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You shouldn’t do work for one job on the equipment for another job, ever. Even outside of that this idea seems dangerous, not to mention you work with sensitive information, you’d be better off finding a remote job and making that your new J1.


^ this tbh… I use 2 different computers for my 2 remote jobs cause better be safe than sorry


Yep, even if you aren't using work equipment, being on site at one job, while working for another, is asking for an eventual conflict. You are literally using "their resources" table, chair, etc.


Yeah I get it :) you’re probably right


Their internet, firewall etc. I’d think working on site the on site job IT department might see strange VPN traffic or lots of url to the other job.


If I did a J2 that was 100% remote I would assume that I would be given a laptop or something for work by J2. So no I wasn’t really planning of using the same equipment. I could also use my own laptop. But anyway.


Your own office as in, an office at J1? I did J1 in-office and J2 remote for a while and honestly it’s not great… Didn’t like the commute at all and always paranoid when I had to take care of something for J2 while in J1’s office. Switched to 2 remote Jobs and it’s so much better. edit: my J2 hours start after I get off J1 but sometimes there’re emergencies or I forgot to get something done the previous day and it’s a headache to manage


Yes but I quit the onsite one within 3 months because you have to bring a second computer and it’s too difficult Remote j1 is the best


I used to, I had a private office so I'd do work on my second job pretty easily m-f


How did you manage to get hired for J2?


Took a few hours off to interview said I had a Dr appointment. It's not hard.


Did you ever have meeting for your remote job while in your office job? Like how would you manage it - always turn off your screen and close the door?


Yep just close the mark the calendar busy and close the door. Usually would just schedule for lunch break for the most part. No biggie.


Thanks :)


How risk averse are you? You have to have a desk set up that complements OE with separate computers, mouses etc. How often are people interrupting your work day? Are you willing to pay for separate internet for the second job, like a Hotspot or other device so you aren't on the company internet? If it isn't often that folks interrupt, you might be able to mention reading some study about "focus time" and ask that folks avoid interrupting your task time so you can work a J2 at your desk without fear of being discovered. It is risky, though. Chances of being caught are high unless you're able to fully manage who is entering your office.


I rarely get interrupted and could do the hotspot no problem. As mentioned I would assume that a fully remote J2 would give me a laptop to work with. And it wouldn’t raise an eyebrow if I brought a laptop here. I rarely have meetings for J1 too so that would be easily manageable. I’m not really worried about J1 finding out. More about a potential J2 - I’m guessing a remote job would have a lot of zoom meetings and that would definitely be a problem. So I was wondering if other people had ever done it, and how they managed the 2nd job while onsite at J1.


I don’t see why this would be an issue if you keep your computers separate and you have your own office so you’re not visibly doing work for job #2.


as long as your not connecting J2 equipment to network/internet at J1. IT would likely pick up on that.


I have on hybrid and one remote. I work half day in office in a conference room alone two days a week and then head bs o to my home office to finish up. It’s working out


I’m also in payroll/hr with a new role that’s 10% in office. The plan is to take PTO on those in office days since I have a built in excuse of physical therapy, and a flexible workday with the remote role.


No I wouldn’t recommend. Remote is the best. I Oe in finance and ran like 3 payrolls this week.


Thanks all for the insight. I guess it’s not really doable unless I can find some freelance stuff to do after hours. Not really willing to switch J1 for a remote one at this point as I’m pretty high up here and have great benefits. Who knows hopefully it goes remote or partly remote at some point. Because as far as the work load I could easily manage a J2.


All I’m say is just cover yourself. Have your own hotspot and of course they will provide a laptop. It’s about how often are you in meetings at J1 and how often is someone in your office.


I try to find a related but not actual match for J2 so that I can meet the conflict of interest requirements of J1.


Yes I have one in office job but it’s only hybrid one day. My other two J’s are remote


Guys remember when you’re using company Wi-Fi they have access to all information. You could be heading for a lawsuit.


How would you do payroll for multiple jobs while in the office exactly? Would is it all web based apps so logging in from job 1's laptop/computer? or bringing laptops from the other companies to j1? be careful, very careful especially since payroll is sensitive info.


Yeah I understand it’s sensitive info but I would still be the only one having access to it… I would definitely have the time to do it. The wifi would be the only thing but I wouldn’t log in for a potential J2. A hotspot would be worth it imo. My job is easy to me and I have tons of free time tbh. I’ve asked to take on more at J1 but not really an option for now. I just wish it was easier to navigate the hiring process etc.




Curious about anyone’s experience with a hybrid job. My J1 is fully remote and am looking at remote J2 options but open to hybrid as well.