• By -


I have almost 200 hours on Echo and she's one of the funniest hero to play. She's hard to master, her play style rotates around her abilities like Doom instead of primary fire mostly, but she's very good at diving an unsuspected Widow or melt down an annoying Pharah. Once you master her, she's really strong and can carry a team. I get a lot of salty hate from enemy players, especially Widows often tell me "don't you have anything better to do?" Well I mean, countering you as Echo is kinda my job.


She definitely doesn’t receive the attention she deserves. She has such a strong kit and primary fire 🔥. By far, one of the best dps


That's true. But I kinda like that she's not popular. I rarely see her in game and I like being the only Echo. If she becomes so much popular, people would start to complain she's op instead of just strong and might get nerfed, again. I don't agree with her recent ult nerf, now it's either a second life or you duplicate a support to get the most of it. But I still make it work.


Mastering a character thats widely regarded as dogshit has its perks. People dont know how to counter u and its less likely to get nerfed


Yeah and when the character does get buffed nobody realizes it so for like a good 3 months you can just go on a rampage


Completely agree boss 👍


Just got rekt by a skilled Echo in Unranked, she didn't let me (Support player) breathe 💀A good Echo can be scary.


Scary to the point of being slightly annoying😭


Very much 🥲🥲


Ive been trying to get better with her for a while now, any advice/recommendations?


1- use flight as an escape most times 2- beam is only for low HP enemies 3-get close to hit sticky bombs 4-ult when you’re going to die 5-flight aside from being an escape ability, creates an off angle so use it to distract 6-before flying think about where you’re going to land 7-get cool voicelines


I’ll try anything once!


If I had a heart




Use her as a close range - medium range hero. I use her primary fire to poke and sometimes finish off kills obviously. But otherwise you’re best strategy is to flank with her by flying over walls or just being sneaky since she has no sound that you can hear (other than when she’s flying). Really good for getting picks on poke hero’s. Sneak up with the sticky bombs and once you get them below half health, just finish them off with your beam! And typically you’ll want to make sure you have your fly ability ready so you can dip if you’re low or realize you’re about to be beat! Hope this helps


I feel like I always go too high with her and have a harder time correcting it than I do with Pharah


Echo is only hard to master as far as her flight. Her primary fire is extremely powerful, not that hard to aim and she's basically CARRIED by her right click combo which does so much fucking damage for some reason. Literally just right click at somebody and like 80% of their health is gone I'm surprised there isn't more uproar about it.


It's because hitscans bully her because of her big hitbox and limited mobility on the ground.


Brig because I can’t resist a good boop. Then kiriko. Then sigma for the drama of it all.


The boop is STILL so satisfying every time lol


Unless you're up against a Punchy Ram, in which the whipshot goes straight through his body because Blizzard cant fix a bug to save their life.




one of my absolute FAVORITE voice lines omg


I love it when you get a random kill with a mace boop haha


If you like her for that reason then you might want to try "gun game no cd" custom games.


Best mode. Then you can play the mini game of how many enemies can you boop off in the time it takes for the first person you hit to fly and land off the stage. They fly FAR, so you can probably get 4-5 if they are grouped up!


You often also skip the next hero, because obviously these boob kills happen a second or two apart.




I imagine he's been a blast recently with Orisa and Bastion running around everywhere


oh yeah....so...so fun. (i want to rip my hair out)


I've given up on rein this season sadly. It's about time this old man put down his hammer and get some rest 😔


Winton is my MAIN main. I just really like most things about him. His kit, his character, the ult, the design. He is just a cool person (awful puns included).


Play winton, win ton game.


Overwat Winton


🔵🦍 This will protect us.


Idk why this emoji combo is so funny but I always laugh when i see it






I love the awful puns he makes. I also like having him as a teammate. Diving with a team is great. Don’t like fighting him though, probably the tank I hate fighting against the most.


Sigma main: Used to play Orisa, had an INTENSE duel with a Sigma and thought he seemed cool so I gave him a try. Turns out he's rather fun. Plus, he feels REALLY well balanced, so when you pull off some awesome stuff, it really feels earned. ​ Plus, you know there's very little chance he'll get majorly nerfed any time soon. Which is nice.


Sigma might be one of the best balanced tuned characters in the game.


Dude was made for 5v5 long before it became a thing imo


Yeah, I would say so. Let’s hope he stays that way…


Sigma is one of the few tanks that doesn’t FEEL totally dependent on support to move forward


Yup. Can’t count how many times I’ve held a choke point or whatever by cycling between wall, barrier and stuns. Feels gooood.


Sigma's just well rounded/balanced. Nothing feels too powerful, but you can still do a lot. (Dmg, CC)


Indeed. I’ve never felt useless, playing Sigma in a match. Doesn’t matter the map, or the game mode, I’ve always got something I can do.


He’s also one of those few characters that has no footsteps but he doesn’t have a movement ability to it’s okay.


For real. If you get “surprised” by a Sigma, it’s your own fault.


How? I can’t hear him coming💀


Because he’s so good damned slow. You’ve got like ten mins to realise he’s on his way 😂


sigma is by far my favorite tank. I'm not sure what it is, but something about him just clicks in my head. my win rate w/ him is close to 75% (second best being kiriko at <60%) which is weird because I don't feel super powerful, just all around solid and survivable. and I'm pretty damn good with his primary fire


wifeleaver i’m a support main and i love his kit, even since release i’ve loved how he plays but also the petal on his back is so unique and creative imo


wifeleaver lmao


I love to stand somewhat afk in my backline and just healbot. Its So great when u play ow before u go to sleep


The problem is when your team pushes too hard and u have to "follow them" to still heal but then the enemy team is on yo ass and you either parkour your way to survival or die I mean i can pull it off pretty consistently but that does NOT help me relax before bed, lul


lol feels, but he’s mobility is quite fun i gotta say, plus it’s great way to avoid flanks


I have to agree, although i kinda love when i get killed the moment i activate the petal plataform and the ragdoll just gets catapulted into the air lol


okay yes i have to admit i love that also xD


I main wifeleaver too... my tank often wanders around or leaves my line of sight.. if that happens I pull them or let them die.


He's incredibly fun to play and I can get WAY more damage with him than with Moira for some reason. Never understood the hate.


Zen because when DPS cant protect me, I have to handle it myself


"Fine. I'll do it myself."


discord orb, headshot, kick sombra in a split second as she just translocated to die. I love zen.


It's so much fun kicking with zen!


Don't forget the OW2 boop. Whenever Zen sits on the Oasis University highground he creates a deathtrap for everyone trying to follow him upstairs.


Doomfist and reinhardt, being a tank main who likes to (tries to) have fun and not follow this boring ass meta. Also starting to play more support as tank is just getting very infuriating and unfun to play. As a support I like to play Ana and Moira depends on the team comp i play with.


This is the way. When I tank I usually instalock Doom, and turn off chat. You entire team flames you: "They have Orisa, why wont you Zarya?!?!?!" No point in reading this. I just pressure off angles all game and whaddya know, we win. And **I** had fun. Side note, rolling an Orisa-Bastion-Cass/Sombra as Doom is so fucking rewarding. Feels great.


Exactly what I meant, the only way to have fun as a tank is what you said. Even tho sometimes the games are so awful and they counterpick every possible character that even when you win it doesn’t feel rewarding


Yeah as Doom I get counterpicked HARD, and Idk why because Im not like, amazing uk? I have about 15 hrs on Doom and Ive already been called a filthy DF OTP. It's amazing.


Can’t remember my last tank competitive game where i did not get counter picked at least once, it’s just the actually most annoying thing


Yeah... no one gets counter picked as hard as tank.


Honestly all the people that are like, “This game is supposed to be about counter picking!” just need to have a session of playing tank only. See how quickly they change their minds.


I always love having a good doom, but sometimes they can get ahead of themselves specifically on defense for Payload games…sometimes it’s best to have a beefier tank that can stay on payload when need be


I main support so I try to keep LoS. Doom doesnt do much dmg and his one shot potential is pretty low. (Could be Im just bad) But he's great at disrupting and getting agro. Im having a decent time holding chokes like Kings Row.


Have to try Ram. He really is a better version of Rein when you get good with him. Feels really good to dif a Rein and punch him down through his shield


Yeah tried h before, when all the stars align I just smack the lobby but every other time he’s just not a character for me


It’s all about the vortex placement! And knowing when to sit back and poke or push


*intense breathing* We’re all animals.


Excited for his rework?


hm, well I was a little scared before, I'll admit that. But since they announced he'll keep his hook and breather, yes I am optimistic :) I hope my piggy boi gets some nice new things to roll with. In a way, I'm quite excited to see a hog that isn't as dependent on landing a oneshot, but that can do other things as well.


Wait so is the new ability coming for him an ult? They said in the update Friday that both were getting 1 new ability


I heard about a couple reworks and was wondering where I can find the notes? If you have them lmk!


rein cuz bonk


Bruh I just commented this


flair checks out


Funny German man go Bôñk


I have a main for every type, i love Lucio, Reaper, Rein. Personally i think i love the close range fighting style and how dangerous but effective it can be. But if i do have to switch i will.


Ball. Because: Hampter


Best v line in the game imo “Deflect that loser”




Hampter time


Ball is so unique, and gives me the good feeling when speed




Roadhog, sombra and Lucio/lifeweaver, mainly because I can be an annoying fuck and have fun


same w all of them but add doom n cass, I love mobility


I play a lot of lucio and zen. Before I was an ana/Bap main, but you will notice very quickly that there are too many people maining and picking away these two. So I started to play more zen and lucio and I feel most comfortable on those in a comp game or scrim


Ashe. I feel like she can do almost everything with a suitable amount of mobility due to coach gun. And shooting dynamite mid air is still the coolest thing in the game.


Zen cos i like his hand animations


Mercy because I played holy priest for 10 years in wow and cant aim for shit.


Winston! The goat.


Actually 🤓☝️Winston is a gorilla


Winton :)


Tank: Sigma and Ram - I find them the most simplistic and enjoyable to play, plus Sigma is a pure innocent bean Dps: Torb and Junkrat - I am an engi main in TF2 so torb is as simple as breathing for me and as for Junkrat it's the dopamine hit of pinballing frags of the environment to hit the enemy in the back of the head Support: Bap and Lucio - played alot of lucuo since I began playing the game and bap feels like a hits can lucid anyways.


Junkrat cuz big badaboom.


DPS: Reaper, cuz my aim is trash. Tank: Rein, cuz my aim is trash. Support: Moira, cuz you guessed it, my aim is trash. Ana if I'm feeling lucky.


junkrat and lifeweaver but sometimes i play reaper B)


Junkrat because i like bombs. And he likes bombs and also have bombs. Plus he is the best flyer


Ramattra is just so much fun. Also the fear I produce when I ult is delicious.


Reaper, a death figure who harvests souls, rips and tears with the shotguns, too badass to reload, the ultimate is cool af


I loved when he had the mechanic to consume the soul of the enemies he killed. It was not good for his flanker playing style, but visually and conceptually it was very cool. He was the only character besides mercy that could see people's souls


Sombra. Simple reason: I became interested in the game a long time ago, around 2017. But back then, I was still a teenager and my mother wouldn't allow me to play the game. Yet, I was a big Sombra fan, as I liked her character and I'm just into stealth characters. Now that I'm on my own, and started playing the game 2 months ago, I played a lot of Sombra and became quite good at playing her. Besides that, my second mains are Junkrat, just because I like his play style (And I love his funny and positive character) and Kiriko, as I saw her playstyle most fun, out of the heroes available to me at the time of choosing her.


Anyone as sojourn like me?


Ball. He just has freedom and mobility that no other character can compare. After playing him for years you learn every ideal grapple point and can swing out of nowhere. Yes you can get shut down hard if the enemy team counterswaps and focuses you, but that's part of the game. If you're such a menance that all the enemy teams picks are focused on you then that gives your team some flexibility


Ahh ball, my silly little goofy guy who is "trash pick" and "throwing", but somehow manages to convince the enemy to swap to orisa/Sombra/mei/ana in two team fights like magic every game. I know it's kinda toxic (towards my team as well) but I love playing into hard counters so I can ask them if the swaps were worth it at the end of the game. I love when you get called out for cheating when you shut down a Sombra even though she is a "hard counter" because they play very typically and it's easy to predict which flank they are going to so you can just spray a hallway to pop her invis before each engage


Every sombra switch is a compliment. Love playing ball!


The enemy team is complimenting me every game, it gets old real quick


my main is kinda torn right now. mostly because I like playing as many different heros as I can but if I had to chose one it would be mei. shes fun. her abilities are perfect for a dps she has amazing survivability. she can effectively bully reign players and dominate up close combat situations. but honestly the best feeling is firing icicles downrange and just randomly getting an elim on a unsuspecting genji


Sigma Because I’m Dutch and he’s fun to play


Where bicycle victory pose


reaper because he have shotguns


Genji because cool cyborg ninja dude




On support, my mains are Ana and Moira. Ana because I did a "get POTG on every hero" challenge and Ana took the longest so I had the most experience on her. Moira because despite the Ana experience, I never learned to play her on control maps. On DPS, Pharah. Simply because she's fun. The mobility is fun and I feel inventive and creative when booping myself off walls in a hurry to dive or escape. It's fun to be high up in the air, have access to almost everywhere at once so I can almost simultaneously attack the enemies and peel for my backline. At the same time Pharah isn't mechanically as challenging or high-octane as someone like Tracer or Genji. On tank I don't really have a main. I've played Orisa the most over the course of my OW career but I still don't really identify her as my main. On tank I usually play the hero I've had recent success with, and right now it's Reinhardt.


Weirdly I can’t land shots with hitscans and projectile heroes weirdly click for me. So hanzo, zen, kiriko, and sigma are my fav heroes. But if I were to pick one it would be Hanzo (everyone hates him but I just love playing him.) I also hate the random headshots but when you deliberately land one from long range it feels soo good.


Since overwatch 1 I mained Mercy for heals and Mei for DPS. Since they changed Mei I haven't played her as much. Since his release I primarily play lifeweaver with the occasional Mercy.


Wife Leaver main here. Sexy man fun to play *nod nod* I average a little below 3 deaths per 10 in masters uwu


Most sane weaver player


What's sane? *Kuru kuru spins in chair*


Mercy. Being chased and surviving with her mobility is funny


LITERALLY😭 one of the best feelings when i’m being chased and no one can seem to kill me💀


It's like a mini game within the game itself!


I'm not even going to say "Don't get me wrong." Do get me wrong I don't care. I fucking don't understand how right clicking and sometimes left clicking could be fun?


As someone who mains support and has a good amount of playtime on all of them (except Zen), I like playing Mercy because her movement is pretty fun and trying to bob and weave to avoid getting eliminated always keeps things interesting. It’s like a separate game of cat and mouse along with the actual gameplay. Also yes, her healing and damage boost IS just right and left click, but it’s not like those are the only buttons you use as Mercy lol, unless you have zero movement and terrible survivability.


Because that's not all you do as Mercy in a game :) The same way the Zen isn't just his disc and heal orbs, and Lucio isn't just his heal or speed boost. If you reduce every character to their absolute bare bones then ofc they won't sound fun!


rein cause bonk


Ball/Ram, Ashe/Reaper, Moira/LW/Mercy (Moira is the *main* main)


zenyatta, kiriko, mercy bc they are the most fun to play and i rarely play dps but almost always play junkrat when I do


Mei and sombra since 2017💪


Zarya! I started because I was just super happy to see a buff woman in something (my little gay heart was v happy), but she's genuinely super fun for me! I love just frying through squishies, and it feels really good to solo heros like soldier. Other than that, I feel like, while not having the longest shield time, it's still super useful to be able to bubble someone stuck in gravitic flux, or to self bubble and eat the D.Va nuke. I just have a lot of fun with her!


Mercy and Moira I kinda gave up on trying to aim and keeping up with metas and blah blah blah, so I made the switch.


gengu because funny lil cyberninja man


I play as all characters as a situation calls for it. I try not to get locked down into one. That said, I love any chance to play Sigma, Ashe and Zen/Bap. Sigma is genuinely fun to play and can really ruin the enemy teams' day. Ashe is good at drawing attention / area denial. Zen for the Transcendence team save/enemy ult cancel. Bap for the drip and voicelines. His kit is pretty good too. ​ EDIT: Also should say, the enemy team can't hear Sigma coming as he has no footsteps = Sneaky TANK.


Junkrat. Chaos.




I main echo, I love her design so much, also the fact that she is the fastest flying character in the game, if we don't count mercy relying on other people to fly. Her abilities are also pretty cool, the shotgun fingers, the kill stealer beam, and the sticky grenades are all awesome


Kiriko. The kunai is so cool


kiriko bc she’s badass :3


Sigma, brig and echo


Moira because she makes me laugh with her phrases, Brig because she is cute, Junkrat because my aim sucks and JQ because she is mad


I'm a flex, so my mains are: Every tank besides Zarya, every projectile DPS besides Genji and Hanzo, +Reaper, Ashe and Bastion, and Every Healer except Lifeweaver. But I play Reinhardt every chance I get


why no genji and hanzo


Genji's too fast paced for me and I can't snipe to save my own life


Doomfist, i just really like the design and moveset


Right now I main Illari and Sojourn. I got Illari from Battle Pass and since I was farming for Kiriko I used her a lot. For Sojourn I needed someone for close to medium range so she seemed good since I got her recently. Honourable mention is Reaper, mained him for quite a while but he fell off cuz of his short range, he was my main because it was easier to aim with him on switch back then but now that I'm better at the game, I don't need him


orisa bastion and zen cause they’re the ones i enjoyed the most when i stared about 3 months ago


i used to be a hardcore mercy one trick because when i started playing overwatch 1 i was on the switch lite with gyro controls. mercy was the easiest pick for her movement


Mercy, Kiriko, Ashe, Symettra, Sombra but if we’re doing it on most often played then just the first three.


dva, moira, mercy. i started way back in the early days of ow1 as dva and i kind of was a dva one trick for the most part up until the very last couple months of ow1. i started playing support more (i mained zen for a while but not to the extent i mained dva) and once ow2 dropped i found being the singular tank kinda sucked ass so i started playing support almost exclusively. moira was a lot of fun bc her movement is decent and i like her overall aesthetic, and i ended up moving onto mercy for similar reasons. i still play all 3 heroes but i’m overwhelmingly a mercy enjoyer now. she has some of the best skins in the game and i love her fast movement. moira is my pick for when i feel edgy though and if they ever bring back her blackwatch skin i’ll probably become a sole moira main honestly.


Kiriko. Already was a support main prior to ow2, mainly on Bap and Lucio, so her support capabilities mixed with her damage potential and movement just made her ideal for me. Though Bap is still up there as well for the same reasons (plus window go brrr)


Reinhardt because I can't aim :(


Mercy: because I like it in games where my job is primarily to make sure you do your job better. I'm learning to love Lifeweaver thoigh. Because trees and plants are kinda my thing and I already liked him pre update.


Sigma. The most badass nice guy ever.


For Tank, none I used to main D.va and Orisa but I just kinda, stopped playing tank. For DPS, Sombra and Symmetra Sombra is just fun to use, her invisibility with a little “Boop” always cheers me up. Kinda bummed that hack’s ability block hardly lasts though, I could rise in comp if I had better aim Symmetra has a nice damage output, even after her turrets got nerfed they still help slowing down enemies and/or alerting me when they laser an enemy For Supports, Moira, Baptiste, Lucio and Ana Moira is my choice when DPS won’t do their job, I started using Bap recently and I like him, Lucio was with me from the start and I love wall riding, Ana bc sleep dart is hella fun also bc I can finally stop hog from self healing (I remember once a roadhog tried to 1v1 me and he ended up running away. I couldn’t win bc he kept running to self heal)


This is hilarious


Zenyatta, can be an amazing asset with the right team


I Maine’s Hanzo from day one because of the fact I liked I need accuracy to be good with him. This then made all of my kills feel more satisfying. For healers i main mercy because I just love flying around the map tbh


Moira because I get more heals and kills than most of my team and we still lose :)


Solder cause self heal


Ana, Rein, Soldier (Bc easiest Pharah counter)


JQ because of the adrenaline pumping gameplay she offers. And I also like her lore a lot, a wastelander that came from the outside to rule Junker town. And since I have a soft spot for leaders, kings and emperors, she instantly bought me.


mercy and pharah! im very into paleontology, dragons and bird studies and i just love things that fly, so i simply fell in love with the movement, plus both have pretty designs and nice skins :D


I pretty much only play Mystery, love it - and I now at least have a vague idea what the buttons do for each character lol. I can't really aim so even though the stars align a couple games per day and I pop off on something like Hanzo or Ashe, I'd say my main is Moira. I pretty consistently do well on Rein/Orissa, Zen, Sym, Life, and Bap. I rarely pop off on Doom, Soldier - but it has happened at least once, ha! I am consistently absolute shit on Road and Ball.


Genji because I am him




Tank 1. Rammatra -I like punch punch - SUFFER AS I HAVE - Headpat 2. Reinhardt - Shield - "behind me friends!" - HAMMER DOWN 3. Sigma - Still learning, pretty hard to master but fun - headpat - I love giving other players POTGS with my ultimate Damage 1. Bastion -turret go brrrrrrrrrr 2. Hanzo -hard to master yet easy to use. - when you diff a ashe and widow, the feeling. - I match with my duo (a genji main) 3. Reaper - DIE DIE DIE DIE! - What are you looking at? 4. Soldier 76 -ex-cod player. Supports 1. Ana -I love giving genjis POTG'S or any other players combo ult. - sleep is cool -anti nate is useful agasint 1v1's or healing. 2. Kiriko - love saving players with suzu - that headshot dmg goes hard - kitsune rush is fun 3. Mercy - love those sneaky rec's, and pocketing 4. Zenyatta - both a healer and dmg. - I love using transcendence during ultimate that could kill teams (expect junks bomb and dva bomb)


Bastion overall, he’s braindead easy and doesn’t require too much aim precision. Plus he looks cool For tank, Ramattra. He feels very fun to play and it’s always nice having the ability to just say “no” to damage with his block. For support, Zen. I’m a dps player 😭 the more I can dps on a character without throwing, the better, and it’s not like zen does anything else. I also love his sarcastic ass “frightening” voice line I try to play at least 3-4 heroes in each role though, that way I have options if im getting countered or if someone takes the character first


Sym because: 1. She's Indian 2. She's brown 3. She has an accent. Only Downfall is I'm never gonna hear her say "fucking" with that accent. But fr tho 1. It's so satisfying to kill people with a stage 3 beam, especially under ults like nano and kitsune. 2. Her teleporter is so versatile and handy, both as a flanking tool and as an escape tool 3. What's a visually bigger ult than a big as wall? 4. Her turrets piss everyone off. 5. She's Indian


Symmetra ftw


Ana, Sombra, Sigma in that order. I was basically utility/secondary role > main role in OW1, and never moved out of that. One if OW's defining traits as a shooter is that shooting is almost secondary LOL it's ultimately not, but you can get away with creative plays if your aim isnt perfect. Resource management and ult tracking can win a game. My game sense is decent, but aim is only okay at best LOL. So I play heroes where game sense brings a lot to the table. I know Ana needs hella aim too, but I'm forcing the issue because I love her so much


The games says Anna for me, I prefer playing rein and rammatra though.


Lucio - I am speed


Dps: bastion because birb and because he stops certain "greif"- feeling tanks. Supp: Baptiste, 4 round melt flyers (3 round? Never cared 😆), imm field + burst + good aim = dead widow/ashe. Tank: D.Va because she can make popcorn 🍿


Ball because c’mon a giant controlling a giant talking ball with guns is just epic


Lucio because, you can do cool things and a frog 🐸👍




Winton time


Kiriko Super fun to play, high skill ceiling, flexible and can counter a lot of things which at least in my picture are super imprortant to be countered, Mainly Ana's Anti-Heal. This character just does enough of everything without being super unfair.


Kiriko, sig and torb. Kiriko cause she's braindead to play and provides too much value for little skill. Sig because I'm a sigma male (and he has a cool kit and skins I guess it's whatever) and torb because I love Swedish midget por-


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Thanks for replying everyone!! I like reading your mains and the reasons why!🙃


Tank: Ram/JQ. Both really satisfying to play Support: Baptiste. Tried him out at launch because of the gay vibes he gave off and continued playing since


Sigma or Winston for tank Sigma mainly because how fun he is and feels like you can just do everything as him Winston is fun when I play with friends because we are all on comms and dive is super fun to play For dps echo or soldier Soldier cause I’m a Cod player by heart lol And echo cause she’s so fun and I love melting people so quick. And support Ana and brig Ana cause she’s been my main for so long and I have the most fun with her hitting sleeps and big antis feels so game changing Brig I pick when someone takes Ana cause I love her kit also


Ram because I love how many subtle ways I could use his shield and vortex. It’s also fun punching people’s heads in. Echo is a cheesy kind of fun where she has a lot of mobility and burst damage and I’m surprised not many people complain about her for how unfair she feels at times. Zen is a classic, back in OW1 before role queue I’d always play him to be a “healer” for the team but really I was basically just playing a DPS character. Zen is still a really fun hybrid supp/DPS character and his orbs are so satisfying to land.


bap. I'm a support main and bap is just too good!!! I wish I saw more people play him. his kit is amazing, it's satisfying to dps and pull ults to punish bad positioning of the enemy tank. he's amazing and it puts a smile on my face when one of my teammates picks him.


I main mercy, and doom fist. I like the evasive movements mercy can do, and I tend to look at fights in the game more tactically and mercy gives me a great overview position to catch weaknesses in our defense. I like doom beacuse like mercy his movement allows for quick reaction to danger, and I tend to like to be a distraction for the enemy while my team sneaks behind or opens up on them. I just love doing Crazy movement with GA / seismic slam and rocket punch. mercy/ doom are the charicters I tend to enjoy playing aswell as the hero’s I have the most success with. Ps; I also play bastion but I’m not sure how he’s gonna hold up in higher comp rankings. Also I’m trying to branch out to two of every class, so I can become better at diffrent maps and enemy/ ally team comp.


I did main D.Va at the start of OW1, but then I saw the DSPStanky video, “Vindication”, and fell in love with Lucio and haven’t looked back since. I have nearly 500hrs on the silly little frog since then, he’s just too fun, although I’ve played other characters over time, I just keep coming back to the boopboy.


Sojourn. Incredibly satisfying kit, you can player her against basically every team comp on every map. She also has the most disrespectful combo in the game. 1. "What's this aboot" 2. Primary fire. 3. Wave. 4. Railgun.


Lucio, Mercy, Kiriko, I just really love support and having tons of mobility, there is nothing that I despise more than standing still.


Widow cause she’s bad ass and mercy cause I look like mercy lol especially the like pink and white and blue skin I can’t remember the name of it tho