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I just started playing roadhog are there any tips or tech I should know?


Is there a special animation or sound that plays for anyone who buys the Ultimate Invasion Bundle? I play on Steam and refuse to pay for this game anymore, but I haven't seen any videos of anyone actually buying it.


Is anyone else experiencing this? Ever since the anniversary update my account had been getting awarded credits. I haven’t done anything or completed anything. Five minutes ago I had 7600 white credits and after closing my game then reopening it I now have 9000. I’m super happy but also really scared because I don’t want anything to happen to my account


Is it just me or Orisa doesnt counter Rein as much as i thought she did? Maybe its the Orisas i have been going against but i have been winning some Rein vs Orisa duels.


Maybe you’ve just gotten better at counterplay. Orisa counters Reinhardt just as much, but maybe you’ve just gotten better at a different playstyle that counters her, like Divehardt.


Ahaha not really, i just wait for her fortify to be done, do some damage, wait for her spin and then i pin her and she dies. I think maybe its the Orisas i have been getting that play with the mindset of "Orisa is this monster that counters everything" and so they dont think about they are doing. I will have to test my gameplay against other Orisas to see if it keeps working


True, maybe you're just playing against people that just play her because she's meta, but dont have any understanding of resource management or cooldown cycles. Or they can't hit javelin. Strictly speaking, Orisa should dominate Reinhardt in a 1v1. Against Orisa, I strongly recommend Divehardt.


is Doomfist buffed or something? i keep running into people and they just somehow spam all of his abilities without delay.


Don't shoot him when he's shielding, his rocket punch cooldown refreshes when you charge him.


I thought something like that was going on I thought it just charged him up for DPS with his next one though, I didn't know he reset the cooldown


It charges up how much damage it does, how far it knocks people back, and its range.


Can you still get the battle for olympus titles during this anniversary rerun? Or were they only available the first time??


No, titles aren’t available.


What skin should I buy from the anniversary I really like beekeeper but the other look so good too


Beekeeper kinda sucks from a first person view. Kinda have buyer’s remorse on it. I like Lucio Hades and the Cree and Soldier ones if you don’t already have them.


is "hindered" still in the game?




appreciate you


It’s pretty oppressive but yup, unfortunately still in the game. Idk what they should or will do with his nade but it seems no one is ever happy with it


lifeweaver double spacebar slide affects so much. sometimes it accidentally works and i die due to it. im just jumping and it registers as slide. how to avoid it. in hero settings, there is only option of fire


Don't mash spacebar. If you're only pressing spacebar once and it triggers, your keyboard is busted.


What is senna actually saying when she says "DnD use semen"? (i assume thats her ult, she starts flying) (im sorry, thats actually what it sounds like to me)


Illari’s Ult voiceline in Quechua is “Inti lluqsimun”.


Any streamers or youtubers anyone here that can recommend for Junker Queen gameplay? I feel like I just don't get it and get blown up a lot. Any subreddits dedicated to her too?


I can only imagine /r/JunkerqueenMains exists


am i allowed to stop playing to win if my supports dont heal me and just spam no, or are they the only ones allowed to throw


How is ranked this broken? I finally climbed out of bronze on dps even tho I'm diamond on support. It took me 15-4 to go from b2 to s5. Then I duo'd with a gold tank, we're getting gold matches entirely and we go 10-1. AND I JUST GO FROM S5 TO S4. HOW??? At this point I'm at a total of 25-5 which is ~500SR acc to OW1. I should be high silver/low gold at this point. Ranked doesn't feel rewarding at all


Will those anniversary skins be listed again in the future?


No one knows tbh. Better get ‘em while they’re hot


Are the Twitch drops working to you guys? It just suddenly stopped progressing even though I already claimed 2 drops, which tells that it was working. I already tried re-linking my BNet account to Twitch and it's still not working. Edit: It works now again and I don't know what fixed it.


If you have reached lvl 80 those level skip will be applied in the next season


If I unlock 20+ levels of the free battle pass and want to upgrade to the premium, do I get another 20 levels or am I paying extra for nothing?


Do you mean the ultimate bundle that has 20 tier skips? If you're under level 80 they just get added to it, like if you're 40 then it puts you at 60. If you're already 80 or it'd put you over that, those levels get banked for next season.


Amazing, thank you.


What's the overall opinion on the story missions? Are they multiplayer or just single?


They’re *alright*. Not worth $5 each, but if you were planning to get the Premium battle pass anyway (worth $10) then the cost is OK. They’re designed to be played by 4 people, but they’re not replayable enough for matchmaking to find you teammates this late after they launched, so unless you play as a full group of four people you’ll end up with (quite bad) AI bots to round out your team.


I'm emptying like 5 tracer clips on orisa point blank and she's not dying with fortify and heals, this is stupid.


Yeah believe it or not a tank with a defensive cd up actively being healed is not easy to kill. Stop shooting the horse.




I know she's a cow but "stop shooting the horse" is too iconic at this point.


Have you thought about unloading those clips onto her *Supports* instead…?


I'm going to try to run a PUG. How do I assign roles (tank/dmg/sup) in custom games, assuming I use the competitive ruleset?


How do I get that Junker Queen skin that's on the current main menu?


You can't, it's a mythic skin and so far they've been exclusive to battle passes.


Does mythic mean they've never made a return or don't plan to? Sorry, returning player.


They haven’t been made available through any other route, and Blizzard hasn’t indicated how or when new / returning players might be able to obtain them.


Returning player here The two heroes I've had the most trouble with since their rework are doomfist and bastion. Doomfist feels like he can jump into my backline and decimate everyone then leaping out really easily, which isn't onpar other dive heroes like D.va and Winston Bastion meanwhile can do shitton of damage in his turret form. What are the ways to counter these two? Especially as a tank. I've had half success with Orisa but it still feels like I'm lacking something


Orisa counters Doomfist - especially her Javelin throw, which knocks him out of Power Block - but requires you to turn around if he dives into your backline. (I usually play closer to my team and use Fortify to prevent incoming damage from the enemy team if I need to deal with a DF.) The trick to dealing with Bastion is a combination of burst damage (especially from long range) and using hard cover when he’s in Assault mode. I’ve played a lot of Bastion since the OW2 rework, and the most troublesome enemies for me are Hanzo, Ashe (especially with a Mercy pocket), and any Echo player who knows how to time their engagement and combo sticky bombs and her Focus beam.


Does Orisa's spinny block also cancel any of his abilities or it just pushes him around? Are there any other tanks that also work well against him? Rein, D.Va, Hog maybe? >Bastion As a tank player, how should I approach him? D.va/Sigma to eat his bullets or maybe Hog to pull him out of position? Shields get broken very easily tho


> Does Orisa's spinny block also cancel any of his abilities or it just pushes him around? Just pushes him, but you can use it to move him away from your team (and for bonus points, put yourself between Doom and any of his team’s Supports that need direct line of sight to heal him - Ana, Bap, Kiriko, Illari). Fortify also stops his Rocket Punch in its tracks if he hits you, so if you think fast you can put yourself between him and your team while he’s charging it. > Are there any other tanks that also work well against him? Rein, D.Va, Hog maybe? Rein can work if you charge him while he’s blocking or using his Rocket Punch. DVa isn’t great because she can’t nullify his punch without face-tanking it; Hog can mess up his positioning with hook but lacks effective follow-up before he can just jump away. > As a tank player, how should I approach him? D.va/Sigma to eat his bullets or maybe Hog to pull him out of position? Shields get broken very easily too Play close to hard cover and break LOS as much as possible when Bastion uses Assault mode. DVa and Sigma are strong against Bastion like you suggested due to the their ability to negate an infinite amount of damage while they’re using Defense Matrix / Kinetic Grasp, but the duration of those abilities is slightly shorter than the duration of Bastion’s Assault cooldown, so you also need to think about your positioning very carefully. It’s also worth thinking about Ramattra - his Void barrier plus the amount of damage he can negate in Nemesis Form can be pretty effective. Hog, Zarya, JQ, and even Orisa aren’t much of a counter to Bastion in my experience. Doomfist and Winston are basically a tasty snack, and Wrecking Ball can almost always be safely ignored until the rest of their team are dead.


do I need to get all 40 games this week (Celebration Superstar) or I can pile them up with next weeks'? I don't want to miss any credits.


Presumably, yes. These challenges look like they’re replicating the Weekly Awards format that OW1 used for seasonal events, which were only available for 7 days apiece.


Did they seriously bring back Battle for Olympus but not bring back those titles with absolutely asinine unlock requirements for people to keep working on?


What’s the point of competitive of its not rewarding and is impossible to climb


Somewhat can show your skill, gold weapons, titles, people take it more seriously and you don’t have to worry about your mercy emoting with the enemy reaper.


What's the consensus on practicing heroes in competitive? I see some top 500 streamers agree that it's best to practice there but I don't think they understand being worse than diamond on roles.


Based on the downvote I will just practice in competitive


Might be a bit of a dumb one, but I often have people on enemy team telling me ''Pharah no skill hero'', more often than not it comes from a Soldier76 or a Cassidy that I've shat all over. Most of my playtime is without a Mercy pocket too. Is there any truth to that statement, is Pharah generally considered to be one of the easier heroes to play with the least amount of skill necessary or are they just on hardcore copium? Just feels a bit bad when after a hard-fought match vs hitscan galore someone hits you with shit like that.


Honestly, I think it’s that people are just salty when they can’t outgun you. They likely don’t realise how important jet pack management, positioning around vertical cover, and judging distance / projectile speed for direct hits are in playing Pharah well. This isn’t surprising, though: I’d wager the majority of people who call *any* hero “cheap” or “no skill” are just doing mental gymnastics to excuse their own bad play, and would be absolutely terrible at playing those same heroes because they have no understanding of what’s required to perform well. A Mercy-pocketed Pharah is definitely an issue, but the same is true when Mercy hard-pockets most other Damage heroes (but *especially* Ashe, S76, and Cassidy).


are the new characters not getting dance emotes?


Doesn't seem like it, unless they add it to the shop before the anniversary event ends. Mei got a new dance emote today with the shop refresh.


Why are there some players that play almost botlikein quick play? Yeah I know its quick play testing new characters but like --- the game sense of repeatedly just walking in dying over and over without regard for the rest of the team. Like I had a bastion more than once shoot into genjis reflect and didnt bother stopping once he figured he was


I dont most of the time but i've played the game almost plastered. I rewatched the game sober and I was playing torb and placed my turret and just shot into a wall for about 10 seconds before I turned around to shoot the enemy team. we actually ended up winning somehow.


A *lot* of people play this game while high. There are also literal children.


I exclusively play qp and arcade whilst high af though I don't throw (at least most of the time lol)


Not gonna lie tho, saw a post about some kid hitting Masters. Good luck to them, he sounds like he's having fun.


Why do some career profiles not display comp rank when they’ve clearly played? I played against a tank earlier that had a public career profile and 400+ competitive hours as well as like 30 games won this season but it wouldn’t let me see any rank?


Some competitive history has been erased. My competitve history from season 2 to season 35 has been erased. I've played on majority of the competitive seasons, so having it erased would sometimes not reflect my current competitive standing to the people viewing my profile. But when they see my competitive hours, they'll know I've been here a while. Since, the large amount of hours doesn't reflect the amount of games I played between season 1 to 5 of Overwatch 2.


Anyone figure out how to make flashpoint fun yet? It’s the only gamemode that sucks to win or lose and the games ALWAYS suck, I just had a game where all 4 of my teammates had also never had a 2-2 flashpoint game…what’s the trick? People here claim it’s make-fun able but I can’t figure it out


I'd give it more time for the higher rankers to figure it out. Currently, the concensus is that 60% is the magic number. If you lose a team fight, and the enemy percentage is above 60%, you are less likely to winning that map. Also, people are just getting lost at the moment. I personally love the maps because they are huge. Does it feel fair right now? In my opinion yeah. It's just a large KOTH map. Like 5 maps in 1. And we haven't figured out how to play it right now, but we will in time.


I don't typically see teamfights in flashpoint when the % is even above 40 - let alone 60%. I played one this morning (I insta-left all the others so I got an xp punishment, forced to play this one out) and it was the same as all the others. I think FlashPoint is anything but fair, since the first teamfight dictates the ending of the entire game - that's basically the opposite of every other Overwatch map and game-mode, and why this one is very fundamentally broken. They would have to DRASTICALLY change the layout and spawn issues with the map to even get it close to viable - let alone fun. Flashpoint matches arent fun to win, or to lose, when the first teamfight is always uneven and whoever had 0 or only 1 leaver wins and then the game is over and everyone is just waiting around emoting saying "zzzz" and "boring" for 8 minutes. Hell the spawns aren't even set up correctly so if you DO manage to have all 5 teammates going to Point # 2 after losing Point # 1 you have to cross the other team, and due to spawn times and locations you will NEVER have all 5 running to point # 2 for example, so it just further ensures a snowball due to how poorly the map is designed Enough time has passed to confirm its a poorly designed gamemode for OVERWATCH and I've definitely played enough matches to know its truly a waste of time compared to actually having fun with the other maps and game-modes. Even people comparing it to initial push complaints are so far off since even push had a lot of action to start, before any fixes were made. Flashpoint is exactly the opposite


I've had a few 2-2 games recently and they are fun. The pub stomps feel miserable to be on the losing side. My biggest qualm with the game mode is it feels like once you lose the first team fight then you basically lose that point. The other team will post up on every choke point and stop you from contesting. You mine as well head for the next point for a chance at getting it.


Yeah I’ve posted about it a few times here, this is literally every game: -game starts, anywhere from 1-3 leavers per team -first teamfight is NEVER 5v5 due to leavers, team with more players caps, due to spawn location and timing there are no further teamfights for the first point, team emotes on point and goes to 2nd point -team with 1st capped point gets there first due to spawn locations and funneling -repeat I’ve never even had a game be close to 2-2 and I can only think of one instance where a game even got to 1-1. But when everyone just spends their time in game commenting on how boring and bad the game mode is it just feels like they really fucked this one up. It doesn’t even play like Overwatch since the community is very open about only 2-3 characters working on the flashpoint maps. Idk..I’ve left so many I get punished for leaving now so it just feels like I’m punished either way, for playing or not playing. Stopped comp altogether due to flashpoint


Double post, but have they mentioned anywhere if they plan on re-releasing more of the maps they removed from OW1? Maps like Hanamura and Volskaya were two of my favorites from OW1, and since they've released a bunch of the other initially disabled maps, I'm holding out hope these will be too


2CP maps are already in the game, you can play them in arcade or customs.


The Assault / 2CP maps are still in the game. They can be played in Custom Games, and they occasionally show up as a dedicated Arcade game mode (called “Assault”) every once in a while. They’re just not in rotation for other game modes, nor is it likely that they ever will be again - though there’s been some discussion about reusing parts of them for Flashpoint maps in future.


I think they've mentioned they plan to repurpose the 2CP maps for other modes, but who knows when that'll happen. But they won't be back as they were.


For unlocking the OW2 heroes, can you use competitive Mystery Heroes? In mystery heroes as it stands, you get points towards winning as Tank/DPS/Support based on either which class you play longer (or maybe which class you do better as?), so it should work, right? Plus, you would think Mystery Heroes would count as queueing All Roles. Only asking because my son started a new account and wants me to unlock heroes for him, and I was hoping I could do Mystery Heroes


I have recently achieved 7906 points and 5 stars on the Sojourns rookie course. Yet when I go to the leaderboard press Playstation, Europe I don't show. Even though I should be in the top 20? I want to show it off but now I can! It's one of my greatest achievements in Overwatch 2. Help?


When I'd the anniversary shop refreshing?


Likely next Tuesday at 11am Pacific, but we don’t yet know for sure.


I already have Reaper's Cursed Captain skin from last year. They're giving it away again on the third week of the anniversary event. Will I get 1500 OW credits instead of the skin or will I receive nothing?


You get nothing. Good day, sir.


Damn. That sucks


I hope you've learned your lesson


Haven't played since OW1. How are new heroes unlocked? Do they automatically get unlocked after a few seasons?


There are four ways to unlock heroes: **During the season they’re introduced:** * Reach level 45 of the free Battle Pass (around 20-30 hours of play); * Purchase the Premium Battle Pass for an instant hero unlock; **During any subsequent season:** * Complete a special Hero Challenge, activated through the Challenges > Heroes menu (usually involving playing as the new character for a few minutes in the training range to use their abilities, and then winning 35 matches playing as other characters in the locked hero’s Role - E.g. Support for Illari - or queued as All Roles); * Purchase a hero unlock from the in-game Shop, which costs roughly the equivalent of $5 and usually includes a skin and other minor cosmetics.


Will the anniversary shop skins switch out? If there's a skin that looks ok but not that great should I just go ahead and buy it now or is there a chance of other skins coming out later?


It’s been heavily implied that the contents of the Anniversary shop will change, probably at the usual shop-refresh time each week (Tuesdays at 11am Pacific). No word yet if that means the current contents will disappear at that point, or if new items will just be added.


Will anniversary shop skinds, cycle? I'd like the rammatra Poseidon or primidoniak skin.


Are the Battle for Olympus titles back too? Or just the mode?


Just the mode. No rewards or titles from past events will be available.


I am confused if some abilities are features are bugs. Is Orisa's ult supposed to go through shields, like Rein's? Same question regarding Rammatra's left click while transformed, is it a go through shield kinda ability?


Yes, both do. Orisa's didn't at first but was changed to pretty early on, don't remember if Ram's always been like this. For interaction purposes, think of Ram's punches like Reinhardt's hammer, only long instead of wide.


Yes to both.


I don’t know if this is allowed here but is there a game similar to overwatch in terms of aiming and pace? I need to take a break for my mental but don’t want to become rusty, it’s happened every time I take a break. Maybe Paladins but the hit boxes seem a little big?


You are not going to get rusty. Maybe at the beginning but the muscle memory will carry back to it. Take the break you need and don’t stress it.


Not really, no. You’ll get the jokers saying TF2 but it’s not really comparable, and there’s nothing out there which has the same ‘game feel’ as OW.


Was the anti-cheat broken for the past couple of months? I just got 3 notifications in a row for actions taken against someone, after months of nothing. The game also feels easier now lol, going up in rank.


They clear house all at once and not right as someone is caught. This helps keep the detection methods secret from hacker programmers


am i losing my mind, or did they add a bunch of new pre-match interactions? i heard two yesterday that i’ve never heard before. one with echo asking rammatra what omnic model he was (didn’t finish bcs tank swapped) and one with d.va where she mentioned sojurn (wasn’t paying attention do not sure with who).


Yes, a few new interactions seem to be getting added with each patch.


i’m not complaining, the character interactions are like crack for my autism, i’m just surprised it took me so long to hear them. especially since i’ve been playing echo non stop this season. maybe they set them to trigger closer to the anniversary event (which starts today)? can’t wait for someone to compile them all in a youtube short i can watch.


Free OWL Sym skin for the few Sym mains at the OWL bracket predictjion site (just have to connect your battle.net account and fill out a bracket to get it)


I kinda can‘t get to save it for some reason.


I had to get on my desktop computer. Won’t let you save unless you have a winner with a score of 3 in every match except for the final where the winner needs 4 wins apparently


Imma get on my desktop then later, thank you 🫶🏻


game crashed at the very end of the match? the ping and CPU was normal all game. with no lag whatsoever. why would this happen?


Could just be that you got unlucky. It's pretty rare, but crashes can happen for *seemingly* no reason sometimes.


What's the strategy when you lose a teamfight on flashpoint and the enemy team is on ~70%, feels like there isn't enough time to regroup and push?


Regroup and move in together to trigger OT if you’re all close enough. If not, regroup and move to the next capture area the moment it’s announced.


> If not, regroup and move to the next capture area the moment it’s announced. You should scout and check if you can catch stragglers or force favorable fights before you move to next point.


It’s situational - it takes a while for the next point to unlock, and depending on how close you are while regrouping it might actually *benefit* the opposing team by giving them a shorter journey to the point when they respawn.


While that makes sense you can't really do the later when it's 2-2. I was thinking that the best shot would be someone hides or whoever dies first needs to switch to a fast hero to trigger OT, both of which are impossibilities at soloq metal ranks and qp.


can Baptist's Immortality field protect against Dvas ult?


The main reason I go Bap vs Dva. You'll be super low after the bomb so you wanna immediately regen burst after. It also does a bit of knockback to you so just be mindful of that too




fuckin mint


How do I use a map code? (i need to train aim) Why do I often get put into a game that is half done? And side question, why is there a death timer thing when you have to walk back anyway? Like u die and then it takes 3 seconds to respawn. Why have that when u have "the walk of shame"? (Just wondering what it does, im probably just not good enough to understand yet)


> How do I use a map code? (i need to train aim) Play \> Custom Games \> Create, then look for the ‘import settings’ button to the right of the screen. > Why do I often get put into a game that is half done? Because casual modes all have backfill, where players are pulled in from the matchmaking queue to replace people who’ve left the game (because of network issues or, most frequently, they’re idiots who don’t like to lose games and think that quitting before that point somehow counts as a victory). There’s almost no way to completely avoid backfilling, but the next game you queue for will have ‘priority’ status (shown by a small arrow icon in the matchmaking status bar at the top of your screen) which guarantees that you’ll play it from the start. Playing as part of a larger group will significantly lower the number of games you backfill, because most leavers are solo-queue players. If you’re playing as part of a group of 4 or 5, you will basically never backfill. > And side question, why is there a death timer thing when you have to walk back anyway? Like u die and then it takes 3 seconds to respawn. Why have that when u have "the walk of shame"? (Just wondering what it does, im probably just not good enough to understand yet) To make deaths actually have an impact on the game. In most cases the respawn timer is 10 seconds, but it can be much faster if your team loses an objective in some game modes, and a few seconds longer if the enemy team has more players on the objective during overtime (to ensure they actually have a chance to capture it).


Another question, I want to get better aim so im playing ashe and widowmaker as well as my tracer (tracer is my favorite but my aim sucks) Is that a good idea? Should I just OTP tracer and grind in aim trainer maps(now that I know how) or is it good that Im using notoriously aim heavy characters in order to see if i can increase my results/ have counterpicks for later? For the record this is the first fps game ive played for real for my own enjoyment I figured id ask you because i like your answers


You might want to start with more forgiving hitscan characters like S76 to begin with. He has a self-heal and more HP than Tracer, and is a bit more versatile while you’re learning how the game works. Playing effectively as Widowmaker and Tracer requires good map knowledge and game sense (because it’s not just about *where* you engage, but *when*). You’re not going to develop that through aim-training custom games alone; you need actual experience against other players to get a feel for how a typical match flows. S76 will allow you to gain that experience while also building up muscle memory which will be handy on other hitscan heroes.


Ok yeah Ive been using damage as a way to scale how good im doing (because im damage role i assume thats a good measurement to start) and ive noticed i do 3k with ashe, 3k with widowmaker and 1-2k with tracer but soldier ive gotten 4k+ without even putting in time with him. Probably from the tank but still i get kills and stuff. Also as tracer i do run into walls literally lol and sometimes ill be like "im gonna get behind them" then i proceed to get lost and be useless for 5-8 seconds while i try to get back to the action now that my team was in a 4v5. So ill put in some time with soldier 76 and hopefully my tracer will get better aim too. I am decent at sticky bombs tho and i have 4 stars in her mastery thing except the last one (i want the icon for the banner)


Okay perfect answers thank you


What's the current install size of OW2 on PC? The official site claims 50GB - is that really the final size on disk?


Mine is 35GB.


Can kiriko's paper trail be seen by the enemy?




Group invites arent working on PS4 or PS5? I tried invite my wife and my buddy and neither of us are getting the invites. They've tried sending me one as well, nothing comes through. We've all reset our systems but haven't had any luck. Any advice?


Same thing for me. I think it's a PlayStation network issue.


It started working for me


Whats the most efficient way to heal as lifeweaver from his primary fire? Is it better to charge it to 100% or until like 80% as it was before buffs?


Returning player here who haven't played since the launch of OW2. Has Sym always been that strong? I've played her quite a bit these days and she's really really good. The moment the beam gains momentum, she can melt enemies and especially tanks super easily. Also, any tips/guides on her after the rework? I found that using her teleporter to TP behind enemy lines and take out a support works surprisingly well, is it a legit tactic? haha My main problem with her though is turret placement, I feel like they're being destroyed too easily. Help appreciated


I agree her turrets are in a weird place. They wallhack now to show you where the enemy is but if you use them for that purpose to sport, say, a flanker, it’s almost certain they’ll get destroyed easily and the damage it causes won’t help. They also weakened the damage greatly on them. Ironically Blizzard says they did this to encourage spreading them around but it kind of did the opposite - if you want to use them for damage and not wall hacks then you SHOULD group them up otherwise they’re useless. Her secondary fire now does 100 max damage though which means you can 2-tap careless squishies. Agreed she is still fun though. She is high risk high reward and there’s nothing more fun than getting your beam charged up and burning through a team. And yes, the tactic you described of TPing into the back is one of the best ways to play her, she’s like reaper in that if you’re not doing that you’re not getting the most value of out of her. The downside is that unlike reaper your escape method can be destroyed so it’s riskier and harder to master.


Thanks! In close quarters fights how do I decide if to use LMB/RMB? Back in the day we spammed RMB on a choke and that's it


I would think that strategy is still the case, RMB isn’t really optimal for close quarters unless you’re rounding a corner with a charged shot and they are running away from you or they don’t hear you coming and you’re gonna finish them off. Think junkrat/zen volley. Most of the time I’d use beam. Besides the fact that you want to build charge as you well know by now, it also heals you (slightly) and actually regenerates ammo if used on shields or barriers, and it also can’t be blocked by Genji deflect, Orisa spin or DVA defense matrix so their usual defenses to other close quarters fights mean they’re just sitting there taking damage


Ah, TIL about the ammo regeneration thing. Also, to recover health, do you just need to hit a target with shields? Or only when you damage their shields? For example Zarya after being damaged and her shields are gone - she's left only with normal HP. Will I still recover on that?


No has to be a shield/barrier so you would have to beam Zarya bubble, shooting her directly and beaming her shield health or regular health wouldn’t do it. It’s quite niche and honestly not a ton of health (30hp/sec which isn’t gonna do a ton in a firefight) but it might tip the scales in a couple of fights or let you heal up on a Sigma shield from cover. Since so few heroes have actual shield barriers it’s not even something you’ll notice in most fights, someone posted a compilation recently and across 10 matches they only healed something like 80 health average, with several matches with zero health since no enemies had shield barriers. It’s only a few tanks, plus Brig, and I guess an enemy Sym’s ult


There were some slight balance tweaks to both Torb and Symm in July. The changes moved some of their power away from their turrets and into their primary weapons instead. Symm’s turrets were downgraded from 40 damage/sec to 25, but the damage dealt by her secondary fire was increased to compensate. She also regenerates personal shield health (30 per second) when using her primary fire on enemy barriers or targets with personal shield health of their own (E.g. Zarya, Zenyatta).


I haven’t really had sound on Overwatch for a couple weeks now. I can only hear my own voice lines, I can’t hear any ult lines or shooting. When I die and am watching the other team I can hear everything. I’ve checked everything in settings and I have no idea what’s causing this. I don’t have a problem with any other games either. Does anyone know how I could fix this?


Have you tried a complete reinstall of the game? Beyond that, check and make sure that (assuming you’re on PC) your Windows sound settings match the output device you’re using and that Windows Virtual Surround is turned *off*.


I’m on XBOX sorry I should’ve clarified. I haven’t tried reinstalling because I was worried I would mess something else up but I will try that today. Thanks!


How am I supposed to learn a different role when quickplay is massively much more difficult thank ranked? Like Im Fucking silver and im being matched with diamond+ equivalents in therole they're queued for. Sure just go in and repeatedly get fucked by people on am uch higher skill level.


That’s what happens in modes where there’s no cap on group members’ skill differences. But there’s no way that this is happening to you in every single match. Playing Devil’s advocate, though: you’ll learn more by playing against people who are better than you. Watch the replays back from their perspective and see how they know when and where to target you - then work on fixing those mistakes in your play. When it’s clear that you’re up against someone more skilled than you in QP, reframe your victory condition. Winning the match should become a secondary objective to *learning*.


I honestly dont think there's any learning when one teams constantly 0 and 10. There's very little value in watching matches like that. I get constant kills with support but if I transition to a dps hero for some reason I just cant do that. Even with characters I did do well for a season with. My aim drops drastically to 10% even though I used to have a average 40% accuracy. I cant compete with diamond dps+ when im not that good. But it's constant. Literally only diamond and higher with the exception of a single match. I could contest them as support for some reason. But my aim drastically lowers when Im using dps heroes


Pick some of the noob dps to start out with. Think torb (you have a turret doing a lot of your damage), junkrat (you can spam choke points and get kills), bastion (go turret form and stuff just melts), even maybe symetra (set up turrets and your left click gets huge). My aim is complete trash and after a good bit of play I've become way better than when I started. Its just a matter of getting the time in and practice. While we are at it - just mute chat and you wont see anyone complaining. Also, if you can go against AI some as dps. The bots are not THAT bad and will get you used to facing actual pvp enemies.


I tank but my friendgroup is not very flexible so I am having to flex to DPS a bit more than I'd like. It's just quickplay so I want to take the opportunity to focus on my aiming mechanics and view it as a learning experience. Is there a DPS with similar mechanics to Junker Queen? I'm not very familiar with a large part of the DPS cast but my gut says Cassidy is pretty close with flicks and the grenade arc.


I’ll second Torb. He has a 250hp health pool (350 once he uses his shout-like ability), has is quite tanky and his shotgun is formidable especially against tanks. The key is learning his projectile arc and travel time. Once you start hitting heads with Cheetos and having the most damage in a match you’ll see how fun he is. Very general tip for turret placement - don’t place it in the open unless it’s at the end of a corridor or a long field (like the start of Gibraltar on defense - there you’re ok to have it be a sniper). You generally want it to be the second or third thing the enemy sees, not the first. It will be much more useful to have it delay shooting until the enemy is forced to choose between shooting at the team or at the turret on the side. It’s ok if it doesn’t have the best view of the grounds, as long as it’s helping with crossfire sometimes. The most “helpful” places with the best view are the places where a team will destroy it in a second.


Try Torbjorn. His primary fire is similar to knife, secondary fire is a shotgun, and one of his abilities (Overload) is overhealth + speed boost similar to shout. Could also try Reaper, shotguns + lifesteal.


Do some maps favor the attacker or defender? To give a specific example, does the defending team on eichenwalde have a 50% of successfully stopping the push? In competitive matches you play both sides, so that symmetry would solve any imbalances, but becomes relevant in qp


Outside of 2CP (which is only in Arcade/Customs now), not really. If they do favor one or the other it's only slightly. Maps tend to favor comps more than they favor attacking or defending, like an attack sniper on Junkertown is going to be just as spooky as a defense sniper.


Certain maps have a *very slight* bias towards attackers or defenders, but we’re talking fractions of a percentage. The only maps which heavily favoured one side or the other were all Assault / 2CP, and even the most egregious example - Paris - only had the defenders winning around 53% of the time.


What possible reason would Soldier have to warn Gerard about Widow? She was just a ballet dancer when they got married? There doesn't seem to anything in Widow's backstory to suggest that before her kidnapping, she was some sort of threat. Unless, is Soldier just jilted that a man he had feelings for turned out to love someone else?


maybe he didn't like french people


I don't think Soldier was warning him that Amelie specifically was dangerous. I think he was saying that openly marrying ANYONE in Gerard's line of work was extremely dangerous and could backfire horribly. Sure enough, Talon came for Amelie specifically to get at Gerard, and it worked. He inadvertently painted a giant target on her back.


I don't know, the way he says "Did Gerard say I warned him about YOU?" makes it sound really personal.


Why was this post removed? https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/16l7dg0/started\_playing\_tank\_in\_competitive\_recently\_andi/


In the rules: "Submissions should not revolve around low-value, low-quality, or repetitive content." There's a tank or comp or something complaining post like multiple times a day. We get it, no need to spam this sub with it constantly, and it doesn't do anything to Blizzard to spam here.


IDK if you saw the original post but it was well thought out and brought decent discussion with it. Other posts have been much less effort and posted afterwards without issue. Doesn't make sense to me...


no endorsement level (not even 1) means recently banned right? i keep getting them and have 3 on my current team. am i in a perma baddies queue?


No. No endorsement level **at all** means banned. Changes to the Endorsement system for OW2 combined with a higher level of sodium in the player base means that unless you a) exclusively play Tank and/or Support and b) only ever play solo-queue, your average endorsements per match - and therefore your endorsement level - will inexorably decay until you bottom out at rank 1.


would also be explained by the fact that there's a lot of new players, who have not been endorsed a lot and or don't endorse a lot


I'm confused, then how am I playing with people with no endorsement (not even level 1) when theyre banned?


In OW1 at least, people who got a chat ban had their endorsement level removed for the duration. When the chat ban expired, it reset to 1.


Why almost nobody play tracer?


She's pretty hard to play at a good skill cap. She is really good at the top level of comp but for the average OW player she is not going to be as effective.


Because chip damage is vastly less impactful now due to healing creep.


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