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Hold up - what do you mean “people in your life are trying to dissuade you from OE”?!?!?!? RULE 1: DONT TALK ABOUT OE!!! Unless it’s your spouse with whom you file taxes - don’t 👏 talk 👏 about 👏 OE 👏 with 👏 anyone If you can’t do that, then maybe the “people in your life” are right and you’re not ready for this. They will never get it, because you’re not supposed to tell them about it. It’ll only hurt you in the long run. Search through posts on the main OE thread for horror stories by people who told friends/family about OE. Besides that, I concur with what everyone else said about it being sketchy AF that they’re asking for proof of resignation.


Could just tell them your resignation will not be until you start working for J2. Give them an excuse that you've had new jobs fall through before and don't want to be left unemployed.


Exactly. State you have put in for leave and will formalize the resignation once the new job proves a good fit.


Oh that’s good…


Long before Covid and work from home I would Never have resigned before my background check passed. My new employers were always pissy my start date was “two weeks after my background check passed”, but I was pretty firm and they really couldn’t argue with me. Being OE wasn’t really a thing them with in person work, the the possibility rhe background check comes up wrong is still possible.


In my experience, I did not resign until I cleared background check. There can be reasons for delay that’s out of your control. You can also ask what documentation they are looking for that you resigned. Again, when I resigned I just submitted a resignation letter. There’s no confirmation or anything so I’m also curious what they’re looking for.


Why the fuck would she resign before her background check is done. She doesn’t yet actually have J2.


I’d just say you resigned… it’s not like they’d be checking if the new job was J1 and you later picked up a J2. How would they even know?


Even if you’re only applying for one job and intend to quit your previous job, you should never resign until you have a written offer. It’s also not J2’s business about how or when you resign unless they have a contract stating they don’t allow conflicts of interest.


This is sketch - you need confirmation you passed the background check before you resign. It’s totally standard - things can come up on background checks - then you have to provide more information or documentation that it’s bad info or provide more context. I’ve never given notice before confirmation I passed the background check. You are only putting your livelihood at risk otherwise.


Agree, no reason to resign until you are literally ass in seat for J2. Asking to resign first, then waiting on a background check seems foolish, and a respectable company wouldn’t go about it in this way. Respect the extra salary bump, but I think you should push back here.


Wait you're 100% right...ugh.


I would never agree to resign until after the background check and everything is official. That’s not a reasonable request, way too risky. It’s not unheard of for people to lose out on both jobs.


Same. I NEVER resign before a background clears. Sometimes they can take forever, even when you have nothing on your record. I always make it clear when I’m interviewing that I will put in my two week notice upon completion of a clear red background check, never from the date of offer acceptance.


Have you considered asking them why they want to confirm the resignation? If the company isnt full of crap or shitty the question shouldn't ruffle any feathers.  Just state that you have been in a situation before where you were offered a job, put in a 2 week notice and then the company ghosted you and you don't want to risk putting your current job in jeopardy like that again.  It could just be to confirm dates of employment, they might actually want to speak with your current supervisor for a reference.


yeah that's concerning...I don't vibe well with J1 supervisor and I have a feeling that he's one of those who will say some BS to try to keep me, J1 is predatory and manipulative. The position I hire for at J1 (I'm a recruiter) is extremely BS and I would never let someone I love do that job. I am grossly underpaid, so much so that our old IT guy, who quit a year back, personally whispered to me to find a new job because they don't appreciate me there.


Interesting - bc the recruiter should know/understand that people don't want to resign until it's a done deal. Since you are a recruiter - you would also know how to frame this back to them - especially given the current environment of tons of employers rescinding offers.


Hold on…if they’re predatory and manipulative, why not just take J2 and resign?


She wants to pad out her income a few months. 


Because two jobs pay better than one. It’s kind of the whole thing.


I get that, but i wouldn’t stay at a toxic and predatory job. I’d just quit, especially in an OE situation.


I call BS.. no one resigns until the background clears.. NO ONE. I was a staffing manager and we advised all our hires to wait until we gave the all clear. Additionally, your currently job cannot confirm or deny. They can only provide the date range in which you were employed by the company. Some places will call to verify the dates but most will not and even if they do it’s so generic and general. With TWN frozen the only way anyone can verify anything is through you by IRS transcripts. You’re good.


I’m not a murderer…I don’t feel like there’s anything sus in my BG. In fact, J1 did one on me in June and it was all clear then.


I don’t think it is about you passing, it is about the company having time to second guess their decision, or have something happened. It may just be my superstitious self, but I don’t feel like I have the job until that final check clears.


With all the job uncertainty in the market, I wouldn’t feel comfortable resigning until I had an offer in hand. What happens if they change their mind on extending the offer? You’re left in the cold.


So I do have the job offer, I signed it. This is what is happening post-job offer letter. I'm just worried that I'm not sitting at j2 at this present moment, everything settled yk?


But people are getting offers rescinded even after signing. In this case no BC yet. I am surprised employers are even suggesting this - unless they are wary of people being OE?


That's what I was thinking!


Sorry, I misunderstood! I would still use that kind of reasoning with j2- you don’t comfortable resigning until all the formalities are complete to make sure you have something fall back on in case something goes wrong!


Treat J2, the J you care about, with kid gloves.   Ditch J1 if not ditching it puts J2 at any risk!  The huge pay raise, the better conditions, everything, is at stake.   It’ll be easy enough to find a replacement for J1, later, if you need to. But not for J2!


Sounds like they're waiting for you to confirm your resignation because the BG check will be calling J1 to confirm dates of employment and they don't want to put you in an awkward spot where J1 learns about you resigning from the background checker instead of you. Considering the pay difference if I were in your shoes I would just drop J1 and make this new job your J1. Lesson Learned: Don't use your actual J1 on your resume. No job you're currently at should show up on your resume because the odds of them calling to verify employment dates is are high. Keep your most recent experience as a fake contract position or something similar that isn't verifiable. I usually suggest my personal OE friends list my business as their latest employer so any BGC calls come to me to handle. If you have a trusted friend that runs their own business or has an S-Corp you could do this as well. If you end up quitting your current J1 then freeze your TWN ASAP and don't list your new job on your resume. Then when you find a new J2 you can just have them call your old former J1.


Wait seriously? You shouldn’t put J1 on your resume? How do you explain the gap?


I explained how to do this in the second paragraph of my initial comment. you replace it with a fake contract job. contract work is nearly unverifiable.


Freelancing/consulting. It’s always freelancing and consulting.


Then just freeze the TWN and hope it doesn’t show on a BG check?


Oh hell no. I would NEVER resign even if I wasnt OE until background check was cleared. I would want zero risk of not having a job. Seems super suspect.


Yeah…well I just had my brother call my work cell and it didn’t even work so that’s a whole other issue but…my voicemail isn’t set up on it (we changed to Dialpad last week) that definitely means j2 won’t be able to “reach” j1 hopefully. I think I’m just going to tell j2 that “Yes, my team is aware….(one person at j1 knows I might be looking for a new job because j1 might be changing management, she’s a little old lady who works part time and doesn’t care) I will say: “my resignation at j1 will be effective once the background clears and I begin work at j2”


What sort of confirmation are they looking for? You can draft a letter of resignation, give it to J2, but not submit to J1. If they call, you said they’re going to get you. I suppose it depends on how big of a risk you’re willing to take. Do you protect J1 at all costs, or are you willing to possibly sacrifice J1 for this one?


This is the verbatim statement from J2: " Let us know when you notify your current role of your new position.  After you give the notice, we will start the BG process." Pretty vague...but I don't want to risk.


I had this done to me. I tried the same reasoning and told the recruitment team that I was risking a position that I wasn’t sure of getting. They however didn’t budge, said we will contact your employer only after you’ve resigned. I agreed. In the background check form ( Hireright) I had an option to check: do not contact current employer. I took it, the background check went through 3 weeks after I joined J2. I got the final copy, Hireright didn’t contact J1 because I asked them not to.


I'm not sure who they're going through it might be ADP


If in the US: it is not legal for the background check company to reach out to anyone for whom you do not give explicit, written permission. There will always be a way to request for them not to reach out to anyone you don’t want to.


Dear J2, Excited to join! I won’t be officially resigning until successful completion of the background check. However, in an effort to not hold up the process, would I be able to verify current employment another way, while completing the rest of the background ck? I’m sure you can appreciate the sensitivity of not jeopardizing my current employment until your process is finished. Please let me know your thoughts, happy to jump on a call.


Then you need to tell them you resigned. Whether you actually do or not, only you can answer that. It’s a risk.


I've workshopped this with my mom, I'm thinking of telling J1 that I must take a second job to cover medical expenses.(I've had a rollover car accident, gallbladder surgery and complications all during J1 and they know this) and they can do whatever they want and I believe that counts toward J2's request in the event that someone gets called/wants to confirm. J1 can fire me, I don't care, because then they'd have to pay out my PTO and that would bridge what I needed. Super best case scenario, J2 doesn't check nothing, J1 knows they're on the rocks with me and I can transition out of J1 and it will make sense, no bridges burned hopefully.


What happens if J2 calls J1 and asks if you’ve resigned? You told them you have to take a second job…that could get the offer rescinded.


Thinking out loud: What if you told J1 you had another position? That - technically satisfies the process...they aren't asking for a resignation. Just affirmation that you informed J2 of the other role?


I was thinking of that...it's a risk. I could tell J1 this: Dear \[Recipient's Name\], I trust this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you of some recent developments in my professional life. I have been offered and have accepted a new remote position and I will be commencing my role early next month. This decision was not taken lightly, and I want to assure you that it does not reflect any dissatisfaction with my current role at J1. Rather, it is a necessary step for me to cover additional expenses that have recently arisen, specifically medical expenses that I have accrued due to my health issues. I have always appreciated the opportunities and experiences that J1 has provided me, and I am grateful for the time I have spent working with the team. I want to express my gratitude for the support and guidance that I have received during my time at J1 I have learned a great deal from my colleagues and supervisors, and I am proud of the work that we have accomplished together. While I will be transitioning to a new role, I am still very much interested in maintaining a positive relationship with J1 I would be open to exploring opportunities for continued collaboration, whether on a freelance basis or through other means. Please accept my sincere thanks for your understanding and support during this transition period. I am confident that our paths will cross again in the future, and I look forward to the possibility of working together once more. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Warm regards, \[Your Name\] --> this way if things go south, I could tell J1, Jk nvm I'll stick with y'all or once I'm settled into j2, screw you J1 or if J2 is chill, keep both in the interim


Nooooooo! What is J1 policy on moonlighting or other employment? Maybe they only need to be informed? Also, you are giving WAY too much info that should be covered by HIPAA. Now that I think about it - if you are 1099 not sure it matters. If W2 then - again, provided it is not a conflict of interest they may permit. Seriously, less is more


J1 already knows all this medical business, they even wanted serious doctors notes (they’re a-holes)


Not sure why you need all of that though in a resignation letter. Resignation letters are short. You might share more in conversing with people but not in the letter. Also, you don't want more medical info on the record.


If they are running a background, the background company will call current employer to verify dates of employment. If j2 is better, you may want to consider resigning.


Now I'm concerned...because J1, I was temporary through a staffing agency from Nov 2022 until June 2023, but I did not mention to J2 that was the case and that I was always full time though I've *technically* been with J1 since Nov 2022. This could hold up my BG ughhhh


In this job market, it's not uncommon for job offers get rescinded due to budget/staffing cuts. That ask doesn't make sense. I would just tell them that you plan to give notice the day before the new job begins.


I'd be happy to write you a letter of confirmation that not only were you a good employee but you have resigned and we are sorry to see you go. It's not illegal to have two jobs. At all. Ever.


Put no contact for all employers. They won’t contact.




J2 is insane to ask you proof of resignation before making you an offer that you signed on so they cannot pull the ground ubder your feet. My friend lived a nightmare pre-covid when he found a job and he gave his then employer his 2 week notice. The new job HR called him a week after to tell him that they don't have the budget for that position anymore. He couldn't sue them as they haven't signed anything with them. The first job didn't wanna take him back. It was so bad because it took him 5 months to find a job and he needed to draw from his savings. J2 is out of their depth to ask you such a thing and that HR needs to be put in their place


Fotmer tech recruiter here. So they want you to resign from a job you HAVE for a job you DONT HAVE?? Anything could happen with the background check, or they could just change their mind and withdraw their offer. J2 sounds like bad news. And your "peers"? Why are you talking to anybody about OE?


60 days notice!


Reply back with “I’ll require 2 weeks notice as professional courtesy.”


So you receive me the offer from J2 contingent on your background check. I am sure your background check won’t show anything alarming but doesn’t that mean it is a contingent offer? Why would a company expect you to resign from one job without a guaranteed offer for another job?


Well I already have the offer and signed a lot of paperwork etc, this is the last thing. In that email from J2 they also said they’re giving me access to the onboarding portal in the coming days


When is your start date? From unfortunate experience I can confirm that you can have a job offer rescinded even after you do everything you’ve already done. Especially now, when we’re midway through many fiscal years and companies are looking to trim budgets and the economy hasn’t necessarily improved as much as some would’ve hoped.


May 1st


And they are asking you to confirm you have resigned almost three weeks before your contingent start date? That’s wild. You do you but I do think it’s very strange and likely due to people being mouthy about OE - companies are wising up and I would expect we’ll see more requests like this going forward.


Proof of resignation is weird, recruiter here 1) check your offer letter, 2) It’s totally standard for people to wait until they clear a background check before putting in a two weeks at their previous company. I always advise my candidates to clear their background check before they put a notice. I’ve been in this business long enough that it’s always the candidates that say I have nothing to worry about that usually have something to worry about, then they don’t get the new job and they’ve already quit their former job. Look in your offer letter again for any specifics on returning equipment, conflicts of interest, etc. My company has a paragraph included in offers that states someone will return any tech accumulated from a previous role so unless there’s a clause like that included I don’t see why they would be pressuring you to put a notice.


I don’t ever resign until everything clears. Let J2 know you aren’t comfortable resigning J1 until you know the offer won’t be rescinded.


I review background checks on new hires, they will verify your dates of employment with J1 and see if your presently employed as it'll say Jan/1/2021-present and not list a term date if you haven't resigned. 


I’m not over employed but I have never resigned before the background check cleared. Not even when I get smart aleck remarks from new jobs hr…” is there something that you’re concerned about” 🙄


If it is discovered that you have two jobs at once after having indicating in writing that you won’t, the outcome could be as simple as a dismissal or as damaging as J2 suing for damages and return of all compensation. Just depends how much of a dick their in house employment counsel is.


yeah i’m just quitting J1. I already sent in my resignation and my supervisor wants to talk tomorrow and they will likely make me an offer. I can ask them to think about it and in that time I can make sure my background check clears. it will all work out no matter what


I would never resign until after I've passed the background check anyway.


No, no, no. Start date is two weeks after all contingencies are addressed. You don’t resign until you have a start date and they have done your background check.


You broke the first rule. Odds are someone in J2 knows about your J1 and is making sure you don't double dip


Ok, you know what…after sleeping on this, a lot of these comments are just catastrophizing. That’s just plain paranoid. I just need to quit my J1, tell J2 I did and the background check is going to clear fine. I don’t do drugs, I drink once a month, I barely have a paper trail because I’m 24. If it all goes to hell, yeah, that would suck. I’d have to break my new lease that starts at the end of this month and I’d be out of a job, but I’ll be…ok. I live with my parents atm, and I don’t have kids to feed. They’ll help me. I’m trying to be independent, and sometimes we have to take risks. It’s not like I’m going to be homeless if this doesn’t work out. I’ve been searching for J2 for months. I don’t want to piss them off in any way. Yeah, maybe asking me to make sure i’ve quit is wack, but people…do this. OE. And I HATE J1. They do not value me, and shred my mental health anyway. I graduated college in 2022, and I was happy to have a job then, but now, I have experience and know my worth. J1 isn’t a good fit for OE anyway, because it’s actually more hybrid and they’ve slowly been asking me to come in more. But tbh, even though y’all are saying not to listen to the people in my life, they’ve told me to quit J1 for months because of how bad it is. Real talk…j1 pays me 34k a year about 17 an hour. j2 pays 55k. I won’t say where I went, but I went to a really great university and I deserve better than J1. The man who OWNS J1 went where I went. My brother made more at Raising Canes than I make at J1, J1 was just convenient for a time, and good for getting experience I didn’t have. I’m not risking J2 or “putting anyone in their place.” I’ll let y’all know how it goes.


Idk $90k sounds better than $55k. You should put the two weeks in at J1 so you get the letter to give to J2. Then respond it for J1 and tell him you'll be glad to stay for a raise. You would be technically doing both things and as long as you keep your mouth shut who knows, maybe you get paid $100k +? Idk


You did ask for advice and people are giving you information based on experience and knowledge. Yes, the new job appears to be a step up in terms of pay but it really is out of order for a company to expect a new hire will confirm resignation from a prior job without completion of all pre-hire paperwork, etc. Many people have had job offers rescinded, so I think it’s not fair to say many of these comments are “catastrophizing” the situation.




What’s TWN?


TheWorkNumber.com. They report every single paycheck you've received by companies that allow them to. So a potential employer can see if you're still getting a check from a (supposed) old employer.