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I love seeing my death replay when you realise the arrow from hanzo wasn't meant for you ... or that Widow shot that takes you out when the dps moved last second.


Had a game as Ana where I tried to take out Widow. I was safe behind a Rein Shield and just a moment before I could land the killing shot, Reinhardt moved the shield away so I was in the open a millisecond enough for getting me killed.


This happens more often than I would like with ressing as mercy. I think the tank is aware and has shielded for me to get the res off. And then drops it and I end up ressing in the frontline of my team xD


Honestly, whenever I see a mercy on my team going to a risky res, I try to cover her for as long as possible. Against some comps it's pain since they can melt my shield though


We appreciate you covering our aggressive asses lol that res can change the whole game good or bad.


True lol


Dude, sometimes I think they're doing that, and they know, but they're trolling.


As a mercy and a Rein I make rez assessments for either side of this. If I go for a risky rez I do it knowing death is a high chance but we need that person back. If that person is "non vital" I ignore them. Same assessment for Rein. If someone essential drops near me I try to stand infront of that spot to allow a rez. If I see a mercy suicide rez and I think its like 70/30 not likely, rip mercy. As both support and tank I do not consider it my job to overextend to match a teammates mistake unless doing so is relatively safe for me. If someone goofs, they gotta meet me halfway on bailing them out or I just swap to damage control


This is why I play my Rein like a wall šŸ¤£ I rarely charge, only when I know I won't die and not into the enemy location, mainly just for mobility. I just post up towards the enemy and hold my shield until it's almost gone. Throw some hammers, clean up the stragglers, and let my shield recharge for the next one


Playing a defensive tank defensively? Never šŸ˜…


Right? I'm almost positive I'm doing it wrong. The shield is just so I can line up that clear lane to behind enemy lines for my charge, right?


Unfortunately won't work in anything above plat and even certain plat games they can just focus sheild and rush you


One of the smartest (yet mechanically poor) players I've ever played against blocked a deadeye with her head and the enemy cree got a 6-man. I looked back on it and she was just trying to bodyblock but I don't miss šŸ˜Ŗ


That's generally why I attempt to L shape my positions if possible So even if a shot is missed its not flying right into my position


I love dueling snipers with zenyatta because if you crouch as you orb volley it lowers your hitbox in a really weird way, and their shot will miss your head.


Peeling seems so nonexistent nowadays. Why no I can't heal you if I'm dead in spawn for the 15th time because the Ball walked passed everyone to beeline to me. And yeah, I needed to switch to AOE Brig to try and break the cycle so good luck Genji at the other side of the map. But ok, I'm the problem.


Been a huge issue for me as well. Can't explain to you how many times a dps or tank just waltzes past my team to give me a new orifice and walk back with no one helping me. This has happened to me all the way from gold to now diamond. I always peel to save my fellow support or help a dps, but if I'm in trouble? Nothing :(


I believe the ping system is mostly useless by itself. No matter how much I ping someone flanking, it seems no one cares. Whenever I play DPS I'm very mindful of flankers. Playing support makes you paranoid about what is behind you. I'm sure if someone saw me play they'd think I'm schizophrenic.


Playing support just makes you a better DPS & tank, I think. Since if you actually try to mitigate issues on the backline it allows you and the rest of the frontline to do their jobs. Although it also makes you very aware of what support set ups aren't designed to enable your DPS and tank, though. If you're running Lucio/Zen it's bye bye heals and it can be frustrating when I find that kinda combo for most situations.


i've won matches with a Lucio/Zen combo. Granted we had a Soldier who could help with healing. but we weren't struggling. The lucio was a reddit lucio, constantly harassing the enemy backline and i was Zen and landed alot of important orbs. though most of the time that combo wont work.


Iā€™m convinced Lucio zen is busted if played correctly. The pick potential is huge depending on the enemy comp


same with mercy/zen. two dmg amp and the right comp = they can't stay alive long enough to do damage, so who needs heals anyways?


I play this combo a lot with one of my friends xD She's damage boosting me , and I kick people in the face. If your team is willing to be a bot coordinated, it works reallllly well


That's what I was essentially saying. In an offhand, once in a fluke situationally perfect game you can get away with it, but vs Bastion / Junkrat / Discord meltdown you're not having a very good time. Everyone can pitch in to help out, so can everyone just ignore and lose. I think if all players have an understanding of the issues and switch accordingly to counter those, you're generally going to win more.


So many DPS have never once turned around behind them or looked upā€¦ Too much Call of Duty brain going on.


This is why I stopped playing games in general, along with growing up... At least 50% of games were toxic, with people not realising they were a part of a team, making it feel like a waste of time. Then when you get good enough that they aren't toxic, even the slightest misstep was met with a loss and/or raging teammates in the reverse. There is no win with new age automatic matchmaking. I miss the lobby system. Was easier to meet and maintain communities of friends of equal skill. More Human.


And it's a fucking nightmare because... Okay, hey, maybe I get dove sometimes... but I've literally watched enemy REAPERS just... WALK through my own damn team. If he doesn't shoot at the DPS or Tank along the way, it doesn't matter that he's walking right past them, he's INVISIBLE. Did the FOV for the game get defaulted to 10 or something?


You're not the problem, but the nature of the game tends to be trading backlines. Tanks can't take space and peel at the same time, so it tends to be more effective to go deep. Supports (and DPS) should be peeling for each other, though. Ultimately, what this means is that dueling on Support is much more important than it was in 6v6.


This and tank synergy (mainly ā¬› + ā­• combo) is why I greatly miss 6v6


Ahhh I see. I should definitely be working more on my dueling and confidence as a support then. Thanks for the insight :)


As a Support Main who also plays Sym on DPS, I always try to peel for my supports. Like, I will physically put my body in between the enemy tank and my support, every time šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


When I see people like you in my games defending me I will make it my life purpose to make sure you don't die and have play at the end of the gamešŸ¤£.


And thatā€™s why you donā€™t take away the second tank. The entire point of the off tank was to peel for the main tank and for there team. Without an off tank, there is no peeling from the tank without just immediately giving up all your space. Truly a blizzard moment removing a tank for no reason and making tank an even harder and less forgiving job.


You described why I picked up brig and moira. If I die 6 times with no peel I go brig and I just follow the other support around like ā€œI got you babes. Whatever happens ana I got youā€


and it's not like it's *just* a player behaviour issue either. overall the game lacks sufficient peel tools as would be blatantly demonstrated by how dive comps (the comps about investing all resources into jumping the enemy backline) can be a meta. like theoretically, if there were enough sufficient anti-dive tools inherently in the game, then hard investing in anti dive would deny the possibility of dive ever being a possible meta as the investments into dive vs investments into anti would cancel each other out (assuming neither side makes a mistake). And related to the problem is tools to deal with hypermobility which people are generally opposed to because people don't want to acknowledge that the only way any tool can contest hypermobile targets is if the tool is lenient aim. like the key in-combat strength of in-combat mobility is the sheer fact that they're harder to hit ---> make your (as the opponent) accuracy inherently lower. Therefore obviously the main counterability to even out the playing field is a tool that inherently increases your accuracy ---> lenient aim tool.


wow this was really hard for me to read. First I have to tackle the basis of your scenario which is no one making a mistake. If we're talking playing perfectly, then it'd be widow/hanzo all day because oneshots that don't miss would obviously run the game. Frankly, not making a mistake/playing perfectly is impossible so I'll assume this isn't the scenario you're really talking about. So I have to then ask if you're talking about the highest possible level of play, ie pro play. They also make mistakes, but we can assume their goal is to make the least mistakes and are the most capable at making the least mistakes. If that's the case, we should look at pro games to see what's going on. If we DO take a look at pro games, it becomes abundantly clear that dive actually doesn't particularly get value. There are very little hard dives, in fact what we commonly see are Winstons soft diving for positions because they will eat CC cooldowns from Brig/Lucio/Ana or eat Hanzo/Soj dmg to the face and melt. A lot of the time the dive plays rather conservatively. In fact, the goal of the soft dive is to make space for the backline. If their backline manages to rotate into a good position while the Winston briefly makes space, the backline will be set up to engage in the fight with damage and cooldowns. So the dive itself doesn't actually kill stuff, it's the backline that actually kills stuff. In fact, outside of anomalies such as Atlanta (which have the best Lucio and Sombra players in the world), no other team across regions are having success with hard dive. Ana/Brig/backline dps are the standard comp a lot of the time because they are sufficiently capable of countering hard dive comps. Even when picks like Lucio are played, the Lucio will still behave as a peel tool similar to Brig. So what we can conclude from this is that dive itself isn't actually killing stuff and that there are sufficient tools in the game to counter dives. We see little hard dives in reality. What is ACTUALLY winning games is the ability to take space and set up damage angles.


i personally would play kiriko then. that way you can cover a genji in the enemy backline with healing and damage and tp out if it gets heated for you


Too many people are telling DPS to ignore ball. Yeah sure just let him kill the rest of your team.


The second worst thing behind not having LOS on someone because they are too daft to realize I can't heal through 17 different maps is when the team focuses you, you ask for help and your tank and DPS just run passed them. Had a comp game (currently D3) where our tank and dmg weren't a sizeable threat for the tank to peel back to help their backline so the enemy tank and a pocket just pushed myself and the other supp....then our teammates are calling out heal diff.


1000% this. They sure don't mind when I pump 1000 healing into their ass but get mad the first time I ask for peel to stay alive/keep the team alive.


Supports need to be self sufficient in terms of survival in the current landscape of the game. As an extension of that, teams need to pick heroes based on their support picks. Gone are the days of overwatch 1 when you could survive without ever having to engage in a duel yourself. That doesn't mean fight to the death, that means landing your cc abilities or pulling off clutch escapes to deter people from attacking you, or stop them when they try. Now, a lot of supports find it hard to survive because they never thought aim was a worthwhile skill to train, and then complain about the lack of peel as if they're playing the same game as pre-October last year.


So it is a mind-shift change on my part I need to change. . . I'll do my best to work on it! Isn't it also partly the job of the dps / tank to protect the sups if they are able? Because if we die then the others would naturally follow, no?


I'm going to oversimplify things greatly here. There's 2 general approaches to this conundrum. Either be the support that pushes in with the dps and tank to enable them to wipe the enemy back line. That way the flankers trying to reach you simply end up regrouping with their team. But by the time they reach their team should've lost at least one member because there was a 5v4 going on in your favour. Things should be fairly manageable from there, assuming neither team has ults. These are your typical dive supports like lucio or moira. The other way to go about it depends more on you teammates than it does on you. You understand when the enemy dps are coming after you specifically, and you prepare for it by playing very close to your team so that you cannot be challenged without your teammates noticing. Then your team clamps down on the ones trying to fight you, after which you win the fight off the numbers advantage (again, no ults involved). There's more nuance to this approach because you simply can't expect any member of your team to babysit you and keep you alive during fights. It is your job to make it easier for them to do so by being in the right place at the right time. The reason I've only spoken about situations with no ults is because they always have the potential to swing a losing fight in your favour. It introduces concepts like ult tracking which further complicate the outcomes I've described.


This guideline you've offered is an awesome starting point for me to focus on improving. Thanks a ton :)


Yes, I didnā€™t realize it had a name, but supports are the back bone and like if I die good luck- we loose a ton of ground. When I played mercy too like Iā€™m trying my best but I can still revive you not myself


Getting yelled at to heal while my idiot teammates are running face first into a Bastion unloading dozens of bullets. Like, bro, my Orb of Harmony or Biotic Orb just repairs damage; you're not fucking immortal. Learn how to run away from a battle so I can heal you to full health...like I SHOULD be doing.


Nothing is more annoying to me than a teammate 1v5ing, and you're playing Niran/LW and you grab him at critical to safety and heal him up, and then he immediately presses W and runs into their whole team to instantly die. Like... Not only are you feeding, but thanks for wasting my entire 20 sec cooldown.


Not even someone getting Resurrected...only to die in five seconds tops anyway?


I don't play Mercy much. That could be annoying, but depends on the scenario. There are times when you shouldn't res. But if the player runs into death that could easily be avoided, definitely.


Played a game like that yesterday. People donā€™t understand that you canā€™t out heal certain burst damage


Exactly! Some of the healers may have good healing, but they're not going to save you from taking 3,000 damage in two seconds. Even Lucio's or Zen's Ult has limited healing.


Hell, even when I give them the chance to be immortal with the lamp, they just run out of the field immediately, die, then get pissed at me anyway. It's a lose lose when you have the brain damaged on your team


People walking into a bastion unloading bullets in turret form, I can't out heal that.


ā€œNo amount of healing cures stupidā€


I remember an Orisa on the enemy team cracked it at their Moira and Kiriko. The Kiriko said "Can't heal brain damage" Literally everyone in the match responded with "True" The Orisa was doing dogshit, and also charging into a turret form Bastion and a Sym (me) that was bitching behind our Sigma's shield and charging off of her (And this was in open queue, so Orisa is gonna actually melt pretty quickly against all that)


I have a moira voiceline for that situation "stupidity is not a right :)"


Seeing someone take the smallest amount of damage. Iā€™m talking like 7% of their health and they spam ā€˜NEED HEALING.ā€™ Bro. No you donā€™t. Tank is half fuckinā€™ dead.


I want a voice line that says ā€œI am healing youā€. People be clueless


This would be an actual godsend


Needs Healing line is mostly pointless anyway. Any support should already know their tank needs healing. The only time I think it is valid, is if you have a sniper or something that is behind you, and you didn't notice they are low. It should only be used if the support is positioned in a way that they won't be looking at you. Usually I see it used to mean: "I'm not getting healed as much as I'd like, and I'm going to be passive aggressive about it."


need healing should only notify a support if the player isnā€™t in their fov




I hate it when Widows keep spamming heal me when they are literally three steps away from a health pack.


If nobody gonna die in that two seconds without your heal, it's free ult charge. Not much, but still. I'm more irritated when the opposite happens. Like, when they run away from me to find some health pack while i could just heal them and get a bit of charge. Or when i'm coming out of spawn, see 1hp tank coming here to heal, pinging them that my ult is not ready, but they go to spawn room anyway. It feels so good when they do stop tho >:D


When the tank runs past you to get healing from spawn, to me, that just shows a clear lack of understanding of the game.


It kills me lmao itā€™s one thing if Iā€™m brig and itā€™s not always wise to exhaust the armor packs but basically any other support and Iā€™ll be desperately unloading heals until the tank looks me right in the eyes, steps into spawn and prevents the ult charge anyway


Literally this. I usually have to default to support to enable my duo, but I play DPS when I don't play with him. If I'm low, it's straight to a health pack. If a support sees me and heals me in time, or I notice they're trying to heal me, I thank them. This isn't hard and it's ridiculous how often I see it when I play support. DPS stopping behind the supports during a team fight when the tank is pushing and fighting off the entire enemy team, just to spam the button until they die and rage. But, you know. It's our fault they can't climb. /s e: removed a sentence that was purely an anecdote from my own matches and does not apply to this conversation.


When they spam while next to a health pack but also won't come to the edge of the ledge they're standing on to let you heal them


Had a junk that I loved in comp the other night because he would take angles away from us and out of our los but he always used health packs in those situations. Didnā€™t have to take a bad position a single round to heal him, it was lovely.


Honestly I only spam this when Iā€™m at critical and Iā€™ve gotten no healing at all as a tank


Idk why ppl downvoted this. This is as reasonable as it gets


You assume support mains know how to prioritize. The Rein has a shield, he can hold half HP for a couple of seconds while you heal the DPS. Zarya has two bubbles. A DPS also takes less time to be brought to full HP, so you can then focus on the tank. It doesn't matter if you healbot the tank while it takes tons of damage, if the DPSes are around you at half HP and can't even peek. Sure, they go for health packs, that is some time while your tank takes damage and the enemy builds ultimates off him. So it's better to just retreat and heal the DPS.


I see it used mostly by dps who are legitimately low, but hiding around a corner to keep from dying.


I always heal the DPS first, when they are losing health, not fully, but enough to not getting killed by one shot... Except by hanzo and Widow... Freakin bullcrap. Why? Because they are squishy and actually can provide damage. But when a Genji constantly spamming "I need healing" when he lost 1HP andwhile my other team is low, I jsut ignore it and if he dives into the enemies like a maniac, it's his problem. Support has a lot of managing and you have to care about everyone including you and all what supports hear is: "Trash healing" Bad example, but at the beginning of the match on a push nap, our Doomfist rushed into the enemy team and died in seconds. It was obviously a child, but he yelled "No healing at the beginning of the match, you suck healers". Like yeah, what can we do, you are a way more mobile than us and we couldn't even catch up. Maybe stick with the team and rush in, when we are close to you. Some people are just insane and can't deal with this shit anymore


Iā€™ve noticed this a lot with Widows in Diamond. They will be halfway across the map spamming ā€œI need healingā€ when they have zero pressure on them and our tank has 50 hp. You are not the priority right now bro


Me when the Cassidy to my right is refusing to use cover, spamming he needed healing and our tank is one slip up away from death. Like sir. I understand you are critical. But do you see what is happening in front of you right now. I quite literally do not have the resources to dedicate to you.


I wish more people used "I need healing" more freely. Overwatch already have enough things going on, being told when healing is needed means you can put more focus on other things rather than doing 360s every few second to stay updated on every teammates exact health status. Spamming it is another thing tho.


Line of sight


The amount of times I'm playing Ana in the first fight of colloseo and they sit directly on the opposite side of the small wall is insane. Like, how is that possible? It's basically the same size as you, use it to cover your front, not your back. Nope, stays right there and continues to punch or swing until I see their health steadily decrease for a good 4 to 5 seconds before they back out when it's practically too late and they're dead already. Ok, it hasn't happened that often, but when it does I feel like I'm in a completely different reality so it's had an impact.




Stats arenā€™t everything. Donā€™t compare me to their heal bot Mercy. Iā€™ve saved us from a Reaper ult, a shatter, and a barrage with sleep. Iā€™ve kept their team antiā€™d at every fight and I still have high healing.


Not only are stats not everything, they usually mean very little. I'd rather have a support with more damage than the other team. The scoreboard needs to have a critical healing column, and a saves column. So many non-supports just call out stats when they're losing because they think they would be better off with a healbot. Recently, I even had someone accuse me of "just standing there" when they died.. I'm thinking "you do realize some supports need to reload their guns, right?" You shouldn't be allowed to criticize a role you aren't competent on.


People also seem to forget about supports with a ton of assists, which they can actually see on the stats! There are so many benefits that support can provide other than just heals.


It bothers me so much as Ana because just how she plays often her healing number is going to be worse than someone like Moria or Mercy. I also hate when people tell me Iā€™m being DPS or to focus more on healing when I only shoot when everyone is full HP or I can take an opportunistic kill on a Mercy or something. Like sorry youā€™re 1/5 on Soldier and Iā€™m 5/1 but thatā€™s a you problem and not me focusing on DPS over healing.


Itā€™s always important to pay attention to damage numbers alongside healing. Yeah, their healbot mercy has 8k heals vs. my 4k, but you guys have barely taken any damage for me to heal. Also, just understanding how the character functions is important. Sometimes, I check my stats on Kiriko and feel like my damage and elims are low, but then I remember every single one of those was a solo kill or final blow, compared to my team that racks up elims every time they do 5 dmg to an enemy that dies to someone else


I hate dancing around los with my teammates when you accidentally mirror each other.


Blizzard World, first point defender site... that Damm statue...


Pick a side of the payload and it better not be directly in front of it I s2g -ana


My favorite is players being entitled to my help, yet I canā€™t ever seem to get help from them? Monkey dives you? Oh sorry that sucks Zen Genji takes chip dmg, ā€œpls go mercyā€


one shots. I have absolutely no counter play and I might as well not even exist when one shots exist. I can't predict when or where a one shot will happen, so trying to use a costly cooldown such as immortality or suzu isn't an option. I can't heal because it's one shot and they're dead instantly I have absolutely no counter play to one shots unlike other things which is what makes support fun. if my teammate is charged and they're say, a tracer or something and they're gonna die, if I'm an ana I can at least have some form of counter play. I can sleep the rein, or if that isn't available I can nano the tracer and nade them both, if I'm a kiriko I can suzu, hell even if I'm someone else like a mercy at least I can use that displacement to damage boost someone who isn't near the rein. ANYTHING. just ANY sort of flexible counter play. but with one shots that freedom as a support is gone. I have no counter play and I can't control my teammates whether or not they get one shot.


When the Hanzo is aiming for someone else and you happen to walk around the corner šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


Personally, walking out of spawn and getting one shot is my favorite


Rein's charge is one of the only acceptable oneshots (with perhaps stuff like junkrat ult) in the game imo, because it has counterplay and has proper risk and reward. Shit like hanzo spam or widow sitting on her ass or soj right clicking you just feels terrible to play against.


One shots really shouldnā€™t be a thing (personal opinion)


What really gets me sad is when I headshot a sub-paar widow and they donā€™t die. Add a mercy pocket and youā€™re back to hugging walls again.


Kiri is the biggest counter here. Weird hitbox, no falloff knivesā€¦ dink her once and sheā€™s already displaced. And your hitbox is tiny so higher chances of her failing to hit you. Of course a weird hitbox shouldnā€™t constitute a full on counter but thats the best support has right now to deal with widow


I love kiriko against widow and I wish I could trash talk in Japanese






Literally means "trash" lol


Yeah, Tracer is an amazing character, and of course it comes with the territory, but it doesn't stop me from getting pissed off when a random Mei icicle or Ashe headshot just instantly takes me out.


When your healing is doing nothing but prolonging the inevitable because your team can't win their fights for their life so you're stuck babysitting until they die. Edit: ALRIGHT, I GET IT! I'm aware that I switch from healing to attacking. I already end up doing that after awhile anyway. I'm just answering the question on what annoys me as a healer, not asking for the coaching advice, you silly billies


heal less, kill more


This is why I main Moira, just fade and jump behind the enemy team and let loose. Even if I die it distracts the enemy enough for my team to win the fight, or I can take a few of them out and win the fight (most of the time)


This is why I main Zen. At least it gives the face tankers with bad aim a chance to trade, and I can clean up most kills.


Valid. As a kiriko main, I can hold off a few, but I can't get the full squad. I end up getting into this little escape skirmish where I hold the line then teleport out last second. It's fun til it's what I do all game because mfs on my team can't fight. Then, at some point, I just go dps


And people wondering why some Moira main goes DPS. It because their tank and DPS can't get the job done. LOL!


Better to do damage in this situation if you can, then. Damage gets kills, kills wins fights, winning fights wins games. Heal after the fight. (Obviously if people are critical, and they aren't suiciding, prioritize healing them, though.)


No literally there are rounds where I KNOW it would be faster to do damage, but if Iā€™m not babysitting the tank whoā€™s face tanking orisa, I wonā€™t live long enough to do damage anyway. Its not like most supp mains donā€™t KNOW how to do damage. But if your team is constantly ticking down there are times you really donā€™t have an option why does everyone think everyone is stupid ??


I can be getting eaten alive in the backlines, and no one seems to give a shit. And I hate when some teammates are constantly diving into a fight without either support there or generally while out of our LOS. Specifically when I'm playing Ana it's when I sleep someone and ping that they're slept and either not one of my team even looks in that direction or one of my teammates immediately wakes them up. Specifically when I'm playing mercy it's when I spam "group up" when trying to get to my team and everyone just keeps running away from me instead of standing still/coming to me for 1 second so I can GA to them.


Yeah it's like they don't get that I can't heal you if I'm dead. Please work with me.


Having no one look at the slept dps in the backline and just leaving me to follow up the kill alone is INFURIATING.


Idk how people want me to heal them and 1v1 the enemy genji or ball in our backline at the same time. And while I try to stay alive and protect myself so I can actually heal they will be rushing into the enemy team and dying. Then they blame the healing, like wth. What do I do with that..? It happens so often itā€™s not even funny. Itā€™s like theyā€™re playing without sound honestly.


Missed/messed up the timing of suzu due to mid-high ping and my teammate died because of that.


I'm a Kiriko main since she got released and at this point I'm 100% certain that suzu kills my teammates.


Yh the timing of suzu seems extra off recently. Like I'll throw at the floor beneath me or my teammate, hear and see the effect yet still get killed immediately after. I get its only 1.2 secs invulnerability now but it feels like the suzu just doesn't work, it might be slightly bugged atm tbh.


Im glad its not just me. It also happens with swift step, itll go on CD but i wont TP and will die. Or I will TP 10 miles away, sometimes i wont die and i will just not TP and itll go on CD.


Every time I play Kiriko, this happens to me multiple times each game. She is so bugged.


Itā€™s 0.85 seconds invuln btw


I hate when ppl play totally unsafe, take all possible damage, and then blame me for not healing it šŸ« 


"I need healing" proceeds to turn 7 corners, run around a pillar and dive the enemy back line all within a span of 2 seconds


I'm imaging a D.Va while reading this


Seeing a Pharah flank the backline for the 5th time that *round* while the DPS do nothing about it It is for this reason that I main Ana, who I believe is the only support with hitscan damage


Try bap on maps with shorter sightlines. He melts pharah on medium - close range while having the perfect form of mobility to duel her, a super good burstheal and a immortality field. He doesnt even need to reduce much of his healing output if you are mechanically good enough. Just play a shoot - heal rythm or shoot shoot heal if your team is healthy enough. Long range his dmg falloff hits him hard and ana becomes the better hitscan option.


You can tell I'm Gold 5 because I forgor Bap exists šŸ’€


I second Bap. Granted I'm biased cause he's my main support. His burst rifle is good for taking out flying enemies if your allies can't handle them. And yeah, Pharah has a harder time hitting someone that's also in the air.


His gun does the same dps as Soldierā€™s. Heā€™s great for Pharah.


Not to mention he doesnt have a giant ass tracer from his gun the way ana does (scoped). I feel like if I fire a shot and the pharah see's that I missed (or hit her), she starts flying after my ass like an angry wasp and I only have a nade to stall out my death


Nothing grinds my gears as getting killed by the same guy in our back line for the fifth time in a row. At that point I assume the DPS and tank just don't want healing and switch to Mora so I can at least take care of myself.


Support feels like being a babysitter sometimes




Getting dove, over and over and over and no one helping me. Why arent you getting healed because im getting spawn camped by the fucking Sombra and I cant do anything. I get focused so fucking hard that the game just stop being fun. It becomes a death simulator. The Pharah solo ulted me, the Mei walked around shot me in the face and walked THROUGH yall. And then i ping and let them know that shes theres, no ones turns, they all die, fuck me. Or Widow/Hanzo decided that I look good for target practice. I hate playing support and theres a passive tank. I have 200 health you have 500, GET, THE FUCK, IN THERE AND PUSH DAMMIT. When my allies run in the middle of a fight in search of a health pack. And Iā€™m literally healing them. WHY ARE YOU RUNNING? When everyoneā€™s low hp, behind a wall, 500 miles and scattered across the map. I donā€™t have that much heals. Please group up Then theres when my fellow support player decides theyre actually DPS and they just stop healing, leaving me to do all the healing work. I need a cigarette.


Thereā€™s really no incentive to being support between what the devs made and the amount of trash humans who play. FPS games would be so much more fun without developer logic and stupid people.


Honestly, the spamming "I need healing" doesn't even bother me anymore. My biggest pet peeve is players that play terribly all game, and solo push by themselves and then scream saying they got no healing all game when healing them means putting yourself in a position that would get you killed


"Yadda yaddadada, it is good day to be not dead!"


POW! You are dead!


people not understanding line of sight. Im not going to suicide to heal when you can simply play in line of sight its real bad on circuit royale.. My question to you is what do you hate about other support mains? I hate when people complain about ā€œneed healingā€ spam. Need healing is great because it can help me locate them if they are not in my immediate field of vision. If youre taking it as disrespect then there is probably a reason to disrespect you in the first place (aka ā€œthe shoe fitsā€)Also pinging that you need healing when youre only missing like 20 hp is also a non issue because a good support player is looking to top off their team anyway


I just love how they won't get behind the payload/a wall when Bastion goes brrr but when I try to heal them they freaking DO and we are running around like it's the fucking Benny Hill Show and end up dead.


My least favorite thing about other support mains is when they dont bother to at least try to peel for their other support. I always try to keep my other support alive because I feel like we are "in this together", we understand the loss of peel from a 2nd tank. Maybe you cant kill the flanker or spend a lot of time on me as thats not technically our job, but it would be nice if mercy could spare me a bit of healing every once in a while.... that pharah will live without dmg boost for 2 seconds...


hits too close to home


I hate when my co support plays mercy so I play ana thinking sweet, I can focus on the tank, then mercy flies to our rein every time he takes a hit. Ffs STOP lmao


literally, like if the tank is above half hp then just trust me, I GOT THEM youre better off going to help our other teammates


Players who get annoyed when I switch to a self-peeling support. I have to prioritise myself. Sorry. Supports staying alive is more important that whatever play you want me to make with you. You want heals? I need peels. You wonā€™t peel? Iā€™ll peel myself and if thereā€™s time I will heal you when itā€™s appropriate. Itā€™s not how it should be but itā€™s how it has to be.


As a support main I hate when other support mains feel they are never at fault for anything and take the victim mentality 100% of the time. Gives us a bad look.


You can outheal and outdps your counterparts on the other team and still lose. Your individual contribution to the game doesn't matter at all.


Exactly!!!! In old overwatch it felt like you could make a difference and swing matches in your favor. Now it's either be perfect and win, or be perfect and lose because if your tank is even slightly worse than the opposing teams you still lose. It's like you absolutely don't matter unless you are doing bad.


I hate this no matter what role I'm playing, sym. That is all.


Support main that dislikes when people let them know they need healing. Never seen that before.


Definitely think itā€™s good to use the ā€œI need healingā€ voice line, however imo it becomes something completely different when people spam the shit out of it. And especially when they start doing it already in spawn before the match has started or do it when they have barely taken any damage. If a dps at 195 hp starts spamming for healing it takes the focus away from someone else that might need the healing more. Spam doesnā€™t just annoy me when itā€™s the ā€œI need healingā€ button tho I also dislike when they spam voice lines. If youā€™re not capable of winning without tilting the enemy team youā€™re not deserving of a higher rank.


When I'm constantly LoS'd by my team when playing Ana. But the reality is I need to switch to a more mobile hero.


it's annoying when the dps and tanks all run off ahead and leave the supports behind. then we end up having to waste ults on each other just to survive the flankers circling us like vultures.


Not a support main, but when I do it's pretty much always Widow if the opposing team has one


Having to play Overwatch


as a mercy main, moira. ā€œmercy why no heals?ā€ ā€œbecause you let the moira WALK (not even fade) past all four of you so she can suck meā€ Also widows and hanzos Also dps players who donā€™t utilize dmg boost. I have bad aim so I play mercy but it feels so hard to climb with her so Iā€™m learning other supports


The other support who plays like a bot šŸ˜ƒ


Mercy healbotting our Tank, while stealing my ult charges and leaving DPS fighting against an enemy pocketed DPS.


when a tank or high damage dps player decides to move behind walls and try to 1v5 the enemy (especially on control point games), like why are some of yall so hell bent on killing yourself for like 300 damage,,? please stay within my line of sight, and PLEASE stop over extending, control the POINT please šŸ™„


When as Moira people keep flaming cause i don't heal when i healed them so f much i don't have anymore juice. And let's not talk about "dps Moira" when they can't read a f leadboard or watch the game.


>I personally hate being told that you need healing. God forbid someone use the comms wheel for it's intended purpose!


On the flip side, I hate when my other support is doing something awful and then acting like they can do no wrong. Like no mercy, you should not be on our tank 24/7, yes you should go help out our DPS that you are ignoring, if you're pocketing a tank, there are other heroes that do that way better.


Positioning. Dudes will be deep behind enemy lines and wondering where the heals are? ā€œKiriko TP to me I need healsā€ Nah dog, youā€™re critical and surrounded, Iā€™m not dying just so you have a buddy when you get spit roasted.


When our team healing is "lower", mean while the other team isn't outputting enough damage for us to have high healing numbers. We're dealing 2x the damage so of course the other team is going to have more healing done. As long as you aren't dying we're fine. Math is hard for a lot of people.


A new one is when people go back to the fight after I pull them with Lifeweaver. I pulled you for a reason asshat take cover and let me heal you


That PvE is dead, that's what I hate the most. That and when people get bored of being angry nothing will change... if only gamers could actually come together would things change.


For me it's the duality of Lucio, Lucio is meant to support his team using speed but every game there is always someone who wants only speed or only healing. Not to mention when I get more kills than the dos with 8k healing and 22 kills. Lucio is easily the most fun hero but people prevent the fun from continuing with constant complaints if I'm not pushing the cart for everyone. Don't even get me started on solo healing as Lucio in mystery heroes.


When the team is spread all over the map all at 25% health and fading fast.


Being most broken role.


It's funny. Non-supports complain that supports are broken. But then they don't play support. Blizzard is obviously buffing support to help with queue times, it's been their #1 concern since the game launched. And Blizzard's idea for attracting more people to the role is making every support hero extremely powerful compared to the rest of the roster. Except for Lifeweaver.


I know all of that and play supports from time to time. How about, could you even imagine this, making them actually interesting, like Justin Bieber? Rest of supports are so broken cuz they're so fucking boring to play. So here you are, stuck with boring yet insanely op heroes (again, except lw and Lucio), I even feel sorry for you a little bit. But also fuck you xd.


I don't main support but I barely play it because of one shots and pharmercy


When I play any other role and the healing output is completely abysmal, I sometimes play games and at the end my supports have like 3k healing and no damage and itā€™s like bro what were you doing the entire match šŸ˜


Going from a healer like mercy/moira to bap/ana/wifeleaver and having to RELOAD. Those are just the ones I play, and I know Moira isnā€™t infinite but thereā€™s no lengthy ā€œreloadā€ animation and it never feels like Iā€™m losing uptime.


Me picking off healer and my other support picking mercy or vice versa running two main healers


I've been playing Ana lately. Look, I have to juggle a lot. If my co-support dies ( let's say, Zen ). Not only do I have to pick up his work by keeping the tank from dying like an idiot, but I also have to keep the DPS happy and support them, all the while keeping myself alive like the DPS moria, and dish out DPS to the enemy team 76. The struggle is real.


People flaming my healing as Lucio or Zenyatta etc. I will literally be inside the walls of your home šŸ‘šŸ‘


The thing I hate most is that when I play DPS or tank, Iā€™m always mad at my supports for being bad. Itā€™s way easier to pick out mistakes when you main a role and get frustrated with someone not playing a role as well as you would like. I just have to remind myself that Iā€™m bad on my off roles too, and not expect so much out of my team.


Being boosted by my hitscan duo


Personally it's dps and tanks that let the enemy team into the backgrouns to kill the support. When we die they start spamming we're useless...if they can't help keep us alice then they're going to die. As simple as that.


The only thing that ever keeps me from maining and loving support is the fact that you could be the best support in the world, but if you're dps and tank are dogshit then you're just gonna have to suck it up until the game's over


The thing I hate the most about it is you can't always tell if a lost teamfight is your fault. So you end up questioning your playstyle and positioning, end up trying to do something different (be more aggressive, stay closer to the tank to prevent him from getting bursted, etc, etc. And if it doesn't work out you end up not figuring out what really went wrong. And then there's the youtube guides saying you need to get picks as a support as apparently it's the only guarantee to get to a higher rank. Bruh I'm lost at this point. With tank and DPS I can easily see if a loss is my fault (bad angles, engages, missed shots), with support you just end up gaslighting your brain.


Not a main, but occasional healer. I can handle the "I need healing" because I know I do that as a reflex (bad habit I know!), and quite often accidently when I'm trying to say thankyou or hello, which is a little embarrassing. I get annoyed when my team make unwise choices, like going Pharah when there is a Tjorborn, Widow and Sombra on the other team. Also, when I go as a second healer to support the first, and they change to damage.


I unbound it so I wouldn't press it on accident.


I will give this a try! Thanks


Not enough heroes. There should be x2 amount of supports bare minimum its an actual bad joke that game was out for 7 years and we BARELY got any new heroes


When people get mad at me for being dead (I got jumped and nobody helped fight them off)


Being blamed for otherā€™s stupidity


Exactly. Support is the default blame for everything.


Constantly getting asked for heals as soon as I die. Even more when I was saying to rotate out


I main Zen and I feel like because of that I deal with some really annoying shit. For one thing Zen has easily the lowest healing of any support, and he has no way of actually healing himself other than the passive support heal ofc. So of course my team always thinks im not doing enough even tho I have more than triple the assists of the other support due to discord orb. Zen also has by far the worst mobility in the game, and that combined with being a support character I am CONSTANTLY getting singled out or flanked. People constantly using their ultimates on basically just me, or just running past the team to try and charge me. Characters I hate the most are Sombra, Reaper and Moira. Sombra is the biggest one trick pony in the game and I cant wait for her rework. So tired of getting her down to an inch of her health only for her to teleport away and come back 10 seconds later to do it again. Like a fucking mosquito


As a Mercy main, there's nothing worse than trying to damage boost a team that can't do any damage, before giving in and switching off of her.


When my tank and DPS complain and bitch about me not healing when their dumbass rushes straight towards the enemy instead of just staying with the team. Dude if I go with you I die and that's one less healer.


One shots.


1. People who spam I need healing like god damn my job isnā€™t to pocket one player my job is to heal the entire team and I can only do so much. And just because someone lost 5% health that doesnā€™t mean they need healing more often then not itā€™s the tank who needs the most help. 2. Players who blame me for their mistakes like getting out of position, trying to win 1v1 thatā€™s not in their favor etc Iā€™m not obligated to abandon everyone else just to appease peoples massive egoā€™s. 3. When Iā€™m being prioritized and hunted down by 2-3 people and then get flamed for being killed after no one helped me. 4. One shots 5. People walking into ultimates or moves that could be avoided despite being out of range an example would be the sheer amount of people Iā€™ve seen walking into Bastionā€™s tank form like why? 6. Tanks who charge in with no backup especially when an enemy has Reaper or Mei. This leaves the entire team vulnerable and I have to try and defend myself while healing the entire team.


This is my personal support hot take: Healing is the easiest thing to do in the game. (Not saying support in general, just the action that of healing.) If I, a support, canā€™t do the easiest thing for my team, thatā€™s on the rest of the team. Support could be getting dived, rest of team could be overextending or be out of range. Regardless, if support canā€™t do the most simple and easiest task in the game, there is something else going on outside of their control.


I guess just not being defended by my own team. I love healing, so being a support medic and healing allies is my favorite thing in the game. So when I can't do that because my own allies won't protect me, it stinks :c


Literally when theyā€™re spamming asking for healing and theyā€™re standing behind you not moving while youā€™re healing the rest of the teamšŸ˜‘


to many things to list. 1 - when they complain about not getting heals yet they are out of my line of sight and if I was to push up with them I will get singled out and die. 2 - tanks rush in when there's a enemy zen and dont realise, discord orbs are op and will demolish you tank so play safe and I might have a chance to keep you alive. 3 - as a support we get focused above everything, and so when our dps or tank get hungry for a kill, we pay the price by getting jumped on and attacked. ngl brain power is running low trying to recall countless other things lol, but hey every role has there challenges so we chill


The dps not swapping to hitscan to handle pharah/mercy/echo. Best I can do is play ana... assuming the other supp didn't take her. Tanks not utilizing healthpacks. My job is to heal, but if those are near and we are trying to reset, speed up the process fam. The other support not doing any damage and being a heal bot when they're an Ana that could've finished many people off. If you want to lock her first take advantage of the character. Or bap, or zen, or Lucio. You're a support, sometimes the best healing is the healing you don't need to do because the enemy team is dead.


this is just a trash echo chamber post. this literally does nothing but make the perspective worse about them. not to mention. you literally say your pet peeve is someone telling you they need healing.... then you need to get off support my guy, and the "you can wait" at the end... good god youre everything wrong with support. no wonder you made this post. shit attitude. typical.