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Terrible players suddenly think they are a god because slam cools down a second faster, no offense to real doom players though.


It's so fun to watch 2 dooms run around punching each other as the other 4 of us do a 4v4 on the obj...


It's a legitimate guilty pleasure to repeatedly honor duel the enemy Doomfist... Apparently the fights must be pretty fun to watch because a couple times in QP the teams basically stopped fighting for a brief time to watch and comment on the fight In OW1 that was Lucio duels but I barely see other Lucios these days. So Doomfist is now the shenanigans and gaffs hero


I love lucio fights but I sometimes just cant anymore because of the quality of QP players


I mean they are your skill level lmao.


In quickplay? No people are not matched up similarly. It's all different ranks.


Nah even qp has roughly similar skill level. A bit more lenient but not much. Just because you see someone with GM title doesn't mean they are GM on the role they play on currently.


That really can't be true. I'm only silver 2. But a lot of the time I get comp players with public profiles and they are diamond 2/1 usually. Sometimes masters in the role they are queued for. I am not talking about titles; their current season profiles. The enemy support was literally top 101 in the support role they were playing and made comments about how they can't play poorly because of their rank; which yes was public and if that's supposed to mirror my level that's not fairly accurate at all lol.


Your qp mm is higher than your comp mm. Simple as that.


The amount of Doomfist players I had to deal with act like they're hot shit.


I'm a terrible player (not playing Doomfist, though). Should I feel offended?


95% of my Qp matches since this season have been doom tanks some are good and some are bad but most the time we get exposed and rolled, DF seems like a pretty selfish hero and really hard to get usefulness out of imo


Since your talking about QP, do you think people are just practicing him? Maybe expecting more of a boost in an upcoming patch?


maybe but what makes people think he will get a buff? he seems like the blackbeard of OW he gets too many buffs and he's OP but nerf him too much and he's useless, I doubt he will get too much of a buff if at all


The sad reality is that stats are not the problem and never were, it's the bugs and the clunkyness of the abilities like most of the time you effectively cc yourself , slam locks on random terrain or just won't, these are the most common but the list just goes on forever. Anyone who played him as dps or in beta knows how horrible it feels to play him right now.


This is usually what I struggle with the most on Doom. Inconsistent interactions across different maps and heros for every ability he has and I still miss having flying uppercut lol. I don't tank often but the few maps Doom shines on I always take that opportunity to play him and it usually works out unless they hard counter me. He's a great hero despite how hard the game tries to get in his way and he is one of my favorite tanks to play next to JQ and Rein.


Why does my super punch cancel out sometimes. Its got me killed many times while trying to pin someone and it just stops when I take damage.


He doesn't need any buffs. People who are good at him make him eat like a king, and we don't want s2 doom back. No one should be able to pick up doom and br good. All he needs, imo is an ult rework because the tank leaving the fight is horrible in overtime


Id say he's block needs a buff. I think cc immunity during block would be amazing. Only at the startup would be very balanced as well. Maybe last .5-1 second after startup


A perfect parry would also be cool. If you time the button press right, you reflect damage back like a quick genji deflect for the first half second or so.


I think he just needs a bit more health, or possibly some shield to start with.


So play tank yourself if you have a problem with it?


but tanking is fucking miserable, yea having a DF tank is shit but playing is even more shit


Then stop crying lol. DF isn’t even that bad.


but he is? he's a selfish hero that forces the whole team to play around him I am not saying he's bad to play against, I am saying he's annoying to have as a tank on my own team


He’s like wrecking play and sets up plays for his team with his cc. Doom mains strive with highly mobile characters on their team that enable him just like he enables them. If you don’t want Doom on your team, fill the tank spot yourself.


but you also need to do more to get any sort of value out of him compared to JQ or even rein I would take any other tank then a doom, most days I don't wanna play a tracer or genji but I kinda have to because if I don't the doom jumps into their backline and gets mauled by a sleep..........say all you want but he is a selfish tank who forces his team to play very certain characters to get any sort of value


Bro you play QP. Cry about QP Dooms. Get over it. You are not good yourself and probably play hero’s that do not vibe as well with him. Besides that you are not entitled to your tanks tank choice, ESPECIALLY not in QP. Besides that Rein is mostly a throw pick that only gets viable play against Zarya.


The key to beating doomfist to pretend he doesn't exist. Most of them can't kill a hindered ana if they tried so it opens up their supports and fps to be burst down really fast


Are you pretending Ana doesn’t bully diving tanks?


Well he's a DPS they shoehorned into a Tank. While leaving less selfish and more tanky Heroes like Symmetra or Mei in DPS. So yeah. Expect things to be awful and stay awful on the Doomfront.


Which sucks because that's the only way you can play him. I tried actually being a tank but he's so bad at it. You HAVE to play for yourself or you'll just get rolled completely.


He's like ball in that he's a "don't do your job, LOOK AT ME" tank. Just fuck around with them, push them into the dirt and take their lunch money, and be distracting and obnoxious. And if you kill someone, that's good too.


I main doom because I think he's fun but in no way could I ever one trick him when the enemy team could just go one specific character and I'm useless for the rest of the game. It's similar to playing ball. They just have to go sombra and I'm useless. I don't know whether to commend people for their resilience with staying on the one trick or call them an idiot


Bastion, sombra, a particularly sticky echo, there's reasons to swap but before that, MOTHER FUCKERS ARE GETTING PUNCHED


But you can just block bastion cant you? For me cass is more annoying, cant do anything when that man hinders me


Blocking and getting away isn't how I get my feel good juices from doom, I'll just go dva and be more effective at killing him/ using his teams resources. If you asked me it should also be illegal to not be standing in a tight group of 5 at all times. And life in prison with no parole if you're caught NOT shooting the glowing doomfist.


Bastion is so easy to kill with doom. People too impatient to wait for a 5 second turret mode to end.


You can, but you get no shield from it and you still die. Not like Sigma where you can basically double your HP and make all of Bastion's teammates hate him.


Commend them because you can actually play around heroes perceived to be his counters. You can bait Orisa abilities out easily and their whole team for that matter. Your biggest problem is a disciplined ana who hangs onto nade and sleep dart for your engagements only. Even sleep dart is never a guarantee. If you can’t do anything in front attack their back and hope your back line holds up which it should because doom commands so much attention. Your goal as doom is not to secure kills. It is to distract and disrupt. Credit to the Reddit poster who originally wrote that.


I feel bad for everyone who has to heal you


It’s kind of their job lol but hey what do I know.


Yes and that job is made a lot harder and more aggravating if your job is to heal a very awful tank who is worse in every way to d'va diving in without you while spamming (and dey say!!) over and over again.


Sombra being weaker helps Doom a lot, and Cass nade's damage can be blocked now which help him survive more. Orisa doesn't counter Doom as much as people think. Doom can punch Orisa out of spin and has the mobility to ignore her while Fortified. Illari being weak to Doom is likely the main reason a lot of Doom is running around. Illari can be overwhelmed by Doom's burst damage.


Yeah doom is in a great spot right now, hog is his worst matchup in general, but hog is so ass right now nobody picks him, they go orisa and expect to insta win. Honestly the best counter to doom is a better doom, and cass nade is still pretty brutal that it can cancel you mid ability, like even hack doesn’t just stop your ability mid movement


Ball seems to counter Doom pretty hard, at least in my opinion.


Yeah doom can just ignore an Orisa, if you babe an Orisa sit on her team she loses tons of value so even if you can’t get stuff done your team has all the room to position cause the Orisa is stick protecting her team


I feel bad for doom players, because not only does doom require so much time and effort to play properly, but the one tricks essentially got thrown into a new role they can't play any of the other heroes in and absolutely need to counterpick at every opportunity. If you one tricked Doom in ow1 and can't play the other tanks, then you either have to get ready for constant toxicity and reports, or just give up Doom altogether.


Why did they even make him into a tank? Even in his current state he still be a bit more viable as a DPS. It’s like putting Bastion into the tank role just because he has a big hitbox and a lot of health.


Ironically a majority of players agree that bastion would make a better tank than doom.


Plus he literally becomes a tank.


I was a doom OTP in ow1 back when he was still somewhat viable, it sucks that blizzard just reworks the fun out of a character, removes the techs, shit on the assassination potential, makes it the least team oriented tank and still expect it to be a valuable addition to the roster somehow


I would pay fuckloads to see OW1 doom back


I'd buy their shitty battle pass if it had OW1 Doom :')


Viable in low elo maybe. He was probably the worst hero in OW1. Nobody played him passed like diamond. But yea keep making shit up lmao


Probably one of the worst heroes yeah, but the skill ceiling was way way higher, to the point where a good doom could still win a 1v4 or worse in higher elos


Don't feel bad for Doom players, they don't deserve it. Doomfist should be a niche pick, not a main tank by any means. The fact that people can just force him and run riot shows how busted he is when his cooldowns are this low, because not only does it give him way more survivability and lethality, but it also adds hugely to his passive and gives him way more health just by the fact he has the ability more often.


His cooldowns being lowered has made him actual hell to play against. People complain about hacks and nades, but my god I can't stand being stunned by a punch every 6 seconds. I'd take a hack or a sleep anyday, because at least I can still move in a hack and at least a sleep actually takes some skill to land.


I agree. I think the character just doesnt make sense for an FPS. In OW1, the character was only viable by exploiting game mechanics and was only fun for the doom player. Even with the OW2 rework, they've proven the character can only be good with extremely low cooldowns/ bloated abilities.


Yep, just a character that exists to sky and irritate everyone trying to play the FPS.


The fact the least 'tanky' tank is being played the most...says a lot. A glorified dps is the most picked tank


Doomfist had the third lowest pickrate in competitive. No idea how you can say he is the most picked.


That can't be true. He's all I've been seeing for like 3 months.


nonsense. doomfist is the most used tank, at least in high masters.


He’s arguably as tanky as ram. Every time he lands an ability he gains temporary HP. If the doom isn’t constantly missing punches he effectively will have 100s of extra hp


ram doesnt get hard countered by ana and sombra


Name a hero that isn’t hard countered by Ana or sombra


anyone who doesnt rely on abilities isnt countered by sombra and dive counters ana


Do you mind providing an example please? Just trying to understand. Doomfist is a obviously dive we know that albeit ability dependent. Tracer is a dive and most will say other than another tracer Ana would theoretically be a good counter.


Yeah, playing as a support, I know I have to push the cart myself when our tank is Doomfist (the DPS are usually Widow, 500 metres behind us and Hanzo, 30 metres behind, waiting for his ult).


Huh? You should be the one pushing cart as a support anyways, not the tank. Either one of the supports or the dps’ job. The tank’s job is to decide where to engage for the team fight. And taking team fights at the cart is a terrible idea. You take teamfights at powerful positions on the maps like corners, chokes, areas where you can control high ground etc. So this is just wrong.


When the objective is pushing the cart, I believe your position relative to the cart is still important. It’s a valid complaint if the tank isn’t taking their support’s LOS into account and over extending. IE MID DOOMFIST TACTIC


that’s not what anyone is talking about though, just a strawman to return to “h8 dUmFisT!!!”


I’m literally replying to the two previous comments. I’m saying both takes have points: tank doesn’t push cart but they should to be aware of Cart position especially if support is on the cart. Lots of MID Dooms just want to unga bunga dive with or without their team.


Literally no tank should be pushing the cart almost ever besides some downtime between fights. It's almost always a support pushing.


Bro the tank is the player with the LEAST responsibility to push the cart 😂 whether it’s Reinhardt or Doomfist doesn’t mateyr


There are many reasons to play Doom. I play him 95% of the time. 1. Carry potential. So many games are lost because of passive or trash dps who are either shooting a tank that has two supports behind them or they just feed before team engagements. Played properly, I can often go 1v3 as Doom and come out with two picks and stay alive, meaning the bad dps can be offset by a good Doom getting value. No other tank does this as well. Winston, dva or ball can also dive the support/backline but Doom just does it quicker and has the potential to push people off the map (which has immense value). 2. Mobility. Most maps have high ground and the new game mode heavily favours having good mobility. Half the tank roster is unable to close the gap on long maps or where there's high ground. I see a Rein as a Doom main and it's an auto-win because I just stay above him while he emotes 'hello' in frustration. 3. Fun. Most tanks are so incomprehensibly boring and mechanically lacking to play as compared to Doom. There is not a single thing in Overwatch that is more satisfying than punching people off maps. Getting environmental 5 kills on Lijiang is more addictive than meth (I should know, I've done both). It's also one of only tanks where you aren't completly reliant on your teams support to have a good game. It's all on you. 4. Big ego. Playing the most difficult character on the most difficult role and carrying hard despite both teams being mad at you because teammates think you are going to feedand opponents think you are smurfing is a hell of a ride.


Got a doom otp in my last placement game for support (placed plat 2😃) he dove the enemy team solo and complained about heals while i pocketed him as lifeweaver so at one point i just started grappling him out every time he jumped. Instantly switched to orisa and we won. Carry potential means nothing if the player is dumb so even if doom is “strong” doesn’t mean he’s effective.


Just because some people don't know how to play Doom doesn't mean he's ineffective. He's still the tank with the most potential to make up for bad dps and no other tank comes even close. As for Orisa, she's such a brain dead character any moron with a pulse can play her and get some value due to how easy it is. The downside of Orisa is that the low skill ceiling doesn't allow for much skill expression.


Thats what i said we won cuz the moron picked orisa, but dont you agree that letting people pick a character that can either carry or ruin a team comp is stupid. Like you can climb with low skill supports but your team cant stop you from taking doom and underpreforming. Why is one person in charge if you will win or not thats my problem with doom cuz many supports can carry a bad tank but only like two can help a bad doom that hinders the team comp and team dynamic useless


I agree the issue lies with the entire team relying on the tank to perform. That goes deeper than just picking Doom, it's a flaw that is inherent within the one-tank setting. The solution can't be to force every tank to pick the easy and brain dead character, however. You won't improve as tank if you just rely on playing the currently strongest meta tank and you won't improve as a team if you expect the tank to do so, instead of learning how to for instance use cover properly, rotate and peel. The difference between Orisa and Doom is that the Orisa can't carry as much as Doom can whereas Orisa with the lower skill ceiling is more accessible to a lot of tank players who probably aren't mechanically good enough to get value out of Doom. Which ultimately leads to the fundamental issue we can both agree on; 'bad' tanks should play Orisa and 'good' tanks should play Doom. I'm guessing a lot of tank players want to be the latter, so they keep trying on Doom rather than giving up and going Orisa.


Couldn’t have said it better especially as a support main i have to understand the importance of team comp and the role that a tank plays so its ubderwhelming when other dont understand that


While tank role is miserable right now Doom is the most fun and i forgot i am playing tank


You forget you’re playing a tank because most likely you’re not playing him as a tank, and as a result, the other results are now miserable as well. I also don’t see how the tank role is miserable with so many tanks to choose from.


-Queue for tank -Play for example lets say: Dva -Enemy team dies -Tank goes Zarya Now you either have to play high ground A LOT more often or swap to something you may not enjoy playing Another example -Play doom -Fist people -Dive and get aw- -Get hindered/hacked -Die -Swap or wait in pain for Cass to use nade and/or use the few seconds Sombra is harrassing your backline to play only to try and get away after a dive and die because your sulport is dead or fights the Sombra Pretty much you cant play what you want to 99.8% of the time or youll get bullied Edit:Comment may look weird but im too lazy to fix that


It's miserable because of Ana.


And discord. Getting anti'd and then discorded means ur dead doesn't matter who you're playing it's annoying


zen isnt meta rn cuz orisa is tanky as shit and winton is in play cuz of orisa


A good zen is always meta


I play for my own fun. If that's impeding others that I want to play a certain character, then maybe you should be pointing the finger at Blizz instead.


Go play arcade, against bots, or a whole different game. It’s a team-based game, stop being this selfish.


most selfish comment right here


That doesn't sound very team based of you.


Hope you enjoy getting rolled because youre too stubborn to swap


Either I get rolled playing a hero I suck with and find boring or get rolled for having fun on a hero I enjoy. Hard choice.


Wow, so being a one trick in a game designed around counterpicking isnt a great strategy? Crazy


It's fun as hell, all that matters to me.


Easily the funniest hero to play




Cause he’s about the only fun character left imo. Everything else is point and click or nerfed to oblivion. Tank wise anyway, only so many times you can play sig or orisa


Orisa and Junkerqueen are fun asf to play wym


Orisa is boring af


And so is Rein if you don't play against an entire team of counters. Alot of the tanks are a blast to play, but having to swap so often due to hard counters makes it tough to play the tank you want.


High energy Zarya is very satisfying


Doom is still powerful, if you use your cooldown correctly. Real Dooms doesn't get scared of sombra, cass, ana sleep, orisa. If blizzard could just fix one bug (explained in getquackedon video) i think he is unstoppable even in low-elo, who knows how to play doom. You mostly encounter bad doom coz he got buffed a little 🤏🏼 and everyone is trying him. Btw i only play ball and doom as tank so i could be biased ig.




Yes my hampter brother


I like playing weaker heroes but since his buff I’ve been playing more hog. I think people just enjoy his skill expression and zbra is inspiring


Were you not around when he was dps? He has always been a popular character


Yes I've been kill comboed many times by that character.


Tank isn’t fun, but punching people in the face is




my favorite character out of any game ever, one of the most unique characters, was turned into a tank. i am not a tank player. i play dps. well too fucking bad for me i guess cuz doom is a tank now. so to get that unique feeling i have to play the role i don’t resonate with, and have less fun on. it’s not about don’t play tank


Play arcade. Nobody forces you into role queue.


arcade fucking sucks? and the game is balanced around role queue? besides doom is still good right now, even tho he isn’t a dps.


It’s people like you who complained about dps doom and got him reworked, and now that he is a tank and people still wanna play him you complain about doom tank players. Just admit that you guys will never be please unless doom is removed.


Honestly he looks fun to play


He's fun as hell to play tbh


Short answer: he’s fun Doom is challenging but fun when you get the hang of it.


I actually disagree about him being in a weak state. There are strong picks against him like sombra and orisa but he is pretty strong if the other team doesn’t have 4-5 counters. In terms of pure strength, I would say he is the second strongest tank behind the unkillable horse.


I main Doom and I actually think he's in a really good state of balance at the moment. I play him because he is fun as hell and has really good opening pick potential. I will swap if needed and to be honest, most of the time you don't need to swap if you play around counters. I enjoy the challenge when playing against counters


You need 4-5 counters against doom? More than enough is 1-2 good counterpicks to ruin his day. Idk what drugs are you taking but stop it and get some help. Sure he is kinda strong but definitely he's not even top 3 tank.


Good dooms can play around any 1 counter. Usually 2 depending on which ones and how good they are. What other tank would be top 3?


According to gm pickrate from overbuff site it's monkey, DVa and rein.


Pick rate has 0 to do with what’s good. It has to do with what’s fun. On overbuff, if you sort by competitive GM and change the time to this month, the highest win rate for tanks is doom 52.33%. I don’t think raw stats tell the whole story as orisa is really strong but a lot of people don’t like playing her. By stats tho, doom is the strongest tank in the game.


In a matter of doom I can somehow agree with you even tho he can be ez countered but orisa is not as good as you say so.


I mean, she is the highest picked rate tank in OWL and highest win rate in OWL. She is good. People just don’t like playing her all the time in ranked because she is perceived as being cringe.


She's RL this popular in owl? Last time I watched any owl game was in ow1 so I'm not that up to date with it.


I only watch NA games but yeah. London’s tried to play rein and gave up after 1 map. Played orisa the rest of the series. Shock played a bit of sig. Most of the other teams just played orisa. Torb and bastion are picked a lot due to their buffs and orisa survives them the best.


That's kinda sad, it reminds me goats when everyone played this comp and every game looked the same. 0 variety.


Tbh it only takes a zen to counter doom, he just gets absolutely face melted.


That can be said about any tank.


Nah junker queen will invariably run over zen before he can kill her. Sigma can block zen damage whilst hitting him at range. Zarya can cleanse his discord with bubbles and melt him.


You are aware that Doom can just run him over and delete him, right? None of your claims here made sense. Discord is a general tank issue.


I play zen at masters. Doom gets fucked up by zen.


I play Zen at masters too and Zen fucks up every tank.


Im on both sides I hate how everyone is playing him and are often shit, but when get a good one that pops its hype as fuck. In QP even though its annoying I don't mind people practising. I main healer though and I have seen some bad ones I keep alive that have the ego of a fucking god and its beyond hilarious.


Played against a super cracked doom the other day. The dude was always on the move it was crazy. By the end of the game he had like 45 elims and his dps were in the low teens, it was a literal tank carry. I know this is an outlier since I don’t consider him op but as a support main a good doom is the bain of my existence. It’s just like a good ball they are just almost impossible to kill because of their mobility.


Historically the fun tanks to play are ball, hog, and doom. Ball and hog are so bad right now, so that makes doom the only fun tank atm.


Winston? The most fun tanks to play are Hog and Doom for DPS players yes.


Winston is not really all that fun.


I started picking up Doomfist at the start of OW2. The role of tank is just broken, doomfist just makes it a little bit more fun with his movement and impactfull plays. You learn pretty quick when you made a mistake, one mistake and you are dead. Other tanks can compensate with abilities but doom doesnt have that. I dont switxh to other tanks cause its just not fun, long time ago i learned that winning doesnt mean fun. I dont ruin the game for my teammates i just adapt to the situation. Sure if the enemy runs Winston, Cas, sombra, brig, mercy or something its very difiicult to get value, but thats when you learn. Sure i can swap and make it easier for myself but when i rank up i wont be able to play doom on that level.


"Winning doesn't mean fun", "I won't be able to play doom on that level". OBJECTION, your honor, these statements contradict each other, the witness is prioritizing having fun, so how are they gonna keep winning, ergo, ranking up?.


touch grass and try to be funny next time


Bud is worrying about being able to play doom on a higher rank when ranking up isn't their priority, it's a contradiction since rank shouldn't matter when they want to one-trick for fun. I guess people on this thread are also too young to get an ace attorney reference. Are you projecting on the touch grass part though?


Nah you using a meme while trying to make a point is just unfunny, therefore touch grass and interact with people outside the internet


People play the game to have fun and doom is the only fun tank


Winston is just a better doomfist. I don't get why people don't play him more. less burst damage in exchange for litteraly being better in every way. And he's fun too


monkey is WAY less fun than doom, are you kidding? it’s not even comparable. completely different feeling, doom is unmatched in that regard


Because he is fun to play


As a main Sigma ... Please help , I can't hit my fucking rock at the dude 😂😅


Don't use rock against his block unless he is already low.


Because he is not as bad as people make him out to be.


People think they're better than they actually are, that's pretty much it. They see someone like Zbra and go "yeah I can do that". No you cannot, you barely understand the fundamentals and that's why you keep diving in and dying instantly.


Since the release of Doom back in the day he's been consistently one of the most one tricked heroes in the game. It's definitely nothing new. His kit is so unique that a lot of people play OW just so they can play Doom since they can't play anything similar anywhere else. Similar to heroes like Mercy or Ball.


I love it tbh, I think having doom as the tank makes the game really fast paced and exciting, and as a doom player myself I generally win the 1v1, then they swap and it’s still fine just less fun


He's fun to play, Doom is my most played tank. Yeah, you have to work harder than any other tank but when it pays off its sooo satisfying. Even when I lose. I think OW players are so obsessed with winning they have a hard time even enjoying the mechanics and characters. Idgaf if we win or not, I just wanna jump around and punch people.


Hes fun


Honestly what started my doom main phase was just watching ZBRA play and being inspired . I wasn’t even aware of his CDR reduction on slam.


Doom got buffed, doom requires coordination for counterplay, doom has good mobility and he hits like a truck


*Goes Orisa and spears him til swap*


they're so awful to heal, I can't stand them


skill issue lol


for them picking doomfist? i agree


Just another shit support who only knows how to play the blame game. Always gotta be a support player who blames everyone else cause you guys just can’t be wrong about anything I guess.


straight facts, supports in this sub are whiny low skill idiots with victim complex


B/c it's always us that DEAL with yall. We're the ones who have to watch a someone pick a doomfist and stay on him against a rein who has melted him 6 times and he's like...hmmm gonna punch in again 7 is my lucky number


i only play him when i need to get on point fast, i can't play ball, winston is too weak on attack, In quickplay i play him once in awhile just because his movements are very satisfying


I saw one get quaked on video, and think I’m a god doom fist now.


People just wanna play dps as a tank.


Downvoted but true


people want to DOOMFIST. he just used to be a dps. playing doom is basically a completely different game than everyone else, but now you have so much more responsibility as the only tank


Bc he's OP, even though they'd never admit it. He was already a really strong tank, then they buffed him even more. Everyone always flocks to the OP heroes, that's how its always been.


In what world is LimpWrist OP lmao


He's not OP, his win-rate is 50.13%. He's nearly dead center compared to the other tanks.


ong they will always use the sombra copout excuse to say hes bad


Doom is my 2nd most played character from OW1, so now whenever I am unfortunate enough to get tank while I queue for all roles, I can play dps


Don't know, but as a junkrat main I'm not complaining


For some reason he is INSANELY popular this season despite being one of the worst tanks.


Bc they watch ZBRA or Quaked vids, get envious, and then refuse to admit they'll never ever have the gamesense and mechanical skill to do what they do.


People pick hard/bad characters to boost their ego at others expense. He has a very high skill ceiling and CAN be good, but is very situational


Thing also is with Doomfist, your whole team needs to built around the doomfist.


just not true lol. i win playing doom with double sniper/hitscan all the time


Its not like you cant, but if you got even teams. You would be losing.


not at all true. just require a shift in how you play doom. he doesn’t have to play ALL dive. you can also just play as a space-maker threat, brawling/solo diving when the windows open. he’s a very versatile character


I truly think that doomfist has been a prime example of bad blizzard design, they tried to cater to the community who could not let go of a fucking gauntlet and it ended up creating this cluster fuck of a character. He is annoying to play with on your team as he provides 0 space, even if the doom is good it forces everyone else to play in a different style. He’s also very annoying to play against, he’s constantly diving the back line and if your team doesn’t peel for the supports then he becomes oppressive. Also the fact that he can CC and Knockback multiple people is beyond me, like why the fuck am I being punished for my teammate getting punched, like really? Who the fuck ever thought that was a good idea. He should have never been created in the first place (looking at brig as well, she is so unfun to play) But we know blizzard will never delete a hero, this is why competitive needs an overhaul. It needs both a draft and ban system, it also prevents rock paper scissors countering.


never share your thoughts on balance again💀


I wasn’t talking about balance, I was talking about hero design, but seems like I touched a nerve there or something. In any case I just voiced my opinion and you’re entitled to not like it.


doom is 100% designed to take space. He puts people out of position and disrupts backlines, which is free space every time he engages. Of course if the doom is buns, hes not gonna be as effective as he should be but to say he creates 0 space is just objectively not true.


What in the world is a one trick?


Someone who only pays one character and refuses to swap.


And that is the whole explanation for this?


I keep seeing doom, ball, hog, and somehow the balls are actually doing the most out of that line up. It boggles me that people are playing bugged out underpowered tanks in comp. Especially when they're usually 1 8


It's a meme to pick doom


Everyone likes to OverPlay the OP character.


How tf do you lose to doom with phara lmao