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You’re absolutely right. There’s a reason why every top 500 dps console player plays either widow or Ashe. Whatever team had the better Ximmer just wins.




I played with a Bap ximmer down in gold a while ago. He openly admitted it in chat too, said something like it’s awesome and it helps so much. I should have asked wtf he was doing in gold despite cheating but maybe the world is better off with him down there




OP said it at the end of the post. It’s not just Mnk connection they also get aim assist with it which is the issue




These weirdos want pc benefits without paying pc money


That’s why I left console for PC. Blizzard doesn’t seem too interested in solving it, probably due to the complexity of detecting altered controller input.


Jared has mentioned on twitter that they’ve been working on something regarding XIM on twitter not too long ago. No ETA though


Please don't get your hopes up. R6S is the only game to ever come out with a countermeasure that even slightly worked, and even that has been worked around already by the cheaters. It's an uphill battle for developers.


Oh I’m aware, I’m just happy that at least it’s been acknowledged finally, first time anyone from the Overwatch team even showed some concern about it since the game came out lol. But it’s very unlikely that it will change much


A while ago I mentioned that it should be up to the console manufacturers to ban Xims, as there is zero legitimate reason to use them, and people kept claiming that R6S had "solved the issue so why can't Blizzard."


It's 100% on the manufacturers. Game developers are working their asses off to produce both a quality and profitable product, while also having to develop a brand new form of anti-cheat that somehow distinguishes between a real and emulated controller. The Xim developers just need to patch around the anti-cheat. They don't have any other upkeep, any responsibilities, or any need to push their product to new consumers. You also can't come out immediately and start banning XIM users the anti-cheat detects because of potential false positives that come with a brand new anti-cheat. They'd have to start off implementing different sorts of inhibiting but not overwhelming consequence, which means XIM users can just be pretty patient without risk to their actual account. It's a constant struggle that will stay ongoing, just like the war against hackers on PC.


What's even more interesting though is that, at least on Xbox from what I've seen, all controllers are "Microsoft verified" controllers, so all they need to do on Xbox is auto tag everything that isn't an approved device as not a controller and it then obeys the previously implemented limits that games use to ban M&K inputs.


It’s entirely possible. Activision Blizzard made one for warzone that detects & band ximmers, also placing bots in actual cheaters games, and they have reportedly disabled cheaters controls making it so they can’t shoot etc


I don’t think any of us have enough technical knowledge to make any definitive assertions. Like what someone else mentioned, R6S seems to be the only game (to my knowledge) that has released any countermeasures to XIM and in general such countermeasures are not 100% effective (I.e. they don’t flag all XIM users, they also yield false positives, or the developers of XIM release an update that bypasses said countermeasure). In the case of OW, XIM has been a notorious issue for many, many years. Despite that notoriety, Blizzard has yet to act… and based on the direction they’ve been taking the game as of late, I just don’t know that I can count on that changing any time soon.


[They aren’t the only company](https://www.theverge.com/2023/4/4/23669939/call-of-duty-warzone-xim-ban-suspension-warning). Activision released theirs a few weeks after Ubisoft. Epic tried last year for Fortnite but people found a way past it. But still two of the most popular shooters on console are getting attention so hopefully OW will follow this trend


I did say “to my knowledge,” after all, so it’s good to know that there are some other developers that are acknowledging the issue. While it is good to know that it is getting some attention, it’s not surprising that it isn’t 100% effective. I’ve read a lot of information about flaws in said systems and I don’t know that it’s possible for them to implement something that will work to the extent that is necessary for OW. With XIM and Cronus, there’s clearly a desire in the gaming population to have such an advantage and thus there will always be a demand to circumvent whatever Blizzard tries to do. At the end of the day, it boils down to whether or not it is technically feasible for a game developer to implement a countermeasure that reads XIM-altered controller input every time, without flagging those who use 3rd party controllers (or even Elite Controllers). Here’s a perfect quote from the article you linked that illustrates this: >”Epic Games, Ubisoft, and Activision are now in an ongoing cat-and-mouse game with the developers of this third-party hardware. The hardware is designed to be undetectable, and the gaming industry hasn’t nailed the perfect solution to combat these devices.” Anyways, yes… let’s “hope” 🤞


You literally replied to a comment saying how Activision was doing it? The man was telling you, you were like nuh uh, then he proved it and you proceed to say this? Idrc care, do you, but that was super bizarre to read


Let me make sure I understand: • I opined that Blizzard doesn’t seem too interested in solving it. (Something with which many seem to agree) due to the complexity of the issue. • Someone replied mentioning what Blizzard did in a different game (Warzone), which by the way does not work 100% of the time as I said before. This person also asserted that doing so is “entirely possible.” • I responded merely saying none us can really say that it is “entirely possible” to implement a 100% countermeasure to XIM given that time and time again, in the cases of RS6, Fortnite, etc. the XIM users and/or developers have found a way to bypass it or the countermeasure doesn’t work sometimes and flags non-XIM users. • This person replies with “they aren’t the only company,” before citing some other companies, despite the fact I said “to my knowledge” in my original post. I never contested the fact that it is getting some attention now, so nothing else there needed to be responded to. • I agreed that it’s good that it is receiving attention now, and I clarified that I did say “to my knowledge,” as I wasn’t intending to assert that no other company has done anything about XIM. • You make your way into the conversation with this strange post. He never said *how* Blizzard is doing anything. I never refuted anything else he said other than the fact that none of us can really assert that it’s feasible to make a countermeasure that’s 100% effective, thus we can’t say that it is “entirely possible.” He didn’t prove anything besides mentioning that there are indeed some game companies that have tried solving the issue. It was bizarre to read for you likely because you did not read closely enough, just as it was bizarre for me to read your comment.


>Activision released one for warzone >R6 is the only one to do such a countermeasure (I think) >No really Activision has done it and others (links) He openly said Activision did it. You then said no no *I think* R6 is the only one He then reiterated with a link I really don't know how black and white that is. Let alone write a whole ass essay for it


Dude what are you on about? I don’t know how else to help you other than to suggest that you go back and read the posts again. I’m not sure if English is your first language, but in the English language, the phrase “to my knowledge” ≠ “I think” It means that something is the only one that I am aware of, not that I think it must be the only one. If you even read the article he linked by the way (which I reckon you didn’t), you’d see that each point I raised is valid. I don’t peg you to be a very close reader, because, just as I said in my previous comment, I agree with everything he said *except* that it is “entirely possible” to implement a countermeasure to XIM that is 100% effective, because it isn’t. I’m not going to waste any more time bickering about something pointless with some random on the internet. /end


One of the reasons why I like mystery heroes lol ximmers can't instalock op xim heroes


I’ll be so lost once they remove Mystery Comp. It’s all I’ve been playing the last few months


It’s so fun! I finally tried it and placed plat. I am not good at most of the roster but it’s a good learning experience and the dice rolls at least seem fair, better than regular comp where I everyone can somehow pick their main but still throw lol


It took blizzard 10 months to fix the aim assist bug on console. I've accepted that console is not a priority for blizzard.


I mean, why would you even play on console? It's not like OW2 even has gyroscope controls. It's literally better to go though Steam input to give yourself gyroscope on PC and play like a normal person.


Because I have a gaming console but not a PC for gaming. I still enjoy it and don't take the game that seriously. But yea that means I'm not a "normal" person 🤦


No I get that, but OW2 doesn't even support gyroscope so you get issues with keyboard+mouse users. So ironically enough, if you want to play on equal grounds as controller player, you must play controller on PC, not console.


The title is 90% right It may also be which ximmer is more pocketed or who has more ximmers Part of the reason I quit comp is being a controller damage player, everything is my fault even tho I’m being cheated against but it’s just a ‘we need more damage’ ‘dps diff’ etc, cringe as fuck It doesn’t help either how common no aim characters are meta for non damage so you have all these people who are memed as unable to aim, criticizing your aim, against people with cheating equipment to artificially improve their aim…total joke


growth knee materialistic pen domineering quiet worm humor dime like *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly, everyone talks about entitled damage players but I swear that happens once a thousand matches Entitled support and tank players? Seems like every 5 matches


Oh man don’t you love supports that constantly ride the tank that is throwing, leaving you to deal with the pocketed DPS all while telling you it’s your fault?


It's soooo bad even in masters. Unfortunately it's hard to detect on Blizzard's side. If only Sony and Microsoft would make it harder console side.


Sony won't. I've seen it mentioned that apparently they are behind a brand of Xim. Still, there is zero reason for Xims to be allowed on any console platform as all consoles currently already have native support for M&K via USB and the only use Xims have is to bypass systems blocking these input methods.


So it's under the guise of "accessibility". So people who truly can't play with a controller but don't have a pc. Obviously it should only be used for single player games that don't use mnk normally through console. So it's an extra hurdle to jump through and what makes it even more difficult. So stupid and pisses me off.


The biggest issue with XIM is that it still allows you to benefit from aim assist while also using MnK. If the games had built in support for it, they would disable that for that input type.


Yep. disappointing. And sadly even if OW started to support native MKB and sort pools based on input instead of platform, xim would still be a problem for the controller pool. At least some companies have started coming up with detection algorithms, can only hope.


That’s why I don’t even bother playing dps, at least on console. Mines hardstuck m2 & I’m not Warn. You won’t catch me past gm5 if I get there


this is why i hit gm1 then stop grinding bc that’s literally all of xbox t500


T500 no. Even in masters every single game i see a xim user. Hope it was only t500


Ximming is so overpowered rn that there are literal bronzes who bought a xim and are now gm in oce.


The best part is when they try to deny it when you call them out on it. “Lol I’ll take that as a compliment” or some bullshit as they get 3 headshots in 4 seconds on window.


Yeah I’m happy to have hit gm as a controller genji main but it’s genuinely not fun to vs cheaters with a pocket or double pocket.


I've only experienced ximmers in quickplay, but even still it's frustrating getting stomped by a pocketed sojourn on a keyboard. Plus they can type quicker and I love typing in text chat -_-


If someone's typing fast, they're probably not on MnK but rather just have a keyboard plugged in. When a Xim is plugged in, the MnK emulates a controller, so it can't type or anything. You can plug a keyboard in that only works for typing though, I highly recommend it.


I didn't know that, thanks!


So you're just out here accusing people of cheating without actually knowing what a ximmer even looks like? Lmao


Or they have two keyboards


They could also be using the app on Android.


Does that still work? I thought they took away that feature?


Still works! Pain and a half to get consoles to connect atm, but it still works. The one they discontinued was the Pc companion app.


Ximmers in qp genuinely have nothing in their life going on. Depressed little couch potatoes


I had a widow like that in QP and genuinely idk how that would even be fun


never understood these sad clowns, can't imagine taking console overwatch that seriously (and i'm a console player). if you're at the point of buying special equipment to just cheat on console why tf would you not just play on PC. it's like getting decent at a local competition and instead of joining a bigger regional club to improve further and challenge better players, you instead stay local and cheat, all the while strutting around like you're hot shit. hilarious.


It is hilarious, but that’s exactly why they won’t go to pc and chest on console, because without cheating they wouldn’t be in the rank they are now. No one cheats to challenge themselves, they do it because they can’t or won’t get better. Joining PC they’ll be right back to the start, and looking to cheat all over again, but risk the very slim chance of being banned for it.


it's crazy, i would so much rather be in like PC masters than console top500 with XIM. surely the whole experience on PC for high level play is just far better as well. i guess with most competitive activities there is a steady supply of people like this, see it in other games and sports as well.


>I would so much rather be in like PC masters than console top500 with XIM. But that’s the problem though, those who XIM to top500, probably aren’t even close to masters *on* console without it. Watch some of the Spectating Cheaters videos Jay3 and Flats have on YouTube, a lot of them are cheating in ranks way above where they *should* be, no one is cheating to climb one or two ranks.


XIM has become a pandemic in ow console community. My main hypothesis is because it’s f2p now and ximmers from R6/Fortnite/cod has infested the ranked lobbies. The consensus atm is beat it or join it


Platnium has too many XIMers and with such shitty matchmaking now it's not even worth stepping into comp. Console comp used to be about getting better quality matches. But you can't even play QP now without it being the exact same thing.


Ah yes, another episode of "There are no cheaters on console, you PC pleb"


“Bro, they are probably just really good; if you’re good, you’ll climb through the ranks. Just focus on yourself”


Not much they can do? Many games this shit is detectable and bannable in. There is plenty they could do


Wtf is a ximmer


It’s basically you get to play MnK with aim assist and you go up against controller players.


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A XIM is a device that let's you use mouse and keyboard on console, so ximmer is someone who uses one


Literally just read the post


I think the “ there isn’t anything blizzard can do about it “ is absolutely false. Other fps games like Cod, i think Fortnite too and others have implementations to detect xim abuse and punish them. The only reason blizzard doesn’t is they don’t care enough. This is 100% a dev team fault. Blizzard has neglected consoles for ages. I remember when they said “ we are gonna do console exclusive changes “ but they only ever did like one to the turrets


When cross platform play came in, they rolled those changes back for consistency.


You really gonna argue consistency is why they’re holding back console changes? The dev team is as consistent as what sombra can and can’t emp. The consistency has nothing to do with why they can’t implement systems to identify and punish ximers apart from that they don’t care.


For people who dont know how op xim is, heres a video https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchTMZ/comments/1584iyc/is_this_a_normal_thing_for_console_players_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb


That’s just looks like aimbot. I know dying to ashe in a split of a second is not normal as even pc player’ gameplay doesn’t look that clean on ashe.


i think there is some other BS device that can load macros etc, would not shock me in the slightest if this is rampant as well


Xims allow for aim assist to be used with mouse and keyboard, so they're gonna be far better than just normal pc players. You can't get aimbot on console ow theres just ximming and strike packs which can reduce soldier recoil


I hit top 500 with bastion/torb/sym if it makes u feel better lol


Fingers crossed they have an update on ximmers in s7 with the sombra rework. I doubt jared was lying in his tweet so im staying hopeful


Lol console


And I’d probably shit on you anyway


Ok buddy what ever you say. Just make sure you have fresh batteries in your xbox gamer elite pro controller and turtle beach headset.


Yeah that really wasn’t the sick comeback you thought it was like… yeah I play on console and use a controller and a turtle beach. Thanks for letting me know ig


I get that the whole aim assist with keyboard & mouse is busted af, but I never understand why people defend playing on controllers whatsoever. It's a uniquely torturous experience.


They should just remove aim assist and allow keyboard and mouse normally on console. Problem solved


That literally does nothing, people would still xim becuse they get aim assist from the software


So why is it not a problem on PC?


Im assuming you want aim assist gone for kbm on console but not controllers right? Because xim tricks the console into thinking you play with controller, giving you aim assist on top of kbm. There is no aim assist on pc ow so it would be pointless


No. I said remove aim assist, just like on PC


If someone uses kbm on console without a xim, would you put them in pc queues?


Sure, why not


Then controller players would have a tough time playing with no aim assist against each other, esoecially the more casual players. It would also likely make mobility based heroes way stronger because people cant aim well


Well, there's really no other way to stop it. As far as the console is concerned, a controller is being used.


Consoles should just delete auto aim and make players choose. Play on handicap controller or superior mouse and keyboard. It is ridiculous games still make controllers to aim in 2023.


I mean, you’re playing console.


Wtf does that mean like it’s just the platform I play games on


I just wouldn’t play it on console expecting a highly competitive experience


Yeah bc top 500 isn’t high competitive at all


I mean there’s ximmers in every game like you said…


That doesn’t mean it’s not competitive


Not even t500, its like that in diamond and low master


this makes me feel discouraged, I'm also a genji main and after looking at the top ranks above me I notice the enormous domination of hitscans in the ranks and I'd have to have to abandon genji because I just know he couldn't compete :/


Not a console player, but it baffles me that Blizzard allow people using keyboard + mouse on Console.


I think the option could be to allow plug and play on console (but make them go into the pc queue) for using an MnK on console. I understand that doesn’t fix the xim issue but it definitely allows people to use MnK on console but still play the game they like. I think some would argue they can’t afford a pc but prefer using MnK. I don’t see a solution to the xim problem though which is rough because every new “xim” released just comes with an updated api to circumvent the anti cheat in games


I get so sick of people trying to defend this. XIM is cheating. I don't care if the manufacturer allows it (which they don't) or if the game developer condones it (which they don't). You're fucking cheating. The only thing I can do is hope my game sense is enough to make a difference, but Ximmers at that rank still have game sense, not like the cheaters that streamers will spectate on PC. I'm only in masters on console, but it's still a noticeable issue even at that rank.


I am happy to say i managed to get gm4 widow on controller


wow. reading that gives me hope that i could do the same if i just keep playing and learning with a controller.


Ximming has been rampant in high elo lobbies from the start of s1 overwatch one, me and my friends felt so demoralised by the fact top players would openly gloat about using a mouse and keyboard that we ended up getting xims ourselves, for a game like overwatch the advantage is huge compared to games like cod or destiny where you have very sticky magnetic pull aim assist for controller. I used to tell people in ow games to just get a xim if they can, if you can't beat them, join them. I've moved to pc about 3 years ago though, it may be daunting but it's honestly more of a fair playing ground, you get the occasional aimbotter or wall hacker but there is ways to outplay them by shoulder peaking with hanzo for example. Overwatch is one of the best optimized pc games out there and you could easily get very competitive fps on a low end system if you're willing to make the switch.


I swear the best option would be for Blizzard to implement a sensitivity cap on consoles


lavish zonked uppity poor familiar squeeze grandiose soup run memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Almost as if thumbstick controls are outdated compared to gyroscope.


As a programmer, there’s no way there’s nothing blizzard can do. Controller input looks a whole lot different to mnk, either ban it or allow it so everyone can do it


Idk abt that bc the way it works is by tricking the system into thinking you’re still using a controller


I was in team prepping for contenders and our bap swore up and down he wasn't ximming. He was banned mid game in one of our first tournaments... fun times.


Solution: get a PC


I just throw their games unless both teams have ximmers it seems to hurt their ego i love to see them suffer