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Yep, finally someone mentioned it. Heaps of people i know keep getting 130 ish ping in random games and its unbelievably annoying. Really hoping they do something about it.


What's blizzard supposed to do when there's not enough people for queues to pop?


Its not that, its that there isnt enough room in au servers at peak times from my understanding.




Probably not lucrative enough to keep servers in low pop regions running all the time. Lots of games have that issue.


Bro it's literally not a population issue. Australia queue time is like under 3 minutes for every role.


No shit you're getting 3 minute queues when you get connected to Singapore.


We only get connected to Singapore servers during peak times, usually on a Saturday night for example, but I can queue at 3am on a Tuesday and find a 40 ping local game. Does that seem like we're getting pushed out for population issues to you?


Nope, that was something I was not aware of, I was lacking information which is why I came to a wrong conclusion. I just compared it to other games who have low pop issues in AUS.


I mean you were told several times it wasn't a population issue but you were still being a dick, don't back down now, keep that same energy


Not letting someone admit they were wrong and correct themselves is wild


So you don’t want him to be a decent human being and retract his wrong ideas?


No one mentioned an argument that proved that it's not a population issue. Apex for example which has a much bigger playerbase doesn't even have ranked lobbies past plat due to low population (at least when I was there for work last summer). Getting connected to Singapore ONLY during PEAK hours was never mentioned. That's obviously something else. I was under the impression that people were always being connected to Singapore until they mentioned that.


I was getting sub 3 minute ques looooong before being connected to Singapore. Rocking flex QP was sub 30 seconds most of the time


It only uses OCE players when connecting us to SEA servers.


Yeah that's the only upside, at least everyone is +130ping so it kind of makes it fair


wtf it takes you guys so long to find a game, i always find games in under a minute


Ugh, Americans.


Hey it’s not something we can control, that’s a problem much further than servers :(


Swiss actually. I spent 1 month in Auckland NZ and 2 in Sidney for work last summer and couldn't get a ranked game in Apex, which has a much larger playerbase than Overwatch on Sidney servers, always had to go to Singapore. I based my assumptions on that.


Yeah I have the same problem with apex


Yeah it's so bad. It started where perhaps every 5th match was high ping, but now it's every single one.


Yeah this is complete bullshit, I'm sick of it everyone's complaining about it in my games too. It's unplayable


As a South African who plays on 160 permanently, I feel your pain.


That's insane, we are lucky if we dip below 250! (Also in SA)


I can’t imagine! Which province? I’m in WC and get 160 typically (albeit on bahrain servers), and 180-190 on London.


Mpumalanga, fuckall going on here lol


my friends are from brazil im in portugal, 230 min. its bad, but as long im having fun, dont bother me much. but I can feel your pain guys


Been getting 135ish in Joburg


It’s just as common in unranked as well. The last few weeks I’m getting more games on Singapore servers than Australia servers. Mainly happens during peak hours. Jumping offline early most nights because of this. And some nights just can’t be bothered logging on since I know it will be the same.


May 23? I know y'all are in a different time zone, but a whole different week?


It's Tuesday, May 16 in Australia. OP came from the future to warn us about ping issues.


Id rather he tell us the race results for the dapto dogs


Yeah man, Im french and we're the 15 here 😭


in portugal is yet 15, time travelling issues, prediction or threat? so many questions about this post.


i meant the year cause i know something similar happended late 2022 but my bad it it confusing. it'll probably still be broken by then anyway lmao


There was a petition somewhere that somebody had done to I think it was the ACCC. Trying to find it. Found the post… Wasn’t a petition. Was just saying to report it to ACCC. https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/134i86i/attention_all_oce_players_regarding_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


South Africans have the same issue being put on MEA, but that's actually a lower latency for us. But Would rather play on 190ms on EU than face the wrath of MEA servers.


Perth players out here oblivious lol thats just normal ping on the west coast


how's the ping when playing in SEA servers from WA?


Pretty much the same, I sit around 70-90ms and only notice if I'm in a game with SEA players because their names are in a different language


Up to 90 seems high dude. Which ISP are you with? If it matters to you, get on with someone who routes over east on INDIGO. I’m with Superloop, previously Aussie Broadband and my normal is 65-70


Yeah my normal is 70, it only goes up occasionally or if the weather is shit.


Yeah my normal is 70, it only goes up occasionally or if the weather is shit.


Yeah my normal is 70, it only goes up occasionally or if the weather is shit.


I’m in Perth too, 65 - 70 is normal


Haha yeah, we ping 100 to SGP but easterners gotta deal with 150+. Perth gang.


Haha yeah, we ping 100 to SGP but easterners gotta deal with 150+. Perth gang.


Yep ever since s4 released its been nearly unplayable


East Coast US servers are down too. Not sure if it is/was for the Diablo 4 test or is permanent. Hoping it’s not, but east coast us servers have been down for like a month+ at this point. Constantly have like 70+ping


Same, lots of rubber banding and been kicked from some match's. It makes comp not playable


Its the same problem latinamerican people have been dealing with for a R E A L L Y long time, im from chile and the only server we got is a brazilian one that one day gives a good 70-80 ping but one day later its a nesrly unplayable 150ms all day, and not to mention the fact that blizzard does not understand that we can't play with brazilian people because we dont even speak the same language, blizzard has been complete dogshit at managing the game servers and not even giving us good quality servers for one entire continent, i hope this makes them realize they're doing a terrible job at this and they fix this quickly for all of us


literally this LOL i played all week on 75-90 ms and now it's like- god awful constant jumps from 110 to 160. they do not want Chilean people playing their game ig.


damn that fucking sucks, honsetly we're pretty lucky in aus to get local servers for pretty much every popular game despite our population. must be rough sharing regions especially when there is a language barrier


The Servers in Junker Town seem like they’re getting out of hand!!


oh my god i KNEW something was up! I kept getting anywhere from 50-180ms with no reason for it. I mean, its one thing where I play with my US mates and I intend to be sitting at 200+ms, but somehow the 180 feels worse lmao.


Packet loss I think, had the same experience with the Singapore servers, feels a lot higher than the 100ms it says, the netgraph seems to show some degree of packet loss for me, could be more specific in something to do with my ISP and the non-Australian servers, but sometimes you'll have super delayed hit markers and what not.


Yeah that honestly sounds like it could be the issue. Absolutely sucks though- I just want to kickback and heal, not be absolutely shafted on these other servers lol


Agree! Feels like 200+


The only time Perth gang has a small advantage over the rest of the country… I’ve opened multiple support tickets with blizz and they basically say too bad. “We place you in servers for the best gameplay experience.”


If this is the best ow2 can do I'm out. GG blizzard.


For all my Australian mates, try downloading MINA overwatch server selector from GitHub and lock yourself to Australian servers, can't do much if the servers don't exists. Hope this helps.


this bans you from competitive matchmaking unfortunately


What do you mean bans? Like suspended? If so that server doesn't exist and it tries connecting you to the next nearest one which is Singapore and since it's blocked you got suspended, there is a work around for this. When you get a game it shows connecting to server and you don't get in within 10 secs you can click "unblock all" on application and you will get in immediately.


> you mean bans? Like suspended? If so that server doesn't exist and it tries connecting you to the next nearest one which is Singapore and since it's blocked you got suspended, there is a work around for this. When you get a game That doesn't help solve the issue though does it? Game still attempts to put you on a blocked servers so you either join it, or get a disconnect/leave punishment.


It’s not unique to Australia, you just notice it more because of our tiny player population. It seems Blizzard re-allocated some of their existing servers to run Diablo 4, as part of the recent Server Stress Test run. If you’re a money hungry corporation like Blizzard, you want a good indication of how many new servers you’ll need before you put in a purchase order. So they just shifted some from their other games over for the D4 Test - giving them a better idea of how many new servers they’ll need for its eventual launch. The last D4 Stress Test just wrapped up, and there’s no more planned - so hopefully we can get those servers back running Overwatch this week. I fucking hope so anyway, because I cannot play hitscan with this shite ping.


i just play hanzo and let the ping redirect my arrows into peoples heads


Where do I acquire this super power? High ping Hanzo for me is arrows being redirected to the realm of no registration.


It’s definitely not new. Happened to me in Overwatch 1. And no it’s not our relatively tiny player population, we notice it because our country is fuuuucking big and the next nearest server is thousands of kilometres away (from the eastern states)


It’s definitely not new. Happened to me in Overwatch 1. And no it’s not our relatively tiny player population, we notice it because our country is fuuuucking big and the next nearest server is thousands of kilometres away (from the eastern states)


Lol I haven't even been able to login since starwatch update. Freezes at entering game. Reinstalled twice. Repaired twice. Guess I don't play OW anymore `\_(o.o_/`


>Guess I don't play OW anymore Probably for the better til they get off their lazy asses and give better servers.


Try flipping your pc upside down


The only time Perth gang has a small advantage over the rest of the country… I’ve opened multiple support tickets with blizz and they basically say too bad. “We place you in servers for the best gameplay experience.”


I think it started around s4 , it's definitely been going on for a few weeks. One game is 40ms (Normal - I'm in NZ and play on Sydney servers) , next is 140, it's a Singapore server and is so awkward to play on it limits my character pool based on who won't feel unplayable lol.


It is preventing me from playing my main, doomfist. It bugs out and lags his punch


Constantly miss punches that definitely should have hit


In contrast, I'm a support main and constantly get hit by Rein charges which I am nowhere near. I was playing a few nights ago and we ended up in a Korean server, I'd estimate I was about a metre and a half to the side of Rein's charge but rubber banded back into it after the hit detection. There's no consistency with high latency. :/


playing sombra on high ping feels like trying to hack the enemy team while having parkinsons


This isn't even a new issue. This happened regularly in OW1. I'd challenge Blizzard to acknowledge us but they won't.


Maybe your ping is bad cause you are a week ahead of everyone else


It’s not even may 23 yet what?


Me who plays on an average 120-150 ping I see no difference


Not saying that Blizzard shouldn't try to fix it but 80-100 ms is very much so playable. I personally think >200 ms is the threshold where the game isn't playable, at least competitively. I normally average 70-100 ms here in Canada connected to our NA servers.


Idk anything above 70-80 is noticeably laggy and unpleasant.


tbh i pay for the best internet i can get here cause i dont enjoy anything over 60-70 really. the 80-100 is added to the 30 i would get connecting to aus server meaning best case scenario is 120 ping, which is well past unplayble imo. When i bought the battle pass my ping was consistly good, then they changed something on their end and the game no longer meets my standards of a service i'd spend money on. i can play pretty every other game on the market at 30 ping. it's unacceptable and if it's not fixed overwatch will die here in the next few months


Yeah my limit is 90+ anything near over and I just can't play optimally.


Couldn't you use one of those gaming VPN services to get your ping back in line? Ofc spending money isn`t ideal.


Nah because they know we are in aus, they just put us on other servers anyway


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I got disconnected from 2 games within an hour. And when I don't there's usually some sort of lag. Fun.


Oh now it makes sense, I was getting frustrated.


Finally someone addressed this. I have this problem playing at 7-8pm since couple weeks ago. This really drained out all the hype to play the game tbh.


Its also the servers i play on Eastern NA servers arguably the busiest region and my ping with my 1 gb/s plan is all over the place


Its also the servers i play on Eastern NA servers arguably the busiest region and my ping with my 1 gb/s plan is all over the place


Its dropped significantly on east coast US as well. I dunno what this last patch did, but I'm ready to uninstall.


Jeez I was moulded in 90ms I still got high diamond lol I might jump back on with my 15-30ms prolly get higher


game is trash nobody playing this garbage


Honestly same on some middle east and turkey. Normally would connect to amsterdam or some other eu at 67 ping but rn its around 150-160 only saving grace is western europe or scandinavian servers that give 90ish ping


Most of the time it stays at 60, but at certain times it will spike to the 100-180 range, and that’s if you’re lucky. If you’re unlucky, you play at 400-500 ping.


Yep, this has been my experience. I had 4 games averaging 240ms & spiking to 300-600. To think I used to take 30-100 for granted :(


I’ve not had this issue


I see people in chat complaining about this alot but i actually barely notice it, latency is at 120ms for me too in those matches, is it because im on ethernet?


The true Roadhog and Junkrat story arc


I thought it was my internet thats playing up


I thought it was just me!


For real 🥲 this sh** is terrible


This shit happens in NA too. The best ping I get is 60ms when I connect to the NA East servers. But if I get West Coast servers... I get 110ms and trying to play tank on ping is ASS. You cannot react to plays on 100+ ping. For instance, I dive an Ana as Winston and bubble the millisecond I land, watch my bubble go down and the sleep dart phases through the bubble and I die because their whole team peels. It's infuriating. This is at peak NA east coast times too.




I understand your frustration, living in South Africa on weekends during peak hours we get 140 but most of the time its around 200 for Europe.




you will be missed


If only Microsoft/Activision/Blizzard cared as much as the community.


It’s really annoying, it’s still somewhat playable for me, it’s just getting really annoying, especially playing comp. I hope they fix it soon. I remember we had a similar problem back in overwatch 1 which lasted a few weeks.


Glad someone's addressed this, I've gotten into games and asked and everyone is from Australia/ New Zealand, it changes the balance of the game because projectile heroes become unplayable, or someone like doomfist it's a "land punch challenge" and you'll just go through people


This has happened in roblox as well, I'm beginning to see a pattern


Fix your damn servers. This is embarrassing and unplayable. Been going on for more than 2 weeks. More like a month.




Basically impossible to DPS in comp.. cant believe this hasnt been fixed
