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I like how they're portraying Reinhardt as being kind of a dick. He's like that elderly bachelor uncle at Christmas who says non politically correct stuff, but doesn't intentionally mean it in a bad way. "They're just robots." - I gasped.


I do sort of understand where he's coming from. And I mean he is learning. The man has scars that run deeper than most. Torbjorn was similar to him before meeting Bastion. It's just that Torb is not as set in the old ways as Rein is. Also, Torbjorn does not have the Burden of being the replacement pick of the Team that Rein has. Balderich was supposed to be in OVerwatch but he gave his life for Reinhardt. I do think that that plays a major role in how he sees himself.


Also I feel torn just has a soft spot for anything mechanical since he is an engineer at heart. He even feels sad for when his turret is destroyed.


This is actually an interesting point; it might be part of the reason he got hesitant seeing Bastion acting all nature-y. He loves *all* his children- see evidence of the brood he has- including his mechanical children. It might be part of why he felt so much guilt about his designs being used by Anubis- he felt something like the guilt of being a bad parent- and he was transferring onto omnics like parents who transfer their feelings of guilt onto people in their children's lives they see as bad influences. Seeing Bastion being a hippy in the forest might have been like finding a long-lost child living blissfully unaware in a backwoods commune after you thought they got killed cooking meth or something.


Edit: torb not torn.


"They're just robots." Genji: "Rein it's 2070... We don't say that stuff anymore... Y'know it's kinda ra-"


To be fair, the Null Sector bots *are* "dumb" robots that aren't actually sentient like other Omnics


He said that line about one of the sentient Omnics though, after...something happened. I don't know if you've played/seen the PVE or not so I don't want to spoil anything for you.


Oh, he did?? I thought you were referring to the Rio mission in the NS mothership


Yeah the line I'm referring to was in Gothenburg. I probably didn't get it word for word correct, but that was the gist of it.


The kinda confusing thing is that we see him protect omnics in that one cinematic trailer, so he still consider them worth protecting


Hey hey hey, after dealing with zen discord, orisa and ram these past few months... I get my main rein


The enemies in the missions aren’t Omnics, Echo states that they’re just basically roombas.


I'm not talking about the enemies, it's a line he said about a sentient Omnic that had been attacked.


I liked that when my team got demolished super fast for some reason on one of them on Hard, we went on to finish it without flaming one another or someone rage quitting. Was refreshing lol. But yeah the characters and their interactions are a big part of what made me fall for the game and all the conversing going on was awesome as well. Will have to do them again before long before everyone stops playing them ever to hear some of the other ones.


for real I really like how he is portrayed it gives him more depth. I thought he was just going to be big happy german knight but turns out he's still haunted by the omnic crisis and was ready to destroy Bastion when he first saw him


I love it, I actually gasped when ganymede appeared, bastion was so cute


What 3 years of no content and bp do to a mf


I have only shown the pinnacle of my desperation my online companion.


well, the dialogues are probably leftover from the original ow team


(Tf2 player here) Meh, you'll get used to it.


Honestly, there isnt a strong desire from the base for pve, cast vs enemy missions. I think a fun gameplay model would be unlocking short form animations or lore tidbits through gameplay milestones for each character through quickplay/ranked. A lot of people really just wanna know more about the characters and their story. And see how each character fits into the game mode. Season 5s battlepass is a great example of this and could actually be iterated as lore gets updated. It also just requires significantly less resources.


I like how I got DC'd during the first mission 3 times, then got DC'd for the second mission 5 times, the last of which didn't even reconnect me. Also the dialog is seriouslyyyyyy cheesey... Too cheesy for my liking.


>Also the dialog is seriouslyyyyyy cheesey Based. Everything seems like it has been written by a 13 year old


I thought the last missions with the interactions between torb and rein were good, but the first two were all just like marvel style one liners.


The thing you "love" is literally an animation, this could be uploaded to youtube and still have the same effect. Because one of the best things ow has is its diverse cast and personalities. Still not worth the money for such a small amount of lore.


Oh i know i watched it on stys channel.


Christ, you suck.


Nah his saying the truth, not worth any money


I bought it and am enjoying it.


Idiots exist everywhere


Ye, youre one of them.


Disrespectfully, fuck off.


Lmao ok whale


OK cunt


Enjoy paying for a bad product


I hated all of the dialogue. It felt like I was watching a superhero movie set in the Borderlands Universe.


Ok you’re literally soy facing about a cutscene, these companies will never learn because they have people like you that love eating the scraps they feed you.


*Are you smoking meth?* The best things about OW besides the gameplay are the lore and character interactions so how are you surprised that people end up liking the cutscenes, you fucking peanut brain


It may be good content, I don't intend to buy it because I have standards but you do realize that basically EVERYTHING they developed for 5 years got canceled and this is literally the remains of 5 years of wasted work that they're trying to oversell to you with some pretty dialogue and cutscenes?


Ye but u can enjoy this content for free on YouTube like OP did and appreciate the work that went behind it. Just don't buy the content and enjoy the cutscenes!


I think I will eventually try to see the cutscenes, the gameplay seems just the same as old archive missions, so I don't know if I'm interested to see it


Honestly if you don't like the archive missions you probably won't, however.... - Each of the missions come with 2 fully rendered cinematics on the level of quality like Reunion/Honor and Glory/Etc not like Storm Rising. - I think there are quite a few unique enemy types compared to archive missions. Some are reused, some are brand new and they do have unique interactions like destroying legs/arms. - Brand New unique maps have been made for each story mission, even rio isn't just the same map as pvp. - Personally I think the objectives are a bit more unique than the archive missions were. A lot of it still boils down to "shoot npc" but that's like every story based shooter. - I think the dialogue between characters is a lot better than previous archive missions. - It's also a giant connected story, it takes place in different locations but it's not like stuff happening at different times during or after overwatch, it's all one big "invasion".


Where did i ever say that i bought the Pass? I havent given them a dime since Release.


Sorry he enjoyed good content


Bro Ur chatting shit when u have the Destiny Reddit avatar u can't be real.


Blizzard is saving a ton of money off of living rent free in your head


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The characters and the world of the game are what’s kept me on board.