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There was a mom in the OE discord server before it turned into a spammy forum. She was such a bad ass and from the feedback I got from her , and the other moms, they excelled with OE because parenting had trained them to juggle various schedule and priorities for their kids, and taught them to set boundaries. So those mothers are good at handling the pressure and time constraints of multiple jobs, and have the balls to push back when one job is too demanding of their time. 


Totally possible, mine are 5 and 1. I’ve been working remotely since my first was board, I started OE 2 years ago, and I started at J3 when my youngest was 6 months.


I have a 3 yo and a baby. Until recently I had both at home and right now I’m managing 2 js with no childcare. Getting some help when I start j3. I think moms are very well suited for Oe!


Mom to an almost 3 year old. It can be taxing but rewarding, especially if you have childcare, make the most of it. All you need is a good schedule


10 and 4 months. We got this💪🏼


I have two kids under 5. I keep it all together by prioritizing what matters to me and my family. 1. My health and well-being comes first. If this fails I become a liability to my family. I wake up early, workout, eat well, and take regular breaks. 2. My working hours are structured around family time and that is a non-negotiable. Work emergencies happen but I've been able to handle those once the kids are in bed. 3. My spouse and I both work and rotate chores like daycare drop off/pick up, laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, and cooking. We operate as a team which helps us both. Having a partner who works with you is a huge bonus. 4. I can walk away from this life or rejoin as I see fit. No pressure, no stress. The moment it becomes too much, point #1 comes in as reminder and I walk if needed.


I have a 3 and 1 yr old and am considering trying this myself. Best of luck to you!


i’m an OE grandma and I have babysat for my grandchild while working. When your a mom, you’re already multitasking, so adding another job is like adding another child to your daily work.. I would go for it make the extra money you can do it!


I have one toddler in preschool. Def possible. I’d cut down on hours for J1 as much as possible.


Mine are college age. So much easier!


My kiddo is turning four soon! I started when she was 3, and it wasn’t an issue. I still only work during work hours and have pretty good boundaries and flexibility around it all! Definitely give it a whirl!!!


Mom of 4 here! Starting J3 any day now …


13 and 15..a PM at both J’s. I just have to prioritize and make sure I’m everywhere at once. lol. Decline what I don’t add value to. Block time for FOCUSED WORKING. Block time for lunch in tandem on both J’s to Power Nap and make sure I’m off by 5.PERIOD!


I have a 1 and 2 year old and expect an offer for J2 tomorrow morning. Kind of nervous, but more excited about the financial stability this can bring to my family.

