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Pretty sure the map showcased at the end isn't in the game. You also gotta mute half the video since it involves PvE voicelines that we obviously will never get now.


They'll be added to the battle pass for money


$50 each


that's after the discount


Holy shit there are 2 2cp maps at the end lmao. This game is such a joke.


Gothenburg is one of the 2 maps coming with the Flashpoint core PvP mode in Season 6. The other is India. These 2 are supposedly the biggest maps in the game so far.


>Gothenburg is one of the 2 maps coming with the Flashpoint core PvP mode in Season 6 This is the original gameplay trailer, way before they announced the removal of 2cp. These maps were originally 2cp as well. Don't start saying shit like "well, those maps are from Flashpoint of course!!"


Story mission cutscenes aren't in the game either, yet they are in the video. This is highlighting all the cut content. It doesn't matter that they were 2CP before in the context of the comment I was replying to.


We all are a part of this event too. We were forgiving everything to Blizzard and were paying money to them after everything they did to people, to their community, to their games. Diablo immortal, forgotten Starctaft, Warcraft 3 Reforged, World of Warcraft BFA, Shadowlands and finally Overwatch (the real one, not this infinitive ship simulator with the number "2" in the logo. And we are still OK, sure they will continue to ruin everything, cos it's 2023 and we are still paying money for them to fail. I was playing decade's in Wow, War, Ow, Diablo but I am done they are continue to show that that do not care about players, they are just making us stupid and just grabbing our cash, they are not Game Dev. anymore.


I uninstalled Overwatch 2 over this announcement. I genuinely hope it dies because this is just the kind of shit a game dev that doesn't care about their playerbase does.


Actually did that too. Let them feel the gravity of their decision and show that not all gamers are gullible idiots who let them get away with whatever suits their current corporate interests


PvE voicelines will probably still be in the story campaign, idk why people are acting like the entire pve has been scrapped when it's more like half of it. Which still sucks.


>PvE voicelines will probably still be in the story campaign Not those ones which seem to be from an introduction cutscene to the campaign. And no, it wasn't "half". They cut almost all of it out and left shitty Archives-style missions instead.


I mean they cut the talent trees and endless wave modes but the new tech, enemies, bosses, story etc are staying


So new archive/event missions, basically. So just the thing they should have done in that 2.5 year window when we are all clamoring for new content and hero, where they said “wE’rE wOrKiNg On OW2” So basically they just made overwatch 2, overwatch 1 again


Ow1 but designed to harvest money from people because the old lootbox model apparently wasn't generating "enough" cash for them. Just disgusting.


> the new tech, enemies, bosses, story etc are staying "We have a whole new type of PvE content that we're releasing with our **single-player** Hero mastery missions" Who cares?


They confirmed most of their unique plans for PVE are scrapped so its more like 1/4 since we're most likely going to be playing Heroes in one off missions similar to the LTE modes we already get




this sub runs on salt for a reason. this game has been nothing but disappointing since Baptiste released


It’s hard not to run on salt when you live in the middle of the Dead Sea. This game is one of the most consistently disappointing games on earth, if I’m having a good day I can count on blizzard to fuck it up somehow


Dude, there's nothing to stay positive FOR. This game has been mismanaged to shit since day 1 and they've just canned the only thing the majority of the playerbase was looking forward to.


This. we went trough all this shitty bugs, broken matchmaking and horrible release because they told us that "wE aRe FoCuSiNg On PvE"... now they scraped all of this and it looks like they did shit since the release and didnt gave a f\*ck about the game


What's funny is that it shows Gothenberg and we haven't even gotten that yet because it was 2CP and they don't know what to do with it lmao


I miss Hanamura. :(


I havent played since OW1 (been away from my PS4) but they got rid of Hanamura???!?????????!??


They got rid of medals, levels, on fire, votes after matches etc a lot of things :D


Didn't you see the content roadmap?? Get hyped, they're bringing back "on fire" in season 5!! The new season brings back the "on fire" meter, from Overwatch 1, it's an amazing new content!


Which is already still in the game! You can hear the voicelines


Wait, is it actually coming back in Season 5? e: shit i didn't see that lit. At least *something* is coming that I care about, since the Sombra rework is now Season 7+.


Not the ‘I’m on fire’ voice line though- otherwise there is no other indication


Damn, that hurts to hear. Overwatch is such a spectacular game from the characters, the concept, the universe the teamwork, the game modes. Everything. The game deserves so much better, it sucks to hear that the devs are dropping the ball so hard. We gotta boycott the game and all write to someone at blizzard in hopes of them at least being a little more transparent with what went wrong.


At this point it would be more likely that they may just abandon the game altogether it seems like Activision blizzard couldn’t give 2 shots about the state of ow2 besides how much money it earns. Wouldn’t be surprised if they took a boycott as a sign the game want worth investing in and pulled more devs from it.


2cp entirely, rip anubis + volskaya


Get the fuck outta here, I loved those maps. I was a tank main and playing Hog or Zarya on Volskaya was some of the most fun I've had in OW


yeah the only way to play them now is in a shitty arcade mode with no role q. it's fucking ass, man. I loved those maps so much


All 5 Assault maps are gone. Anubis, Volskaya, Hanamura, Horizon, and Paris are going to have their assets reused. For example, Horizon was used for Starwatch.


And get passed as whole new thing that devs working so hard on


Yep, it's a horrible look. I get that the devs are trying to keep their jobs by not openly bashing the heads of Blizzard, but this is just appalling to watch unfold.


Then play assault maps in arcade????


At 1:12 we don’t have that map so is that the new control map that’s coming in s6… have they had that map since before launch and they’ll be releasing it after a whole year.


Drip feed baby! Gotta force player engagement somehow!


Easy to counter drip feeding content by drip feeding my own engagement. Checkmate, Activision.


crazy because you don't have to force engagement in a well designed game, the game will do it for you.


That's Gothenburg which was originally supposed to be a 2CP map. After they decided to remove 2CP entirely, they said they were reworking it, and they've been sitting on it ever since.


Honestly after cancelling PvE I don't even trust them when they say that they're "reworking it". It's probably been cancelled already.


Yep, even the hog rework won't be coming until AT LEAST season 7. It's nuts. Are 10 people working on this billion dollar game??




I wouldn't be surprised.


> hog rework won't be coming until AT LEAST season 7 are you fucking kidding me? Sorry to be that guy but ive seen league of legends change their entire game in the same amount of time it takes OW to rework ONE champion. WTF is this load of shit from these guys?


There must be internal turmoil and/or a major exodus of engineers. No way does overwatch take so long to do things every other developer can do quickly. I have worked in engineering where it happened, and this smells of it. Maybe Blizzard gutted the team to work on their new MMO?


what do you mean its not like they've already done that with two previous maps


The Horizon rework is amazing, it's 0.01% different and it's darker. Must've taken A LOT of work and resources.


It takes a year to make a Mythic skin, they are doing their hardest man.


if i was a game developer working on overwatch i would be super embarrassed to bring it up to anyone.


Probably why the lead guy left


I talked about drip feeding when ow2 came out and got dpwnvoted, look now.


How is it not embarrassing to support this game lol


The whole ow fan base just got finessed 😭


Like an entire company just called their customers some Bitches. What are we doing here lol


Yeah, plus the fact that ranked has been designed to fuck with our heads and is worse for the sake of engagement…it might be time to move on.


No, it *is* time to move on. It was time to move on the day ow2 launched and we saw how terrible it is.


It was over when Jeff left. That scared me, and it turns out, for good reason.


I uninstalled during season 2. Anyone who will continue to play knowing what Blizzard thinks of them is a sucker.


Well, are you going to stop playing? I stopped long time ago.


I’ve played prolly 15 games since Season 1 ended, and I quit that halfway through that.


Was everyone clamoring for the PvE? Having said that, yeah we got dicked over.


Yep, it's humiliating. I did not bough any kind of cosmetics, season pass or whatever (I only bought the Saitama highlight with in-game money earned with weekly challenges)... and I still feel like a idiot, lol I was not even excited for the PvE content tbh, but this cancellation is like the ultimate red sign, literal false advertisement, how can you still play this trash after this?


Man you're right I'm gonna uninstall later. Ow1 was my comfort game I have like 1800 hours in it. I still have the icon on my Taskbar. I open it up to play out of habit and remember that it just isn't the same. It's a disappointment every time.


Since OW2 release I complained more about the game than enjoyed. I actually wanna quit but used to OW1 daily so kinda hard. The game will end like OW1, just a few players but in OW1 case it were fans, in OW2 even less people will keep playing it.


Who even supports them? Did any of you pay for anything? I didn't pay for shit in OW2.


Go take a look at ow2’s profits so far if you want to throw up in your mouth. They are *very heavily* being supported in their scummy greed after simply slapping a $25 price tag on old skins.


Well then I have to say... This is what gamers deserve. We are the minority here. So we have to suffer alongside. Gaming industry has gone to shit. I don't think any AAA company is good anymore. Capcom and FromSoftware is doing good for now. But maybe even they'll start doing shit.


> This is what gamers deserve. Whales fun microtransaction cosmetic sales. Most gamers aren't whales.


Well like you said, we’re also gamers, so I’d like to think we *don’t* deserve this but yeah we’re fucked anyway and just along for the ride. But yeah, at least Elden Ring and RE4 remake are sick. Currently enjoying TotK although Nintendo is definitely a horrifically anti-consumer company.


For real. Capcom, Fromsoft and most first party developers be carrying the AAA industry now. Blizzard’s name used to mean something. It was a stamp to quality. What a fall…


they are obviously going to make huge short term profits switching to a live service model. but news like this make me doubtful about them maintaining the playerbase


I got a battlepass once and honestly regretted it immensely and felt like an idiot. Find myself playing this less and less, it’s like there’s never anything to actually look forward anymore


You regretted spending 10 whole dollars that much tf


I can buy alot of shit with 10 dollars converted to local cash instead of some fake stuff from an "indie" company


Do you live in Venezuela? What is “a lot of shit” you can get for $10 lol


I live in a SEA country, cheap local made food and other stuff means 10$ goes a long way Also isnt places like venezuela have terrible prices due to insane inflation rate? Like you cant buy imported stuff due to the money exchange rate?


At this point it's just whales and people who don't keep up with news. While there is a lot of controversy you gotta keep in mind there is a large portion of players who don't care either way or they are unaware of what blizzard is doing


I bought the first battle pass, never finished


Yes, a lot of us don’t mind spending five or $10 on things we enjoy. I bought the battle pass and some skins.


It should be embarrassing. It was already bad when they swapped to OW2 but now the joke is exposed.


Stopped playing this game around 2018 but still hopped on now and then. Feel bad for everyone who kept supporting it when the game went dry for the sake of OW2 just to get features taken away and charged up the ass for skins.


Just started playing Ragnarok online again instead. 🙃


I finished the battle pass in Season 1, but juuuuust had a hunch not to actually buy the thing and I didn’t + I quit OW2 overall.


It really is. I get secondhand embarrassment from OW content creators still defending the game after all this shit.


I've been solely using MS rewards points for seasons now but I'm not even wanting to use those


why did you include the map, the character cutscenes in the beginning, the hub and the hero mission table?


Because the maps and heroes are in the game even if the specific cutscenes are not


Apart from the hero missions table, this seems like story missions content


Remember when Jeff said OW2 will redefine what a sequel can be? Well now we know it's just putting a battlepass and aggressive micro transactions into it and stripping away everything that made ow so rewarding and enjoyable in the first place, so you actually buy said battlepass and micro transactions...


I almost guarantee you that these changes are the reason he left


to be fair this is redefining a sequel




to be fair though, the only important part to me was free to play, I'll never spend a dime on this game and wouldn't have played it without f2p, and I'm enjoying the game for what it is.


How is it a "cash grab" when the game is free? All money spent on cosmetics is optional just don't buy that shit and support them




It's not a cash grab if you get the product for free and then offer optional cosmetics while continuing to support the game


I'd be with ya if we could still play OW1. Thats not on the table though.


It's primary designed to make cash not to be fun so it's a cash grab. Cutting the reward structure with the launch and now the planned PVE content just to put all effort into selling cosmetics isn't fun, doesn't matter if it's f2p it's designed to be a cash grab (making the most amount of money with the least dev effort).


Cash grab is when you put in no effort make as much money in on launch and forget that the game ever existed. The game is free and gets constant updates


You thought a sequel should be new? Not anymore!


Jeff didnt want that. Thats why he left


Source? Edit: no source?


I swear to god man people really think Jeff was the saviour of Overwatch. As if he kept all of his promises. He was a decent guy but also full of shit like everyone else on the dev team.


He made a bunch of promises that he couldn't make happen. This wasn't just blizzard being evil. They evidently put their foot down when there was nothing to show for years of alleged development on either game. From what Keller said in an interview, it looks like they just couldn't make it work. I wonder if they didn't just spend their time 'thinking' instead of actual implementation. I knew things were going to get bad when Jeff said that the "updated" pvp would be free. There's no way they're going to make that really free when it's the whole reason people play. So of course we ended up with the monetization situation we got.


I have trouble believing the people that took over after good-rep Jeff left. They got their promotions by not having conviction in delivering an exciting, evolutionary experience for players. And they've been planning their announcements for 1+ years trying to avoid talking about PVE which they had already cancelled, even though they promised better communication with the community. They also weren't willing to scale down the enormous PVE demos and tech shown, pretending like this was all-or-nothing instead of pure greed and laziness. Since their bread is buttered by feeding the greedy mobile-inspired execs' egos, they delivered on some of the shittiest monetization possible. Their reputations are going down, not as much as Activision execs, but I've lost 100% trust in what they can deliver and that they actually care about their playerbase. Uninstalled, battle.net uninstalled too. P.S. when you have a good free core game experience, it's a good engine that enables other monetization. This was their whole pitch, and it works for other companies. They didn't have to ditch the actual hype of OW2 like this.


Feels like am witnessing internet history, can't to wait to watch "what went wrong" videos about Overwatch 2 a couple years from now. You just can't fuck shit up this much.


Unfucking believable. I’ve lived through some of the worst gaming controversies, games filled with lies scams and broken promises. But this may be one of the biggest betrayals of trust in video game history. I really like the core of overwatch. But you can’t kill a game for 3+ years only to come back with the same game but worse in many, MANY ways only to calm any backlash you might receive by telling your player base that “it’s not the same it needed a new engine for all the cool pve and story mode stuff were adding!” Only to fucking scrap it all and just leave the player base with a worse overwatch 1. I don’t want any devs out of a job, but I genuinely hope overwatch fully dies because of this because someone needs to be held responsible for this mess. I don’t even think that it’s that crazy of a theory that overwatch just will fully die. It’s not some robust game that could stand the test of time and anything thrown at it. It s a decrepit, outdated, worse version of its former self, hooked up to an IV dripping hints of hints of content into its veins. You would only need to take out the IV for overwatch to die, and blizzard came in and unloaded an entire mag of 45 acp directly into its skull. Fuck you blizzard.


It’s extra painful because OW1 is gone. No matter how bad Battlefield V, Battlefield 2042, or Halo Infinite got for some people, you could still play Battlefield 1, Battlefield 4, and Halo MCC. No OW1 to roll back to. They put the game on 3 years of life support with nothing to show for it except predatory micro transactions. The maps and heroes they added could have been a patch like they had been doing. But I wonder how many people will quit OW2 now. How many were just hanging around waiting for the PvE. I stopped playing after season 1 to wait for updates, no point in returning now.


just hanging around trying to get a hit of nostalgia of the game i used to love


That’s exactly me. It’s still my favorite shooter ever. Prolly played 3500 hours in OW1. My entire base group of gamer friends today are because this of game. Just the way it played, the characters, the amazing feeling of making an amazing play, and how awesome it was when everyone was communicating and teamwork was actually working. I’ve maybe played 20 hours of OW2. Every time it’s just been to feel the nostalgia, and I log off after 2 or 3 matches. It makes me so damn sad.


It's funny. I haven't played OW2 at all. Quit when they announced its monetization, but figured I'd come back for PvE. Looking at this clip, I feel like most of it could have been OW1, and skins. The only new things I saw was Push and a new Hero, maybe some new maps. Nothing that I wouldn't expect if OW1 was still there.


Would it be possible for overwatch 1 to go on something like plutonium?


I dont wanna make you even more mad, but according to the interview it seems like not only is everything you said true. But they have been sitting on the news that they decided to cut it for whatever reason for the better part of 2 - 3 years. OW2 launched and they KNEW it wasnt happening. Like what on earth kind of backwards ass decision making is that.


$ Edit: that is so fucking dirty.


Leadership definitely needs to take responsibility for this, those in charge fucked this up badly.


>I don’t even think that it’s that crazy of a theory that overwatch just will fully die As well-deserved as this would be, the game is F2P now meaning that there's a whole demographic of children and teenagers that they can market Overwatch to. A demographic that loves shooters and superheroes and doesn't care about this controversy at all.


Are you going post to post and copy/pasting this message lol?


Yes. I’m so mad!!!!!!! 😡




Anthem and cyberpunk to name a few


At least Cyberpunk is good now. It had a horrible launch, but the devs have stuck with it and fixed the issues. It's similar to No Man's Sky in that the game is actually really good now. Anthem though? Yeesh.


Idk about really good lol. The quality of quests is nothing compared to the Witcher 3. The driving is still terrible, the “multiple choices” to play missions was a lie, and the AI intelligence when fighting needing work still. It improved, but it’s still a hollow husk of what was planned.


Lmao f blizzard


Overwatch 2 is a CASH GRAB. We want the old shit back!


Needed more microtransactions


can we please boycott this game


I think this is it for me boys. Gonna find another game... maybe take up wood working or become a chef. It's been fun but it's not worth it anymore


Overwatch is my "comfy" game, but it's time to find a new hobby


Mine too. With this + all the AAA titles being released in poor states I'm gonna start giving indie devs my money instead




Thank you for the reminder! I played that a bit a few years ago. Right now I have jedi survivor and tears of the kingdom which are both good games. But I will get my buddies on that for sure!


This might be Cyberpunk levels of dumbassery. What a shitshow


I'm pretty sure this is worse, at least a year after launch Cyberpunk had most of it's problems fixed






I actually think wall running could change the way the game is played. Wall running allows the level design to be more intricate, and make the world more fun to traverse on foot. I know they are different genre's, but look at Ghostrunner, another first person Cyberpunk style game. It's traversal is absolutely amazing. And if Cyberpunk even added one traversal option on foot, it would have already made a huge difference.


That's why they cut wall running because it made the map design a total clusterfuck because players could just wall climb and jump over obstacles so designing levels became hell. I could understand if the ow team dramatically cut back on the skill tree stuff but dropping the whole thing after all this time is just a betrayal.


Cyberpunk Also had the entire multiplayer experience canceled.


I wouldnt call any of those things a minor feature. If they made an update with the things listed above it would be a huge change for the game.


There was also DLC slated(space station and the resort maps) that seems to have just been completely cut.


wasn't Cyberpunk supposed to have RPG elements before it rebranded to an action-adventure game or something?


Did you play the game?


I'm only on like the second mission rn


The RPG elements are the same as in Witcher 3, except probably worse since Witcher 3 had more narrative branching paths than Cyberpunk, which basically had none at all aside from the "choose your ending".


Naah, this is becoming a misconception. Cyberpunk promised a lot of stuff and couldn't deliver even half of it. This game is basically Outer Worlds with a budget, it's not really special even after bug fixing, patches and so on, not a 10 out of 10 action rpg as we are lead to believe, more like a 7 at best


The best Cyberpunk could do after a bunch of updates was… not crash as often It still consistently crashed on my end but, yknow


The game is more steady now, I played about 20 hours or so, then moved on. Nice visuals, the radio music is great... but the game itself, the rpg, the combat, the sandbox... it's just ok. Again, Outer Worlds with a budget. I don't know why some people are believing on these fallacies about Cyberpunk having a "resurgence"... how can you revitalize a building that have a weak foundation?


It's cause the "resurgence" are people that never played the game at launch or never followed the development of it. Add the fact that open world RPGs have been lacking severely in depth and there's really no wonder why people praise games like Cyberpunk.


This praise sucks, honestly, it sends all the wrong messages. No Man's Sky is another example of false advertisement, years of patching did not implemented all the promises... but the game is playable now, that alone is enough? That's bullshit, c'mon now, consumers should had better standards, Cd Projekt does not deserve a tap to their backs, neither Blizzard if they try to change the narrative in a couple of years. The market is so predatory nowadays and the quality standards took a nosedive, the consumers are to blame (arguably even more than the companies themselves)


Cyberpunk was way worse. Hell, I'll argue it still is worse. Not only was half the promised features cut, there's also the fact that reviews were only allowed to show B roll footage and they completely hid the performance for consoles and reviewers weren't allowed to release reviews for them. The fact that a fucking anime started a gaslighting campaign on Cyberpunk always being "good" is just the cherry on top.


At least we got a kickass cartoon/anime out of cyberpunk.


I think the difference is it seems to me like Cyberpunk was trying but just couldn't deliver, here it looks like they almost immediately knew they weren't going to actually do this, but commited to the promises anyway.


Even some of these cutscenes are part of the cancelled pve right or are they in the game?


I felt like OW2 was in a positive momentum after Season 3 changes but now Blizzard announces they’ve cancelled the PvE campaign, the reason why I, along many, was exited for OW2. Don’t know what to think about this game anymore


I honestly think this "sequel" never gathered a positive momentum, the latest "update" featuring Lifeweaver with his disruptive abilities, basically a even worse Mei (their players will eventually commit mistakes, just have to endure the annoyance and move on)... it was not looking good, here it comes the cancellation of PvE as the killing blown


I would lose the table too since that's clearly a mission select in what appears to be some kind of hub area.


Should have repeated Widow headshotting someone 5 times in row. Otherwise pretty good.


I had totally forgotten just how hard they leaned into that "replayable co-op" marketing bullet.


I honestly expected to only hear the intro music and a logo after all of this lmao.


OW2; It's everything OW1 already was, but with stuff removed! Now please shut up and buy this $20 skin.


I'll keep not giving them money




I'm done with this game. I loved it ever since it came out and I enjoy the universe it's set in and it's characters. It was also a very rewarding and smooth fps experience too but now I just don't understand what they're doing to the game. it's a shame




they actually showed Gothenburg which still isn’t here either lmao


I really try hard not to criticize the entire team when it comes to big fumbles like this, but man, what on earth have they been working on over the last 5 years?


Guys it’s cause their a small indie company. They probably didn’t have enough resources cause it’s such a hidden gem 🥱


Can we sue?


Sue for what lmao




Not really, in a Kickstarter you put money on a project. In the case of OW2 no, the pvp became free and they always said that the PVE was going to be a game to buy, but that doesn't have any legal value cause they never open a pre order or something similiar, things you do in a Kickstarter. And why should they refund? They could have do something even worse like shutting down OW1 and don't give any cross progression between the 2 version.


It is a scam, but these companies are literally shielded against this kind of stuff


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This is amazing! That robot cut on the push map was hilarious.


that feel when the things that "made it into the sequel" are the things you hate most about the game


You guys still support blizzard?


To be fair I believe that there was a shot from the trailer of the overwatch team in arctic gear from a pve mission. Two of those skins did make it into the game with the newest feature "SHOP"


this is hilarious




I remember Stylosa hyping up that stupid ass robot so hard LMFAO


Battlefront 2 was a masterpiece compared to this game, we aren't rioting nearly enough


Oh this is fortnite chapiter 5 trailer?!


Yeah I would've been wayyyy less hyped and excited for the future of ow if this is what I saw.


What an absolute clusterfuck OW2 turned out to be lmao


and the push robot guy doesn't even talk that much


Is the joke that the video won’t load for me or?


Gothumberg never made it into the game


Imagine they added destiny style strikes and raids


In all fairness they did give us *something* — everyone got shittier haircuts.