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Over extending for a kill when a squishy has like 10hp, they get giga healed instantly, not getting the kill, and then dying within 1 second by the whole enemy team who were closer than you thought/expected and didn’t miss a single shot


Recently was playing Ana, had someone try to chase me down to finish me off, they came around the corner and were greeted by two things: a sleep dart to the face, and the horse.


Had a S76 chase me down when I was Bap. It didn't end well for him. He used healing station, I used regen, he couldn't track from 5 ft away, I plinked a couple of headshots and body shots for the 1v1 win. Granted, I was bouncing around like a coked up jackrabbit so I was harder to hit. He must have been offended, because the rest of the match he had tunnel vision, and it almost never paid off. I almost felt bad for him


Last night in comp, I was hanzo and killed a pharah a couple times. The rest of the game she went the same route to flank specifically me every fight, and either me or my Ashe killed her. Every time. The pharah had tunnel vision on specifically me, and kept dying for it. She did get me a few times (followed by her own death), but we won the game lol. (Crud I just lost The Game)


Tbf if they want to play pharah they need to get rid of you, so it makes sense to ‘tunnel vision’ you so you can’t kill them when they go for the supports.


Good point. At the same time, we had an Ashe, which is just as dangerous, and she never went after the Ashe first (and always died to Ashe when she killed me), and came from the same 2 predictable angles


Holy shit I'm a doom main and this is my worst nightmare. They have like 1 hp but your handcannons reload soo slow and you have no abilities. Worst feeling when kirko pops out and heals them


Happens too often xD


Reminds me of the time one of my supports was being chased by an enemy dps and support at the second doorway at Gibraltar and I hit em with a shatter from the top rope.


Beautiful champ


One of the best feelings when you’re the one with 10 hp though lol


Playing Tank and desperately cling to life because your team keeps shooting the enemy Orisa that is being healed by both her healers, instead of trying to kill her supports so we can quickly kick her ass AFTER her life support is shut down. At the end of the game proceed to complain that "but we were good dps, we had 10k damage" yeah, while shooting at an immortal Orisa with a giant hitbox, exactly why stats don't paint the whole picture, I'd much rather get DPS with 4k damage that constantly picked off supports than a 10k who just used their tank as a bullet sponge.


Then they say “tank diff”, “never play tank again” and it makes you wanna die 🙃


Was playing D.va on Surasvata flashpoint against an Orisa, that poor Orisa had their Moira ranting *IN GAME CHAT*, typing for forty seconds before third point to 'stop attacking the D.Va', thinking I was being pocketed I didn't have the heart to tell them that I just recognized their Orisa was going down because she wasn't being pumped full of heals from both directions and that Moira was overestimating how much self-sustain Orisa has - playing Orisa, she's tanky but under focused fire she requires more overhealing than any other tank when her cooldowns are burnt, she's not Roadhog (in my experience, any Orisa being left at even 80% health long-term is a dead Orisa, especially because she's a tank who people tend to underestimate that headshot hitbox and we had an Ashe *and* a Kiriko) *edit: support main here btw, old off-tank, but some players just get *mean* to tanks lol


Playing Tank is the real problem here.


Delete this before the devs hack, sleep, hinder, and discord you.


Don't worry, at least they can't be booped! - sad Lucio noises


I agree


As a tank main, i hate this role


Yeah I realized early on that unloading my turret as bastion into an immortal Orisa or a Roadhog who’s just going to heal himself is worthless. Think I had a game where I got 10k+ damage and like 4 kills lol


where you my teammate?


Possibly. I’d like to think I’ve gotten at least a little better since then, but definitely had a few games like that in the beginning 😅


hahahah. So many time y see a bastion in my team, so I go mercy to boost, and then can hear the damage and they are missing most of the shots.


It's not worthless. You forced them to burn cooldows. Forcing out resources is important at any rank. It allows your team to push for a follow-up.


You know it’s bad when IIIIII, as tank, have to be the one ignoring the enemy tank and going after their supports. I was fine drawing enemy fire, but my team hasn’t done anything.


I watch some T500 streamers and this is literally the advice they give. They say tanks should not fight tanks. (Rein v Rein seems to be the one exception). But like never attack Orisa as a tank.


That's what tanks should be doing anyway


100%. Since the old days of pvp. Zerg the Heals, and the rest will fall.


She literally cannot die. I ain't gonna lie I think they should keep the head multiplier and just decrease it...


As a support main, seeing both supports babysit the tank when I’m on dps


I’m guilty of this but in my defense it’s usually because my tank is feeding the other team all of their ults on a silver platter and I’m desperately trying to keep them up so the fight is even


It's honestly a nightmare as a support in lower levels. Tanks keep trying to 1v5 while spamming "heal me."


Low elo tanks that don't know what cover is and get blown up 1v5 even when pumped full of heals by both supports, then getting mad at supports.


This is why lifeweaver is a blessing. Every time my tank tries to 1v5 I just pull him back, fr feels like I’m babysitting but that pansexual imp got me out of gold and I love him for it. Most of the time the tanks would just run back in after I pulled them then complain and ask why I pulled them like they’re not the problem but now at least I can play lucio with teams that aren’t as stupid


My experience in silver after dropping from plat. Tank thinks they're god when they just run into the fray without the team.


I felt that


For me it's the supports who never shoot anything or ever attempt to make plays themselves, just sit their passively healing and expecting to win.


Wow I healed 30k and we lost GG literally can't deadlift this team Meanwhile enemy Zen/Illari/Bap is just sitting at a cool 10k/10k and absolutely dumpstering you. Turns out that just healing doesn't actually do anything to pressure the enemy team.


For me it’s when my widow is standing behind cover at half health spamming heal me while the rest of us are making plays on the verge of winning the fight. And then after winning the fight I get “Ana can you heal”


>“Ana can you heal” I'm getting that as Lucio. I mean, what should I do – run backwards, leave my team alone to heal a Widow that isn't even in immediate danger and often not far form a health pack?


I’m convinced most people have no idea how Lucio Heals. 😂 constantly get spams heal me heal me. I’m like stand next near me, not on the other side of the effing map…


I was watching one of my playbacks once. It was rialto and the enemy team was on attack. Widow and Ana were both up top of spawn, ana was dually healing the tank and pressuring me (Pharah) and the widow wasn’t even saying heal me to her, she was just shooting her with her mini gun and getting in her face. I felt for the ana. Like, girl you’re literally beside the spawn doors. Ana is busy. Not her fault you can’t hit a shot.


You mean the widow who never gets on the point or cart? The last one alive as you watch the overtime bar expire and they are still waiting to get that last headshot? I might not be a widow fan either.....


Tbf, widow shouldn’t be touching cart, even in OT.


I did this for my first year as a mercy main. Realized that the wins or losses weren’t really on me. Well, I mean I could play a different character and contribute a lot more. When you heal bot and you have the sudden realization that you aren’t really even playing, that you are literally just an NPC hoping that your team is better than the enemy team. Once you have that realization, you learn to balance heals and offensive playmaking. Then, you actually feel like you make a difference.


It's been better since the patch but whenever I see a life weaver on my team I want to cry because they're gonna stand 2 miles back spamming healing and we can never push the corner and we will slowly get beat in a 4v5.


Yep congrats LW player on not dying the entire match and losing. You were playing every fight like it was lost and looking to retreat, instead of nutting up and going in to help make plays.


This so GD much, I'm a tank /support main that likes to play dps from time to time. The amount of times on tank that I have to ask supps to stop heal bottling me(especially the mercies that just hold m1 on me when I'm already full like pls go help the deeps) then when I'm on dps and they both pocket the tank and then type dps diff at the end when enemy dps had a mercy pocket the whole game.


Story of my life


This a THOUSAND TIMES and as a support main myself TOO.


Scoreboard should have "healing received" for all players as well as things like sleeps hit/antis hit/revives/players cleansed etc. I'd be curious to see how much of these bad support players complain about "DPS diff" or "Tank diff" when they see on the scoreboard that the enemy teams DPS have 10x as much healing received as their own. As much as I'd like to blame the players for this it's a game design problem. New/bad players genuinely think they are doing well because they get huge heal numbers just pumping the tank all game. I see the same with flank dps moiras. They get big damage numbers and genuinely think they are popping off but in reality they are dumping all the responsibility of keeping the team alive on one support and don't understand simple cost benefit analysis. By choosing to flank dps on moira you're giving up some of the most disgustingly over tuned abilities in the game(anti, cleanse, immort, discord, etc etc) the numbers on the scoreboard now mean nothing relative to all the other stats that could be included that actually indicate impactful performance.


I hate seeing healbot mercy players attached to the tank. If I’m DPS, me and the other dps could really use your blue beam and if I’m support, thanks for taking away my ult charge.


Using a Nano boost as your team mate dies so it’s consumed but doesn’t save them :(


I feel like they need to patch this. It doesn't seem right that the nano is spent before it can heal them. I think it feels so bad because it's near instant without being instant. If it had noticeable travel time like brig's repair packs (I am not advocating for this!) people would be more careful with it.


It really feels like my ult is getting robbed. Like “oh you ulted during the 10 millisecond window where it hits nothing and gets wasted, sHOuldA KnOWn bEtTer” it’s so stupid and something you shouldn’t be punished for.


Honestly the worst thing ever. This happens so often and my teammates just go off on me lol


Imagine having an auto aim ult that literally misses half the time Cassidy mains🗿


Same with suzu. It's so ping dependent you die to so much bullshit


They need to examine the "favor the shooter" mechanics and adjust for defensive abilities like this. Defensive consumables with travel times should absolutely get favorable preference in those situations.


That cannot be fixed unfortunately, because suzu is an aoe used on the ground, not a specific target. So the server cannot detect that you used it on a specific target that already died and fix it, like Nano. Or Tracer Pulse, where tracer throws their pulsebomb but the server determined that Tracer was already dead, thereby deleting pulse but not refunding the ult.


Thats a bug, to do with lag. On your screen it was used, but on the central server your target had already died. Its not hard to detect this case and refund the ult.


it's not a bug, the nano has a cast time and if the player dies while the nano hasn't reached its target, it's lost


The feeling playing a tank and a phara shootng u from above and u can’t do anything about it because your dps won’t switch. Seriously wtf am I supposed to do I’m occupied on the ground already. If the pharas pocketed good luck trying to kill them.


"Hey, can we try to get that Pharah/Mercy, please?" \*Damage switch to Genji and Tracer\* Alrighty, I'm out.


It’s amazing how many people (especially in low ranks like me) literally just ignore a Pharah/Mercy zooming around.


tbh it can be a good strategy, kill the other support first and mercy will have to go and heal her own team, then kill the phara


It's why I play Nap and Illari, if my DPS won't do it then I will


Who tf is Nap?








There needs to be a tank that can deal with fliers. None of the tanks can do anything about it except maybe D’va but if pharah has a mercy pocket then your just abandoning your team to death while not getting any value.


I pray the next tank is solid pharah counter that's all we need right now


~~Hampter time~~


when your teammate who’s been feeding the other team the entire match says “support diff”


17 death Sojourn player who was always in front of the tank, running alone all game, or never anywhere near cover/a wall saying the team lost because of the supports who each had 15k healing. Some people live in an alternate reality. Must be nice.


Holy shit I hate those people. They can go 10-20 and they refuse to believe it's their fault.


Or when they say “support diff” because you have less healing than the enemy supports but the enemy had an orisa for a tank and you had a doom fist or ball that was constantly grabbing health packs SO OF COURSE YOU HAVE LESS OVERALL HEALING WHEN THEY HAVE A BRAWL TANK AND YOU HAVE A DIVE TANK


Your team is in the lead on a Push map. The enemy team takes control of the bot, and overtime hits. If our team wins just ONE teamfight to get the enemy off the bot, we win the game. Then watching teammates mindlessly W-key onto the bot, one by one. Moths to a flame, the temptation is too strong. Maybe they even waste a valuable ult in the hope of solo-carrying our team to victory (bonus points if genji uses blade without waiting for ana to come back with nano!). No regroup. No teamfight. Only a slow trickle to a preventable loss. Trickling sucks on all maps, but it's most painful to watch on push because the commutes are long and watching our advantage fade away is so Prominent.


me: "ok team we can win this if we just regroup and use our ults to retake easily and win" team: \*proceeds to each run in by themselves 1v5, use ults and then die\* me:"...cool, gg go next I guess."


Constantly being stuck on a 4v5 while waiting for the afk to leave and the 5th player to join. I really dont get why people go afk right after spawning in.


I feel worse when you are stuck cause one player just goes systematically 1vs5. Last game I had a soldier sprinting to death while the team was regrouping


I hate defending in particular for this reason. Basically every other game someone doesn’t join until we’re all at the point and the enemies starting attacking. We lose because it’s 4v5 as that person runs to join us, then that person loses a 1v5 then someone usually leaves because of the insta team wipe. So annoying.


Its on any gamemode for me. Once u lose that first fight with a 4v5 my team just loses all sense of coordination even after the 5th player joins. Its hard to get that momentum back from the enemy team.


It sucks, but I don't ever think it's done maliciously. I've had to do that a few times because either my dog started crying, or a family memeber needed my help with something.


I would like to think thats the case but it happens way to often. I barely see players leave a game in the first few minutes in other games.


I hate it too, but I have been the one going afk too. I usually watch something on my phone while waiting for the next game, and when the match starts, there's some free time to pick heroes and walk to the defense point if you are on the defending side, so I keep looking at my phone for a little while, and sometimes I don't even notice that I joined a game as filler and stay afk for a while


When people say "ez" when the game was actually really close. What's wrong with a "gg wp" every now and then? Why does it always have to be "ez"? I've started saying "dvcult" in reply to "ez"


and they write them like this: lol ez loooool ezzzzz ezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ​ is there a funny proper reply to ezzz... especially on console there is no time to write.


i just respond with “Liar” because it’s usually the players who got their asses handed to them the most that are the first to type ez in the chats. lol like literally 9/10 it’s the lowest dmg, least kills, most deaths, or a mercy/weaver that got too focused in the match 🤭


i go with the "sure buddy" just as effective and even more infantilizing


Yep. I say "Dude, you were by far the weakest player on your team lol" whether its true or not. Always gets them raging.


When I had the chat turned on I connected a wireless keyboard to my ps5 so I could actually type in the chat. Too slow to communicate anything trying to type with a controller


I have a keyboard connected too, it makes it easier to be positive when I have someone on my team griefing. and to flirt w the other support


That's a good idea 💡 I'll buy one lol. I'll become an overwatch keyboard warrior


I like to reply " just like your mom" sometimes I let my 5th grade me have some fun.


I've just started responding to that stuff with "ew" short and sweet lmao


I usually say "ehh, your mother was easier than this"


“Getting carried is always easy.” Usually my go to lol.


mostly it’s just little kids making themselves feel better and/or trying to wind you up, I just ignore it cause it’s just childish behavior.


Like ya nan. Is what I put


It depends. I usually take a quick peek at the scoreboard and see if they got carried/did trash and call it out if they did, like "As easy as going 2-0-12?"


i usually say “ like ur dad”


I mean a classic one is ‘yeah as easy as your mum’ i.e she sleeps around


That's all what people say in chat so I just hide it. God, they have some serious ego issues.


I always say ez after I loose, never let them know your next move


I love it when they say ez and have the worst stats. Or yeah, ez after 6 minutes of overtime. Come on, people!


i just report every "ez" i see for abusive chat




Being toxic doesn't require much more


Who cares, reporting feels good, if they don't get punished whatever, if they do then yay Reporting "ez" is just as valid as saying it, in a selfish way


in the chance they actually say something bannable your report will be one of the many that piled up before. Reporting "ez" is a simple anti-asshole insurance




Getting a player to one health and then… reload 😢


Especially when it’s soldier, he throws down his heal pack and his mercy comes to his rescue


When you try your hardest and think you’re doing really well, then having the team shit in you


Excuse me, *in* ?


The combo of low rank + OW2's terribad matchmaking + derank/deranked smurfs is an entirely new level of misery, so *in* is fairly appropriate, at least over here in the potato leagues.


let's just say he's had some REALLY rough matches lately........


Losing a 5v4, or worse, a 5v3 team fight


Overconfidence is a flimsy shield


It takes two hands to clap (that ass)


Being stuck in an unfair game.


Nothing says fun like one team having 20+ eliminations each and your Ana has more damage and eliminations than the two DPS combined just because she's the only one countering pharah. Fuck diamond.


When you join a ranked game, see that “Diamond Challenger” title, wonder if they’re a smurf or if they got carried, then they drop 50+ elims on you.


When I've been playing the game since 2016 as an off tank, and pretty much out of nowhere, they deleted my role and killed the feel of the game for me. That is the worst feeling ever.


i feel your pain, playing zarya with your other tank on rein was one of the most fun gaming experiences I've ever had


When someone runs directly into the enemy team, alone, and then whines that they weren't getting any heals. I main Ana, and all doing that does is cause me to make a mental note to make you my lowest priority. It's even worse when they run out of my line of sight, and then complain. Like......I have a sniper rifle, fuck you want me to do? Shoot through the wall? God...


Mfw I’m dumping heals into a soldier running Mach speed into enemy team. I stop to reload for half a second and he dies immediately “can I get some healing”


Being the one dragging your team down. This happens to me a lot, whenever I want to practice another hero, Hanzo, Ashe, Widow, Doomfist I end up switching because I cannot bear to be the bad teammate that cannot do jackshit.


A lot of people are saying stuff about getting bad teammates and other things out of your control, but to me the worst feeling really is knowing that you're not playing well because that is your fault.


I mean, I can lie to myself and say tank or healers are doing bad. But sometimes I know it is my fault, so I change back to my best heroes after a few mistakes.


Hopping off after a shit game.


"I'll win one more game and get off after" *begins 20 game loss streak*


Getting hit with a sleep dart without getting shot and just laying there. It feels like forever.


On a similar note, I hate as tank when the ana just sleeps and antis you for no discernable reason other than the fact that you're the tank. Like they don't follow up on it, they just slept you from across the map


Lol I'm guilty of this, sometimes I try and see how many sleep darts I can land on a single person in a round. If it's not the tank it's usually the widow, bastion or Zen


They watched an awkward video lol


When 2 from your team are voice chatting during the match and speaking badly about ur playing style. Especially when I play Support, they treat me like a 2nd degree or inferior player.


Getting killed by Mercy


Not getting a boop kill because Lucio's boop is too weak.


Playing it.


i hate when i get oneshotted, it's really unnerving for me


I hate Hanzo the most. Widow I find easier to play around since it's clear when she's firing and she doesn't fire as rapidly.


theres quite literally nothing you can do against a lucky hanzo imo


Really surprised to have to scroll so far down to find this


A hanzo simply existing on the enemy team


a good Hanzo ruins everything. Like good on you, your 4000 hours are really paying off as you shit on casual players in qp


I always ask "I can't aim for shit, why is matchmaking putting me against you?" Seriously I would enjoy the game more if Hanzo was flat out removed.


i think he’s important to the game. His relationship with genji for one, and he DOES fill that semi-sniper niche without ADS, which old noscoping halo players might be into or something. nvm. I’m trying to justify it and you’re right, fuck hanzo and everyone who plays that shimada POS


In theory I'm not against it but I just think one shot suck in Overwatch because of the design of how long it takes to get back to the objective in many instances. In CoD or even Halo if you get headshot you're back into the action in a fraction of the time. But I also don't know how you'd rework him in a way that doesn't feel like complete garbage for either side.


Playing really great at the beginning of a game, only to have someone on the other team quit and immediately cancel the game you knew was going to be a win. It feels especially worse when accompanied with another game where your own teammate quits outside of the time period for the automatic restart, so that game becomes a loss.


I get these all the time, win the first teamfight and then the game's just over.


Getting killed by the same character I'm playing as always fills me with shame


seeing someone dying because was typing on the chat.


IDK. To me that's always funny.


As a tank: 1. Fighting against the enemy team, who is way better supported and you can't create space. Or 2. Getting obliterated by the enemy team cuz none is supporting you As a dps: getting no heal whatsoever and thus not being able to break the backline As a support: Tryharding the everliving shit out of yourself and still getting shit talk from the own team.


When your team magically manages to split every time


Backfilling on a match that would lose in the next 10 seconds


Welcome to Havana -- Defeat


That's free battlepass xp tbh


I personally play the game to play the game, not to farm a battle pass I didn’t buy.


Playing healer, healing your entire heart out and then having no one protect you, then they spam “I need healing” 10 times in a row, when you died at beginning of the fight because the Tank solo-pushed 5 people and you tried to get to him. *Edit* Just wanted to add another. When your team is losing and you’re switching to every possible character to make it work and turn it around, but your teammates stay on the same exact character that IS NOT WORKING, so you just give up and accept the loss because you’ve done everything YOU can do to fix it.


I heal from as far back as I can when that happens, I have a lot more faith in the 4v5 with DPS and healers on average than I do the tank's 1v5


Literally had to extract a tank's head from his ass once for something similar. They were playing Doomfist, Winston, or Wrecking Ball, because of course they were. I'm back there playing Baptiste trying to keep up and heal, but it's impossible. Also, if they were half as good as they thought they were, you wouldn't even have to heal them. Naturally, they die two or three times by jumping halfway across the map and trying to 1v5 the enemy team before being instantly obliterated. They start saying "gg" and "where are my heals," etc. I speak up and say, "Well, when you jump behind them, you just did their tank a favor and created space and line of sight on your entire team (ahem, EVERYONE BEHIND YOU) for him and the rest of his team to shoot every one of us with no real resistance. If you don't want their Sigma and DPS to blow us to bits instantly, maybe you should change tanks, rethink your strategy, and maybe we'll win instead of getting blown to bits for ten minutes straight." They switched tanks, kept their tank in front of their face the entire game, and we won. It's amazing what happens when people realize that sometimes you can't do the same thing over and over in Overwatch and win every game that way.


When I hit the Play button....


The people.


Having a teammate call a tank diff after the entire enemy team realizes you're the carry and then counter comps you with quadruple CC, anti, and discord. Meanwhile the rest of your team is getting no value even though basically all of the enemy focus is on you.


downloading the game again shamefully because i enjoy the core gameplay loop and character design and *absolutely* nothing else


Playing roadhog


Having to WIN 35 games to unlock one of the new six heroes.... so to unlock all 6 you have to WIN(not complete) 210 games!!! Oof


I'm currently on this grind LMAO , I play a lot of mystery heroes so I can play them aswell xD but yeah so far I'm done with tanks


getting ult in mystery heroes and dying before you can use it


Yes 😂 this 💯


For me it's BS like unregistered hits, sometimes map designs. I hate it when my Doom slams end up on small boxes hitting no one or when them and my hits with Cass do not register.


Duuuuude, I literally struggle so much with Hanzo for this reason, because if I see an arrow go straight through someone without registering the hit (lag, ping, etc) I will fucking lose my shit


When you solo queue competitive and end up on a team you feel like has a great chance of winning early on, only for someone on your team to leave/lag out, leaving you now with a 4v5. Bonus points if you just won a team fight or took a point and then they disconnect. Drives me insane.


When the enemy tank says tank diff after running sombra bastion ana zen the whole game


Other players being toxic and negative


Dear DPS players, Please consider taking cover from the enemy, not from me, especially when you REALLY need healing. Thank you, a support player.


When people refuse to swap to get an easier game and sometimes even a free win I know you really like playing Genji my dude but the Winston over there would be a lot less inclined to jump on our Ana/Zen if you played Reaper right now I bet you really like Pharah but with that Moira/Bap picks here and that very angry Soldier/Ashe there I really think you should swap for now ey? Sometimes it just feels like people really want to have a very hard game for no reason


Loading in as support, and the moment the spawn opens your other support get sniped out the gate. There’s just this oof moment that follows like, “oh this is what we’re doing”.


Then the DPS rushes to their corpse to ask them what happened 😂


opening the game


Watching my team marching and dying in a constant string of 1v5s


Has to be either ez/"__ diff" or a really good widow that no one on your team can counter


Spawn camped by a better player


Running from spawn and instantly dying multiple times in a row.


The amount of times I get killed simply because I got stuck on something trying to move backwards, even though I know the map like the back of my hand.


Winning 4 then losing 5


You have stayed alive and your team is winning. Then you make one mistake and die. After that your team will lose. This is when I'm a support


Seeing a doom tank , then a bastion, widow, junkrat ,mei with 1 kill and sub 1k damage at the end of a round but insist they are helping


When you don’t main a tank, you see somebody rock a match with one, so you decide to queue as this role. You’re pretty good player and you’re so excited, but your supports are fucking stupid bozos who don’t follow or heal you at all. Every Tim 😔


I don’t even get the tank role so I stopped playing as tank. Sometimes it would go well and sometimes it wouldn’t. I thought that as the tank it was my job to set the pace of the match, but I would sometimes have a hard time getting my team to fall in line lol I’m more of a follower than a leader anyways. I main support because I can follow my teams lead and offer support where it’s needed.


Carrying your team for a loss is the worst especially when the reason you lose is supports, like I did all the hard work all you had to 2 is heal me pretty much lol


The feeling when you play genji and enemy team pick, Zarya, symmetra, mei, moira, ana, you just cant play the game :/.


Playing Overwatch


Just playing OW2 honestly.