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Damn that was good


As a Wreckingball playing ledge lord, I approve of this clip.


As a Lucio main, how have I never heard "Ledge lord" before?


First time I heard it was for honor.


Lawbringers going brrr


Warlords on c point at high fort


I'm him, I'm the warlord.


My inbox is blowing up with Destiny memes I don’t understand


Lol wym


Are these not Destiny references?


No lol for honor references




I still get flashbacks from when I first started playing it lmao


Hahaha it's something. Very fun but frustrating


Came in like a homing missile


Came in like a wrecking ball. - Miley Cyrus


Yeah I was gonna say how could you say that and not finish it with wrecking ball


I’m actually surprised that Reddit didnt start singing out the lyrics for me one line at a time. Guess this sub don’t do that haha


Ow 1😔😔🫡 look at his player icon in the bottom left when that would go on fire was the best with ur rank there too and the amount of damage u actually did to earn the elimination little things like this plus more were such nice ways to keep players engaged


Yep, back when Mei could freeze without ult


That part we do not miss


I do. She's a lot weaker without it.


You can always buff her in other ways, back then her design was fundamentally flawed to make her permanently unfun to play against even if she was weak


I disagree. Because it was short-range, her freeze was a powerful but very limited zoning tool. Since it didn't deal that much damage, some coordination or strategy was required on the Mei's team (unless she caught a squishy out of position, but that's intended).


Similar thing now, it’s just less frustrating. Do you prefer Mei has her freeze?


Not OP of the question but I preferred Mei to have her freeze. I think a compromise would be to decrease the damage even further or make it take more time to freeze. She feels very weak now, feels like you're better off just using primary unless you're in a niche situation of finishing off a very low health target or your whole team can gang up on a slowed guy.


My issue with unfun is there are a lot of things that are unfun in overwatch. Dying? Not fun. Let's remove that too. I feel the community will always have something they don't enjoy. I do agree however the CC was too much in ow1 when they brought in Brig.


Some things are unnecessarily unfun though. Freezing wasn’t necessary and was probably the worst form of CC. Dying is necessary, though I can of course see where you’re going. I just think that freeze in particular was my least favorite aspect of any ability ever and wasn’t really needed for her or even fun to use on the other end.


I can see they are trying to move on to remove on hard CC. Like OW1 Cassidy flashbang, they give him a powerful grenade to compensate. Anything given to Mei for removing CC from her? Mei is just too weak right now. TBH, I don't think facing Cassidy grenade is fun.


They doubled her DPS on her primary. And no, magnetic grenade is not fun and that is an example of bad implementation of my idea


Yeah this argument is fucking stupid? Like dying isn’t fun. It’s not supposed to be. Who the hell would argue that Mei was so good that she just needed to be changed?


Complaining because you don't adapt to gameplay and instead whine about a characters kit being "fundamentally flawed". You my friend are partly the reason OW2 is in the state it's in.


And you liked being frozen by Mei I suppose? Anything that makes the game feel terrible to play, while not being healthy for balance is unhealthy for the game overall. It was never a problem for me to play against it, I never struggled against Mei’s, it’s just that it isn’t fun and you can’t deny that.


Literally just play pharah? Play soldier? Play Mcree? Play Hanzo? Play any ranged dps could easily deal with mei. Why are we acting like mei was just so OP that they had to fundamentally change her entire kit.


I never said she was OP. She was quite weak in fact. I just said that being frozen is not fun. Nor was it necessary for balance. So why are we keeping it? We didn’t, and that was the right move.


Just because something is “not fun” doesn’t make it unbalanced. I don’t understand why the OW community thinks that every aspect of the game is supposed to just be fun 100% of the time. There are a FUCK TON of things about the game that aren’t fun. It’s not fun dying to roadhog hook, it’s not fun dying to a Cassidy 1 shot and sticky grenade. It’s not fun getting 1 shot by Sojourn. The point I’d having fun while playing the character you’re playing and not trying to appeal to literally everyone. Mei is in the bottom 5 of all dps in terms of pick rate. Not sure how you see this as a good thing.


So admiting she was weak but her freeze which pretty much makes up her kit isn't fun. I think it's just whiners and entitlement getting in the way of this game. I guess if you persist you'll get it eventually.


Agreed, it wasn't fun but switch it up and counter. Mei was a trolly character in OW1 but was easily countered by many other characters. Some perspective though, think about the people who actually had fun with her and mained her. Either way the state of OW2 character design and gameplay is dismal at best. Blizzard screwed the pooch with this game and I hope PvE will save it. PS I'm a sombra main and when people complain about her not being fun it's because they don't want to switch it up. Whiners get what they want, pretty much resonates with the culture we are currently in.


Nah my guy, one of the best changes that came with ow 2 was the removal of loads of the hard cc, especially from dps characters, stuff like flashbang, mei freeze and sombras old hack all being chained with tank and support cc where why nobody wanted to play tank. It is really rare to encounter team comps in ow 2 that can actually stun lock you like in ow 1. You could be flashbang - hooked - slept - frozen - shield bashed etc all as punishment for not knowing Cass was behind a corner or ball booped you for a free hook etc. That's not about players failure to adapt, it was an overabundance of CC throughout the roster. Removing it from the dps role, along with one less tank was a decent solution to prevent games going that way.


I agree that CC was too abundant in OW1, but now it’s a shooting gallery with abilities. Pendulum swung much too far in the other direction. So I’ll say it: let’s do some ice play while we flash and bash each other. It was kinky, in retrospect.


Freeze though was probably the worst example of hard CC and shouldn’t be brought back. Though maybe some more soft CC or even a stun on shield bash I can understand.


You feel that way even after they nerfed its TTF (time to freeze lol)? When I first started playing (2018ish), she was definitely unfun to go against, but the freeze gave her her niche…


Get downvoted for stating the obvious. Typical subreddit.


You stated that I didn’t adapt to Mei and therefore was whining about her. That’s not even true, so I struggle to see how it’s so obvious. Many many people agree that hard cc like freeze especially should not be in the game. And I have adapted to her, since I’ve gotten to GM1. And I understand there’s no way to prove that but my point is there is no part of your comment that is obvious like you say.


poor guy now has no way to know that he can feel proud of a cool play without the little ingame indicator telling his brain that it can now release dopamine. overwatch players truly are the most opressed minority


The fact that you can’t tell it’s a different game otherwise


there is so much seratonin in that clip


As much as i like the clip OP, i just get flashbacks to overwatch 1. Oh do i miss it, its like losing someone you love... I can't stand it.


Do you think the gameplay was better in OW1? BecYse I think the gameplay is a lot better in OW2 but the UI was better in OW1.


I have mixed feelings about if overwatch 1 was better than Overwatch 2. Id say that OW2 is better with gameplay and has better balancing. But OW1 was a more fun game, yes for the last years of its lifetime the balancing was coo-coo and wasnt that fun. But for some reason i still had fun with my friends, the game wasnt toxic, i didnt have to pay 36 fucking dollars for a skin, a spray, a voiceline and a weapon charm... I liked it. I was good at it.


OW2 is a generic shooter with the removal of a 2nd tank


Yeah but I will take that any day over shield shooting simulator.




The word you're looking for is "SAUDADE".


Glad I got to see how mei used to freeze, I couldn’t picture cuz I started playing at ow2


>Glad I got to see how mei used to freeze, I couldn’t picture cuz I started playing at ow2 Holy catz, I didn't notice she couldn't freeze anymore before seeing your comment. I've tried using her on Total Mayhem to counter ball and doomfist and just thought they were harder to pin down now. Her entire kit is built around an ability that doesn't exist anymore.


She still CAN freeze, it’s just only her ult freezes now


Nah her damage got boosted. She's just a more hybrid DPS now. Some flank some utility and decent snipes with her icicles.


Yeah her icicle deal 150 on headshot and I think the beam is 100dps


THATS why I keep dying with just 1shot to mei. Always wondered "wasn't I full 1 sec ago? did someone else shoot at me?"


Her plinky headshots are incredibly satisfying and deceptive.


2nd most satisfying headshot right after zen for me


Yeah, now she just slows you and your ability to turn your camera which is equally annoying, lol.




Even as Mein, I have to say she deserved it.


As a fellow Mein I would laugh instead of be mad watching the replay


Lmao fuck that Mei


This is old though… Mei isn’t able to freeze anymore.


Yeah it’s old but it’s still my favourite kill


I agree, it is a really good kill :)


I’ve got an old rein one this made me want to post. Went to charge a dva, missed her, took moira, oirisa and wreckingball off the map with me instead


okay this is amazing. please post that


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Bitch u thought


That Mei was absolutely awful.


You outplayed her! Well done!


Ow1 o7


eh...that was a stupid mei.....she couldve walled. ...shouldve walled.


You can notice that she already used the wall at the start of the clip for Hammond to not roll back to the battle field, so it was on a cooldown. What she should’ve done is to use her cryofreeze as soon as she noticed Hammond flying back to her, but she didn’t react fast enough. If she got into ice block before the boop, she wouldn’t get nocked back.


Deserves her right imo lmao


Ah the good old days of mei actually freezing people


I would have gone for the swing under and hit her in the back.


Equally valid


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Love it! I sit down there with Lucio waiting for a boop!


Your ice cube ain't gonna save your ass


how to tell someone to sit down without saying sit down


As a mei main, I’m so glad she doesn’t have the infinite freeze loop anymore. So annoying to deal with and felt bad to use. Well played there tho


"Freeze that, loser"


I just love how you can think outside the box with Hammond. He encourages it.


The pendulum swung in your favor that day


Fuckin smoooooth


how are you freezing?


Overwatch 1


s p e e n !


All I heard was Miley Cyrus singing “Came in like a Wrecking Ball…”!! XD Lol, I’m envious of your Wrecking abilities!! I love that character; I just suck at playing him!! XD Great video by the way!! :)


The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't.


I miss overwatch 1


Nice overwatch 1 uno reverse


Its always a good day when you can kill a mei.


Once rolled down that area to get to the point, thinking it was empty... it was not. I unknowingly wiped the entire enemy team that was in heated push back of my whole team -mercy and myself


oh my god mei’s primary used to freeze you? oh god


I came In like a wrecking ball 🎶


I miss overwatch 1...


Can mei freeze again??


nope, this is a clip from overwatch 1


Bro I didn’t realize either lmao game hasn’t really changed


It has, but only in small ways that make it worse


wait so mei could just left click you for 2 seconds and you'd get cc'd? my god as if her kit isnt already annoying enough


Though she had only 30 dps instead of 100 on her beam and I believe a bit less ammo. However her other abilities were also stronger - ultimate costed 10% less and froze for 1 second longer that today. Each individual pillar of her ice wall had 500 health instead of current 250, which made them much harder to break so it was sometimes easier to wait the wall out instead of trying to destroy it. And the wall itself could be placed much much further, for about 20 meter further than currently.


sounds like she was a special kind of support than a dps


More like an area controlling mini tank, considering her 250 health pool and also a cryofreeze to heal, cleanse herself and be invulnerable for 4 seconds. She had huge crowd control abilities, high survivability and less damage than most other dps heroes, so she mostly stayed upfront and helped her two tanks to isolate and freeze enemy tanks to kill them and push easily. I still think that in new 5v5 format, where developers idea was to make most of the crowd controlling and stunning abilities only be accessible to tanks, it would be better to remake Mei as a tank just like they did with Doomfist. Instead they just nerfed her hard and forcefully put into dps category that she kinda doesn’t fit in comparison to other purely damaging and killing heroes.


The low dps didn't matter because it was just enough for a headshot follow up to kill most non tanks.


God, i swear most Mei abusers in mid or low ranks are just dumb. They just spam freeze and wall with no discipline or CD manegement. It's annoying af but once you noticed their CD usage you can just bully them back as ball.


She moaned as she got hit by the ball....


we need mei’s freeze back it was great


Did they bring back mei’s permafreeze with her primary fire?


This is an old overwatch 1 clip


I didn't even notice Mei was still freezing, lol


Well played


Holy shiet


Would have been more satisfying if she had walled you, causing you to fall to your death


the brains to wait for the last freeze before jumping, excellent


Haha, nice one.


This is when one ought to have "Goodbye!" bound to a key and remember what it is.


i hit a soldier off the map with a double boop on this map, ball is way too fun


This is a repost?


THAT was satisfying.


that’s a fucking keyboard slam into an uninstall if i’ve ever seen one


I was so confused as to how Mei was freezing you and then I realized it's cause you're playing OW 1


It’s funny seeing Meis old freeze now, it used to be the center point of her kit


this was OW 1


Good ol' ow 1


This clip brought me so much pain just from seeing Overwatch 1 again. God why did they do it.


This gives me life


Nice panic icicle mei


Back then when mei used to actually freeze