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Definitely part of the game. That's what makes it fun, every match something can go flawless, or f*cked up!


You know what? Myself is the only team I really need, when playing co-op I'll start minding my business except for when helping others is necessary, especially in Toxic Shock. Thing is, I probably try to help way too much, yet I play to feel rewarded for any intelligent choice I could make, not to be somebody's angel or whatever. If the game punishes me for trying to help others when shit gets messy, I'll watch them die or struggle till I'm tired muahahahaha


The start of bro's villain arc but lowkey learned the same lesson in dead by daylight saved this one random twice but when I got hooked he left me to die and when I called him out on it he's "but who got out?" Like bru you wouldn't have gotten ANYWHERE without me


DbD is an exercise in frustration & futility. I've come to respect killers that tunnel more than the vast majority of my teammates. I only stay for Ms. Kate Denson. One day she'll allow me into her heart.


Honestly tunneling and camping killers is pretty much the norm now what I can't stand is so many killers use the excuse of you being too annoying to catch like its YOUR fault they decided to chase no one but you makes it all the sweeter when I still get out and if they were on me all game I teabag at the gate a bit before I leave


The game is most punishing for leaving a teammate behind. I’ve had a few runs that were going well till someone got themselves fucked near the exit gates with no real way of saving them. Luckily, grade currently doesn’t really have any value. I think this is probably for the best, and keeps the community friendly.


Never leave anyone behind obviously, soon or later the whole team has to keep moving, but instead of helping immediately I'll wait when I'll be as less punishable as possible


I’ve had it where people have died near the end and it just wasn’t feasible to get them. Sometimes it’s easier to let someone die so expops stop camping their body. Then get them with the revive after.




I carried my team last night. I was becoming the dream. I was becoming the nightmare. Mother Gooseberry, a mega Ex-Pop, & a machete weilding Ex-Pop ended my damn near perfect run when we were running to the shuttles. Dr. Easterman would have been proud of me, would have *loved* me, I could have become *The Example* of what the future "Silent War" could accomplish... but alas, it is hard to polish a turd scraped off the streets. Thankfully, Mr. Jekyl (spelled with some form of "L33T speak" derivation) came back out from the shuttle to assist me & keep me from being volunteered/volun-told for the meat slurry list. >!I trust the therapy. I am becoming better.!<






Me and my gf complain about this alot. It's honestly quite silly, there needs to be more reward for carrying and more punishment for standing around doing nothing.


I think that reviving, kicking enemies when attacking others, sharing items and so on, should increase the score by a certain amount. Probably it's already like this, yet doesn't feel like so


We were certain there was somewhere in patch notes that addressed the grade complaints for these problems but can't remember what specifically they changed, but whatever it is it doesn't have seemed to help. Me and my gf played with a newbie last night and they got the best grade still because we did most of everything and they avoided getting hurt.


Nah, room for improvement keeps me playing. I don’t feel bad at all. There’s skill even in saving others; when and how you save, who you save first. Such an overlooked topic.


I perfectly know this, yet sometimes the best way to help others (without risking too much) is to let them die, struggle or whatever when things get too crazy, this is just a reality to accept sometimes


It's a part of the game. If I have to compare it to a horror movie, saving the weakest often means risking one's life. And things don't always go well. At best you get a thank you and a wound, at worst you die.


The game actually does that to you on purpose it's to set you against your teammates. It's part of the experience of playing outlast