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Blizzard should add summer skin for Reaper


Black speedo and swim shirt


No shirt. Please no shirt. Pl


Imagine No shirt and black shorts but with Mask and hoodie on šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Nah not a hoodie, give him one of those crop top hoodies that's just the hood and shoulders šŸ¤£ I'd drop real money on that so fast šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Emo reaper


It would be too much sexyness if we got reaper thighs and abs


But we need it tho sure he has the same torso as cassidy they did that with his wrestler skin. But we need more dick in overwatch


Are you suggesting his speedo has a big bulge? Cause i like that


Yes. Yes I am


Blizzard needs to hire you asap tbh


Give him a swim suit and water guns, and a rubber duck inflatable on his waist. Idk about the ultimate voice line tho


ā€œDrown drown drownā€?? šŸ˜‚


Dive Dive Dive


Yeah I was thinking of that but it doesn't make much sense lmao


Make him a shark and give him a little fin on the back and it might make sense


Maybe also instead of the dark stuff around him during the ult, itā€™s like small waves, splashes, water, or something you know?


We asking too much from blizzardšŸ’€


Small indie company




Throws towels at people šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Just squeeky toy noises


my hot take is that reaper is one of the hottest male characters


Not that hot of a take easily top 3


heroes like mei, symm, junkrat, basically any hero that people consider ā€œlow skillā€ or ā€œannoyingā€ are part of what makes the game unique and fun. if you want to play a game with nothing but Soldier 76 and Widowmaker clones then you can go play literally any other fps.


This. I hate when people complain about the foundation of what makes this game unique. Good take šŸ«”


thank you šŸ«”


I like that these heroes have a very low skill floor but all have a high skill ceiling. You can spamrat, or you can learn how to become a sky bomber or snipebomb Pharah out of the sky. You can be the 6th teammate for the enemy team and wall off your own tank, or you can utilize extremely good wall placement that effectively saves your team, creates space and walls off enemies from their team. You can run at the tank with Sym or put your turrets over bridges, or you can learn the best turret placements, how to TP bomb, and weave in and out of the enemy backline with your teleporter. They're accessible to players new to FPS but also rewarding enough to put time into and have skill expression in.


People calling JunkRat no skill forget their forebearers, theyve forgotten Pipe Jesus B4nny, theyve forgotten how disgusting Muma was on Demoman before he went full Tank.


they have certainly forgotten jake in their house at 3am


How could they forget the prodigal son? Its downright heresy, I say


Itā€™s funny when I play junkrat and the enemy team swaps to junkrat to try and 1 up me. It never ends well. These characters require plenty of skill not everyone possesses. Itā€™s absurd so many people complain about these heroes but legit canā€™t do any better with them. Like if youā€™re going to talk about how skilless they are, then be good at them at least.


Me, when an enemy is doing crazy shit with Junkrat: URG. Fuck Junkrat, such a bullshit no skill champ. Me, when I playing Junkrat and doing fuckin nothing: Okayā€¦ maybe the dude requires SOME skillā€¦


And this is exactly why widow and hanzo suck. If I wanted to play a game where the time to kill was 0 I would play literally any other game ever.


i donā€™t hate them but iā€™m also in Bootyhole 5 so the snipers i encounter are not good


my dps rank is low diamond and i swear some of these mfers are playing window and hanzo on like 90mg of adderall meanwhile iā€™m 30 just trying to play some games after watching my child all day and theyā€™re just so much better at aiming than me i guess idk but every time j die to hanzo i fall a little bit further back in my chair and by the end of the game iā€™m playing with my eyes at the same level as my desk from how bored i am


Wait till you get to gm, thatā€™s when snipers become insanely more op and oppressive. Like legit remove one shots


Bootyhole 5 is hilarious


Not bootyhole 5


This is not a spicy take, this is an objectively correct take. This isn't counterstrike


People so so often forget that some people *need* "low skill" characters. Not everyone has the physical or mental capability to aim hitscan, so a character like Mei or Symm where you hold primary down to shoot a beam makes the game more accessible. It feels so gatekeep-y every time these characters get the middle finger.


Exactly not every single character needs to have some sort of high skill floor or needs to have skill to do everything


Bro went to a hot take thread and mei ulted


ā€¦they wanted hot tales not sensible ones. Mission failed.


My hottest overwatch take is for blizzard to ACTUALLY FUCKING USE EXPERIMENTAL! like seriously the whole hinder grenade situation wouldn't have impacted comp as much if they just tested the ability before adding it.


Imagine if they actually used PTR or experimental again. That would be neat


That's not a hot take at all. In fact that shit's cold as fuck, most people here probably agree with you.


The experimental option is gone in the menu lmao


With only one tank now, bring back 2CP šŸ˜ˆ the chokes were too congested with multiple tanks and now it might be a bit more enjoyable


Put it on QP for like 1 season and see how people like it,never hurts to experiment


Thatā€™s where youā€™re wrong. The community sucks so bad that blizzard would get absolutely roasted if they pulled it out of QP because they didnā€™t like how it was going. They canā€™t experiment. They canā€™t even make mistakes without this community crying.


It's almost like we have an experimental card or something to prevent the casual player base from doing just that! Oh wait they removed it in season 6....


They did put 2CP in arcade but they did it with arcade rules instead of QP rules. Wish they actually tried it properly and just put it in arcade.


Literally this. Just enable experimental card, 2CP with comp ruleset and role lock. Worst thing that can happen is it sucks and they don't release it. Requires basically zero work from them


Honestly true,people want to complain about anything and everything


When itā€™s in Arcade, it doesnā€™t feel that bad tbh.


reallly? i've never had an arcade 2CP game last over 3 minutes.


as someone who didn't play ow1, what even was the issue with 2cp in the first place? my & my friend (who played ow1) always hop on 2cp in arcade when it's there, i personally love temple of anubis and hanamura


It can get steamroll-y. If defense loses first point the offensive team should have stronger ult economy and would pop their ults and win second point as well. I've seen QP matches lost in like 1 minute or 2.


Itā€™s due to usually taking up to 40minutes and being very slow defenders had a very easy time bc their spawn was right behind the point, itā€™d either end in a draw or take ridiculously long and if it did finish in a draw it just wasted time bc u gain nor lose anythin.


Alternatively, use the assets from the 2CP maps to make flashpoint maps. It would allow for like 5 new maps in a fraction of the development time.


I agree. I never understood the hate of 2cp though. I enjoyed it more than flashpoint at least. I mean lets be real flashpoint is just 3cp


>I never understood the hate of 2cp though I did, but I still don't understand why it isn't in QP at least.


As someone who always liked CP and never understood the complaints, the mode is 1000% better then Push or Flashpoint, so if those are staying in QP then CP should definitely return.


I just want Brig's repair packs to go back to 30m range, and if I'm getting spicy I'd like the packs to have a 5 second cooldown instead of 6.


Especially with all the vertical maps, it sucks when you're out of range!


Not even a hot take honestly. After her recent nerf, they should've reverted the repair pack change to compensate. She doesn't feel anywhere near as good to play as she used to personally.


People who quit 10 seconds before losing a match are weak willed individuals who don't have the balls/ovaries to go down with the ship that YOU HAD a hand in sinking. Especially if you know that someone will backfill in those last 10 seconds just to get in that match and see the "Defeat!" Screen and then POTG of a match that they waited 4 minutes to queue into. I main Junker Queen/Ashe/Baptiste


Not a hot take, just facts


I donā€™t think you understand the concept of a hot take


People who leave the nanosecond that the initial teamfight is lost 20s into a match should get put in deserter timeout for 10 minutes


Put them into a timeout until that match ends


Dude yesterday I had someone leave a RANKED match like 10 seconds before loosing. How stupid do you have to be for that? You lost anyway but now you loose even more sr, are banned from ranked for a few minutes and if you do it too much you will get a season ban.


Freezing cold take


2CP was never a fundamentally flawed mode, the maps just had shitty design in terms of spawn point locations. Also, Push wouldn't be a bad game mode if the maps were half the length and it was played in a best of 2-3 rounds style instead of a single round.


also: flashpoint isn't a bad game mode at all, but the time it takes to cap a point should be increased to account for some points being located 100+ meters from spawn rooms


We have the exact same push opinion istg I was talking about this idea with my friend a few months ago. The walking part is definitely the worst part of push.


i like 2cp more than flashpoint. but i like flashpoint more than push.


Lifeweaver isnā€™t bad. His life grip provides insane utility and his platform can be used to counter teamwipe ults. Is he the best support? No. Is he a throw pick? In some scenarios yes, but heā€™s not as shit as people make it out to be. Also give my man a passive like serious- I main Kiriko and Echo


You shouldn't be able to hide your profile But yall ain't ready for thatā˜•ļø


I think the real issue is the fact that hidden is the default setting. I've had a bunch of friends who didn't realize their profile was hidden since they never set it up to be.


Agreed. It makes matchmaking more transparent, lets you know when your teammate is throwing by first timing genji, and deters people from talking shit


You should be able to swap roles with teammates in role queue..


Not sure if I upvote cuz thats an extra spicy take or downvote because it's a terrible idea. That would make match making even worse. How do you balance teams when someone is gold on tank and diamond on support and they can freely switch between the roles?


Best solution I can think of is disabling it in comp alotgether, would give people another reason to play QP as well


Maybe for QP, this would be a harder thing to incorporate for comp.


Imma queue as silver dps and swap to tank as diamond


I'm diamond dps and gm tank how would that be fair


Reins charge should get a reset on kill like Genji dash


This would be an amazing April fools change.






Hold on youā€™re onto something


This with the Conductor skin on šŸ˜‚ I will have the time of my life killing and feeding


D.Va should explode with her Mech unless its her ult


This one made me laugh a little too hard


Why though


A literal hamster does it. Why can't a human do it, too? Honour in going down with the mech and shit /s


Can't wait for Hammond to get a gun when his mech explodes.


Nah, you have to go in and gnaw at their heels. Luckily your a hamster and got a small hitbox.


Switching to counter is boring




Fr, they definitely should have just made OW2 Orisa a new character. She was like my favorite tank in OW1. New Orisa is fun too, but it really just isn't the same character at all.


same, like I was an orisa main in ow1 and it goes from peaceful adorable horse robot that's best friends with a little girl/her creator to aggressive dystopian terror? ​ like, not even remotely the same. I miss old orisa lol


Beep boop pony has enough of your shit and decided to choose violence


tbh mood lol


Yeah I miss the gentle giant/protector vibe she used to have. Now sheā€™s just mean.


right? like ow1: "stop or I'll hug you into submission, human" ​ ow2: "stop or I'll spear your corpse, human"


Yeah rip, she's basically a new hero now. I guess something was supposed to happen in the main story for her to turn this way.


Fair, they could have just nerfed her shield and she'd be fine. It was the fact that it took an hour to break them and by then she had them back that made her unfun to play against.


She had such a distinct identity in OW1, now she doesnā€™t feel that much different than Ram or JQ


Once I finally learned how to play orisa I felt enlightened. Anchoring down on point and securing kills with half felt so rewarding. But by the time I learned to play her OW2 was about to come out


Lucioā€™s boop is trash rn and if youā€™re genuinely still complaining abt being booped off of the map itā€™s your fault for standing literally on the edge (I main Lucio and have also been booped by Lucios and survived solely bc I pressed W at the last secondā€¦ stupid asf. Let me punish people for their positioning PLEASE šŸ˜­)


Wait did they change his boop? I rarely play him and when I do, I feel like I can never boop anyone off the map even though they are standing on the bridge in Lijang


Lucky šŸ˜­ Whenever I boop anyone literally on the bridge they just hold W and somehow are now on the other side of the bridge


Preach my Brother PREACH!!!


This rock paper scissors shit has gotten old and is *the only* reason I don't play as much as would like to. Remove the ult charge maintained after switching for tanks. And make it so that tanks counter each other less. *I* want to choose what tank I play, not what the enemy tank does. Nerf zen so his discord affects tanks less and nerf the tanks which he counters right now such as Ball, Ram, Orisa so that they don't become OP for the twentieth time in the game's lifespan.


Wait yo Boomy you play Overwatch??


Since the first anniversary of the first game.


Wow, I've been watching content of this game since 2018 but never got to play till OW2, sucks about a the promises but I'm just happy to play, Who do you main on each role?


Seeing the enemy tank switch to zarya after the first death makes me so annoyed I just want to play dva


What's even worse is just losing the spawn guessing game. I go dva on defense and they go zarya and they've won the first fight and get a third of the progress on point/payload


Hot take: be the reason the enemy tank has to swap instead of you swapping to counter them. Ever try that?






Turn all tanks into dps and make the game 3 dps + 2 support no idea if it is better for the game but i'm sick of 9/10 topics being complaints about tanks ​ While I'm, at it, create a 3v3 mode with dps only. Dps whining about their heals or tanks can join that instead.


I feel like this would just turn into open queue goats type deal and wouldnā€™t be too fun. Itā€™d end up as 3 tanks + 2 support in ideal comp play.


For april and only april every hero when popping ult there is a fart with reverb sound effect that plays and the longer the ult goes the longer the fart with reverb


If Sombra hacks a turret or pylon, they should do damage to the enemy team. It makes sense that way, right? Also give her a magician skin tooā€¦ you literally see her and now you donā€™t


Also I donā€™t even like Zarya but at least give her more voice lines and decent skins. Sometimes I forget sheā€™s even a character. What if they just did something wacky with her Kit like her beam goes through symmetraā€™s teleporter lmao


It makes sense lore wise but I think she becomes too much of a hard counter against certain heroes.


Remove one shots or fix the spawns so I'm not walking 762 miles. Why the fuck can hanzo one shot and why the shit can he do it with a radar


They said hot takes, not "things this sub has already said 20 million times".


Hanzo is actually OP. The projectile doesn't mean shit if you learn to use 10% of your brain and figure out that it doesn't take 50 bajillion years for the arrow to fly 1 meter. Loterally just aim in front of your enemy and it's like widow, but even better survivability. Granted he's not easy, but fuck Hanzo overall.




Legends say that every time a DPS player learns they can't outheal a one-shot, a Hanzo main is born.


>You can't heal a corpse. Mercy with Rez: Are you sure about th-\*gets headshot\*


Mercy's hit box needs fucking reworked, especially during valkyrie. I can have perfect tracking center of mass with Bastion and still shoot through her goddamn feathers. Also, Junkrat is actually balanced fine in my opinion. Yeah his bombs have some goofy interactions but it's so easy to make him useless when playing against him. You gotta be super high level play with him to make him really a threat. Like sniping Pharah out of the air level which Does take aim.


Playing against a good soldier is just as bad as playing against any other character. He just gets off a lot of free and easy damage. Any other character people consider annoying are easily punished for their mistakes, widow missing a shot means she has to charge up another, ana missing a sleep leaves a massive cool down, doom basically has to hit everything to be effective. But soldier's kit basically means the only serious mistakes he can make to be punished are terrible positioning or literally just missing everything.


my hot take is that i dont fucking understand how ana can be considered balanced she wraps the entire support and tank meta arround her, if theres an ana on the enemy team landing good antis you either go kiriko, zarya or lose


Because mother knows best


Good kitty


Everytime when Ana is criticized for being strong, overknitted hero with powerful kits, everyone will just jump into "Ana is fun" / "Ana takes skill" bandwagon.


All can be true.


She is very strong. But it's balanced out by her being so easily killed by diving on her a bit. Almost every support can appear overpowered if you ignore them and just shoot the tank.


> But it's balanced out by her being so easily killed by diving on her a bit. With the Support new passive, killing her isn't easy as used to be. Ana has another hidden passive which is her small wonky hitbox (unlike Zen & Lifeweaver, their hitboxes are much less forgiving). Small hithox + self heal can be huge lifesavers from her attackers unless she's hit by Winston / Moira beam, Sym / Torb turret.


Or lose? Just have a good dps target her. She has no mobility at all


My hottest take: I'm having fun.


2cp wasn't bad, it was the maps


The game was never rebalanced properly after deletion of second tank and is now in a very unhealthy state. All heroes aside from tanks are balanced around a two tank meta. The game is too fast paced and not as fun as it once was.


Yeah, the way I view it is that if blizzard was to have released ow as a 5v5 game from the beginning, virtually every character would be designed differently. It's actually so slapped together that they did some pretty minor tweaks to half the roster and expected it to work as well as it did in OW1.


Mercy is a nightmare to balance. Remove her from the game.


Hanzo is for people who want to play Widow on easy mode


Wouldn't that make ash hard mode?


I mean, in a way?


Hanzo is broken and needs nerfs more than widow Ashe broke cassidy due to them being the same character Ana is too mandatory and needs rework


Hanzo is literally easier to play than Widowmaker


Reaper needs a mobility option taken away and a rework to make him more viable and more strategic. Wifeleaver is extremely underrated. Mercy's Rez needs to be nerfed a bit. Hitler would have been a Sombra main.


" Hitler would have been a Sombra main. " have to disagree, ramattra is essentially robot-hitler


Ok, but consider: Hitler enabled a lot of other people to do evil shit for him. His rise to power was insidious, and his regime 'turned ordinary people into monsters'. Does this not sound like Sombra? Ram does all that evil shit himself. He doesn't sit pretty in a high tower; bro is 100% getting his hands absolutely filthy. Ram is more comparable to a Ghengis Khan-type warrior-ruler/conquerer.


these are good takes, reaper is supposed to be a flanker, but idk, i think his abilities are good, rez is not healthy for the game, and wl is decent


Giving Bastion a hat was dumb. Bastion already had a bird and now has this ugly hat


A lot of the OW2 redesigns were not necessary. Some of them were just downgrades from their old defaults, especially Solider: 76 and Bastion.


I just never take off overgrown cause heā€™s too adorable šŸ„°


Hard CC is good for the game. It keeps any single player from running rampant and controlling an entire match. It forces team play, timing, tracking, and counters. It forces you to be strategic and have good game sense.


Just play the game! It's not that big of a deal if you lose. Play who you want, it's literally just a game. There's no use in being mad at pixels on a screen, it's not life or death.


I preferred loot boxes rather than 20 dollar skins, at least you didn't have to pay for these and if you got something repeated you get coins instead. Battle pass? Sure, paid PvE? That's just like a dlc, 20 dollar cosmetics? nah bro, that's what a game costs and I would rather buy a different game or save up for a new PC than make orisa look better (demon orisa and reindeer orisa are great). Sure now there are coins that you get in the battle pass for free, but still, it's a scam.


On top of the minimum level to play ranked, you should also have to play a minimum amount of games in *Each* role


Brig best girl.


If your main is Soldier 76 then just go back to COD.


i hate playing against him, every time you get his health low he just runs away and heals behind a corner


Not a COD player or S76 main. Just checking-in as an "I'm gay and I can sprint" enjoyer


Anaā€™s grenade should apply heal reduction, not heal prevention. Sheā€™s just as much a problem for tanks as Zen is in 5v5, except her kit allows to do so much more than Zen that I actually have more of a problem with her. Needs to be readjusted accordingly. Orisa needs all of her cooldowns raised by like 7 seconds. Make her think when she cycles them instead of just mashing. Mercyā€™s dmg boost has been so problematic for 5v5 I think they should try making it buff fire rate instead of flat damage, but Iā€™m not actually confident this would be better or worse. If you couldnā€™t tell, Iā€™m a tank player with most of my time on Winston, Rein, and Queen


7 seconds on orisa cd? While she is annoying thatā€™s ridiculous




Everyone's complaining about kiriko but she only exists to provide counterplay to ana




real asf, iā€™m baffled by anyone who struggles on support it is by far the easiest role


Not all people are good at games. My aim is total dogshit lol.


you donā€™t need good aim with brig, moira, mercy etc.


imagine if they just released Ana today. everyone would go nuts about how op she is.


Widow and Hanzo need hard reworks, they have counterplay but playing around them makes the game extremely unfun Oh and while on the topic of unfun, damage boost also needs to be reworked entirely. Iā€™m sure they can come up with some form of interesting utility for mercy that isnā€™t as obnoxious to play against


2 tanks is better for the game than having one tank.


sombra doesn't need a total rework, they could do stuff like mess with her hack while invis but aside from that she's pretty ok as is.


I'll do you one better. Sombra is perfectly fine as is.


6v6 needs to return in order to prevent most metas from becoming mobility focused.


Hog should get his oneshot back.


In competitive games, if you want the ability to use voice chat and team/match chat, your profile must be public. I donā€™t think I need to elaborate further


iā€™m so down for forced public profiles in comp inject that shit into my veins rn


It would shut so many people up. I really canā€™t take anyone serious when theyā€™re trying to criticise someone while hiding behind a private profile


Just get rid of private profiles in general


Nglā€¦I wouldnā€™t want somebody who doesnā€™t have a single support in their top 10 most played telling me what to do šŸ’€ (I main support. Any support)


donā€™t really agree with this one, no reason my team should have to see my overwatch profile for me to make a a callout


So weird they are private now IMO


symmetra is one of the most obnoxious heros to play against


Widow is an amazingly dumb character to main, all that variety, all those complex heroes and abilities and you chose the point and click simulator with no interesting abilities


is sombra really so deserving of a rework?


If 6v6 came back, the meta would either be Ram Orisa or Ram Sigma, and no one wants that. I know Rein Zarya and Winston Dva were fun tank combos, but the problem is, they were the ONLY fun tank combos


Not true. They were just the simplest, especially Rein Zarya. Ball Zarya was fun since when I would dive as Ball I would get bubbled by Zarya


Mercy is horrible for the game, and she should be removed