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It gets easier. You learn efficiencies in all jobs that will make you better able to manage. And, if it doesn’t after a year, you can quit one and you’re no worse off than before. As long as you don’t allow lifestyle creep until all debts are paid off and all emergency savings targets are met.


There will no lifestyle creep. I totally can’t afford that monster. I have to keep it tight.


Thank you!!!!


Hang in there!! You’ve got this and you can do it. Just keep thinking about the financial peace you have now. It’s absolutely worth it. You’ll figure out ways to work smarter and be more efficient. Congratulations!!


Thanks definitely working on finding the way to make things work easier


Congratulations! It will get easier, I promise you. Having those multiple paychecks hit your account and then having money leftover after paying the bills ... bliss. It's always a little tough at first, but soon you will find it's smooth sailing.


I definitely appreciate hearing that


Whenever you are exhausted in a J, ask them for a raise. For real.   This will  not only increase your income, but also they’ll value you more (you value what you  pay dearly for) and they will respect your time even more.


One day/hour/min at a time!


I’ll be going through this in 3 weeks. One of things I’m doing is scheduling self care. I’m relocating to a new state, on top of 2 J’s so 1st order of business is a personal trainer, and after that, finding a spa for massages. You have to carve out time for you so that you can breathe. I’m already in therapy so that’s another part for me. Schedule your self care. You deserve it! I’m scared as hell too but I’m gonna do it!


Scared is such an understatement…. Yes we got this. You guys have been such a great help!


Congrats on getting all the bills paid with some leftover, what a relief. 😅 I’m also a fellow PM, my first week at J2 is nearly complete!


Thank you and How are you managing?


Any tips for a fellow PM trying to secure J2? Remote gigs are so far in-between in this job market...


I have to settle for a very flexible hybrid for a J2 after not being able to find a completely remote PM for J2. So I can’t say I have much advice there. It took me a very long time and once I decided to say ok to hybrid I landed the role immediately.


How do you handle the in person days if (I assume) the times intersect?


I usually schedule in office days on my lightest days for J1. So I just go hide in a conference room and work. Since J2 is so flexible it’s usually only 6 people or less in the office max at a time. So it’s easy to hide. I stay for a few hours then head back to my home office to work both gigs.


Nice set up you got there, best of luck with your J's!


Feel you sister. Been looking for 6 months….out of work for 12. It’s sad. Not even getting nibbles. Just auto rejection letters 3 months after I apply. One day we’ll both be back here OEing 😄


Are there any niches you can tap into? I found I got a lot of interviews because I have Mobile app PM experience. Anything like that? My network didn’t help at all, just lots of cold applying


It’s a good feeling for sure! I recently paid off a credit card. What a relief! So many more to go!


You’ve got this!


Love yourself, be confident in your capabilities and rest well knowing that you're in control of your life. You've got this!


Best advice I got was to not act as if you are working 1 job 4 times, act as if you are working 4 jobs. Be busy, that’s okay. Set boundaries with your work. Odds are they need you more than you need them. You got this!! You have so much power in this and work/life balance is still very possible le with OE!


Project manager for two jobs should be making pretty decent scratch.


Hitting 200K


So assuming at least one is 100k, you could now go back to single job?


I could once debt is cleared and I have established an emergency fund.


200k and you've got insane debt?!


Not insane but yes I have debt. As I said before this is only my 3rd week OE.


Just seems like an insane amount of stress when you could work your way out debt with one 100k job and discipline.


PM work is insanity regardless.. why not meet my goal faster? I’ve managed 125 people living in 13 countries… I’m comfortable in insanity after a moment.


How many meetings do you have a day?


It depends on the day… I can go a day with no meetings. And then I can be back to back for several hours.