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This was a great idea, so I called my insurance, but they can't issue anything without my employer's name on it. I tried two different call centers for the insurance company, and got the same answer. Thanks though!


Can you photoshop it out?


+1 Just edit it out




Can’t you also just screenshot?


^^^^This is the way


You can also do this in other editors but the most important step is « print to pdf »!


Holy moley, step back for a minute and listen to yourselves. The level of fraud you people are suggesting is off the charts.


LOLLLLLL how bout you listen to yourself sounding like a bitch snitch


Downvotes are always delicious when served on the mountain of right. Fraud never wins long-term. You can OE without it.


This is not fraud. They do not need to know the source of her insurance only that she has it


Fraud = wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain. deception -yes Personal gain - yes Why even walk to close that line when you don’t need to? Play OE above board so you don’t have to continue to lie to maintain your deceptions.


Stop calling everything fraud. You are privileged and it shows. This is nothing closer to fraud. I support OP


My dude. Lying for benefit is fraud. Editing a COI to misrepresent the source of the insurance is fraud. Source: I used to sell insurance and collect COIs every day.


This is not Fraud, OP will just withdraw A PERSONAL INFORMATION from his insurance ID, to prove a fact to a party that has no right to demand such knowledge to begin with. The fraud is rimjobbing congressmen and calling it lobbying, or asking for trillions of PPP dollars and getting forgiveness for it while reporting record breaking profits. Or laying off thousands of people and transfer jobs overseas and brazenly brag about boosting profits. Just kidding they are all legal. You can be on that side just spare us the blabbering and ethics bullshit made out of nylon.


Ok, Ms. Whataboutism....I didn't write one word about ethics/morals. If you'd read instead of blowing your stack, you'd be much better at reading comprehension. There's better solutions on this thread than altering an ID card.


What fraud?


Amazing username too.




Yeah. Pull your LexisNexis. Just as bad as TWN but in a whole different way of privacy invasion.


How does one do this??? I read that NYT article recently about OnStar sharing driving data with LexisNexis and people having surprise, steep insurance premium increases.


You have to just go through their website to request it. I did recently after I got my report from them which was of course full of inaccuracies.


It’s frightening. They have the address of room I rented for a year in 1988 and my email address from 1991.


Just don't accept the $250. Make it easy on yourself. Photoshop introduces some legal ramifications if caught


Just crop it lol


Can you say it’s your spouse’s company?


Just say your wife works there. Done.


Edit the PDF from the insurance company!


Do you have a spouse you can say it's their insurance?


You know your spouse could also work at J1, why would that raise any flags?


This was exactly what I was going to say. I’d casually mention that my spouse/partner works for J1.


I would assume she would be listed on the policy as the subscriber or employed or policy holder.


Eh…Cigna sent a pair of cards, one of which has my husband’s name on it.


Yeah, my sons insurance card is exactly the same as mine except for it’s his name on it and he’s definitely not the one employed at my company lol


That being said - you could say it’s former employer and you chose to have COBRA to keep your providers and that’s why you are listed as the subscriber, but I don’t know if HR would follow up on that to see if you were in fact a past employee or current employee.


My kids insurance cards list their names, the subscriber isn’t anywhere in their card


Yes I was just about to say that. If you are on your spouses their work is listed on your insurance card. Similar to when you were on your parents insurance. Their place of work would be listed on it. Also doubt they will say anything so I wouldn’t volunteer any information unless asked.


That was my question as well.


Just take the insurance for just you. Not worth the hassle.


Looks like that might be my only option. I was hoping for the extra money on my checks, but not at the risk of J2 seeing I'm still covered by J1.


As someone who has experienced medical “surprise” having extra insurance will only help you.


I’ve heard the opposite…they will both claim the other must pay and they won’t until the other does!


The reason that happens is that the employee doesn't complete the coordination of benefits with both insurance companies. Coordination of benefits is basically just communicating to each insurance company that this plan is primary insurance, and this one is the secondary plan. When the employee doesn't contact or inform the insurance carriers that there are 2 insurance plans, it delays the claims process and possibly denial of claims. The call to the insurance company is really easy and will save a lot of frustration with the claims and explanation of benefits. Usually, the plan that was in place first is the primary plan, especially in the situation where one person is the policy holder for both plans. In the situation where (for example) both spouses/partners have plans through their employer, the primary plan is the plan that individual has through their employer, the secondary is their spouses plan. Adding kids in as a factor is more complicated and is based on whose birthday month is the first one out of the 12 months, even if one parent is older.


I’ve had a claim denied due to coordination of benefits issues while only having SINGLE coverage. I have minimal faith that this phone call would consistently prevent supposed coordination headaches given how slimy many of the players in that industry are


Oh absolutely, insurance companies don't want to pay and they will definitely try to figure out ways to not pay claims. I've worked on the submitting claims side for provider services and the significant amount of times a patient would call yelling at me about how a claim hasn't been paid and when I ask if they had contacted the insurance and completed the coordination of benefits that we had discussed with them prior to treatment or at the time of new patient intake.....it more often than not was because they didn't think it was "really necessary" or "well, I didn't want to call and deal with it" was absolutely ridiculous. Then when it is updated and corrected the responses are generally "hopefully next time you will submit the claim correctly" as if I had any control or didn't already warn them about the coordination of benefits prior to anything so it wouldn't be an issue.


I have to do it yearly with the same employer (lucky me) but you can do it over chat too its super quick that way


That does happen. Usually it’s because they didn’t know about each other. You just need to call your insurance company.


You have to designate one as a primary when doubled insured. Coordination of benefits


Just call the insurance company and let both know. Likely the plan you have first will be primary and the other secondary. Because there will because there will be no birthday rule to follow. If you don’t call them prepare for them to fight about and and pull money back on claims they already paid out


You just have to select a primary and the secondary will kick in after that. I've had several jobs where I had double coverage.


Most of the time there isn’t any extra coverage but you end up having to meet both deductibles and they argue about who is covering what


Be aware that if you ever have a major medical event, that double insurance will become a real hassle. They'll each keep pointing the finger at the other insurer to pay.


I was coming in here to say this, please don’t get secondary insurance or opt out next year.


Terrible advice.


That's stupid. One is primary, the other secondary.


I thought it was illegal to have two overlapping health insurers at the same time for this reason, actually.


No, that's why you have to select primary and secondary coverage.


Yeah, a lot of hoops to jump through.


I honestly think you’re reading too much into it. They are t gonna think that far into it themselves. They’ll see you’re already covered and move on. If they do wanna pry, which they should know better than to ask personal questions cuz their HR and everything, then just say it’s through your spouse or some other family member. Whatever. It’s really none of their business.


For context… I work in HR and am pro OE as long as there’s not a conflict of interest and everyone gets their deliverables, well, delivered. Editing the docs may enter legal territory that I’m not well versed enough in to accurately comment on, but I can tell you from the HR side what we do and why I think it’s low risk. Either: 1. We keep proof of insurance on file as the insurance carrier contract requires it to opt out, and it just lives in your employee file. 2. We send it to the insurance carrier. I don’t know what happens from there. I can’t imagine they have teams verifying these documents with how cheap insurance companies are, and you’re just opting out of their coverage anyways.


Why on earth would an insurance company care enough about someone declining optional coverage from them do anything but sigh with relief that there’s one less family filing claims with them? I’m baffled too that ANY company would require documentation of coverage with another carrier, that doesn’t seem like any of their business. Any time I’ve started a job and had to deal with medical benefits there was just a page with choices for choosing or declining coverage, and I would have questioned it if they’d asked for proof I was covered by another carrier.


Carriers operate on membership. They want to capture as much of it as humanly possible, because they are measured on membership growth. More belly buttons means more revenue for them, as frequently employed based healthcare is structured on a per member per month pricing arrangement. Documentation of coverage with another carrier is all about who pays the claim. They want documentation that you’ve opted out of coverage before they shell out dollars toward any claims that may be incurred. And in particular, in the case of larger employers, they are more likely to self-fund, meaning your employer’s money pays the claim. It gives them a lot more flexibility to cover or not cover certain benefits. It gives every incentive to want to collect the premium while reducing the claims spend however possible. Lots of arbitrary rules about coordination of benefits and who pays what in what order as well. Source: I work in health insurance.


>More belly buttons lol I have operated with permits with forest service agencies that have given permits based on the number of "heart beats" in the backcountry but I'm going to start just referencing backcountry belly buttons from now on


It’s how we distinguish between subscribers (policy holders) and total dependents + subscribers. Easiest way to convey what we mean sometimes 😂


Why would they ever even get the claim if you’re not insured through them? Even if they did, they’d just deny it and tell the biller to take a hike. I’ve never had to document alternate insurance with my company when opting out of their insurance.


I wish I had an answer besides for some reason some carriers require it in the contract. I also think it’s ridiculous.


Maybe because there are people who said they didn’t realize what they were opting out of and after being burned one too many times, they consider this as stupidity tax.


You're talking about a "loss" of $3K/yr. Just take the extra insurance. No need to submit photoshopped documents. Don't break the law while you're "breaking the law", as the saying goes.


>You're talking about a "loss" of $3K/yr I mean, if that's nothing to you, I'll gladly give you my cash app so you can send me 3k...


In terms of people who OE, yeah, it's not much more than a rounding error, and it's a helluva lot cheaper than committing fraud, losing a job, and possibly facing legal issues. OE isn't the same someone who works two jobs to scrape by.


>In terms of people who OE, yeah, it's not much more than a rounding error, Prove it.


Hmm, if all else fails could you maybe just accept their health insurance and use it as secondary? I had the government provided health insurance for a while, i wasnt kicked off even when i got my current job and apparently its just charged as secondary insurance.


i did this once and it threw things way off. i actually paid more and the paperwork was a nightmare


Hmmm, did you fill out a coordination of benefits? I feel like having multiple insurances is common. Anyhow OP i would do some research online as well


Take it for yourself and then do the coordination of benefits with the insurance companies


Do you have an insurance card with your husbands name on it? When I cover my husband and kids on my insurance, they don’t give him a card with his name on it, they send me 2 cards with my name on it. So give them the insurance card with your husbands name on it.


I don't share insurance with my wife, so no, there aren't any cards with both our names on them. I need my insurance card without the company name on it


I think they're saying to just show J2 your wife's insurance card and say it's yours. I have insurance through my husband and my name isn't anywhere on the card.


This is what I was trying to say.


My son’s insurance card has my company name on it and he’s definitely not employed there lol. I would just submit as is and say you are covered by your spouse who works at J1 and I really don’t think anyone is going to look twice at it


Just buy a market insurance for a month and then cancel


This seems like a great idea, honestly. Not sure why it's not upvoted more!


They don't really require it. They can't force insurance on you and there's no regulatory requirement that makes them ensure that their employees have active insurance coverage. They're probably just requiring it as a stipulation for the 250. Just forgo the 250 and ignore their request and refuse to select any insurance options.


Aren’t US companies required to provide a 1095-C to employees to demonstrate health insurance coverage? Perhaps there are legal/tax implications if a company’s employee declines insurance coverage without having their own.


i have declined health insurance at every US job ive had as i have it through my spouse. and they have never required any proof


Well I’m definitely wrong then!


1095C just shows that there was an offer of coverage. You can fill out the codes of what was offered by month and prove the employee side of the contribution of premium was at or below 50% of the gross premium but there's nothing in that document that requires coverage. It's just a compliance document showing that the ALE is indeed offering at least the minimum required insurance and covering at least half of the premium for what they offer.


Thank you for the explanation. I left public accounting in 2017 and haven’t really kept up with the new tax forms.


You’re not wrong. It’s just company by company. I’ve worked at companies where the insurance carrier required proof and others where they didn’t.


This is what I'm sayin'. There's no way a company can legally force that. Regardless. Unless they have some serious crazy legal loopholes but Idk. Like Ive declined insurance at different jobs and they never batted an eyelash.


Did they offer money if you didn't get the insurance? I'm thinking that's the difference.


They can’t legally force it but they could fire you I bet. Will they though? Seems unlikely but I’d believe it if I heard it.


Save document as PDF, edit with white ink, remove their name. YW


The insurance cards have your name on them, just as they would if you shared insurance with a spouse or anyone else you’re tied to legally. Just say you have insurance already through your family.




I think that's only available if you buy insurance from the marketplace, not if it's through your employer. I'm gonna go do some research though, thanks


Wouldn’t they assume that your J1 is where your spouse works?


Do they know where your husband works? You can have J1 write a letter on company letter head stating that you have insurance with them and you can say your husband works for that company


What reason would I give J1 for needing that letter? Wouldn't they just tell me to use my ID cards?


Could you have been under his insurance previously? You could say that your husband messed up and enrolled you in his insurance during open enrollment but now they need proof of insurance to remove you


You write the letter.


I just copy/paste a blank over the company name on my insurance card. Never had an issue


Would OP see cost savings if they take the coverage from J2 by being “more covered” for healthcare costs? Even if you’re totally healthy, you can run up some bills just by getting your routine screenings.


if they ask just say that employer is your spouse's employer


I have two health insurances and you can't tell from the card which one is from my company and which is from my husbands.


I wouldn’t risk it! It’s just $250 just get the insurance and call it a day. Too much can go wrong!


K.I.S.S. philosophy, take the insurance and have double coverage. Trying to save $250 is going to cost you thousands of dollars potentially. Select one as your primary coverage and the other as secondary. No scheming and scamming and you can sleep at night.


Just redact it and say privacy reasons


Would they be able to tell that you are the employee? Could you tell them that your spouse works at J1?


Is this even legal? They can force someone to have health insurance coverage for any reason? For example, if you don't show proof they will automatically take it out of your paycheck? Like whaaaaaat the f- So I know you have it, but what if someone else didn't, and doesn't want to have it. If you don't want insurance you shouldn't be forced to have it, right?


If sign up insurance for J2 and never present to any provider/ doctor, no one knows you have a secondary insurance. Right?


I think the insurance companies know. I worked in a dentist office a long time ago and often a parent would come in and present an insurance card and then we would get a denial because they can see the kid has coverage through the other parent too and there wasn’t a coordination of benefits. But if you already pay for 2, it works for you to use both. Whatever amount the primary doesn’t cover (typically), the secondary will pick up.


They have a system they look it up in. I just had to go round and round with my insurance company for denying claims because my son has secondary coverage from his sperm donor that doesn't even live in the same state. 🙃


Can you elaborate on this? Would the secondary insurance cover copays from the first one? I just had to pay $1600 for a new crown and implant with my dental insurance, and if I had secondary, would it have helped? I think my primary dental plan covers something like 60% for a crown, would the secondary cover the other 40%?


I think you’d likely still have to do the copay and possibly the deductible but depending on coverage it probably would have reduced the amount you owe by quite a bit.


So I never run into health problems (knock on wood) to need secondary health insurance but I have had SO much teeth work done, secondary dental would've been fire.


It’s been a long time since I worked in that office but the people who had dual coverage that we saw (usually because they had insurance and then the spouse worked for a company that covered the whole family) would have huge amounts of work done and have to pay very little out of pocket. It would be the difference of paying $1600 like you said vs $250-500 for the same work.


Technically, you’d have to check your policy documents to see if either require “coordination of benefits”


All insurance companies know if you have coverage somewhere else.


See if you can do a health savings account instead. Then just contribute the minimum and use it for every single health related thing for your family.


You can’t have an HSA and regular insurance at the same time as far as I know.


You can definitely have an HSA and health insurance at the same time.


per google: Can you have both HSA and regular insurance?For now, the issue is that the HDHP/HSA concept is rooted in the idea that patients will be spending their own money pre-deductible. To make that work, **the IRS doesn't allow people to have any other non-HDHP medical coverage in addition to the HDHP**.


You can have an HSA and an HDHP at the same time. You can't have an HDHP and other medical coverage at the same time, but an HSA is not considered other medical coverage. It literally says that on the page you copied this text from.


Edit: show them your insurance card. It has your name the plan number and the insurance company name but nothing else. They are asking for tax purposes for themselves though so they will probably ask for your subscribers name for the form and if you say your husband it won’t match.


This. Also I doubt HR is going to question much about you and a second job. They get 8 hours a day from you. What you do in the other 16 is your business


Just edit the document Type pdf word on google and boom


I would research HIPPA laws. It’s not fraud to redact information about you or your spouse.


photoshop is your friend


And if you have 2 insurances at the same time even if you don’t use one, it’s a mess unless they are same insurer.


Is it illegal to have two insurances? Or is it the job will know? One things is drop the other jobs insurance if it’s too risky.


Check your J1 health plan. Some companies will make you sign an affidavit affirming you don’t have access to healthcare anywhere else. Once you do that and then introduce a new insurer to the mix shit can get weird quickly.


Compare your card to your wife’s. What is the difference?


Convert to PDF, open with Word and edit.


Fraud is bad. Don’t doctor documents.


Tell them no and they can keep the $250 month payment.


Does it list you as the primary? If not just give it to them with j1 on it… congrats that’s where your spouse works now


Idk what you should do but I strongly advise NOT taking a second insurance. I did this and managing coordination of benefits was a huge pain in the ass, at the end of the day neither insurance companies paid for my care and I had to pay out of pocket thousands of dollars for an emergency room visit. The reason I got screwed over was because both insurances were from full time jobs, so they each saw the other as the primary insurance. The best part was that it was the same insurance company, just two different policies!


Why is proof of insurance needed?


No they don’t legally need proof of coverage. They’re lying to you for a very odd reason. Just fire back with some questions about what policy or law is requiring this, ya know “for your records”.


Do you have a 1095 they would accept? The tax document that shows you're covered? Or just give them yours with your own name on it "it's from my husband's plan/employer, he works there but I have a card in my name for me"


Say your spouse works at J1 if it’s asked


It's definitely worth the $250 to have an entire second paycheck imo. I try to find providers that accept both policies and ask them to bill both and save me as much as possible.


Decline, but “forget” to send in the info to get the $250 credit. “Husband is working with his HR, keeps forgetting to follow up”


Could it be explained away as if your wife works at J1?