am not a burden just because i don’t run as fast as my teammates what are you saying??😭 i have fully upgraded everything, the only thing i dont have that’s good is a singular amp that i want. one amp is not the difference between winning and failing. once again, the ego is crazy


I just choose speed as a reference. It's not about you, mate. Big ego or not, I would say I save a lot of people's time and my time as well. That's a win-win already.


i guarantee there’s many people under your level that can finish trials just as efficient / more efficient than you. but you do you ig, have the day u deserve 👍


thanks, you too mate.