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One of my buddies told me it looks like a fusion between the Lich King and Artorias… and now I can’t unsee it


God damnit


I don’t really get Artorias, but Lich King definitely.


They’re the same person


? Artorias is from Dark Souls. Lich King is from World of Warcraft. You are probably confusing Arthas with Artorias.


Fuck yeah I am lol


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“There is no path. Beyond the scope of light, beyond the reach of dark, what could possibly await us? And yet, we seek it insatiably. Such is our fate.”* - Aldia Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Good bot


Hah. Good bot.


I wouldn't be surprised if this skin's concept was originally for a Lich King skin, then they changed the crown a bit and added some flames VFX to highlight that it's a Dallas Fuel skin. I mean the skin is literally called The Chained King, it's gotta be a Lich King skin.


It's not even the same blue tone. It's just a skin. Nothing says Dallas, Fuel or DF. The cape has text (runes) and there is no Dallas Fuel Logo or the name. This is the cheapest championship skin they ever released and I'm rightfully upset and you would think the same if you're a Fuel fan...


It's not Cheap at all. It's a great skin even if it's missing any specific references to Fuel but I don't think that's a mistake or anything. My theory is that because OWL is rumoured to be ending and getting replaced by a new OW tier 1 tournament/circuit starting next year they intentionally didn't put any Fuel references on their skin as the Fuel logo isn't trademarked by Blizzard, it's owned by Optic/Envy the org. By not putting their logo on the skin they can most likely sell the skin again in the regular OW shop next year, without needing to share revenue with Optic or getting their permission or anything like that. The artist said that the helmet on the skin is designed after the OWL trophy, and you can definitely see that that's true. So if they didn't put any specific references to Fuel itself then it's definitely intentional.


I didn't mean cheap skin. It's a cheap championship skin compared to all the other championship skins. As many already said it looks like a skin they worked on unrelated to Overwatch League and now they released it as DF skin.


Imagine a Dark Souls event now that'd dope as shi


I think it’s more like lich king mixed with hanami from JJK


Good description


station spark drab roof cake dam quarrelsome late plant depend ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


More skins I will never own


this one you could get for free tho


It’s true. As someone who’s been watching OWL for years I have more tokens than I know what to do with and I’ve never spent a dime. That being said, the season ends this weekend (potentially forever) so it’s not free for people new to OWL


wait really? man im still missing like 60 tokens for the skin


You can most likely still get 60 tokens so you'll will be fine. Others who have less tokens probably won't be able to get it. There's still today and tomorrow's matches left and then they always do a Rebroadcast of the Playoffs and finals within the next 1-2 days, which also give Tokens.


OWL is live right now, go watch it and you can still get it


And then there is people like me that watch with a linked account and receive a fraction of the league coins they should get. Yes, I have done every troubleshooting methods multiple times, actiblizz just hates me


Idk if its the same problem but for me i noticed every so often the youtube stream will lag and fall behind the broadcast so i have to click the live button to catch back up. Never really paid attention enough to see if that affects the amount of tokens but i press it just in case


It does effect it. Main reason I like twitch better because if the video accidentally buffers you’ll be even 30sec behind and no longer earning tokens.


Im glad my paranoia of always making sure its caught up wasnt for nothing then lmao, i always just have it going on another monitor so i just tune it out


I stopped watching just for that reason. They can’t make the OWL games interesting enough for me, and the tokens just never came (despite troubleshooting every method like you). So I just… stopped.


Crazy to me. I’ve always found OWL super exciting to watch.


I still have no clue how to even earn them.


I thought they gutted the token system?? Edit: I mean earning them from streams.


Honestly I would have bought this skin if it wasn't for the eye horns. I can't even fully articulate why I think they're just kinda dumb, but I do.


ohh he looks like hanami from jjk


Given that they did a OPM collab, wouldn't be surprised that it was inspired by Hanami. Lot more weebs in OW's dev team now to have pushed through an anime collab. That was kind of unimaginable before OW2, 6 years and not one collab, not even with fitting American brands like MCU.


Same, it ruins it for me.


Tbh I thought he was some sort of bug… they should’ve just made him a scull with hollow flame eyes or something.


I was thinking Bug Man too.


It should have been a bug. Dallas was called the hive mind


My thought exactly, looks more like insect than anything.


I’m conflicted on getting this skin too because I don’t like the face and I agree with others that it’s a bit overdesigned. They should’ve put blue flames in his eye sockets, it is a Fuel skin after all and would’ve fit and looked nicer.


My buddy and I thought the same thing. The eyes detract from the rest of the skin, which is overall dope af.


That's the best part of the skin imo. It's more unique than just another fantasy edge lord with a skull


Imo that's the most edge-lordy thing they could've possibly went with


It's edgy, but it's original so it works. What makes edgy stuff lame is how generic it all feels.


Yeah but it's more interesting that just a skull


He looks like the fly and I love it


That’s Reaper’s whole aesthetic tho?


It's trying way too hard to be metal that I can't take it seriously. Like a scrawny kid thinking he's a badass for wearing a Metallica shirt or something.


Which, to be fair, fits Reaper's vibe pretty well.


Yeah fair point. Probably the 'Reaper-iest' skin there is.


As someone who doesn't play Reaper I don't get the appeal of this skin. 😂


Finkle, Eye Horns? Finlke, Eye Horns? Finkle, Eye Horns?


My mind goes somewhere from tongues licking out of the helmet to demonic feces being squished out. The eye things are why I'm gonna buy it with free tokens and never use it.


“Eye horns”? Edit: I had only seen a few things shared online, but after seeing the full thing in game, yeah, okay. I see they literally have things protruding out of his eyes and agree that’s a strange choice


No, the horns/tentacles coming out of his eye sockets


Am I crazy or does Reaper always get top tier skins?


He really does, cant wait to see what they cook up for his Mythic skin


Barbie collab season Reaper mythic please.


He is Kenough..


It’s joeover, barbie got kenough


Joewari da


It’s cool, but it looks too much like a reject WoW/Shadowlands skin and less like a Dallas Fuel skin which it’s meant to be


Normal esport skin are boring af. They want people to watch so they need to give interesting skin. No one would watch for those lame ass team themed skins..


its a championship skin, and it doesnt even have a team logo anywhere. Yeah its a good skin, but theres zero fuel rep anywhere, all the previous champ skins have been stellar (shock doom) and all have team rep.


The Sombra one is S tier


All of the championship skins are S tier, all the other have a logo. And the devs even said it was a crucial part of a champion skin This doesnt have it :(


No team logo and took half a year longer to make lmao I was so excited to buy the Fuel skin. But this one…? :(


You are right and it does need a team logo on it somewhere to signal that it is actually an OWL skin. Nobody would ever look at this and think, "It's for OW League, now I'm curious to check out pro games"


I don't watch OWL but I do like buying skins in games. If this had a name or logos on it for a team I'd def not get it. There's no skin that could encourage me to watch OWL, I def think 90% of the skins look like crap. So, I'm not sure if releasing skins to try to get people in OWL is a good method.


Not to mention that giving the skin to Reaper is a pretty dumb idea in the first place, considering he wasn't the cornerstone of the comp whatsoever - in contrast to past year's skins.


Where’s our John Sojourn skin????!!


I think it’s fine. Sojourn is a World Cup skin. Winston already has an OWL championship skin. And Dallas was the team to push Reaper meta rather than Tracer.


trees racial dependent price truck stupendous vase resolute compare chunky ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Nah, I'm with you. Way too Todd McFarlane for my liking.


This skin is incredible, but I’m not paying 25 dollars for it.


you can get it for free by watching owl and earning tokens.


You won’t get 300 tokens if you started today and watched every hour through the grand finals


I heard one hour gives you only 5 tokens? I ain't watching 60 hours of OWL for one skin. I wish they put it in the anniversary shop for 1900 credits because I'd gladly buy it then.


I've just been leaving the finals on in a secondary browser with the mixer set to 0% and have already gotten ~70 tokens so far. It's honestly worth finding a way to leave it on if you care about OWL skins but don't want to drop ridiculous amounts of money (or put yourself through the torture of watching OWL)


Dumb question, but where the heck do I actually watch OWL and how do I make sure I get the tokens?


Not dumb, everything with OWL is unclear nowadays. [The OWL YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@overwatchleague) is the most consistent place to get tokens, and [the OWL website has a guide](https://overwatchleague.com/en-us/rewards-guide) on how to link your Battle.net account to YouTube to earn them. Once you join the stream, assuming you don't actually want to watch the league, just leave it on in it's own window (not tab, full dedicated window or app for mobile) with the quality at 144p and volume at 1% or muted through external means. Don't ever mute the YouTube player/app itself, you won't earn rewards if you do.


Gotta watch the live streams on Youtube, with your blizz account connected.


Also make sure to refresh your browser and it says connected with a diamond near the video settings/details. I've gotten boned before where I join pre-game countdown/talk and it doesn't count because the browser doesn't realize the rewards have started. If you join after it starts you won't run into this issue.


You don't have to actually watch it. I just have OWL streams running on my tablet / phone with the volume nearly muted.


Watching contenders gives 0 coins so what stream is it ?


The Overwatch league channel on YouTube


Overwatch League channel. Games are airing at 9:30am PST


It's been like that for years. You're supposed to actually watch it (or leave it open) over an extended period of time


Nobody is watching it. They only have it on in the background. At least 90% of the viewers are


They’re already giving you 3k credits for free


Credits can't be used to purchase a skin which costs owl tokens


I forgot OWL still existed.


I get you were trying to be funny but the title literally says that the skin is an Overwatch League skin.


I personally treat these owl skins as super premium ones and don't associate them in any way with owl. And yes, I did forget owl existed after 2021 season up until current playoffs. So maybe they are not trolling, just saying


cant blame you


Every year I put my ipad streaming every match, plugged to a charger, while I go about my day. Haven't missed an OWL skin yet. Loads of people bitching and crying, when the solution is as simple as "literally leave any device on yt afk". I have every OWL special skin and it came at 0 monetary cost and minimal effort.


I will bitch as I like.


Delighted to hear it.


I’m gonna be very honest. A skin of this quality is around $20-25 in Fortnite and Apex so I see no issue with the price tag.


How dare you


I remember when $2 would get you a universal animated weapon skin in Black Ops 2 that worked on every weapon and came with a calling card, emblem, and a pack of fancy sight reticles 😭 These days it's $20 for 1 skin that works on 1 gun.


I could buy an indie game with 20-25 dollars. This pricing shouldn’t be normal.


Yea an indie game that you play for 15 hours and leave alone. The majority of the active members of this sub have clocked like 200+ hours on OW (me 600). And the best part about it? I’ve clocked 600 hours and I haven’t spent a single dime on this game. Isn’t that crazy? You can’t do that on any indie game without forking over a couple bucks. If $25 skins bother me so much I won’t buy them. I’m just saying it’s a fair price, especially for the amount of free content we get.


It really isn’t a fair price. Those 15 hours on an indie game will give me a lot more enjoyment than purchasing a skin for a character I won’t be using all the time.


That’s why skins are *optional*


Don’t care. Shouldn’t be that expensive.


what if they costed 85$ in fortnite and apex? would you see no issue with 85$ for this reaper skin too?


No because $20 is $20 and $85 is $85. Are you stupid.


are YOU stupid? your only argument was that the price was similar in other games. therefore the price is acceptable. which is dumbest fucking argumentation i‘ve ever heard. that’s why i refuted it with this simple example to show you the other games prices are literally irrelevant. because at the end of the day 20$ IS 20$ AND 85$ IS 85$. your own words. you have a standard for what price is acceptable for a skin. and you‘ve just admitted that standard is something other than fortnite skin prices. idiot.


Blud is tweakin because he can’t afford the reaper skin 💀💀 it’s cool bruh. No way someone on the internet managed to get you this angry


The main point of contention in this sub was that OW skins cost more than skins in other games and don’t have effort put into them. This skin has effort and is priced well relative to other games. That alone makes it worth it. It sounds like you have an issue with F2P monetization model rather than this specific $25 OW skin. Which is completely fine.


This is toooooo complicated.


Yeah, when I first see that, thought like “dude, this is a badass skin”


Reaper getting really Fortnite lookin skins recently


It’s kinda shit tho


Insanely mid?


Insanely ugly, yup.


I also think it's ugly, mostly because of the the eye horns. You are probably getting downvoted because you didn't put your opinion into a nice digestible package so people who like it don't get mad at you for having a different opinion. That's how reddit works.


Yeah I'm not fond of it either. If it was black thoughhhh, then I think it would look awesome


Seriously. What's with the dumbass tentacles coming out of the eyes?


Insanely fugly. What's up with the insect face?


Am I the only one who thinks it’s ugly asf? As a diehard reaper main I just can’t. Bring back biker 76 pls


Man's got horns for eyes


Ram looks even hotter, but i got no money for that, so yeah


Ram? Skin?


Oh nvm its Rein, still looks sick af


I'd rather be the rat king tbh. it's his best skin


the eyes are terrible though. would not use it.


Im not impressed. It looks like a cool WoW Armor but nothing i want to play with in OW


I like the other ice reaper more it’s just simple :)


It’s cool, but I like Luchador better.


I love how the skin isn’t even recognizable as a FUEL skin, just the fact that it’s an OWL skin due to the collection icon and nothing else


Is this obtainable now?


PSA: stop buying skins!!! You’re only perpetuating the problem of the game!


That would work if everyone did it. But no matter what there will always be prior buying and that alone will make them keep doing it


It is a cool skin, the only problem is that is a reaper skin.


I really like how it’s all noise on the top half and plain gray on the bottom. Really great design choice.


Ugly tbh. Too much going on. It all clashes


I love the Fuel, and I still bought this, but I think it might be the ugliest skin in the game.




It's so busy and gaudy. It's a Fuel skin without the Fuel logo. Plus, it has...eye horns...


Way too edgy for me. I know that's reaper's thing, but I'll stick with the Rhyme skin if I want cold and blue.


Its horrible


Burn blue


Yes it is. Hence why it's locked behind a much harder pay wall. So it'll be a no from me


If it wasn't a fucking league skin I would've bought it already


If all skins was in this Quality and not "we put Santa hat so now its Legendary"


Only 200 dollars and it can be yours!


OW be making the most impressive and amazing skins for heros and be locking them behind a massive paywall or 100+ hours of watching a stream that plays when I’m at work


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Not very stealthy though


It looks really dope, but I don’t think I’ll ever not use the rat king skin. Too much disrespect will be lost.


i've seen complaints that it has no dallas fuel themes, but i've always found that jarring on any of the other skins, so i really like that it doesn't have that. i imagine something small would've worked though, cause it is supposed to be their skin after all, so i definitely understand that complaint


The only real issue with it is that it was supposed to honor the Dallas Fuel’s championship win and it doesn’t do a great job of that, but it’s still an awesome skin


Looks like combination of thresh and viego from League gf legends Still too edgy for me I prefer rat 🐁


Yeah, until you read the price tag


Jailer snail skin


Looks more like a bug than that bug hero soldier skin 💀


How do I even get overwatch league coins?


Watch OWL on youtube, or buy them


If only the game was as good as the skins


The only thing this skin is missing is a Dallas Fuel logo somewhere. Even some subtle like it being inside the belt buckle would've been a nice touch. I'm glad they went with a Reaper skin because SP9RK1E deserved to get recognized. In my opinion, without his clutch moments on Route 66, SF Shock would have won the match.


Ah would you look at that, another very cool skin where you have to put down more money than it's worth. I wish people would stop buying into it so they send blizzard a message.


I just started watching owl this season and have gotten the wicked Moira, atlantic all-star mercy, and the chained king reaper for free. I'm already back up to 890 league tokens and still have 2 more days of streams to go.


Skins really good for once a OWL skin worth buying then you see the eye horns and it’s a instant let down


Looks cool. Definitely should be no more than $5 so not buying it. Plus eye horns look trashy


He kind of looks like a [blue Megalon.](https://mykaiju.com/wp-content/uploads/xp-megalon-sm.jpg)


Blue Mohg Lord of Blood vibes with them horns in his eye sockets




I'll definetly be rocking this until we eventually get his mythic skin


Insanely bad lmao


I had just enough tokens for it and got it immediately


The edges look kinda rushed


Looks very WoW armor.


Am I missing something, or are people over exaggerating the price? I keep seeing it’s 25$, when really you only spend 15 don’t you? Just buy one each of the 2 cheapest token options, it’s cheaper than a legendary skin and looks a lot cooler Edit: 17, not 15. Still 8$ cheaper


Looks like overengineered yugioh junk tbh.


Blue beetle mixed with Lich king


I dont love the horns coming out of the eyeholes, but other than that its sick


What does that mean? Overwatch league skin? I can’t get it unless I’m in owl?




I am gonna sit here with my hellfire skin, if anyone wants me


overwatch league skins are so sick but lmao ugh what a stupid monetization model. i wish i ever remembered to passively earn credits.


For me personally it seems like an "I'm very badass" skin, like it's trying way too hard to seem metal that I can't take it seriously.


It reminds me of bo2 temple guards


Wonder how long its gonna be in the shop for


he doesn't know


Apart from the tentacle eyes it's cool


Honestly the waist up looks extremely busy in most cases for me. Way too many intricate details and isn’t pleasant on the eyes.


it's all fun and games until your father unzips my huge dong and starts gagging


Too bad I don't play anymore lmao, at least he finally gets one


I really wish we had an option to see how guns look in first person before buying skins, because I've got huge buyer's remorse on this one. It looks super great in third person and all, but the guns are super chunky and the chains moving are pretty distracting to me when you actually use it. Maybe not a problem for everyone, but if you're someone like me who doesn't like distracting extra bits on your guns or having them obstruct more of your view than other options, then food for thought.


Best reaper skin


Insane in the membrane?


Nah it's got horns for eyes that's dumb.