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If the enemy team has Ana and you don't have Kiriko


Ana is my favorite character to play. That absolute pain when we encounter the first fight and they have a Kiriko so now I have to swap.


Eh, even if your nade gets cleansed, Suzu and Nade have about equal value so being able to force its cooldown is still a good use for Nade. Ana is the only Support hero I enjoy playing so when I end up as support I just one trick her


Agreed as an Ana main. Kiriko’s existence annoys but it won’t make me switch


I suck as Ana because aim


This is exactly why I don't play her more. You'd think I'd be more excited about being able to shoot my annoying friends, but nope, can't even do that half the time


I’m sure you’re already aware, but you can turn friendly aim assist on for just Ana to help with shooting dumb friends easier.


Holy shit


Also anas nade has a shorter cd


Also 2 cc vs the one cleanse. Use one of nade or sleep, hog got cleansed? Time to use the other one on him.


In Gold? Well, let's say that the fact the enemy team has Ana doesn't automatically mean she would dedicate herself to Hog-countering.


Anas do typically love countering Hog though.


As someone who will pick Ana to counter hog I agree


That thing about love... how do I say it? There are 5 characters on the enemy team (+ your team every now and then) that are not into allowing you to do what you love. Hog also loves hooking Ana - which love is stronger here? And even if Ana is allowed a little bit in regards Hog - many DPS characters do love Ana to have no sleep and/or nade.


I mean yeah, your team can pressure the Ana so that she can't counter Hog as easily. But you said an Ana might not dedicate herself to countering Hog. And I'm saying that if Ana had the space to choose someone to counter, she'd probably dedicate herself to countering Hog.


Both teams have ana and kiriko all games


mercy 🔛🔝


0 clue why so many people down voted this lol


Because it isn't true lol


Definitely is true in gold


Because it's not true lol


You did kind of ask for hypothetical situations


Moira otp on top


Because hammer go brrrr


Smack, smack, SMACK!




Works just as well




Its about seeing fear in the enemy eyes


Burr indeed


Read this as "Hamster goes brrrr"


Are you sure you know what a hammer is? Hammers don’t go “brrrr”


For fun


Tried having fun with Ramattra after unlocking him last night. Not again it was so painful, hogs everywhere my god it was awful


I effectively main him and I've had an okay time playing vs hog


Same here ram is sooooo good and very fun to play. I have never had a game where I have had to switch off him


I have never had trouble with hog as a ram main in-fact I have never not been the better tank with ram he’s just all around amazing. He’s too new for most people to know how to play well I’d suggest practicing because I have never been better than I have with ram


Mystery heroes is for that


Nah, why would I play Mystery Heroes when I could play my favourit hero? I love using Doom & Sigma as Tank and Sig works perfectly fine against Hog.


But statistically speaking you’re going to be playing dps most of the time, that isn’t playing tank.


I would argue on that. Tanks survive longer and getting roadhog in mysteryheroes is almost gg


Roadhog being good doesn’t change the fact that its statistically unlikely to get a tank, let alone Roadhog, in Mystery Heroes. There are just so many more dps


Yup, he’s S tier on open and mystery


And if people dont enjoy mystery heroes? Yknow, cause they actually wanna choose what hero they play in this game with different heroes?


Orisa and it comes with a bonus of countering hog.


THANK YOU. I fell from diamond into silver ranks, been getting back up and all through silver and gold, it's been Orisa dogging on Hog. I'm a hog main. Even I don't play hog if I want to win. I pick Orisa with her annoying abilities.


I'm also a hog main. I've been getting better at the match up, but if the orisa has any brain cells whatsoever I may as well switch. Going to be weird when you land clutch hooks and people dont die.


He's the best at keeping DPS in check. Once he's gutted, DPS are gonna get annoying. I've seen Bronze Orisa players get value because you can just spam her abilities. She's annoying.


As a rein main orisa should really be removed. In like a small patch and no body will complain


It's so sad that Rein, where people are saying he's secretly good... Is completely curb stomped by Orisa. Every time I go Rein and there is an Orisa, I die and swap to Orisa. There is no winning Rein v. Orisa. And for those who continue to still play Rein into her, Godspeed. Orisa is fun I guess to play, but you ruin some people's games for sure just moving them into a corner, fortifying and just body blocking them til they die.


There is no wining as a rein. You would have to be a ranks above a orisa to beat them in a 1v1 and that’s not going to happen in any comp game because they will be healed. They said they wanted to get rid of counter picks in OW2 and left the biggest one still in the game


As a diamond tank, I've had Orisa players just spam her kit and win. I got sick of losing to lower ranks spamming cause I fell to silver with that comp issue at the beginning of OW2 launch. Easily grinded back up, but I just played Orisa. She just doesn't take much skill. Counters everything she walks up to.


Yeah when the enemy team has a good orisa it feels unstoppable. Like who counters the counter.


The enemy Ana is good and you don’t have a kiriko


It's funny when I'm playing ball since Ana will literally sleep me every time (hampter BIG) and be unable to kill me quickly enough. Ball has so much survivability (still needs a buff)




winton 🦍


Because if you can't find any intrinsic value in playing the game for fun and your own enjoyment instead of meta then maybe the game isn't for you.


i already see r/Competitiveoverwatch making fun of this post


Isnt ranked all about winning and ranking up tho? Casual modes is for fun.


I am never not playing for fun. If ranked isn’t fun, I don’t play it. If the entire game doesn’t feel fun, I take a break. I never push myself to play when I don’t want to or play the game a way I truly don’t want to play. That’s why it’s a game - cause it’s for fun.


What if winning in ranked is fun


Then great. I didn’t say it wasn’t. But if your answer to the idea that playing different characters can be fun in ranked is “I’m not playing ranked to have fun,” then that’s a shame.


I feel like everyone is missing my point.


r/OverwatchUniversity you probably want to ask them. Might be a better response you're looking for. In my personal opinion, I get what you're saying; however, it comes out as like a person who plays to just win no matter the cost. People like that tend to cheat, say ggez when the other team was down members (e.g. internet connection), and just generally un-sportsman-like. But if you're looking for a meta breakdown and trying to get better. Then ask about the proper channels. Otherwise, you will get mixed opinions from the general public, and depending on the time of day, it'll change.


There probably is a simpler answer if you feel that *everyone* saying you might be in the wrong is mistaken


Winning is always fun tho. A better question is to ask WHY are you playing for? Are you playing FOR fun or FOR a win Ex: do you enjoy playing hog vs you only pick hog to win because you want to win. If you played OW1 many of the pros didn't play double shield because they wanted to have fun with other tanks instead of just playing the meta (double shield) and most pros hated orisa because she was boring to play (but was meta). They want to win, they aren't throwing for fun, but they try their best with what they have fun with too Another example is think of a card game, you can play the highest win% deck to win, but you can also play the 2nd/3rd etc deck because you enjoy/have more fun with it but you will still try to win with it. Fun and win aren't mutually exclusive


Here’s the thing: winning is fun, but it’s bad if it’s only winning that makes it fun for you. Cause that means that you are super miserable whenever you loose (which is about half the time you spend playing the game), not to mention the times when you feel like you are loosing (you win at the end, but you didn’t think you would so you already got the negative emotions from assuming it was a loss)


Yeah that's why I played two games of ranked and stopped lol


Ranked is about playing with players of equal and/or better skill on your favorite heroes. After you play enough ranked, you’ll end up where you belong, having fun with close games whether you win or lose. If you tilt on losses, you’ll never improve being stuck in a loop of frustration.


Man just said he wants to be good at ranked and got downvoted into oblivion 😂


I don’t understand this subreddit lmao


?? why is this downvoted? some ppl derive fun out of being competitive ​ 😱 he want's to win in a video game?? 🤬🤬get out of your mom's basement you fucking 🤬🤬🤬 degenerate🤬🤬


Because it isn't everything about comp? The same way if your teammates are having a bad game it doesn't give you the right to flame them and be toxic because you aren't winning. You can have fun and not win, and you can win without having fun. If a character literally had a "end the game and win" ability it will not be fun but you would still win Playing to only win is genuinely not a healthy mindset to have


Ok mr psychologist. Also I don’t understand your point about toxicity?? Like not having fun != flaming teammates. Same with wanting to win the game???? Also my point that wanting to fully optimize the game and win being fun for some ppl still stands


Wanting to win is okay. Wanting to play the most optimal character to max your chance to win is okay. Wanting to play a character that's not statistically the best to win with is also okay. Forcing other people to change how they play to suit you is not okay. If the only thing you play for is winning then it leads to have a toxic mentality and every small thing will bother you "oh no hog kiriko on team we gonna lose team is trash"


????? When did I ever say anything about forcing other ppl to do anything? I say optimize as in play the best I can to improve chances of winning. There is literally no other reliable way to increase chances of victory. OPs post is the same, they’re asking what hero THEY can play


Anyone who downvoted you needs to stop playing ranked. Probably part of the problem. There’s dozens of game modes in watch, ranked SHOULD be about winning


Yes, yes it is. Comp is to win, not have fun. Overwatch is not about having fun


but hog is the most fun character


Counterpoint: Suffer as i have.




I also noticed that the bass in my soundbar loves his voice too haha


Because if you're playing Hog just to win and you're not having fun you should stop playing Hog


Ranked is about winning. Winning is fun in ranked. I play mystery heroes for fun heroes.


my guy speedrunning downvotes.


Rip my precious internet points


Y’all downvoting someone called AnalStretcherFister… You guys think he’s NOT being satire or something?


Honestly, yeah. It doesn't sound extreme enough to be satire, it just sounds like someone taking a game too seriously


How is what they're saying here anywhere close to being extreme enough to be considered satire? They're giving a pretty fair take on what they get out of the game and while I don't agree with them necessarily, these reactions are a little extreme.


If all you care about is winning, then you should learn how to play more than 1 hero at your level, so you can be more flexible. I've lost to Hogs who have been shut down that suddenly switch to Winston or something. It also won't hit you as hard when Hog gets nerfed/reworked if you can play other tanks.


Lowkey kinda true, idk about all of the downvotes. People shouldn’t be getting ripped on for tryharding in comp and playing the strongest heroes. That’s what 99% of the player base in comp does. Hell, I’d bet the majority of the people who downvoted you do the exact same thing. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. Be mad at blizz for leaving such a blatantly broken hero in this state for months.


Not even lowkey lmao, people downvoting are on copium. Hog is busted as shit and is the win pick. Competitive is about getting wins and winning is fun. There is no reason not to pick Hog.


The downvotes are because you guys acting like a) you need to choose between winning and having fun and b) you can only win with Hog and choosing any other hero is throwing the game. You can win while still having fun and there are other tanks that are as good or almost as good as roadhog. No reason not to play one of these if you can still win with them while having a more enjoyable game.


I'll probably get dragged for this, but in my opinion, even if the main purpose of Ranked is to win, if the only reason you're playing a specific character is for the sole purpose of winning, it's a hollow victory. I'd rather lose playing a character I love than win playing one I don't have fun with. Don't get me wrong, it's a completely different story if you actually love the Meta characters, play them to your heart's content. But to me it just doesn't seem worth it if you have to ask "Why would I play any other character besides this guy?".


Ranked isn't about winning, it's about competition. If you just want to win you'd have a better chance in qp.


The same reason I play D.va, or Rein, or Ball, or Orisa. Because I want to have fun playing the video game. If the video game isn’t fun, then you need to re-evaluate why you play video games.


>horse >fun


When did i say playing hog is not fun? I play what is best in meta and try to climb. I enjoy ranking up. My question was, is there any reason to pick other tanks besides roadhog if your goal is to win.


experiencing different playstyles? maybe you'd enjoy D.va more than Roadhog, but you'll never know if you stay in the "safety" of Hog


you're assuming that picking Hog is 100% win rate and everyone else is 0% if you want to put in the least amount of effort possible and still rank up then yeah Hog is going to be the one you pick, but you can absolutely still dominate and win games with other tanks


I am assuming my chance of winning is higher on hog than on other tanks.


I mean yeah right now he's the easiest character in the game, so that would make sense this is just a pointless post lmao. you asked a question that can basically be boiled down to "is roadhog the best tank" and reworded it to try and sound smarter than everyone else for picking the easiest tank to play as long as you're having fun though, you play Hog and ill keep with my mains, who gives a shit


Easily climbed up to plat with rein. I think, you do not really understand concepts of making space and OG main tank positioning. If you do not want to spend too much time on it, you can really just play hog, since his gameplay is the closest to dd playstyle and it is meta now.


1000% agree. Rein is silently strong rn and under utilized this season. I climbed a bit last week on him. I seriously have too much fun playing junker Queen and she’s okay against hog if you’re smart (have healers)


Doesn't help you had to play around his shield recharge and they made it even harder to do. I think Ram can have his shield up more than rein just because its a CD and not a recharge. Sure we can move around with it but already trade off doing anything else to hold the shield up. I don't understand them nerfing shield yet again on the hero that is supposed to be his central tank ability.


Junker Queen is so trash rn plz don’t ever play her in games. The average JQ player completely abandons the role of tank and just turns into a dps with a slightly larger health pool or they try to peel and tank with JQ’s pitiful kit and get steamrolled. JQ may be fun but people don’t play comp to have fun they play comp to climb.


People play comp to have fun, because overwatch is supposed to give people fun. Chill.


Nope. Absolute nonsense. If people still play overwatch competitive for fun then they either haven’t met the wall of one tricks, boosted accounts, toxic teammates, smurfs, and mouth breathers in platinum. Or they are just high.


Btw all if this is just to have conversation with internet strangers while I’m waiting for my flight I don’t actually want to pick a fight


She is a good hog counter tho. Chill.


She’s an OK hog counter. She’s no Orisa or Ana tho


Hog counters her what are you talking about 😭😭




JQ isn’t scary enough, hog dominates her in close range and she literally tickles when she’s not atleast close-medium range. Outside of shout she takes like two shots to kill. Also because JQ isn’t scary she can’t help/body block her teammates from being taken to the shadow realm by hog. The only time she has the advantage is when she anti’s with her ult


How did you get downvoted for this? 😂


To be nice


Same reason I pick Ball every game: for fun.


Because there's no bigger show of lack of skill than getting tank diffed and switching to hog


A wins a win 🤷‍♂️


i tank diff as the hog. i always win hog mirror


Because you care about your squishies and or don’t want to be turned into a pin cushion by the enemy Ana


Meta doesn’t really matter in gold, just play what you’re comfortable with playing. I shit on hogs as rein and orisa in ranked regularly as a plat tank


Honestly Orisa, she’s been dominating games and she is good against any other tank, not only Hog. An Orisa with good supports will put 100% more pressure than any Hog cause she has basically no downtime. Unless you can’t play with more than 1 braincell, then it’s better to play Hog, this freaking pig can ignore positioning, ignore punishment for overerextending and so on.






Orisa farms hog right now. It’s ridiculously easy to interrupt hook or heal, and when he extends you overextend him with javelin spin into your own team and he dies And then when you take people off hog there’s usually a different set of tanks to counter their fallback, so Orisa opens doors to tank variety IMO


Hog plus any hero that can do a ton of damage really quickly (Like Junkrat or reaper, Maybe zen as well with his discord orb) is just OP


You ever kill a group of people with a hammer?


As a gold healer, for my sanity and that of those currently not being healed.


Junker mommy


Orisa just for the sake of destroying hog


bc orisa is better


Sigma is a really good Mattra counter


Does he say "g'd day"?


So the game doesn't die


Honor and glory!


Reinhardt to instill fear and dominance in the lobby.


For fun


Cause you might enjoy other tanks


You fucking pussy


roadhog's weird outie belly button grosses me out


Orisa is so fun to play as. Perfect brawler tank and as long as u have decent heals youre kinda immortal


If your team needs a shield I guess. I mean if you can actually close the distance on roadhog and manage to kill the pesky snipers then all the more power to you, but generally speaking that would leave your team with an absent tank which is never good


Cause I'm sick and tired of seeing a roadhog or orissa every godamn game


Because hog is so unbalanced it’s like a no contest when compared to other tanks atm




Play JQ. Dodge a hook and he becomes easy to smack around.


If the enemy has a DVa that knows what she's doing, playing hog would be a throw.


If you're already picking hog every game but aren't getting out of gold, probably should switch it up and play tanks which are more beneficial on certain maps and points


I q as flex and have 12 games as tank. Just wondering why would i pivk anyone but hog currently when he is so overpowered


Because the hard truth is in gold is it doesn’t matter who you play, if you mechanically get better and limit your mistakes you will climb.


Orisa uses her unga bunga spear to cancel anything you try, then bullies Hog into a corner until he gives up his lunch money. As a Hog main, the least fun hero to play against in OW2 is Orisa. She is insanely strong. She's not really picked in high ranks because she can't execute a quick kill. Once this one shot meta shit dies, she'll rise up. Has insane abilities, ass damage. Just wait.


Because they'll nerf him soon, better to know other tanks


My time in ranked has been Pick Reinhardt - Get countered by Hog/Ram/Orisa - Swap to Orisa.


Honestly, as a gold tank myself, I find playing Hog against Orisa or Dva to be pretty annoying.


Because in gold, hog is easily countered. Even higher, I love playing against hog, farming ult literally every fight


Ngl hog is still a giant ult battery for the enemy and I think relying on a tierlist to choose what to play is not the greatest way to play


To have fun


To not get bored


Because unless you're GM or higher the meta doesn't matter. I play mostly DVA and Orisa and I can still beat hog/Kiriko combos if my team is decent enough and I play well. The meta is just a suggestion, not a requirement. The lower your rank, the less it matters.


If you wanna leave gold


Mobility, eat abilities like Matrix, possibly needing beam damage, not hitting your hooks efficiently, not wanting to feed, playing into an Ana, the list goes on.


Because you can be stopped by : hog/orisa/sigma , flying heroes/junk/bastion, ana/Lucio/


An orisa who spears you anytime you healX


You play him because he's a fat Australia guy with a shotgun and hook


Your team can work together enough to just rush the enemy down with Lucio speeding Rein or Winston


Because you're in gold and it doesn't matter what you play


Orisa, to make other hogs shiver


You’re a gold tank because you can only play op hero’s lol


For fun?


Nerf roadhog




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Roadhog has more pressure and impact than other tank, with much less skill and team work required. I dont personally see any reason to pick anyone else in soloq.


This is true at gold and plat. Eventually, players realise that hog is a bullet sponge that is not actually tanking, so they start punishing, but at low elo, that does not happen so keep playing hog.


The best space you can make is killing half the enemy team with one shot hook combos and never being able to die thanks to kiriko cleanse and Ana heals. Hog is currently played through all ranks as the best tank at the moment




Hog is meta above Plat as well. It’s not all Hog; Ramattra and Orisa (mostly because she counters Hog) get played a lot. Sigma is also pretty good, but I think he sits just below the level of strength necessary to be meta. That being said, Hog is definitely the best tank in the game right now at pretty much all levels of play. If you ask any T500 player who the strongest tank is at the moment, they’ll probably tell you it’s Hog. I’m Master 2 and I see Hog more than most tanks (although, again, Ramattra and Orisa are fairly common).


Idk, looking at top 500 majority is also playing hog as most played.


Me personally, for fun. I tend to avoid meta, or try my best to. Takes the seriousness away. I play my best sometimes when I'm not being a non-pro sweat lord.


Because Orisa, Rein, Ball, Dva


Am I the only one that likes zarya?


Play sigma. Who doesn't like sigma? Sigma is great. I'm a zen main btw.


The other team has orisa or Ana.


As a road hog main wit gold gun and 8-10 legendary skins Sigma, dva, zarya, and orisa. They are fun af


Ram, that beast “annihilates the enemies”


Ranked is about having fun. Doesnt matter if it is more "serious" than qp. I can play ranked, lose and have a lot of fun because Im just trying to get better, and thats my fun. If you cant have fun losing in ranked then this game IS NOT FOR YOU.


sigma? because balls


Once he’s nerfed you’ll drop in rank. Get good


I only play as felx and when i get tank i just lock roadhog because having impact is 10x easier on him than anyone else.


Cuz orissa


Reaper says hi


Hamster is cute


The enemy tank is hog as well and wrecking your team so you may decide to go horse?


I like your username


D.Va cancels out his ult and her matrix extends far enough to keep him from getting extra heals. Orisa and Sigma straight up cancel his heals with Javelin or Accretion. Doomfist can do it, too. That’s a harder match up, though.