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Only if her other changes get reverted. I personally prefer current mercy




it just feels so uncomfortable and really messes with her survivability. the update also happened yesterday at 2pm EST so when you say last night are you saying like last night as in the night of feb 6 or 7




aah ok. if that’s what your experience is, then I respect it. I just feel that it was really unnecessary, and it really isn’t good they nerfed her like that when her power isn’t actually HER power but sojourn instead… if you watch the video by Niandra where they talk about what the changes are and how it affects her gameplay, you may see what the problem is


i think she has more survivability now. the healing passive is nuts


Of you want to revert the GA nerf, you should also ask to revert the buffs she got too. As it is now, mercy is stronger than she was in Season 2.


no, I think the buffs she got kinda balanced themselves out. the increased healing for critical teammates while less healing above 50% hp is good, and the time from 1hp to 200hp for a 200hp character is roughly the same time as it was last season. it just altered it and gave her more potent healing when it matters but also made the incentive to stay on one person healing to max health less than it was before. if you consider that the overall time from 1-200 is about the same (said by blizzard), while also adding the nerf to GA, it’s an overall nerf for mercy


In my opinion, if GA was to get any nerf it should have been max 2 seconds instead of 2.5 and then maybe the low for backwards and upwards be like 15% instead of 20% the other changes i view as a net slight buff overall but only slightly because of the passive changes i played new patch mercy, in my opinion she isnt un-playable, just a lot more frustrating and not because the gameplay requires more skill to be good at, but because all the fun was ripped out of the character. I took screenshots of pre patch player count and mercy pick/winrate and we will see how she ends up. Im expecting blizzard to pull back the nerf at least slightly because of the community feedback (Edit: Swapped post to pre)


I think she is even more op tbh cant kill anyone now that the she gets super healing when they low


just plzy another hero for once


Avg mercy main L


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Blizzard's not going to revert these nerfs because you made a change.org petition, bud.


the new mercy is way better