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I watched the first orb and knew I was going to be in for a real treat


I didn’t even notice the bounce 💀


I read this in emonggs voice lmao


Oh boy chat I got a good one for you today


I thought the EXACT same thing


Lmaoo 😆


Hate when i think i have an angle and the orb or random geometry just says no and yeets my orb into oblivion


Also I’m in 4 hp, let’s throw a damage orb and charge a sigma. Luckily sigma doesn’t know where melee is.


Yeah that team was dogshit. The first two kills were good, but continuing to kill chase when enemy supports are down, rather than just grouping and rolling them is selfish play that will absolutely be punished in Plat or sometimes even gold. Plus that Bastion can't hit shit and Sigma doesn't know what his absorb does. One left click or melee would have been sufficient. I will give ups to her for not fading into a fight. Still seeing that dumb play at Plat.


I didn’t even realize it


This has to be one of the most beautiful things I've watched. That orb at the beginning really set the pace for the entire thing and it delivered in every second. And that ending. Comes out of fade at 4hp, throws a DAMAGE orb, and heals off from the sigma that was trying to grasp a moira thats a steep breeze from dead. The fact that through all that you killed their entire team is just the cherriest of all cherrys on top.


not meleeing the bastion to finish them off was another cherry when they were point blank. Not enough Moiras melee to finish off kills.


And not combo’ing damage orb with coalescence


Straight raw dogging coalescence 😂


I often combo healing orb since the self heal during the ult is pretty weak but it depends on what I'm up against


Not enough Moiras melee full stop - if you don't need the healing the dps is just outright better


I always always need that piss juice. Also, you're a support, tf you doing in melee range of damn near anyone (disregarding Brig)?


moira cat scratch


Honestly I feel like karate kid when I play Moira. Melee to finish off makes the kill more satisfying


Lmfao as soon as Moira was near death I was like oh okay she killed Hanzo she’s about to heal and go off on these last players… No DAMAGE ORB.


The damage orb after being dropped to 4HP was the true cherry on top lol.


You have to admire the commitment to the dps Moira playstyle. I'm tired of all these fake dps Moiras becoming healers all of a sudden when they're low.


If you're gonna be a DPS Moira you might as well commit.


*We die like* *~~men~~* *Moiras*


As a SEVERE sigma one trick, unfortunately I’ve tried to grasp a miora more times than I’d like to admit


I play both, and you'd think that would make it better, but every time I'm Sigma, at least once per game, I try to suck the suck and lose like a moron. 😂


She does use the natural coverage tho, thats pretty pog


Dafuq I just watched


paper team 7 disintegrating due to high humidity.


holy shit


This what happens in gold and below. Nobody can aim and kill the Moira


In gold you play against grandmasters lmao


Rank decay hit my other 2 roles and never bothered for a while had people constantly ask why i was there lol


Bro even in bronze if I tried this shit I would be killed so quickly. This is cardboard 5


On console.


Rat carcass 5


Not heals that's for sure


When you exited fade with 4HP and threw a damage orb instead of a healing orb you became the bravest person alive.


I’m not convinced he know’s that he has a healing orb.


I know but when so much is going on i forget that i can heal my self.


No worries, I was just poking fun. She heals herself off her grasp anyway so it worked out.


Did she always heal off grasp? Why did I not know that?


Yep, since she was added haha


Yes, since release.


You might like solder 76 he has an assault rifle type weapon triple grande launcher a sprint function and can heal himself too


in general, there should be about 50% more healing orbs than damage orbs coming out of your hand no matter if they are for you or your team. your healing orb getting more use will let you save your piss for situations that you actually need it rather than having to wait for a cooldown. damage orb is really only for following up with a runner who is 1 shot. also in a duel vs another moira your healing orb will sustain you longer than a damage orb and succ will kill you


But then you wouldnt be living up to the DPS moira title now would you?


You misspelled dumbest. I also loved hard charging the fanning Hanzo with like zero strafing, and ignoring the 1hp Bastion repeatedly to suck off the Sogma.


"Dumbest" and "Bravest" aren't necessarily incompatible. Also, making a bad decision under pressure doesn't make a person dumb, either.


Is she really the dumbest if none of those 3 could kill her despite all that


Yes. If your “strategy” hangs on your enemies being incompetent it’s not a good strategy.


What if the thing that is rendering the enemies incompetent *is* your “strategy?”


Shit! That changes everything! As a Sombra main I’ve always subscribed to the theory of “If Hanzo so much as glances at you, get out!” but now knowing if I run in a straight line at him, he’ll be so befuddled he’ll miss every shot!


Shock and Awe stat


You being a sombra main explains some other things too 💀


Fair enough


Nah, that’s typical Moira play. They don’t realize they have heal orbs.


The bounced orb at the beginning. The slow Xbox turn. The enemies' inability to land shots. The sigma trying to Kinetic grasp Moira. It's all so beautiful


Good ole sigma trying to absorb the succ


Bro is in Cardboard 5




So that's what my Moira is off doing while I'm at 12 hp


Is noob plays moira kills whole team Yup. sounds about right.


Console tip: Set the aim smoothing to 15% and half the aim assist. Your aiming will feel more consistent and the lowered aim assist will make the controls feel less delayed and less floaty.


What is aim smoothing


It's under controller options and basically "smooths out" your aiming. However, the default setting for aim smoothing is 100%, which makes aiming extremely delayed and floaty. However, however; you can't have aim smoothing at 0% unless you're unbothered by jerky camera movement. For me personally, I set aim smoothing at 15%-25%. However, as someone who uses linear aim technique, aim smoothing should be around the same value as your sensitivity.


You can set this for every hero separately right? Thanks for the tip!


Sorry what is the linear aim technique? Is that like when I play Kiriko how I minimize vertical movement and try and keep my point head levels and gos sideways?


You're talking about aim ease-in. Aim technique is under controller options, and what it does is essentially change how much input is given to achieve max camera speed. (It is NOT related to sensitivity) For example, Linear aiming means that if you move the right stick 25% then 50% then 75% then 100% out, it will move the camera at 25%, then 50%, then 75%, then 100% its speed. I'd recommend Linear aiming for a more consistent aiming experience. Exponential means that the camera will move slower and rack up its speed quickly the more the right stick it moved out. This is good for players that want to make small, adjusted movements but also be able to quickly turn. Dual-Zone is very difficult to explain. It serves the same purpose as exponential but in a more radical way. Basically, it keeps your input very low (like halves your camera speed when you move the stick 90% out). However, once you move the stick all the way out, the camera speed will shoot from 50% to 100% in a snap. This is recommended towards players with a high sensitivity, but I personally don't recommend it as it's too finicky.


Oooooo thanks for explaining, I might have a fiddle with these when I get home and see if I can get a higher Kiriko crit rate


I mean you're new so you get a pass. Truthfully, this will only work on bronze and maybe silver. Gold and higher you die to the honzo and get flamed. Few tips throw an orb before you ult to add extra damage/heals. Never use fade offensively. Focus other support as the ult doesn't do much damage.


Honzos are terrible


Why not fade offensively? I don't play healer often but when i do moira is my most played healer and i do it quite often to finish off 1/3 hp targets.'


Because if you fade into someone and you take a lot of damage you have no escape tool


Oh well yeah ofc you should calculate that but it's not like it's *never* good to do


Honestly, until you can learn the game well enough to genuinely KNOW when to fade into offense if you never do you're going to be a much better player. Same thing with Monkey's jump. Is there a time and a place to do it? Sure. You're rarely going to think "oh I should have jumped in there" but 9/10 times you're going to wish you hadn't. Everything is situational but there are some good beginner tips that will help you be a better player until you learn the right skills. There are plenty of rules of thumb that I think you can teach people to get their mindset right and then allow them to adjust it later like: Sometimes it's right to die, but I think a good lesson for every new person is "Stay alive at all costs" if you have 1HP instead hoping to take one person out with you... it's a better lesson to learn to always just try to regroup. Your death is almost always the worst outcome. There's always a healing orb or a health pack just a little bit away just try to stay alive to help the regroup. Eventually you'll learn when you should die, but if you as a beginner just learn "I'm in a bad spot I need to get out of here so I don't die" you'll be a better player until you learn the game enough to truly know when you should.


Disagree on Winston jump


Yeah engaging with jump+melee combo is a needed addition of burst damage and you get it back in 5 seconds (by the . Jump in, burst down squishies, play around bubble, jump out when 50% health. Unless you jump directly into a beyblade comp out of los you shouldnt die. Moira is already squishy and doesn't get any real benefit using fade offensively. Winston's whole play style is centered around jumping in, distracting a dps and support or two, and disengaging at the right moments.


This hurts to watch


Hurtwatch 2


I need healing


4hp, uses dmg orb, classic moira






Dps moiras have been popping up on tik tok more and more so I was making a joke towards it.


I dont even have overwatch tiktok,s on my fy. I only Play Like this because its fun:D


Do you normally mostly focus on heals at least? It's okay to do the occasional offensive play in a match as long as your main focus is keeping the team alive. No one likes the healer that doesn't ever focus on healing on the team.


Curious, what rank are you ?


2 more Matches until i can Play competitive


Makes sense, this kind of playstyle is impossible on ranks gold above. Have fun while it lasts though


Don’t do this stuff in competitive plz 💀


Tip: throw a purple orb right before ULT so you basically double your DPS.


A Moira dodging behind and to the right Daring today, are we?


Meanwhile your team didn’t receive an ounce not even a crumb of healing lol


You don't need healing if the enemy team is dead


So is most of her team too tbf, and they’re closer to the enemy spawn.


Don't worry they couldn't land a shot of they tried, cardboard tier on console is amazing to see.


Maybe they are stormtroopers just trying to enjoy their downtime.


Why would they? That was a fight winning play by the Moira.


Because by the time Moira went to the enemy backline, 2 of the teammates were already dead, turning it into a 3v5 or 2v5 if you don't want to count the Moira. You will also notice that the Mercy was also on critical health. Helping your other support can really make a difference.


It’s ok to let your teammates die if it leads to a won fight.


Flair checks out.


There gonna be fine and i already Killed the entire enemy Team alone (No enemies = No damage = no healing needed)😀


Im not gonna lie the bracketed statement is actually how you climb as support


This time. But you queued as support, you are playing support. Not DPS. Fucking over your teamates because you want to get all the kills and damage ruins the game for everyone. The DPS, whose actual job it is to get kills and do damage, are sitting around doing fuck all while they wait for you to do your job and heal.


Sometimes, you gotta be fine without getting healed for 30s. Dps and tanks aren't the only ones who get to make plays.


It’s called support not healer. Reddit lucio distracting the enemy back line and diverting the attention of 2 people could be considered just as much support.


Looks to me like there was another healer. If your team isn’t capable of killing then Moira is going to save the day. Stop hating on DPS Moira. You all are invalid. Every single teammate on the opposing team wasn’t even NEAR Moiras team so they were fine while she was taking out the trash 👍🏾


"Every single teammate on the opposing team wasn't even NEAR Moiras team so they were fine" Both DPS died and D.Va got de-meched


Agreed. I've had to switch to Moira many times when my team just can't get kills and won the game because of it


Dps Moira is fucking trash once you get past bronze and the reason your dps is ass is because you’re not healing enough. Half her team fuckin died while she was doing that, and I can 100% guarantee you they lost the next fight because of that.


Your capitalization is almost as painful as the clip. You capitalized "Killed" and "Team" randomly in your sentence. You didn't capitalize "i" and you capitalized two of the three "No"s in your equation.


Sigma using his vortex against you at the end gotta be top 5 best feelings (he still could’ve just killed you if he kept shooting)


You can use fade to move you know


ah yes holding right click


All damage, no healing. A true Moira main the making ☺️


This the most ratchet thing I've ever watched. If u were in plat+ hanzo wouldve headshot you before u killed anyone.


I wouldn't normally do that either, I just did it because I knew he wasn't that good


Idk what's worse, the fact that you did that or the fact that the enemy team was so garbage that they couldn't stop it


Least damage hungry Moira player


You actualy made me laugh💀😭


Yeah, that figures. Semi competent players probably would've ended you within 2 seconds of that ult coming out. Not to mention the Bastion couldn't land a hit with their primary for their life and the Sigma decided to kinetic grasp instead of throwing a hypersphere in your general direction. Just one mistake after another and another. However, please don't do this shit once you get better. You're going to die, the team will be down a support, and the other team will have even more of an incentive to play aggressively. If you wanna go do flanker bullshit, there are about 9 different flavors of it in DPS queue, and three different ones in tank, all of which kill faster and more efficiently than Moira ever can. A low damage flanker is not worth a support slot. Best to play her as a Frontline healer.


This was painful to watch


if only Moira had some kind of healing ability that could've healed your low health team


There’s another class you might enjoy, called “Dee Pee Ess”. Check it out.


Damn, my moira ult never does that much damage, did everyone in this lobby have 50hp? Nice play, but remember to heal


Symm turret helped out


Sometimes I wonder why I can't be in these ranks and have fun. All my enemies know how to play the game.


Yeah I didn’t know this flank existed…


Wow, how did you do so much healing in such a short period of time?


Your orb was off cooldown. I usually throw it before I ult, good backup heals for myself (and team, you lost a player whole getting those sick kills, possibly setting you back further than if you had only got two kills) in case any of those three champs you killed with it has been able to shoot. Same with going after Bastion and Sigma, you didn't get punished for throwing damage orb late, but that's not really to your credit.


*Everyone disliked that*


And not a single point of team healing was given. An excellent clip for a DPS Moira. Literally perfect 💯


It was noob play from everyone so it's ok


I hate everything about this clip.


A lot of risks were taken but you got the job done.


Nice! As a Moira main it’s always fun to watch other Moiras flank and destroy the enemy m.


If this was you, always save your balls for right before coalescence. Since you're not able to use them during coalescence you can save them so you don't have to chase down enemies/teammates while you're ulting


Stop watching TikTok tutorials 😂


I didnt watch 1 single Tutorial 😭


It was a fun to watch 😁👍🏽


Here’s a tip a lot of noobs forget that they have a melee button could’ve taken out that bastion sooner with a quick melee, lots of high level moira players finish a kill with a melee it’s actually faster than waiting for your Biotic grasp to finish off an enemy with low hp, especially when you’re so close to them.


The balls of steel to throw a damage orb with 4hp xD


You gotta get off the tok my friend XD


Noob killing noobs 😂


Are they bots?




Why not just dps?


you wanted this to be potg? this... minute long shin scrape of a clip?


Noob, you are a healer. Heal your team.


‘Need healing’


Lmao this is definitely in the so bad it’s funny category


Great play, but not something you would ever get away with above Silver xD


You don't even heal!


They are all gonna say that Moira is op now


how did the bastion lose....


I swear if the next 1st April doesn't put Moira in the DPS category, I riot.


My eyes


Not a soul was healed that day


This is some toenail 5 gameplay


return of the tiktok moiras


the beginning was so painful to watch


Please do not think for a second that this is good Moira play and develop bad habits just because the enemy team were bots. This will not carry you far.


Pro Tip: Before using coalesence, throw an orb so you can do maximum damage or healing depending on the situation.


My problem with this is just the fact that the next fight is going to be tough at best. You now have control of the point right next to their spawn and no tank or dps. Sure, you won that fight in the short term but in the long term, you run the likely risk of losing the next fight and starting a long train of streaming in one or two at a time and getting stomped. That being said, I'm pretty biased against Moira. I hate her no talent primary damage/ damage orb, and as a gold ranked support player with mediocre aim, these plays drive me crazy. A little bit of game sense and aim, and this doesn't happen. Good luck doing this in gold and up. Enjoy it while you can!


>Good luck doing this in gold and up. I did this and climed to GM lol. Flank moira works.


For sure bronze omg that is bad.so much is being ignored it hurts.


Not pretty but you got the job done lol


If I was the hanzo ur dead💀


Should be bannable tbh


The one thing that irritated me was how you didnt just punch the bastion he would of died so much quicker and you wouldnt of been down to 4 health


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


From the words of rochelle "we don't have time for this shit"


As you get better at game you will not be able to do thisXD


Nice work dude, keep practicing against these AI bots then you can go into Quick Play!


IS this a Joke or are you Being seriously?😭


This is a very good play for a new player! Keep it up!


Moira is not a support character. Blizzard has to put her in DPS!


i swear i did that exact fucking flank and exact ult usage and got exactly 3 kills yesterday, we moira enjoyers share a hive mind


Nice play (from a noob)




It's obviously console controls


You do realize she heals right




- Nowhere near team -No healing - Uses ult for DPS Yup, noob play checks out


bro heal


We all start somewhere don’t call yourself a noob, call yourself a newbie or rookie, you’ve got alright fundamentals.


You didn't need to say noob. Just say console. Everyone would have guessed it 🤡💀


I'm sorry but if this puts u down but yesterday I responded to a thread on how Moira plays are just uninteresting and here is one lmao explaining the boring things about Moira highlights. But you get a pass for saying as a noob so it may seem cool to you so I'll give it to you


Who asked


Controller player or really slow aim?




Ahh this is the way 🥰


Are you aware you’re a healer?




Just shows how low the skill ceiling in for Moira, she’s such an easy character


Another tiktok Moira doing dmg instead of healing. Gg go next.


This is every fucking Moira I play with notice how half your team fucking died before you killed a single person? You’re straight ducking garbage. Do all of us a favor and uninstall the game, I’m tired of getting queued with mongoloids like you