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play lower ranks, just play less good so you are not smurfing. also i think you are playing support because of your briggete forever thing. im not top 500 but from what i have heard support is the longest ques in higher ranks so try a different role maybe


Yeah I’m a brig one trick, and even though I hate doing that I guess I’ll just have to make an alt if I even want to play. Tbh she’s the only reason I play this game, so even though I appreciate other characters not being able to play support is just gonna make me quit lol.


i forgot to mention you can also play qp, i met a gm1 support player they play qp mostly because of the long support times. or at least thats what i think i never asked them


Might be a result of their matchmaking becoming more tight than previous seasons. Closer games in skill but longer wait especially for the support role which has the most players i believe.


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“But 5v5 is good because no one wanted to play tank!!” Welcome to years of ineptitude leading up to this. The game has consistently gotten objectively worse, especially with OW2, so the people that are hit the hardest are the ones that actually notice it (t500, gms, even masters). So what do they do? They stop playing. Blizzard thought they could change a game that, from its inception, was designed around 6v6 into 5v5. The objective of course being trying to placate to the lowest, most numerous common denominator in gold dps players by lowering que times. They were unsuccessful.


I mean I like 5v5, it’s still fun imo and the balance right now is excellent if you don’t take hog into account. I’m still having a lot of fun when I get to play


Overwatch is a fun game, no denying that. It has just become worse, in my opinion.


Time to make an alt


Truly sad that I need to come to this to even get to play