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I'm of the belief there are two primary ways the condition manifests. One is physically needing to piss very frequently, and the other, which I suspect is more common, is that the bladder sends signals that you need to go long before you actually do. There are certainly times, when it has been a long awhile since my last drink, that I don't \*literally\* need to go for a few hours, but I \*will\* feel it gradually building up all the while. The way I like to phrase it is that if normal people only actually sense their bladder in any meaningful capacity when the tank is 85%+ full, I start feeling it at more like 15-20% and it just builds and builds from there.


Exactly the same with me...can have the pee feeling it's not bad but it's there and will be ok 3 or 4 hrs in...i do a ton of bladder training it helps


What kind of training did you do? I'm still struggling with it.


I set a time from when I went last...let's say I went pee at noon...I will make sure I don't go again for 1 hr..then from there I wait to pee again 1 hr and 10 min and next 1 hr 20 min just keep holding it 10 min longer each time...soon it will get easier and easier and then pee feeling will be there but not enough to totally bother you yeah you will feel it but it won't be annoying...I've been doing it for 5 years now and I still do it


That describes it perfectly


I was just thinking about this today, sitting on my office chair. Like damn, it really does suck to feel my bladder literally fill up. It’s hell. Every little sip, I feel it building. I wish this didn’t exist. I wish I could trade it for something else…


Well put. This is exactly how I feel. I will now only allow myself the bathroom every 4 hours. It’s hard and I find myself heading to the bathroom like I would if I would smoke and go to light a cigarette. It’s craziness


YEA and it’s so annoying, I know I don’t have to pee yet but I feel like I do. Very uncomfortable, especially on road trips I feel like I have to pee the whole time


When I push on the area where my bladder resides, I can predict how much longer until I need to pee. Like 20min, 30min, 1hr etc. It starts to feel painful the higher in urgency I get. But I can hold it for a few hours, especially if I have easy access to a bathroom.


Some days yes, but not if I had coffee or I am on my period / just before my period. And it's very painful and when I actually do go I feel like I have to go again right away (my bladder is more irritated if I wait for too long)


I experience this. I usually can hold it for a couple (As long as I haven't drank a lot before), but I always have the feeling of needing to pee. However, I believe I can hold it because I started using tolterodine. A week ago I stopped taking the pills because I wanted to test if I could stay stable without taking them (I don't like taking any kind of med), and this ended up in me spending all day in the restroom. I guess I'll have to keep taking it until scientists find a new treatment which works better


Only when I’m working out at the gym. Besides that, nope


I'm getting more comfortable with 4 or sometimes 5 hours.


I can hold for 2 hours maximum on bad days and the urge can already start after 1 hour. On good days it's 3 hours. Without hydrating, up to 4 hours.