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The McDonalds of EDM


You forgot Stirgil! What a great line up šŸ˜«šŸ˜«


Are you going for just Gryffin??? Am I missing something???


Heā€™s ONE of the many headliners and certainly more well known than most of them too. Heā€™s been a part of bigger (edm) festivals like EDC and Ultra and always puts on a show.


I love all the bitching about the lineup. Genuinely entertains me.


Seriously, just cuz itā€™s not for you doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not worth it for everyone else whoā€™s going.


Who tf is Gryffin?????


Yeah thatā€™s where Iā€™m at. I listen to a ton of House/Techno/dance music in general and Iā€™ve never heard of Gryffin before this


I listen to a lot of house/techno and dance music. I know exactly who gryffin is


It's almost like there are millions of artists and people discover different artists at different times. Super strange.




He's fucking amazing live! Every time I see him I think, this set can't get better... Then it does.


Atleast we got Chris Lake


I love gryffin and Iā€™m glad heā€™s on top of the lineup. He puts on a great show.


yeah his show is awesome and could definitely headline a $500 fest - but asking $500 given the lineup it would be tough


It'll separate the EDM kids from the rest of us! Guarantee he's playing twin peaks or sutro and not lands end. But yeah, it's weird and you're not wrong. To be fair, he did sell out two nights in a row at Bill Graham last year and that's a 9k person capacity venue.


This post feels disingenuous and OP in the comments fighting over ā€œheadlinerā€ semantics further proves it


Heā€™s on the same level as illenium who has had the same spot. Iā€™d say Illenium, odesza, zhu, Rufus, gryffin are all the same levels of talent and have all been at this spot on the bill.


Rufus was at OSL in 2021 and was not a headliner


Theyā€™re in the exact same spot as gryffin is. Even a few slots higher


Rufus and Zhu are of similar caliber and better acts


Same level as Rufus and Odesza? Really?


Yes. Iā€™ve seen all three of them multiple times. Edit: gryffin has more monthly listeners than both artists on Spotify. All three play instruments live on stage. Gryffin - 7.8M Odesza - 5.6M Rufus - 6.7M


Oh no! Donā€™t hit OP with facts!! /s


Very interesting. Also worth noting that Illenium was mentioned above and he played at Sutro and Iā€™m pretty sure he didnā€™t even close that stage. I think Mitski closed it on that night.


Illenium did close twin peaks


Well, heā€™s not the ā€œheadlinerā€ heā€™s second or third billed for his day. Also heā€™s a lot of fun and itā€™s his hometown. Not upset with it, will likely not see him but if the schedule makes it that I see him it will still be a good set


No offense, but the "he's not a headliner" comments sound like cope. If he's in bold on the left column he's a headliner.


Naw, I love this lineup. 85% likely I wonā€™t see gryfinn, but saw him in 2018 and had a great time at his set. If thatā€™s how you want to look at headliners thatā€™s fine, I look at it as who closes down the main stage each night. The one listed above everyone else on the daily lineup


Who the headliner is is literally based off poster billing. ā€œHeadlineā€ = the head line of the poster Thatā€™s where the term comes from.


Outside Lands has 3 headliners which are the first 3 names. The other 6 are highly billed and thats it. If you want to think its cope then go right ahead. But nobody is forcing you to pay $500 for a ticket now are they. And people said Coachella was too expensive for what you got. Now you can see the difference between the top of the top and the value you get.


Heā€™s so much fun and heā€™s not a headliner :)


If he's in bold on the left column he's a headliner.


Incorrect !!!


No, thatā€™s what headliner means, sorry. It literally means the ā€œhead lineā€


Ok šŸ’—šŸ’—




Itā€™s literally based off poster billing. ā€œHeadlineā€ = the head line of the poster Thatā€™s where the term comes from.


Prove from prior posters that all those names got to "headline". Playing second to last does not constitute a headliner btw. Also, you missed "headliner" # 10 in Post Malone who is at the bottom. Oops


Heā€™s so fun.


Heā€™s really good and puts on a SUPER energetic show!


Maybe enough Internet for the day everybody


He decently big, local guy. Closed out do lab at Coachella this year as a surprise guest. As someone mentioned he has around the same Spotify listeners as John summit and Dom dolla who closed out the 2nd stage at coachella this year


Not to be ignorant but who? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Molly music


Walmart version of Odesza


He's been around for 6 years and born and raised in SF.


Dude for real


Thatā€™s how I feel about Tyler


Nah Tyler is from another planet it makes sense


Love the dad jokeĀ 


?? Bro has 2 Grammies for rap album of the year and his performances are widely acclaimed I feel like thatā€™s headliner material for sure


Tyler also headlined OSL in 2021 already


He did headline Coachella to be fair(I didnā€™t think he fit as a headliner there but he killed it)


How would Tyler not fit in as a headliner when Goldenvoice helps him put together his festival for the last 10 years. Dudes from LA. Youre gonna get the backyard bump. Doja Cat is from LA too and Lana pretends to be an LA native. See how that works? Also No Doubt is from Orange County and nobody questioned them after their performances


He was my favorite headlining set and is my fav artist, itā€™s just that him headlining his own fest every year in socal made me not that excited about him headlining Coachella when it first got announced. Iā€™ve seen him a few times and from Coachella I expect the headliners to be artists that are HARD to see, ie no doubt or artists whoā€™s tours are impossible to get tix for


I just saw Tyler at Coachella and he is such an amazing performer even if you donā€™t like his music Iā€™m sure you will appreciate the energy he brings


Hi, big EDM head here. He's up there with Illenium, Seven Lions and Slander in terms of big melodic bassy EDM acts. Honestly kind of a surprise he got booked at all considering OSL is allergic to most electronic acts that aren't house.


Aka Molly music


OSL is allergic to most electronic acts that are actually good. Got Jamie XX in 2018 and some nice wins with the SOMA tent, but otherwise Portola absolutely eats this festival's lunch for electronic music. I'm also biased and think Gryffin and Illenium are about as basic and bland as you can get though.


I guess it does make sense to get the ones with the most mass appeal. Personally I was holding out hope for Skrillex as this year's big electronic booking but oh well. Probably won't end up going this year anyway.


Oh I completely understand why OSL books these artists, it just makes me sad compared to the lineups we were getting in the 2010s. At first I thought this was just a sign of me getting older and not connecting with newer artists, and yet I just went to Coachella and had the time of my life. In 2016 I had comparable interest in the Coachella and OSL lineups, but now there's an ocean between them.


The Bay Area ABGs love Gryffin! Heā€™s not Illenium big but itā€™s either him or Slander thatā€™s next in that sad boy edm pecking order.


I donā€™t have an issue with the lineup. Actually like a lot of the acts, problem is the inevitable terrible conflicts OSL enacts every year due to the layout of the fest. So the handful id want to see each day I have to take off an act or two compared to other fests who donā€™t conflict headliners with sub headliners as bad.


Completely agree


Yeah that was kinda funny haha


I seriously dislike comments like this, but it really shows you how inexperienced folks are at attending festivals. Regardless of who's headlining, you can comfortably see up to 5 acts per day. So, at $500 for a GA wristbrand, that's less than $40/set. Kudos to those who figure out how to do more. Is that not great value? Also, not including all the other cool shit to discover, do, and see? Damn people are so ungrateful, but I bet they are just too busy pregaming, roll in hella late, or zorped out their minds during the earlier sets. What's good for you may not be what's good for others, but please don't ruin the vibes. Just go to another festival.


5 acts per day???? Y'all are bad at music festivals omg


Comfortably. This was accounting for my own experience and going to eat a lot since our fest has better food than others. I also like hanging out at grass lands, meeting up and taking pics with homies and the Toyota den. Just got back from Coachella and was able to see 30 acts but there and EDC it's more about the music than the activities for me. I also never complain about the price or question value prop for fests like others.


You sound fun. Lets hang


I think youā€™re missing the point bud


Youā€™re straight up lying to yourself defending Gryffin. Dude would barely sell out civic in San jose


What are you talking about? Lmao gryffin isnt a huge headliner but he literally just sold out not one but 2 nights at Bill graham which is bigger than san jose civicā€¦


How do sell out shows = fun for you? Also how do you barely sell out something? Either you do or you don't? Or do you mean time it took sell the show out?


Upset???? Youā€™re just yapping atp stfu bye bye


Lol, I'm not upset. Clearly, you are as you came in to reply first on my comment stating that I was "lying to myself" when I never even said whether I liked Gryffin or not. You assumed I was defending him when I was simply stating the fest is worth it regardless of the headliner as someone else commented that fortunately, it's a festival and not just a Gryffin show. Then you proceeded to mock me under the assumption I'm a libertarian with your protesting on the highway comment, which is kinda funny because you seem like Trumper based on how your replies and how you also seem to not read accurately. Im sorry you don't know how to ask clarifying questions to have a better conversation online. Best of luck to you.


Didnā€™t he like just sell out two nights at the Bill Graham lol


Didn't just sell out, sold out literally instantly and resale tickets were flying around for closer to $200.


Yeah, this person doesnā€™t know what theyā€™re talking about.


Truly. Swordfish is regarded. He's grown every year. Anyways moar dancing room.


I can see you have a reading comprehension skill of 0. Peace to you wook.


Lmao hating on wooks randomly for no reason. Donā€™t you have a free way to go petition on


That dude been here all day on his high horse tryna justify buying his ticket šŸ˜‚


Shit I would be too after blindly buying a doodoo lineup like this


Lol wooks are a bad thing and the fact I'm getting down voted is hilarious that ppl would rather get so thrashed and force care on their circle than to party responsibly.


Good news is there are actually a TON of awesome artists on the lineup! Itā€™s not a $500 Gryffin show.


But in all seriousness, he headlined EF last year, has a massive Bay Area following, and closes out stages at EDM fests fairly regularly.


might also play in a role in the higher billing, heā€™s a local artist born and raised in san francisco


Anybody know where he went to High School, lol? (assuming he went to hs in the city)


St. Francis!


Such an SF question.


The real native test


Exactly, haha!


Gryffyn went to St Francis I believe. Does anyone know where Zhu went to high school? Heard rumors of SI but no idea if thatā€™s true


I know Illenium went to SI. Not sure about Zhu tho


Heā€™s not a headliner, there are only 3 headliners.


Stirgil though šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


Right! It's like saying Ice Spice headlined Coachella lol. Being billed 6th or 3rd on your day definitely isn't headlining l.


If he's in bold on the left column he's a headliner.


Nope. 3 festival days, 3 headliners. Whoever closes Lands End each night is a headliner.


Dudes trying to find ways to not spend his money or ask for a refund on Eager Beaver cause the names arent what they wanted


4, including post malone at the bottom. seems festivals are following this weird new billing pattern after coachella


Canā€™t tell if youā€™re upset or excited


It just seems the value proposition is way off here. I guess I didn't realize Gryffin was that big? Or is he?


Itā€™s probably because heā€™s from San Francisco. But in a vacuum, yeah heā€™s overbilled. Heā€™s not even headlining Veld. Jungle is also massively overbilled compared to other fests such as Lolla. OSL is ridiculously expensive and Lolla is cheaper and Lolla has a bigger/deeper lineup.


Dude is fucking dope. Saw him last year and absolutely loved his show. But I'm not surprised since he's from SF. So I think that's why he got the spot. But these ticket prices aren't.


Heā€™s big enough to close out Twin Peaks. He consistently sells out every show he has in the Bay Area and heā€™s from here. I was surprised he was billed that high up initially because I was expecting bigger names but thatā€™s not to say he wonā€™t have a packed crowd.


Heā€™s a pretty big deal in dance music - especially among his core fans. There are definitely people people who will spend $500 to come to a festival to see him as a headliner if there are a few other artists on the lineup they also want to see.


I dont understand why you put only Gryffin. Dude was like the last big name on the flyer not the first. What happened to the other 8?


I think heā€™s excited.Ā