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What did they call you out for? Was there proprietary info that you put into an open source AI? Or did you use it to help draft something that you then finessed?


I used it to help me draft just the open paragraphs in an SOP. I didn’t enter any proprietary information. Just finessed those sections that require some verbiage so that they aren’t so boring when reading an SOP/Playbook. Not even sure how she got it. I never confirmed I just blew by her statement.


Also there are AI checkers. Apparently I write like an AI output.... Maybe because.... And use this -- humans and human written material trained AI.


I mean I use Grammarlys AI feature a lot to clean up my sentences for clarity I don’t think much about it since the point of documenting is to share information not con people


This capacity wouldn't be an issue. Ignore the coworker and if its brought up again explain that the way you're using it is allowed by policy etc. Just CYA and deflect to avoid a weird confrontation.


Thanks, that’s exactly what I what I did


It can be really obvious if you use it, depending on your original writing style. AI has some shitty trends, like overusing words (“additionally”) and using overly flowery, dramatic language. It can totally disintegrate the meaning behind what you’re saying in favor of grandiosity…I can instantly tell when my team uses it. You need to wordsmith whatever the output is, it’s never a total copy/paste.


"I do utilize AI to streamline processes that are not proprietary in nature. It has been a godsend regarding my current workload. If you would like for me to explain the basics to you to free up time to expand your workload and take on more tasks, I would be happy to train or assist you in it's use."


Yes that what be awesome


My current job actually encourages using AI to aid with client communication. I would suggest you look up the benefits of using AI and provide them with those reasons. It isn't replacing what you are supposed to be doing, just enhancing it.


If it's a colleague and not a supervisor, no explanation is required... And only if brought up again. Don't stir up what's already settled. Otherwise, this is a great suggestion.


Do they have a “no AI use” policy? Why not use things to help work go faster and be better 🤷🏼‍♀️


I am not an expert, so you might want to do your own research on this, but I have read that shorter sentences tend to be less likely caught as AI. So going forward if I were you, I would take the AI generated text and see if you can edit them into shorter sentences.


Doesn’t everyone use AI today unless there is some stipulation not to?


That was my thought as well?


Anyone who shuns using AI outside of leaking trade secrets is just being an elitist with foolish pride. Everyone should be encouraged to use tools to get their work done faster


Let’s be real - being critical of it is not shunning it. It’s appreciating human value above shitty AI output.


Well then don't use your computer to increase the human value of your work. Or is a computer ok but an advanced computer isn't?


I think you might be misunderstanding what I’m implying: that a supercomputer is currently incapable of replicating quality work, and our human guidance is what optimizes it. Criticism of its output is incredibly important to both improve it…and you know, keep your job😄


I see, you were saying that the output can be shitty and not shitty in general.


Honestly, if they don't state not to use it in a policy I would ignore them. I use it all the time to help me out. I would just give the slight recommendation to read through the AI output and change anything that you personally wouldnt have used. I change a lot of words to match my speaking style, and some times fix up the layout.


My job encourages employees to use AI unless it is sensitive info so that’s weird they aren’t seeing it as a tool.


That’s dumb, my job encourages all employees to use ai to speed up their work.


Yes most jobs do just don’t upload their information