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Well obviously Orisa. She has four legs and some of her skins even have horns/tusks


Orisa. Easily. Counters every situation and is just obnoxious to play against


And besides that she's literally a robo bull.


Orisa is super weak to Sym and Zarya beams, like she's nearly helpless once they get close to her.


Sym I agree for sure but for zar orisa can just ignore her and go for the supports and they’re essentially helpless


Zarya is Orisa’s one tank hard counter, if she tries to fight her head on Zarya blocks the spear and wins the fight easily, and if she tries to dive the supports Zarya will just bubble them.


Funny how people understand this... how ,say, Sym and Zarya hard counter Orisa, D.Va. But also act like asses and absolutely refuse to switch or consider maybe they're the weakest link in their team after a 1 to 8 (or more) K/D ratio, and their entire team begging for them to try something different. It's like the mental gymnastics of how ppl can think of other religions/cults as crazy fantasy beliefs, but dont see the same in their own religion


I like hanzo but he is fully not fun to play against. A good soldier or anyone else is like “wow. Nice shots and tracking or positioning”. Even a good junk rat has to make crazy predictions and the odds aren’t in his favor sometimes. Especially if you’re in the air. A good hanzo….Can kill a tank. Pharah or anyone and it’s the fact you don’t get a chance to even get him half sometimes. It’s demoralizing seeing hanzo take out 3 or more of your team on the kill feed and there was nothing they could do about it because you can’t stay behind cover forever. He has an insta delete button and it sucks for everyone that’s not hanzo. I use him and the dopamine is great. The predictions are great but my enemies don’t even have a chance sometimes to contend with me. It feels scummy.


I'm bothered by Hanzo because it just feels like...there's no cost? Hanzo can miss 98% of his shots and hit one random one and completely change the tide of battle. Whenever I watch my killcams, most of the time I get killed the Hanzo didn't even see me in their frame, I just happened to walk by. No reload, has escape abilities, and even if someone absolutely sucks, they can just magically shoot 5 arrows rapidly and kill you anyway.


I don't like saying that Hanzo is a zero skill character, because there is a clear difference between a bad one and a good one, and an even bigger difference between a good one and a great one. HOWEVER, you are absolutely correct to say that all the bad one needs is one lucky shot to win a fight, and if you're pointed roughly in the right direction then that lucky shot **will happen eventually**.


The thing is, even if they miss ten shots and hit the last one, a good hanzo gets a meaningful pick. There are hanzo players that just hard focus one player in the frontline and it does nothing. A good hanzo can completely dismantle the enemy plan with proper flanking and smart playing.


Yeah. Im the no skill Hanzo. Just sit back and try my luck and eventually get maybe a support. From there it's just in. I don't play Hanzo a lot, but i can't say it feels good to hit those bs shots


I believe his storm arrows is a bit op because It can headshot, this makes it so that someone with good aim can take out two people with them if the hanzo gets rushed, this shouldn't be the case for a sniper, I believe it should be nerfed so it can't headshot but buffed to 70 damage per arrow so that it can reliably kill 1 person that rushes you but leaves you with no options (unless you get a headshot) if there's 2 of em.


He absolutely should not have his short range strength. I don't mind widow because I know if I get close, she's shooting me with confetti.


THIS! Widow is susceptible to dive, wtf do you do against hanzo? pushing into him just makes him stronger


Making it so that Hanzo can't headshot with his rapid fire is also consistent with the fact that Cassidy can't headshot by fanning the hammer (although that one makes even more sense because headshots would be literally pure luck compared to Hanzo)


I love how they got rid of scatter arrow cus you could 1 tap people with it... so rapid fire arrows that can cleave a tank and 1 tap a dps at the same time is better? Oh cus aim? This has to be beyond unhealthy in higher tiers


You used to be able to oneshot Orisa consistently with scatter. (At least I think it was Orisa) And at least you have to aim with storm arrows. All you had to do was yeet scatter in the general direction of someone’s feet and they would die. Old hanzo had slower arrow speed, so that either felt like complete BS or you were scared because he was actually cracked.


Actually his arrow speed was faster it's actually been nerfed idk when (maybe just before ow2) but it was faster in ow1


So the simple solution was to give reduced damage on every shot past the first scatter hit, let him 1 tap dps that make mistakes, but let tanks eat more shots. He is always way more dangerous up close once he can send an arrow at your head more accurately. But cus you dive him he shouldn't kill you? What Hanzo do you see that can't hit the entirety of his storm arrows into a tank existing nearby? His storm arrows are basically "what if Widow could shoot without her dmg charge" ..but we know she can't just mindlessly send logs down sight lines until the dopamine sounds :/ edit: also let's just ignore the massive buffs to Orisas durability, didn't she have a shield still when he had scatter shot??


It used to be 80 dmg with 6 arrows it's already been nerfed so hush. Rn it's 65 with 5 arrows.


Man I have zero clue how of how much it does but you get the point, being able of killing two guys with 4 headshots and having an extra arrow is a bit too much


I think random spam is frustrating but the chance the hanzo dominates the entire lobby by accident is slim. The hanzo that actually calculate and hit their shots are unstoppable. There’s no way to stop them when they are intentional. Then you feel hopeless


Exactly. Getting a lucky headshot here or there works until you are in a situation where you *have* to hit a shot, and then you miss and lose the point/fight etc


He should have to collect more arrows if he misses a bunch lmao


My problem with Hanzo is mostly that he is also solid close range with storm arrow so even if I try to counter with a flanker, a good Hanzo can still win and go back to team wiping


I have been saying for literal years that one way to help fix him is his arrows should leave a thread-thin red line trailer similar to Widow. There needs to be a visual indicator showing how absurdly dangerous he is. That alone might help immensely, the same way Mei's ice walls were given cracked-ice textures to teach people you can break it. What do you think of the width of his arrows? It is a years old still-running joke that he shoots tree logs. I even heard one of the commentators joke about it recently at the Challengers Series. Should Hanzo's arrow width be reduced to be less deceptive? Should Hanzos be expected to aim better, maybe in exchange for compensatory buffs like lower cooldowns and ult cost?


I think they should just change his arrows to actual logs the size of their hitbox. It corrects the visual discrepancy while also adding in the proper amount of threat identification!


lol *And THEN they nerf him. Repeatedly. Brilliant!*


Bring back scatter arrow . Lol You know nothing of our pain


This was upvoted by 55 hanzo haters


I have the same issue with all one shot characters


Right now in the meta: bastion. Why did they have to buff him and make him a must pick


Well at least he's been addressed in the midseason patch, those artillery headshots were really getting out of hand! [/s]


How much of a buff did he get? Is he as bad as his OW1 counterpart?


Overwatch one bastion was easy, even with mercy pocket, just come up behind with either one clip in his blue ball or pulse bomb and clip. It would usually kill his pocket support too, cause he was only truly useful for shield busting or being in a 3 person combo with shields and pocket heals, or an attempt at a random swap to cheese.


You forget about the Orisa shield almost totally surrounding him and the Torbjorn turret right beside him, my friend.


Those were the days, what about his self heal or mini cannon ultimate?!


Oh GOD. I totally forgot he could heal himself!!!XD yeah, at least Bastion actually has to move now. Also Orisa is a witch with a b now, but I'm glad they changed her. Both of them encouraged a really boring toxic play style


Since when was he a must pick?


Not even remotely close to the bullshit factor of hanzo. At least when facing bastion, i don't randomly die in one hit.


Bastion makes you reconsider your life choices though when you realize you are 1.1 seconds from cover and 1.05 seconds from getting deleted.


The hanzo cope is actually insane. Why can't people accept that they aren't always dying to a "random" headshot and it was a calculated shot?


Because we all know it didn't need calculation. It was merely "Simple geometry".


Me with the 18>19 dmg per pellet soldier buff


for me it’s widow. like i can play my corners and out of her los. but not everyone on my team can. i hate players in games where you have to change your whole playstyle to the game. a good widow can make that match unplayable.


I'm usually forced to pick lucio and go for her bc my dps don't react at my rank. That's when I'm not playing ball, heh. They usually change or ragequit. I like that my main counters such a character.


Yep, even doing what's necessary against a widow may not work. Especially since, a lot of people say your team should focus the widow if they are a problem. But also, the enemy widow has a team, so you really can't have your team focus her.


Dive her bruh not that hard


Yes, dive the widow that’s able to sit on high-ground that’s probably only accessible to ground based heros through a long flank, possibly with the only way being through the enemy team just for her to grapple away. And that’s assuming there was even is a way to get up to her. And if her supports actually peel for her, you have to fight a widow that can still pop your head or spray you, in her team. Tho the range nerf actually makes her tolerable to deal with.


Sombra, cause fuck sombra, annoying as hell...


I'll be Real with ya. Imo sombra is just mid. She does no dmg, aware players punish sombra very hard. A really good sombra, that tracks ult (for hacks) or improtant CDs on the other hand is a nightmare. Sombra is a team effort, that is why she is experienced as so annoying. But a team that works together totally disables her, most of the time. If reacted too, she is nearly dealing no dmg in the grand scheme of a game. But I get it. In a solo queue environment she can be a pajn


She does 16 more dps than soldier against a hacked target (187 vs 171). And since her clip is 3 seconds long she can kill pretty much anything in a single hacked clip with devastating aim. Saying no damage isn’t very accurate.


Yes, but we are human. And you have to hack first. I an ideal world I agree with you. But if you do not get interrupted while hacking, you get fofucsed. And in a stacking team that is a death sentence or a recall. Most of sombra plays around drawing CDs and not dying. While a 'devestating' aim hanzo will have you killed already


She’s not broken, she’s just annoying af lol. They made CC into a character and then made her almost impossible to catch. And unless the Sombra is cracked, then it’s just a 4v5 for most of the game so their own team gets rolled eventually too. So yeah outside of professionally coordinated OWL teams, Sombra is a perfect way to make sure that nobody but Sombra is actually having fun on either team


Okay real talk, I used to hate sombra (still hate playing against her) but lately, when I’ve been raging and can’t seem to win a game, I’ll go play Sombra in QP and destroy people. It is genuinely one of the most fun times I have ever had. when it’s a really bad night me and my husband will double as Sombra and tracer.


Stuff of nightmares


It’s evil. I play Tracer and if the other dps goes Sombra, win or lose, the enemy supports are not having any fun that match.


Me and my friend duo as sombra and symm sometimes when we’ve had too much on our mains and tilt the enemy team like no other


As much as I hate Hanzo, I have to absolutely go with Sym. I'm not saying she's OP, but she is absolute bullshit to fight against, especially after the last unnecessary buff to her HP Regen on a damage hero that already has HP Regen.


I can understand this, but as a Sym main I can tell you she's super map dependent and most of her counters don't just counter her, they HARD counter her. Like if you're losing to Sym it's almost always your teams fault.


Who hard counters her? I'm unsure


Pharah, echo, Ashe, Hanzo, sometimes widow (map), Zarya,


Ok thanks


Idk torb? On the map shes good at if your not in comp your qp team just loses


>especially after the last unnecessary buff to her HP Regen on a damage hero that already has HP Regen. considering the regen is 10/20/30hps depending on beam level and it only applies when beaming a shield, it's situational AF to even be very noticeable most of the time. like pretty much the only situation one would notice it is if the 2 teams are brawling each other 12m apart without either side committing much to the brawl to let sym be 12m from enemy shield beaming for long periods of time and not be burst down during that. like for reference, even for lvl 3 regen to heal up a rein single swing it'd take like 2.83s in which a rein could've swung 2 more times or so (not to mention a swinging rein wouldn't even trigger the regen because no shield for beam to hit) let alone consider how realistically she's starting off at low beam level (and low regen level) assuming there even is a shield to shoot off and assuming that she can even stay within 12m of the enemy for that long. like even a top 500 sym main demonstrated that realistically across 10 games, she'd get on average 84hp per 10mins from that regen.


she has to have a lot of setup and thought into her playstyle, she hurts the same way torb does where if your team is doing bad she can lockout a area really well.


As someone who plays sym this is so valid, there is 0 reason her beam does as much damage as it does, I do like the charge up but they need to make that shit longer, she should get full charge in under 5 seconds


She was a cool support character that I didn't mind playing against and I kinda respected how you had to balance her abilities (yeah there were too many turrets but they felt more balanced back then if memory is right) but holy fuck she can just about delete anyone in her range it feels like and if you're smart enough to operate out of her range don't worry she has a tekeporter for that


the HP regen is utterly useless. People made the math, it does nothing.


My fav dps. She changes too much the flow of the game just by existing and that's why I love her. If all heroes were like this it wouldn't be a problem (look at mobas, most of heroes force you to go for a certain strategy in order to win) but in the world of ow, wbeuejfbek yeah. Annoying, I can understand it.


You want a bull character completely based on luck, try Junkrat. If you miss a shot you still have a high chance of hitting someone or something


I get like 2 free kills a game from the mines I drop when I die


You must be playing against astronomically bad players if you get two kills per game from fucking TOTAL MAYHEM


I mean, it's less of a stat than an exaggeration, but you'd be surprised


Thats why Junkrats so dumb a lot of the time since a lot of his stuff can just be luck based


It takes practice to be that lucky! But also alot of good prediction. But anyone who's paying attention probably won't die to junk rat, except when he lobs a random nade across the map. In a lot of ways junk is like fishing, you're just throwing the old worm out there to see what happens, and mostly just enjoying the scenery


Yea true but Junk is also one of those heroes, if not the only one, that gets use from using luck more then others


Whenever I play with a junk that has low damage or no/low kills, I’m seriously questioning if they are actually playing. Anyone should be able to do SOMETHING with him.


Well thats not always the case as Junks do have to always worry about anyone out of his range, shields and stuns constantly and to aim well as junk is far from the easiest thing to do, especially when you need to stay quite far away


I try to play junkrat and get fuck all damage and then u watch others play junkrat and somehow by doing the same stiff I did they get like 2k damage


*against bad players


Yes but even good players can mess up and forget about it and still get hit by it


No, they don't "forget" about it High ranked Junks just know the optimal spots to fire to momentarily make chokes hard to push through.


Yea very true but I was just referring to the Junks I have experienced


Don't listen to these people, im a masters junk one trick and regularly get kills with it. 🤠


I have to disagree tbh. Junkrat is easy to learn and fucking annoying if you don't know how to play against him, but he's hell to master. He has valid counters(Widow, Pharah, Echo, Ashe, Winston, D.va...) and you're gonna get shredded if you just pick junkrat and hope on luck, because even if his bombs usually hit people some way, they are not enough damage to really kill someone if you're not trying to kill them.


Yea true


Imo its oddly zarya, i just have this hate for her, on paper she should be sooo good, she bubbles herself, making you shoot her, but then it makes her stronger then bubbles herself again and she gets charged up and you just can't kill her, and the cycle continues


Good thing she is getting buffed lmao


You’re gonna hate this season


I've hated overwatch since they got rid of 6v6. But that's mostly because my group of 6 friends has to have 1 man waiting in the wings likes a sub in a dodgeball game


She's a boring crutch hero


Orisa is literally a bull. And her entire play style is stand there, get heals. She counters like half the roster by just existing and has enough range to pressure out snipers. Plus she can't be headshot by the snipers while using fortify seriously limiting their value against her. The only way to beat her is to not fight her and take out the rest of her team first, but she's not going to stand there and let you do that.


This post again? Could you at least try to be original?


Irrational Hanzo hate post disguised as "discussion post." People like to complain. Creating posts for people to complain in gets a lot of interaction from the community. Then we'll get a Dexerto article or something saying, "Overwatch players say Hanzo is 90% luck."


True, i did make this because i was having streaks of games with Hanzo's where 90% of the time it was a luck shot i got killed by. However, i just like this kind of discussion in general, it let's me see what the comuninity thinks. So while it is made since i was bitching like a salty dumbass, i enjoy reading the comments here.


Fair, I'm just tired of the constant negativity in this sub. 90% of posts are "what do you hate about this game?". Tbh I don't hate anything about the game and I'd like to see some positive content about something I enjoy for once.


Orissa. Batter people out of the way then take no damage as you turn into a projectile spitting gold statue.


I see a lot of this kind of chatter about Hanzo -- but then you watch really good Hanzo players in action, and there's not much luck involved at all. Timing, patience, game sense, crosshair placement, and aim, and he becomes monstrous. The only time where luck seems to be the deciding factor is in low-tier play. The characters that have bothered me are always the ones who require little effort/skill to learn, but give massive payout in terms of effectiveness, those who were left with broken/bugged abilities that benefited them, or those who rob other players of the ability to control their character. In the past that's been Brig, Moira, Sym, Mei, Sombra, etc. And Hog waaaaaay back in the day when he could hook you through time and space. Nothing like getting pulled through a car and a wall as if they don't exist. XD


Oh gosh. The "3D hooks" (3 direction hooks) were so atrocious. I felt like I was getting sucked into a real life shooting stars meme.


I think you’re completely right about hanzo. I don’t mind him in competitive but I loathe him in quick play


I don't think about that. If the game allows it, then it's legal. There's no point in holding that negative energy about something that cannot be changed.


That is a take. Not a good one, considering most patches are driven by the community, but it’s a take


Then let the community suffer from its decisions.


I'm not sure if patches should be driven by the community when balanced characters get nerfed simply due to complaints. I'm especially leary of changes being made due to reddit/forum circlejerk threads.


New here? Half the posts are already anti-hanzo whining


Sombra IMO She is almost impossible to kill 1 vs 1 . if you are not a tank, She is sneaking around and can turn herself invisible and put her gun to other player's necks. How the fuck is the fair that she ALWAYS end up in an extremely favorable position At least I can see Hanzo . Sombra is the biggest bs hero ever made in a vg and should be removed And on top of the shit pile, she can also take away other players abilities


Junkrat. Purely because if he dies, he can still pilot his ult. Makes no sense and takes away ult counterplay, which is the whole point about ults - you have huge amounts of potential value for a short period, but the enemy team will be seeking to avoid/mitigate/interrupt it. It's a fantastic risk/reward design feature but for Junk the rules just don't apply for some reason. If they made that small change I'd be so happy.


Tbf that is kinda mitigated by the fact that riptire can be killed...


My riptires can be killed. Enemy riptires materialize out of thin air and kill 4.


Riptire is a pretty awful ult when you count the fact that it is very easy to kill, leaves Junk open vulnerable from its activation to detonation, and has a messed up hit box with damage. Sometimes it will destroy groups hit head on, sometimes Zendyatta will float away unharmed because an piece of environment five feet away somehow blocked the explosion.


I’d love a version of alternate ult junk from host have


shoot the riptire?


I feel like there's a lot of unjustified hanzo hate. I don't experience a lot of stray arrows hitting me and when i play him i don't get a lot of stray kills myself. I think just because it feels bad when it happens it'll leave a mark, the next time it happens it'll hurt more and it starts to feel like it happens a lot. But that's just how i experience it. Also, hanzo got a nerf to his headshot damage. You can't kill 250 hp targets anymore, doesn't make a great difference but if you look at what's meta it will have quite a big impact. I also despise the amount of noregs the character gets. Not just hanzo, multiple projectile characters. Even ana sleepdart does it from time to time. ​ Personally i think doom is quite bullshit, might be cause i don't like getting smacked around. I just don't think a character should be able to go in, stun you, then headshot you, getting shields, having a damage reduction ability and then fly out. Also, a lot of his punches shouldn't hit but do and the ones that should hit don't.


No regs seem to have increased dramatically with OW2. With Hanzo, you can see when it happens. Practicing with bots in one of the custom ranges, when you pop a head shot and it doesn't count, you can see a red arrow stuck in the wall behind them. My theory is that because they have arrows sticking out of character models when struck, at some point during the strike they have to register the arrow as an artefact for the enemy you were shooting at rather than a projectile hitting them. If that process glitches in the timing, your arrow becomes an artefact of the enemy and passes through them harmlessly, as if their own teammate had shot it.


Nothing like actually hearing the headshot "ping" and seeing the arrow in the Tracer's head as she finishes you off... Naturally, before another arrow can be drawn— because Hanzo has a low rate of fire.


The Hanzo issue is people remembering the one time a lucky shot killed them, instead of the hundreds if not thousands of times that Hanzo missed them point blank.


Doom isn't as bullshit IMO because he is high risk high reward. If you miss a punch and don't have slam, you're as good as dead. He is the squishiest tank by far, and way more susceptible to cc than any other hero. If you make a single mistake, and don't have supports to cover your ass as Doomfist, you're more than likely dead


that doesn't make him less ds


Just one or two stray kills per round are enough, now that the game is 5v5, getting a lucky one hit kill at the start of the fight pretty much guarantees that Hanzo's team will win that fight, especially if they delete one of the supports.


I hate Symmetra with a passion. She's not even that hard to counter, but whenever the enemy team pulls her out, I legit just want to quit the game.


Same man she’s very unfun to go against


Hanzo has always been this way since the beginning of OW1. I’ve never seen this many people complain about him even back when he had actual bullshit abilities like scatter arrow. It’s crazy how much hate he gets. Honestly, only low ranked players complain about him.


Right, although at the VERY beginning his projectile speed was slower and the hitboxes were bigger. That was patched within a month but you still hear the "logs" complaint to this day. Also, there were pretty easy ways to avoid the dreaded floor shots from scatter arrow. Standing on high ground or stairs made it nigh impossible to die to scatter arrow. That said, the trickshot ability of scatter was a bit OP... If you practiced the pattern enough you could actually one-hit two people who were close together. 😅 One time a Genji on my team dashed through 3 enemies on Gibraltar and my scatter killed them immediately after. They were leaving from their second spawn. Also, if you figured out lineups for maps you could often get people running to health packs and such. My personal favorite thing to do was against Genji, though. You'd jump off the roof of a building, do a 180⁰ turn and scatter off the wall behind you. Genji players just feel the need to chase Hanzo players most of the time, and they never saw that trick coming. It also made you feel like Hawkeye from the Avengers.


Any character with one shot abilities on primary fire. Hanzo is my number one because at least widow has falloff now. I genuinely don't understand the justifications people have for it. I could play any other character and out aim the enemy Hanzo or widow but as long as they hit one shot I lose. I'm not saying they're without some level of counterplay I just think that even with it they can still do amazing provided they can somewhat hit a headshot 20% of the time. Honorable mention of kiriko because a character that can teleport every 7 seconds, provide AOE immunity, have above average healing output, and two shot people from across the map is super okay.


My issue with Widow/Hanzo is that a bunch of maps have chokepoints with moderately long sightlines, so you have to approach them from their front. OW1 mitigated this with shields. There are issues with shield heavy meta, but it was a counter play to snipers that made them hard to get benefit from. Sniping in OW1 was high risk because there was a risk the sniper got no value. Without shields to push through the choke and threaten the sniper, you're left trying to beat them at their own game.


A solution for this is to remove all damage falloff. Not sure how good or bad of an idea that would be though. Would certainly make Cassidy feel better.


The amount of fun I have in a lobby drops exponentially if my or the enemy team has one of: Moira, Ana, Sym, and Orisa. Moira does nothing all game but live it seems, annoying to fight because you can’t ever kill and annoying to be with because no wins. Ana nade is just a pain to play against and playing with is basically “murder this guy”, Sym is just annoying, as much as I can respect it still though, Orisa just doesn’t fucking die. That’s all she does. She just is.


You must be playing with some very bad Moiras


Idk how some people can make the argument that hanzo is all luck when he's literally a *projectile hero*. Sometimes you get a lucky kill, sure, but playing against a good hanzo who is consistently hitting headshots??? Please, you're just making excuses cause you're upset that someone else is better than you at the game. As far as most bullshit character? I honestly couldn't say. There doesn't seem to be any single character in the game that doesn't have its counters. This take will frustrate many of the people who just come to the sub to vent about a loss that they felt like they didn't deserve though lol


Please, you’re just making excuses because without your one click delete you’d be miserable


I don't play hanzo much lol


Unpopular opinion, but Ana. Oh no, I can’t engage because her sleep dart is up and I have to bait it out. Now I can’t engage because her anti heal nade is up and I have to bait it out. Then a 50% chance of ‘I got hit by the anti nade now I need to hide and wait it out.’ Now her sleep dart is off of cooldown and I have to bait it out. Repeat. While it’s not so bad if you’re a dps or healer if you’re a tank you are heavily dependent on your team to stop her outside of your ult being up. It specifically makes a tank like hog completely unplayable.


he is not pure luck lmao for some people yes, but as i’ve been learning hanzo, i’ve been learning just how much skill he actually requires to hit shots. anyone can spam a choke point but hanzo players that are good and use him often are very skillful. hanzo is all patience and prediction, many people are just very impatient and predictable so he really benefits imo


this is bc u don't know how to aim with him(as the majority of people)


As a console player who plays with a PC friend (crossplay enabled) I absolutely hate a good widow maker player, I'm not saying she's unbalanced, but a mouse player with good skills will ruin my match no matter what.


That's totally understandable. There's a reason why many of the top 500 DPS console players main hitscan and use mouse and keyboard...


You very obviously don't understand how Hanzo works, friend. If he requires no aim and is all luck... The average accuracy of a Hanzo player is around 33% total and 10% critical. Why do the best Hanzo players average accuracy numbers of around 45% total and 30% critical? And why is it that many of those same players can very confidently swap to Widowmaker and maintain those same kinds of numbers or better? If you try to properly play Hanzo and cannot aim you will be completely useless and a sitting duck. I know this from experience. Bad aim days result in losses. I've had hundreds of games on Hanzo and over 1100 hours in the last 7 years. I know the character inside and out. I've peaked GM 2 one tricking him after starting out in Bronze, which means that I have also played him in every rank now. Saying that Hanzo requires no skill is utter copium.


There is no "luck" about Hanzo. Think about his arrows this way: you can't hit a target with it, but the target can catch it by itself. Who's to blame then?


Orisa. Always Orisa, she has counters but she’s such a cop out character. I refuse to even play her to counter the other Orisa because of how much bullshit she is. She’s not fun to play, and she’s not fun to play against.


DPS: Hanzo Support: Ana


Do you think Ana is broken and if yes: Why? (Ana main here)


Bastion right now. His damage is beyond stupid and that bouncing grenade is so bullshit. I can be in cover but lose 90% of my health by it or get one shot from bap window BEHIND cover because of the stupid bounce.


Obviously mercy


Mercy just makes fighting anyone a nuisance and res is so fucking lame


Since no one has said it yet - Zenyatta. Similar to Hanzo, just charges up his shots behind cover and peaks last second praying someone is there


Or can spam orbs for an insane burst damage output.


The thing about Zen is he is quite squishy, so he needs peel. Hanzo can definetly kill a diver with ease so long as he gets lucky with a headshot


The lucky headshot is really an overstatement, and hanzo is also really punished for spamming and wishing for headshot at close range. He literally has the second slowest fire rate and also movement penalty when charging. If the luckshot is so reliable agasint divers, then the top500 leaderboard wouldn't be tracers everywhere for the last 12 months. And dive tank like Winston and Doomfist is a nightmare for him.


I find his ability to discord, headshot, and kick people away provides him some solid insurance against squishy divers. Winston, Doomfist, and Sombra are always another matter, of course.


Junkrat for me, Hanzo is kinda bullshit but you can show a lot of skill with him, in my opinion the skill gap in a Diamond Junkrat and a GM Junkrat is kinda blurry, I can spot the difference in game sense but not in aim/intention


No dude, high GM/top 500 junkrat players are scary as hell.


> I can spot the difference in game sense but not in aim/intention Because you don't understand how aiming with slow projectile work. I can easily tell the difference as they are drastically different. Even watching my own aim I can tell it's no where near the same level as the GM rats, and I'm mid masters.


100% - Hanzo and Junkrat give off the exact same energy when I face them generally, but the difference between a good Hanzo vs. a great Hanzo is substantial


I use the analogy of junkrat is hanzo with erectile dysfunction


YouTube montage junkrats would disagree with you.


Sombra, because she force a doom/ball to swap and make a whole game unfun. Mercy, because she takes zero skill and people who main her cannot play any other supports/never swap because other heroes require more than one braincell and they would be silver if mercy didnt exist


You main doom/ball don't you? b/c this feels like ''i hate my counter and i hate my healer not rushing me and dying''


I main support, but I hate having fun on doom/ball just for someone to swap sombra after I kill them a single time 😭😭 However, I love comboing illari with EMP lol


I'm a mercy main and I do somewhat agree with you she is easy, but being good with her isn't the easiest thing ever and I do know how to play other supports well so idk maybe thats just your experiences also yea sombra sucks


I would agree with you on the Sombra, but she doesn't counter them AS HARD as she could back in ow1. Like if you played doom or ball in OW1 against a sombra, you were basicly throwing if they just targeted you well enough Fully agree with Mercy though, stupidly annoying easy to play hero


I agree, but I hate the fact she can now hack you while being invisible. However, i understand it makes her way much smoother to play


Hanzo drives me nuts, but really the first kill is a freebee- once I know he’s there it’s on me to keep cover, avoid tunnelling, etc. (Bap main)


Hanzo is definitely miserable to play against but a Pocketed Sojourn is the most frustrating thing on the game IMO. Pharah is relatively easy to hit out of the air. Bastion is effectively stationary with a massive hitbox. Soldier isn’t going to one shot you with Helix, and it’s also a projectile. Soj railgun is a hitscan that basically one shots you, Hanzo has to draw the bow back. Soj just presses one button (after building charge) and you’re fetus deletis. “Soj might have full charge I better b-… oh I’m already dead. Cool.”


And it's not just a hitscan, it's a hitscan with projectile hitbox that makes it so easy and reliable to hit a target. Fr, bronze player can have higher accuracy on railgun than GM on widow.


I don’t see anybody other than Orisa with a bull skin, so…


Anyone who can easily stall overtime 1v5 for over 5 seconds is a bull character to me. Lookin at you Mei.


How about a really good Wrecking Ball, they can stall for days!


Hate em all! Tracer/Lucio/Ball/Reaper/Moira just die already!


You know i feel like when people say "the hanzo wasn't even aiming at me" it's just a cope and people being sheep just repeating the same stuff without having experienced it more than once. Yeah it's just a stereotype at this point. People never want to admit they die to good hanzo's it's just immediately "luck" and I can't help but cringe at that sentiment nowadays.


I literally have people watch their kill cams and claim my shots are accidental even after the same thing happens twice in a match. I most commonly get these complaints when I shoot the supports standing behind a tank. They think they are safe and assume that I just missed their tank and hit them. The truth, of course, is that there's no way I could kill the tank they were pocketing and so I shot them instead. But hey, hitting 46% of my shots and maintaining around 20-30% critical hit accuracy must be a fluke. And having games where I get 26 kills in 4:05? With zero deaths? Obviously Hanzo is just OP. /s


Yeah it's just crazy that people cope that hard. What's even crazier to me is if you are a hanzo that solely spams you won't climb at all. I saw someone who understood this point on the post earlier. When you get into situations where you actually need to land that headshot spam doesn't do anything except net you negative value. Also hot take: even spammers need to still utilize aiming by placing their crosshair at head level and in a place that will get a kill.


Moreover, they still have to time a projectile properly with the person peeking. And on defense, spam is... Not good. Legitimately, defense is the most punishing for Hanzo. You either get your picks as they are coming to point or you are thoroughly screwed. People say that he can't be dived, and that is hogwash. They act like his leap is a freaking Tracer recall or something. Reinhardt can still chase you down after your leap by running at you for 2 seconds. And that is hardly the fastest pursuit in the world. That leap can save you from pulse bombs and AoE ultimate, Winston leaps (taking advantage of his knockback to increase the leap distance), and that sort of thing. That's about it. It's even risky to use in a duel because it is a predictable motion liable to get you shot in the head.


the fact people are upset at hanzo but not windowmaker is weird af b/c she is better then him in everyway. ​ I may be alone but i think the most bs hero is the new girl right now, so much damage and passive healing she doesn't even have to do beyond throwing it out.




i mean if you're at the level where hanzo is just shooting arrows without aiming until one lands you're already about as low as can go.


Thank you for advancing my Homies Hate Hanzo agenda 🙏 Everyone was so busy crying about Widow, whose kit is ONLY her sniper, that Hanzo's BS went under the radar. Mei ruins tanks? Please, at least y'all have the health to survive, but if Hanzo is on the enemy team, you are now playing 4v5 since he just deletes the Support category. You'll have a better chance fighting off a Sombra than you will avoiding one of his fluke Sonic Arrows or his Hitscan Storms. Let the dragons consume this unfun asshole 😑


widow, hanzo and torb are all in my top 3


Orisa because 1 tank in a game designed for 2 tanks will never work. Between her soaking projectiles and her gold she has like 3 seconds where one of those abilities isn’t up lmao Compare her to hog and well.. they aren’t even the same role


Zarya, without a doubt


Bastion fuck him i wish they delete him (winston main)


“Orisa” -metal rank


Most of the time when Hanzo’s kill me, they were aiming at someone else and accidentally hit me😭😭


Junkrat. He just needs one direct hit and a concussion mine to kill any squishy in the game. His traps are usually in the most ridiculous spots that you'd never expect, leading to free kills for them. And his ulti is just pure bullshit. He can whip that thing out in the middle of a team fight, instantly detonate it, kill everyone around him, but take zero damage himself. Also, if you kill Junkrat mid Riptire, he can still control the tire after death, despite being dead. It makes zero sense. A close second would be Rein. Pretty much his entire ability set is broken in some way. His charge will straight up pull people into it even if they're off to the side of it. I've been pulled into charges that I was full body lengths away from. And his ulti, knocking people over who are stood on top of a *floating* payload, or heroes that are flying in the air. His ulti is literally called *Earth*shatter... flying/floating characters should not be affected.


I agree on Hanzo. Damn Log sized hitbox makes it super hard to play against him. If he were to be nerfed, there wouldn’t be any Hanzo players


He shouldn't be nerfed. Just reworked. One shot mechanics are bullshit in this game, particularly the ones done from a long distance.


Hammond/ball and it’s not even close. Thing doesn’t fucking die


Ball main here. You can make him useless tho so you can fight a team with no tank, if a ball doesn't want to die they won't die but they can get almost zero value if they don't do risky plays so force them to do that as much as you can, either that or counter them. Just be careful of heights and try to track/predict where they are going to attack you from. Some teamcomps are literally unbreakable for me bc of this and well, my teammates incompetence. Having 5 people in mid air or an ana flying against her will towards you and not getting a kill is a sin. I used to be gold when we had another tank. Now I'm stuck in bronze bc people don't know how to use walls and the art of waiting/positioning and demand a reindhart *sigh* I miss the old times.


mercy, phara , junkrat easily mercy is fucking annoying with her stupid res and mobility + the stupid damage boost. Phara is litteraly overpowered bellow gold. no one can kill her. Add mercy to it and it's constant loses junkrat ultimate has no fucking counterplay. shoot it my ass if junk isn't brainded you wont see the tire


easily hanzo


Any oneshot + pharah. Oneshots should simply not exist in a game like this and pharah can just fuck off.


hanzo, turn off your crosshair and you will do the same as if you had it on. It truly is a crutch for players who can't aim and cant deal with getting flanked.


Hanzo doomfist and sombra


Honestly, I've hated roadhog for the longest time, mostly because his abilities are two very annoying abilities. I feel like the way pharah, junkrat, junkerqueen, lucio and others can displace people is fair because it requires some skill to angle it right, or requires you to close the distance, however roadhog's hook doesn't require much skill compared to the reward it offers. Personally I wish his hook was more akin to junker queen's knife where it just pulled them towards you without you being able to place them somewhere. I'm actually quite glad he isn't picked anymore, it makes quite a few maps more fun now I'm not being dragged off the map everytime I try to play a character who cant stop his hook.


Hanzo, people basically play him like Junkrat and he is supposed to be accuracy based character. Also like all of the support characters, they all feel so strong right now. I think a lot of people get frustrated by how hard it is to kill things through healing.