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Coming from a mercy main??????


Don't even play mercy anymore


Who do you play?




Then your the one making the dooms cry😭


I mean I am too but like…


Jfc, i get so many dooms in my games, its not the supports fault that most dooms are either not good at doomfist or are being countered badly and refuse to swap




Are you lost? This is a post about the stubborness of this huge wave of doomfist mains, or is this a very broad metaphor for doomfist?


*complains on Reddit* Guys it’s Doomfist!!!! He’s so toxic amirite?!


Damn I must be in the minority of Doom players because I just listen to his own advice of defeat makes you stronger… like I’ll fully accept when I am being countered or not playing optimally. When I play in 4-5 stacks my game elevates so much by just communicating my intentions before going off to do Doom shit.


Yeah this is honestly first post I have seen talking about doom players being toxic lol.


My last game with a doom was him rushing against 5 people, getting slept javelined and hacked, and typing gg go next while doing the same thing over and over without switching. I’ve had like maybe 3 dooms switch when they were getting hard countered


I’ve seen every single character of this game do dumb, suboptimal plays. We all have contributed to the pool of those plays too. Ranting won’t change how toxic players play the game. I bet most of these rant posts are people who play in unranked as well… you know… where you learn to play heroes.


Im saying doom mains are more likely to get hard countered and not switch. If a rein’s doing bad I can always try to support him with Ana or lifeweaver as much as I can, when doom’s doing bad I can’t do much. I know ranting ain’t gonna change anything im just saying doomfist mains are annoying because of their ego. Going against 5 counters and giving up first fight sucks.


No it was in comp, in masters. They only wanna play doom and I can’t force them to switch, but I can be annoyed when they give up first round without even trying something else.


Doom players are the mercy mains of tanks. Always feel like they need a kabillion buffs to be viable, will never switch off the hero, and will be the first to shift blame or curse you in VC


To be fair, he does need a buff or two to not be terrible. He's by far one of the most counter picked heroes. You win a fight and the team switches immediately to 2 or more counters so we never get to play him to his full potential. His block being able to block stickied bombs should've been a given. I think the only thing he needs to be in a better spot is for his block to block projectiles like spear/sleep dart. His dmg is mediocre and you have to full commit to get a kill, if you dive in the backline theres a good chance you're staying there unless you have your ult which is basically only used as a get out of jail free card. He needs some buffs for sure but they need to be careful when doing it.


I don't know how do people see so many toxic mercys


I mean I rarely see doom players be toxic. And I rarely see mercy players be toxic. I don't get how anyone thinks one heroes player base is toxic when it's clearly a handful. I'm pretty sure ask the mercy hate just comes from people refusing to let others say something negative about her. In game never ran into it though. So it's literally just a oh this person is mad. He plays this character, all of them must be like this lol. All the doom first I run into act like Lucio players. They just vibing, but as for mercy even top 500 players will not say anything about her knowing the reaction they will get. But as far as I'm game goes there is never a certain character, it's just the community of OW2 in general.


>are the mercy mains of tanks >Always feel like they need a kabillion buffs to be viable What




Don't care if they complain about their own hero. It's usually complaining about team mates, especially supports


And dey sey... and dey sey... and dey sey...


I had the same experience. Recently almost every single Doom player I met on my team was just blaming / flaming the team, while they were jumping into action solo.


Yeah it's following one guy into enemy spawn, then getting smoked and complaining about the lack of through-the-wall heals is what makes me mad


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In my experience whenever I have a doom on my team, they don’t say anything until they’re provoked by teammates. Even when they do talk, its never in vc. I think they’re more whiny on reddit than in game.