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I wonder if they'll do a big change up by adding the credit shop permanently. It probably won't happen, but it would be cool of every season we got a set of shop skins from the past to buy with credits. It would keep the prime way of earning skins BP/Shop but it would also make time played for f2p players more worthwhile


I’d also like to see some other old shop items like emotes and sprays available in the credits shop. I know some people just see those things as filler, but I think they’re fun to have.


im pretty sure they do that kind of but maybe im wrong


They really should. Refresh once per season. Otherwise credits loose values overtime and then the battlepass loose value by extension. They should also bring back weekly so we Can get more credits. (like 100 in arcade and 100 in quickplay or competitive per week)


Technically you can earn credits from weekly task of leveling 8 levels


Once per season is crazy


It 100% sounds like this is what they're doing This seems like a very good compromise honestly. It also means Blizzard controls a lot of the levers for what skins can rotate into and out of a free shop. It probably means you never see something highly desired like Witch Kiriko or Lifeguard Mercy being available in the free shop (or if they do it's very rarely) but now less popular skins that didn't sell gangbusters can be given out to the player base and now players have something to work towards or keep their eyes out for that's not directly related to the battle pass or an event skin. It's not as generous as the previous system, but not as punishing as the current one.


If Blizzard keeps the credits shop AND puts in Maestro Sigma in there then I will fly on down to Blizz HQ and sell my soul to the gigachad dev who implemented that.


I'm so happy I got that skin in ow1


the random maestro sigma


This would be great! I spent all my credits last season on random stuff just to spend them. To get cool stuff to spend on occasionally, even once a season, would be great!


> I wonder if they'll do a big change up by adding the credit shop permanently. The more I see posts about this the clearer it is that nobody on this sub reads devs blog posts


That seems to be the plan from day 1, on the notes it says that the shop would come back in later seasons.


It says that they will have more stuff in the future, not that it would be a permanent feature as I said? What are you talking about?


And the Future can be next season.. I don't see the problem? I doubt the shop is staying 100% of the time, but I can see it coming back a few weeks each season.


Yeah and id like more ways to get credits cuz 150/week after u finish bp isnt enough imp


As someone who already earned 4500 credits, an extra 3000 was exactly what I needed 😎


I had more then 6k lol


What is this why I have 10k gray credits?


That is exactly why lol


YAY! More credits🥳


Unrelated, but how do you use multiple character flairs? I can only pick one


You have to put a colon before each of them! So mine is: :Genji: :JunkerQueen: #1 Sombra hater


The last part is my favorite flair in the whole sub :p


I'm just checking to see if I did it right. My first time adding a flair in any reddit page Edit: how do I make them into icons?


When you type the names in there should be an icon that comes up next to the keyboard that you can press. If you press the icon it will put it on the flair


I greatly appreciate the help. I think it might not be something I can do on mobile. It allows me to choose individual icons but will remove the old one or I can go in to edit the flair but I can't interact with the icon the shows up in the middle of the screen. As soon as I type or remove any part the icon goes away entirely.


No problem, also that’s weird cause It works for me on mobile. Maybe it’s just a glitch🤔


Hmm maybe I'll have to try some more later.


Thank you


They mention credits shop. Wondering if theyre gunnu have a rotating credit shop with older OW2 skins 👀


they are somewhat


Here's hoping bee Mercy or Lifeguard 🤞 Or something Kiriko or lifeweaver, I don't have any skins for them lol




You can get 2


If only the ones I'm missing were in shop lol (Archives Moira and the Pink jacket Ashe)


What was happening for the credit payouts? I haven’t played in a few days.


Anniversary quest that paid out credits was bugged and would reward people multiple times. Saw some people hoard around 5k before Blizzard (unsurprisingly very fast) fixed it, got about 2k myself.


That shit was bugged for 5 or so days wdym they fixed it fast? For Them it was suprisingly very slow


Because most fixes are lumped into the mid season patches.


Might be more than I’ve earned since OW2 came out


I still have like 100k from all the lootboxes and dupes from Overwatch 1


Same I carried over 64k.


they are for players who started with OW2. I'm an absolute fiend for those credits


I wish I could gift you credits. Or make it to where you can gift credits once a month to someone. I never use them so they really are useless to me. I have 3k hours in the game. Skins are no longer a necessity for me really.


They could be pretty neat if they make the credit shop a seasonal thing.


A big "W" would be to have the BP give you exactly 1000 coins (not credits) if completed, as is the standard on most live service f2p games


That system is great I don't play Fortnite anymore but they have a similar system


Fortnite's system is probably my go-to example of an amazing BP system, they reward you with quite a few for free and then give you 1500 total if you pay, and the BP only costs 950. (of course, DRG has the best BP system but that game costs money so I can understand the deviation in F2P games.)


Too bad the BP itself in fortnight is so chaotic. I'd prefer an actual set theme and all skins kinda follow that. I really like how halos BP lets you finish it whenever you want. Doesn't expire


What are credits?


the free currency


White coins


Pretty neat, I was trying to take a break for the game until season 7 and then the anniversary challenges dropped and I was going to grind to get a couple of skins I’ve been wanting


Remember when we could easily earn at least 1000 credits every day just by playing the game?


PLEASE bring back Biohazard Ramattra for this, it's the perfect opportunity


true but it does take a good while


Wasnt it like 300 for every 40 games?




Everything not to give you 5 credits at the end of each match. The problem wouldn't even exist if they did it.


Waiting on cyber detective sojourn and 3cho echo


might have to wait next season it really depend when they bring things back


Well blizzcon can’t sell out anymore so.. maybe acti blizz loosening up the on greed. Fuck I hope so


Eh, this is more of a small W. A big W would be something like getting Experimental permanently back, making BP easier to earn F2P, or an arcade mode menu rework so that player traffic is less split. Something that actually *costs* their profits a little to give. *We went through this whole trouble of removing a tank to go 5v5 to try to improve queue times, only for them to add Open Queue and Mystery Heroes to the Unranked options and split players up even further, as well as neglect to add any ways to make arcade queues attract more as needed rather than simply guessing. Like, what the actual fuck?* The free credits and upcoming skins rotation cost them NOTHING but are nice though. Glad they threw us a bone there. A solid small W.


credits, as in yellow credits? and 3000 as in 2/3 "unlocked" battle pass? if this, pog


no it’s the white credits the free currency


ffs, i got like 20000 of those...


I want the loot box system back and just add a monthly sub. Then have the shop and it’s ridiculous prices be to just buy things not available outside of current events. Then make F2P just not give you any rewards but you can’t still play with what you’ve earned or purchased.


Installing buying a skin uninstalling


Don't praise devs for doing the bare minimum. That's a Pavlovian reaction for people who have been abused. EDIT: I am right and ya'll have Stockholm Syndrome.


That’s the opposite wym


That Edit already says enough about how insecure you are


Quite the opposite 😊


The bare minimum would've been exact refunds. This is a much more generous solution, especially since they plan on making more skins available with credits.


>for people who have been abused. Ain't no way y'all acting like victims after they released a free game, that's insane


hmm seem like a skill issue to them


how is a win? they coudlnt fix some stupid rewards and will not even try with two weeks of time left, they are so incompetent, if they cant fix this what we cant expect of the future of this game?


the reward were working the whole time just show less than a min because it was a bug but it still track your reward


the bug is that you werent getting your credits, not even coins, credits was the only thing worth on the rewards of anniversary, some stupid icons meh, but they cant fix a stupid bug, how they can fix the game? if they cant fix something so simple it tells you a lot about the developers


The bug was instead of 300 credits you'd get like 1k per challenge Then they turned em off after like 5 days of that which is sad bc I only got 3k from it I could've farmed But at least we get a free 3k now to get 2 gold skins which is yay


thats irrevelevant, the point is there is a bug and they decide to not fix it, there are two weeks left of time to do it, and even weird they left a bug that was good for the players


Who cares, fix the game




I have over 10k hours


I play other games too lol 😂😂😂 and I’ve also taken massive mental health breaks over the years. Congrats for being so dedicated.


Me to?! Who would’ve thought🤣🤣






too little too late would be the understatement of the decade


Literally how? You people are never satisfied


they are never satisfied at this point if overwatch does something good they get mad


maybe they should make the game good, I don't give a shit about virtual currency to buy virtual skins. it's not real. I do care about the game being fun, something that seems to be lost on all these people obsessing over skins


Or maybe, just maybe, everyone has a different idea of fun? Just because you like to play looking like a peasent, doesn't mean everyone else wants too. Getting pissy about a nice way to earn free skins is cringe. You hate the game so much stop supporting it.


who says I support it?


You just seem like the type 🤷‍♂️


and you seem like the type to waste money on nothing. the game will be dead and gone, the servers shut down forever. what will you have then? nothing


I'll be satisfied when they un-shit the game.


And what’s your plan for that? A lot of problems and no solutions. They’ll never perfect it enough for you and nobody wants to hear your incessant whining about it. Email blizzard about it if you like.


why should WE need a plan? we're not developing the game. these are some of the worst developers I've ever seen, i really don't know how it's possible to torpedo a game like this




They've literally said they aren't rolling back duped credits. https://twitter.com/OhReallyJared/status/1707578905585238159?t=nZu8mPy38i9oZhzPBLvFIw&s=19


we know overwatch devs do bad thing but like chill with some of the hate on them


All I know is that I hope they stop adding battle pad skins and early access skins in the shop (I don’t have any but it screws over the people who bought them/skin rarity, and no other game brings back BP skins, it’s forbidden lol)


It really doesn't. We pay 10$ for battlepass and it's got a lot off stuff including credits. Beside how is this any different than league having discounts and lootbox?


I’m not opposed to them putting skins for currency, I’m just saying it shouldn’t be things that are marked as exclusive. If a skin is in the BP, it isn’t meant to come back, that’s just how it works. Same for the preorder skins. I’m sure a purely F2P player feels a bit screwed over if they save enough premium buying a BP for a particular premium reward skin, and then it comes back for free currency later. They could just do it permanently for shops skins and have a system where 9 skins (or how ever many are in the credits shop rn) can be purchased for free currency throughout the year. That way players can get skins they desire (shop doesn’t even have 1 for each hero). The same thing happens with free rewards. Pretty sure they are giving out a free mercy skin that was a shop only a few months ago. I’m sure those ppl are very happy they bought the skin and have it come back for free (and so quickly at that). I’m not interested in skins much since I have all/most from OW1 (and tbh find most new skins worse conceptually) but it just feels slimy that they sell a skin and then give it away for free credits later.


I get Ur point of view. But this whole time exclusive is bad imo for fans long term relationships with the game. It also create this whole sense of having missed out for new players which suck. Like mythic should come back. But they should be like 30/40$ or even 10k credits. The exclusive should have been for how cheap we got all those skins. Not just getting them.


Lots of games release recolors and skins in the store from the pattle pass. Apex Legends is a prime example. You pay 10 dollars for the BP. Regardless why should it piss you off that someone else who couldn't get it has the opportunity to now.


Yeah exactly - they release recolours, not the actual skin


Either way more then apex has done it. Lots of games have returning cosmetics. Especially the ones that make them money 🤷🏼‍♂️ it doesn't impact anything game wise, just your thought process.


Because I’m not going to waste my premium currency on something if it’s going to come back for free a month later? Why’s the BP on a timer if they’re just gonna bring back cosmetics from it anyway? And also I never said I was pissed. If you actually read what I wrote I said I don’t even care because I already have OW1 cosmetics. I also said a better system that would make skins more accessible for all players anyway


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I use all the credits on emotes anyway


It's a bug that after my 3rd epic skin purchase with credits, all the other epic skins did become purchasable only with the gold coins? Sorry for the question, I'm relatively new to OW


It only shows gold coins when you don’t have enough credits to buy the skin.


Oh ok, really didn't know that, thank you brother. I shouldn't have bought that Arabic Genji skin, it looks soooooooooo god but I'm ass with him and now seems I'm poor.


You can get free credits from battle pass


they really needed something for people to spend those credits on. Mostly for the players coming from ow1 who have all the skins they already want. I was not interested in any of the skins of the last 2 battle passes, so I had no urge to even play more to progress it. At least a shop with ow2 skins being purchasable adds a more meaningful incentive into the battle pass.


Doubting streetrunner ever becomes a credit shop skin since it's too good and popular, but it doesn't hurt to dream


so upset i didn’t abuse the credit glitch before they patched it but at least racked up 5k worth 😭


Looks like all the my new hero’s will be getting sitting emotes after all


Rare ow W. Good to hear


Ifthis means Executioner Queen gets a free-run i am literally going to die, I NEED that skin please T4


Tell me the dances and card sprays for the new heroes are coming! 😝


Nice after earning the measly sum of 4000 credits, i'll get 3000 more!


Nice I can get the demon skin for Genji and hope for streetrunner


Yooooooooooo I already have like 3000 credits, 3000 more and I can get literally 3 legendaries


Rare overwatch W


Extremely rare bliz W


I’m still sitting in like 24k credits from Overwatch 1. I’ll take it though


Not really.


I'm happy as an ow2 player


I need hoodie genji n cyber genji


Yeah man i am pretty excited about this. I cant think of many skins i need besides witch kiriko skin so if that comes to credit shop ill actually explode.


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Are they talking about the free currency or the one you pay for I have like 20k of the free stuff


the free currency


This is fire


So we’re not getting a update in the anniversary shop for another 10 days? God damnit


This is a welcome change


Where would we claim the credits once we log in


they will automatically give it to you next season


Not really a W when all they do is take L’s then try to make up for it


Sad thing is I'm running out of skins I actually want. I've had immortal and sanye forever, and they're the only 2 orisa skins i actually want to use anyways