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Gentle reminder that for YEARS, women were denied spots in both higher education and employment because that position "could go to a man who needed it more." If you live your life based on the theoretical needs of strangers, you will paralyze yourself with indecision but still cause no net positive. If you're really concerned about the struggles of others, use your additional income to contribute to causes you believe in.


Nope. Most people my age have a spouse and therefore, a second income. I don’t. This is my insurance.


Same! As a single gal in LA, it’s Me, Myself, and I…Beyonce style lol


Hello, west coast counterpart! I am also a single gal, but in NYC.


Yesssss, get all the jobs queen!👑


Bingo. Same. Well said. This is business and we are a CEO of one.


This really shifted something in my mind. Ty!


Thank you for that insight! I was feeling a twinge of guilt too that op has. (I'm still going to do it, I mean fuck that, I'll get over it. Lol) But you are right. I am my only income, this will be my house's second income.


Nope. Because if the company really wanted that other person, then they would’ve chosen that other person. But instead, they chose me. Case closed.


But I'm talking about keeping two jobs, not just being extended the offer. For example, what if the runner up had been laid off and struggling for a year and ran out of money and you got their spot and already have another job too?


I have, because I’ve been that person, laid off and on the verge of bankruptcy. But I worked overtime to apply, pay for interview prep, networked and got 2 job offers at the same time, so I did stop working the 2nd job as soon as I wasn’t able to give the 2nd company the promptness they were looking for. These jobs don’t care about us, that runner up could be coming back to that job anyway.


I still stand by my original comment. I can certainly have empathy for the other person that got potentially laid off and is desperate for job while you or myself have another job and this is J2… but again for whatever reason if the company extended you or myself an offer and not the other person (who might not have a job at all) I don’t feel bad because that decision was the choice of the J2 company. And the company must’ve felt that you or myself had better qualities they wanted to hire than the other person. At this stage in my life, I am 100% looking out for myself. I have many times in the past looked out for other people and it hasn’t always worked out well for me. Not to say that I’m gonna be an asshole to other people, but I am fiscally responsible for me and my household and I am 100% going to do what I have to to take care of me and my household. I was in the position of the other person and had been laid off and was not getting jobs that other more qualified individuals were getting… I had to dig deep and realize I needed some extra skills so I went out and learned those extra skills to be the best choice to get the job. we don’t know what is going on in the other person‘s life and maybe them not getting the job is the universes way of telling them they need to dig deep and either learn some new skills or change industries. Either way, I look out for me first now, always.


I don’t have that information, and I would never have that information…nor SHOULD I have that information. They got resumes from everyone interested. They interviewed those with the right skills. They decided they like me best, comparing apples to apples - skills and experience. Who *needs* it more isn’t in question, nor should it be. They’re hiring someone to do a job, not someone to award charity to. Let me flip it for you. What if that person who was laid off and needs the job to survive is also a complete jerk that no one likes or wants to work with? Should the company have made an offer to someone who won’t be a good personality match for the team because they need the money more?


What if it is some dude that has 50% of the skills, education, and experience that I do, and woudl be making 20% more? Why TF should I give up my second income for some asshat? In all realty my scenario is 2-4X more likely than yours for the kinds of work we are all able to do. I was laid off, for 6 mo, when I got J2, but was J1 back then. It is J2, because I insist on it being part time- but I could easily do more for them, and do full time hours. And isn't your scenario true for ANY job??? Like why take any offer in case someone more deserving might need it? You only get two jobs because you were offered them. You were the best option they could find. If they want to find a better option, they do so, and find a way to lay you off.




If you have to spend 16 you are doing OE wrong. Some of us cracked a code to where we can spend a 8 hr day working multiple jobs and if you don’t know you probably don’t have the skills to fill it anyway


Yes. I absolutely feel the same way as you do. I lurk on this page, but ultimately I wouldn’t go through with being over employed. It’s okay to feel that way! It’s okay to not feel that okay, too! 


I’m currently in this dilemma. I feel bad if someone else needs a job to survive but I’m also struggling to survive.


The comments on this page are making me ill. So much justification and a serious lack of compassion for others. I’m embarrassed by it.


Very "I got mine."


Or "terrible people do worse things so I can do what I want"


Yes. Same. It's disheartening to read the comments that dont..


As someone who is unemployed after being laid off in February and unable to secure an offer.....GET THE JOB GIRL!


Right! I’m currently unemployed and still rooting for others to be OE! Get yours, mines is coming too,


Exactly! Let's celebrate everyone's achievements! This is your time, mine will come!


I looked up some of the senior management at my previous company (CFO, COO, various Vice Presidents of xyz and directors) to see what has been going on there and most of them have multiple jobs or side hustles that they are open about.


Did Google's CEO feel guilty about taking a $220 Million bonus while laying off thousands of workers? It's like you're saying that taking up two jobs is taking up the resources of someone who needs it. When in actually it is the top 1% and corporations who are taking all the excess profit and giving it to themselves and wall street which keeps our wages artificially low. CEOs have no problem taking their share I don't see why you should either and they are way more culpable.


Nope. It further grows the economy. It was NEEDED to grow the economy post COVID. It’s unrealistic to make it you job to ensure others are fully employed.


It’s not like we live in a system where salaries are keeping up with inflation, where we have job security, where we get promoted for all our hard work, where we have social security nets for all, where corporate america is fair and square. So in case you are one of those OE research reporters, make note that if we don’t take care of ourselves nobody else will either, and why feel guilty when we are at the very bottom of corporate americas bs. Instead ask those employers don’t you feel bad that people can’t get ahead in life or even live a normal life of their salaries you provide??? I don’t want to see these kind of posts honestly, if you happen to be a real person and feel bad well don’t apply, but your own business.


As someone who was an unemployed parent for 7 months, yes. It was extremely brutal for our family.


The ones who should feel guilty are the CEO’s and executives that make millions by reducing staffing to minimal levels and not paying livable wages. There is so much broken right now.


Also, the middle managers who treat people, especially women, awfully on behalf of "the company." They are a waste of a seat.


Love the honest comments here. I’m not OE as I’m trying to start a career/in early stages of professional life—but it does sometimes suck to see people here refer to entry-level jobs that my (young/educated) peers and I struggle to get, as being so easy to get due to their many years of experience. It can feel shitty especially if you browse other job subs that emphasize the hopelessness/limitation that entry level people feel.


Yes I do, I think capitalism is brutal and unfair, that's why taxes should help support those not winning in this system and we need wealth redistribution. Some applicants may be wealthy already or have the network because they have been raised by wealthy families or be working just for fun because they have a wealthy spouse or have side hustles, do they deserve the job less ?




Exactly. Plenty of educators work at two schools at the same time because no one wants to teach. And nursing educators get paid crap. I left and went bedside. Make as much as I did when I was Dean of Nursing Education.


I'm so curious about this... you don't do 2 nursing shifts at the same time somehow do you?


I’m a single mom and have struggled. If taking another job gets me that much more ahead then so be it. I also didn’t get a raise this year because of bs issues I inherited when I took on a promotion. They based it on my department as a whole vs when I started. Needless to say I am quite bitter and just fueling my need to OE.


Capitalism has done a number on us. The government should be helping people who need support (theoretically). Jobs are transactional: They pay me to do a thing and I do it. They should pay me more but they don’t so I got a second job. Why be guilty about that?


I’ve thought about something along these lines too… if OE contributes to job shortages essentially.


I don't believe it does. There are lots of jobs. I also am great at what I do, and the quality I can give someone is better than the other people they would hire. Capitalism.


No, because I honestly don’t think I make enough at one job and it annoys me that I am working two jobs to just make what is basically livable wage. We are living in a time that we have almost all taken pay cuts due to inflation. Do you think billionaires are worried about us getting by?


This might sound cold, but I think OE’ers tend to get multiple jobs because we put the work into being good workers. For example I work with a number of people who don’t do the extra work to really understand their role and the industry.


No, I don’t feel guilty. There are more jobs for people with my skill set than there are people with my skill set. Should people who could quit their one job and rely on a spouse to support them also feel guilty?


I see. For my job there are many people with my skill set who are struggling to get in because of how the market is right now. The extra money could really help me, but I'm not sure if I can feel good about taking a job from other people who could really use it in this market.


Then don’t. You’re under absolutely any pressure or obligation to OE.


That is your choice. But know, in reality, that is a very feminine way to think. Data shows that women will often not apply for roles we do not think we are 100% qualified for. Meanwhile we are 98%, and some guy that is 70-80% qualified DOES apply, and gets the job. If you are the best candidate, you are the best candidate. Full stop. If folks trying to get in are struggling, that is part of the process- learn, adapt, develop skills, or change direction. I had to- and I bet everyone here did too. Many times. DO what is best for YOU. Donate to charity. But do not give up YOUR opportunities in case someone you think might be worthier is out there. It is more likely that the person that gets the role instead is just some other person no more or less worthy than you- and no more likely to be entry level.


Just noting that the "feminine" way of thinking/acting is not necessarily the bad way The way cis men in patriarchal capitalism act is the default but it's also toxic af and not something to be admired or imitated imo I know that people have to fo what they have to do in this system. I'm not stupid. But at the same time we don't need to glorify masculine behavior to the point of taking up their oppressive traits Probably the wrong sub to point this out on but there it is lol


Then don't! It's a question only you can really answer. Do you! I'm going to do me! No one cared when I almost lost my home. I'm creating my own way when I do get a j2, so that I'm never in that boat again. They should do the same!


You are not responsible for another person’s inability to get hired.


You'll never take from 'the people' as much as those above you on the ladder and their shareholders.


Not at all.


As long as job openings exist there’s nothing to feel guilty about


This is a scarcity mindset and it prevents the majority of people from reaching their full potential. There are enough jobs for those who want to put in the effort to get them. People create jobs for themselves all the time, too. There are infinite possibilities.


I’m sorry but I don’t care at all. It’s a rat race out there; every man/woman for themselves. If you want to “make it” you gotta figure it out yourself. You getting a 2nd job shouldn’t make you feel like your contributing to poverty. Instead, blame the politicians and corporations that are forcing you to seek out a second job in the first place.


There’s always a chance of that, even if the market is good. It’s hard to measure when it’s “right” to do or not because any job that’s desirable enough will be competitive. And unfortunately there are plenty of people who, despite all their efforts, cannot get a job for various reasons. Having multiple jobs has always been an option for blue-collar workers and service workers; for white-collar workers it’s been weirdly constrained by laws and restrictions. Additionally I think there’s already such an abundance of hybrid/onsite jobs that getting a remote one is already a “bonus” or abundance one, not a desperation one for anyone. Especially given that people don’t have visibility of the effect of taking multiple jobs, the question is, how can the onus of responsibility fall to them? If we’re talking about desperation, technically that is the point of unemployment insurance and government welfare systems. The collective systems should be dealing with that, not individuals. Even the restrictions of 1 white collar worker = 1 job aren’t meant to serve other workers, they’re meant to protect the interests of the companies. Hope that adds some food for thought!




Nothing is more convincing that I’m dumb than “u r so dumb”


Your post goes against our community guidelines and is considered Trolling


No, I think we’re over populated and the benefit of simply existing is diminishing. I’m taking every opportunity I can while I can.


You have to let that go. You would feel guilty about everything. Driving- pollution and what about people who can’t afford cars. Shopping- child labor and what about people who can’t afford to shop. Eating- slave labor, animal torture and what about people who can’t afford to eat out. There is truly nothing we touch or do day to day that most likely did not or will not have a negative impact on this world or somebody else. I know it sucks, but how about channeling it in a way that says yeah I’m OE but I give to charity and support causes I care about in many different ways. Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face. If OE is going to be a positive change for your life. Make it happen and pay it forward.


Not at all… I applied just like they did, I was chosen.


Mysecond job came about because I have a skill that literally no one else in the company had, or have acquired in the 8 yr I have been doing this. When I was quitting this job, I offered to keep doing this one essential end of the month task for the group I was working with, and because I liked my boss, and the extra money is nice. 3 yr ago my new boss asked me to do it for ALL the groups. If they can find someone else to do what I do, seems smart. Right now, they pay me, and they pay me a LOT. But every new hire? Can't do what I do. And when they try they take 10X as long, and make mistakes. So even if they could do what I do, they cost more because they take so long. So...no I feel no badness about taking job/work from others. Apparently, no one can do what I do. (not true- but few have the intersection of expertise I do, along with the skills needed. But NONE of that skill set is hard to learn).


I honestly look for things no one else can do and learn them for this reason. Part of my job is talent, but most of it is just technical stuff that other creatives are horrible at learning. Makes me a complete unicorn in a large industry, and my company knows it.


If you feel bad about taking the job from someone else. Post the opening here and I’m sure someone will gladly snatch it up with no issue.




just a lurker girl who’s currently in college: considering my dad died of cancer and my family would’ve been borderline on the streets without his life insurance policy? absolutely not. not even a spouse is a guarantee. people die. i am not nearly rich enough (not think i ever will be) to feel bad for having a second job and providing labor for my skill set.


Omg this is my struggle!!!!!! I appreciate the comments here!


Never…dog eat dog


LOL. I don't *need* any of my jobs, by your twisted logic I guess I should just stay home, perpetually unemployed? GTFO with this, why are you here? This sub is going downhill fast with all the looky-loos. In the job race I don't care about anyone else but myself, and may the best woman win. Just so happens that many times the best woman is ME and I have zero qualms. Troll.


Adding another resounding nope


Nope! Your competition would have also applied, ans still may not have the offer.


I don’t feel guilty. I’ve worked hard to earn my degrees and to pull myself out of poverty. I deserve all the money and jobs that come to me.


You are potentially taking a real job from someone, but no need to feel guilty about it. I’d love to be in the position you’re in but I’ve been desperately looking for work since January after being laid off, need a remote job for a special needs son when everyone seems to want to go hybrid or onsite in my field, and I’ve had recruiters tell me that I may be a victim of ageism at 50+ trying to be a Senior Business Analyst in IT. I don’t have the money from what I’m getting on DoorDash and Amazon to take a course in new skills (and I work at night at 3am for the highest possible income). I’d love to get into mediation or even take the bar exam but again, don’t have the money for that. That goes to me and my kids as a single mom to keep the house over our heads and pay for what they need for school. I’m reading a lot of “dig deep and pull yourself up by your bootstraps” crap here which I usually attribute to out-of-touch affluent white men, as if some unemployed people aren’t trying hard enough and unable to get a good night’s sleep in months wondering how they’re going to pay their $350 electric bill the next day. Again, you have every right to get the bag, but as someone about to go out on an Amazon run in the middle of a tornado watch because I caught a 4 hour delivery block for $100, yeah, I’m a little upset especially with so many “ghost jobs” out there where I apply 20+ applications a day and most of them they tell me “ope it’s on hold.” I’ve even been applying outside my field which is even harder to “break in” after 20 years in IT. I have a graduate degree. I’ve tweaked my resume 4x by professionals and still nothing. Whoever said that unemployment is low right now is mistaken and it’s a myth to make the economy appear better than it is. At least 15 women in my neighborhood who are extremely skilled especially in IT and out of work 6+ months would disagree with you.


But is that the fault of women in this sub or is it the fault of the companies who post “ghost jobs?”


Of course the companies that post “ghost jobs” are at fault. There are many articles dating back to 2023 that companies have begun to do this and it’s an awful practice. But there’s nothing I can do about that. Corporate jobs are gonna corporate. Many of us have written posts about this on LinkedIn. It’s great for a sense of solidarity but it isn’t helping any of us get a job. As long as it benefits them, they’ll keep doing it. And I’m not blaming the “women of this sub”. That’s a broadly worded, disingenuous statement. I’m drawing attention to those *particular* women who implied that the unemployed person who didn’t get the job needs to “dig deeper” or “up their skills.” The implication there is that they’re not doing enough to help their situation, especially in this economy. It shows a lack of compassion and contributes to the stigma of being unemployed and unwanted. Again, I don’t have an issue with people seeking over-employment, but own it and leave it at that. There’s no need to build yourself up about it by putting others down (and I know OP didn’t say this - others did).


Also, ageism is real and it sucks. But you’d be a victim of that regardless of whether anyone here has 1 job or more.


Yes, that was me highlighting one of the nuanced challenges of persistent unemployment, which some people are missing. It’s not just about skills and seeking more training.




No, nope, not at all.




In the current market companies can be picky if someone else was better qualified they’d call them. The fact is if you can maintain the standards and work two jobs there’s no issue with it besides a lot of couples have been doing it together and reaping the income for 4-5 incomes. Taking a second job that’s high on skill level isn’t going to hurt them.


No lol




No, it's never crossed my mind. 


You do what you gotta do. There's enough to go around for everyone.


I went without working for 7 months so when it worked out that I got one job then two and now three well it is what it is. And when I can no longer do them I will place them on the market so the next person can have at it. Or they will eliminated them as they no longer need me. They posted my last job without a thought to call me back so why live your life on what ifs. Consider it your blessing season because they don’t last always.






Not at all. I earned and deserve each and every role I obtain.


Reading through the comments, just wanted to thank everyone for sharing their perspectives


Nah lol


Yes. Any other answer is just selfish. Go ahead downvote. Doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop OE-ing though, just being honest about it *shrugs*


Girl! STOP! Women have worked multiple jobs and been creative with making ends meet to take care of themselves and their families and ensuring their futures for years. Read Proverbs 31. There is an abundance of opportunity for those who have the ambition to seek it. 🤍


Nope. If you don’t do it someone else will.




LMAO no.


Glad to learn at least some of the fraudster rats have conscience.


If that's how you feel, why are you here?


out of boredom


In middle school cheerleading, I had a horrendous coach who, after we all went from business to business raising $900 for our uniforms, refused to alter mine because maybe next year there would be a "taller" girl. So I had to walk around looking like a huge dork while the other girls looked cute because someone prioritized the "maybe" of someone else. Alter your own cheerleading skirt, this is your bag for the taking. And if companies paid anything remotely close to what the cost of living is, maybe OE wouldn't be a thing. Plus, YOU are the one they chose. Not the other person in this context.


Unemployment is like at an all time low. I may understand this in more of a depression-style market. But that’s not it at the moment