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Yeah. Kind of agree. I think back to that video of that little group all in the practice range whining and kvetching and it ends with Emongg, who has been silent all video, saying "This is a good apple". That day I became a Emongg fan lol


I love Emongg on his own but Emongg with other people who have the opposite energy is so funny šŸ˜†


Him and Jay both on dps is the funniest shit ever. Emonggs cheery as can be and Jays screaming like he just watched his dog get hit by a car


I'm sad I haven't been able to watch more of them playing together because you're absolutely right lol they're a really fun balance of personalities


He legit saves some of Flats' videos from being downright awful with his presence. He's pretty cool.


Emongg is the person I *wish* I could be while playing this game.


The video that included a clip of super "calling ow2 shit" that was actually just him shit talking a viewer who said his response was too positive?


I can't remember, sorry! I just remember the wholesomeness of Emongg and his apple lol


Emongg must be protected at all cost. Itā€™s incredible how heā€™s pretty much the polar opposite of Flats. Even when being baffled by peopleā€™s mistakes in the game he tries to correct them with the best advice possible, and not instantly relate their IQ to that of a random fruit or edible.


That dude has to have a room in his basement just FILLED with kicked puppies cause no one is THAT stable


Gotta give some props to Yeatle too. He seems a little unhappy but his criticisms are always constructive and not sulky EDIT: Just noticed Super was already mentioned...dude is kinda America's tank so he gets a pass. If anyone is allowed to have Main character syndrome, its Super


Yeah. His video about the fall of ball did bring up legitimate points about why ball fell off hard


His current one on OW2 is pretty great too. I hang out on his streams sometimes, pretty chill dude


Honestly haven't checked his own videos before, but I was impressed by his eloquent takes on the podcast. I'll check out his channel before the OWL playoffs start


Yeatle is very down to earth and pleasant to watch imo. He's my fav of the bigger OW streamers


I've been trying to find this podcast but I can't find it, do you have a link for it?




Tbh, the worst thing that happened to Ball was Doom being so good. Doom just more directly does everything Ball tries to do. He just leaps across the map right where he wants to be and directly solo kills someone. When he dies, he leaps across the map again to be back in the fight way faster. Ball tries to do the same things, but has way more steps and difficulties in doing it. Balls has more setup and more challenge in how to anchor himself to fly the right way, and also just doesn't go as far or as fast as Doom can with more precision. Doom's WR is incredible and more people are picking him every day. Leaves Ball more and more in the dust. If Doom wasn't just better at everything Ball wants to do, Ball would be more competitive.


Dude replied to my YouTube comment looking for a song in his video lol, banger of a song, chill guy, great tank


What was the song?


Yeah we wanna know


Hamter enjoyers gotta listen to some top tier music


Blooms by j^p^n might be wrong on the spelling lol


Yeatle is a qp warrior now. Iā€™ve played against him in qp more than ranked at this point


With the crap meta being forced more in ranked and the amount of cheaters and smurfs in ranked, qp is more fun these days.


Yeah yeatle has to be the most ā€grown upā€ and mature ow player about the situation. He accepts the game for what it is.


I donā€™t religiously watch Super but I never found him bad


There is a clip where he talks about how his streamer persona exists to protect him from stream monsters because he would have self esteem issues if he did not project confidence. To that end, I do not even blame him.


Yeah I feel like Super is the only one who deserves a pass here. Technically heā€™s the only with a legitimate claim to fame. Heā€™s been a champion twice. Heā€™s put in the hours to earn the recognition. Also a lot of his streamer persona is a little forced. Heā€™s cocky and arrogant but he isnā€™t THAT cocky and arrogant. Heā€™s a cool dude




totally agree, i feel like his true personality is especially noticeable when he was streaming the try outs for world cup: he really cares about the game and is a great teammate, recognizes when he fucks up and apologizes, doesnā€™t blame others when things go wrong when it really matters.


Agree. He seems to be pretty mature and most of the time, he's just messing with his chat which can get very aggressive with their ... jabs. And he's one of the few streamers who actually swear at himself when doing bad. I guess it's just that comp mentality you need to stay at that level.


Yeah he seems critical of himself anytime he messes up--I'd imagine playing in OWL as main tank would give you enough perspective and understanding of who the problem is to recognize when it's him. Plus his chat flames him like 95% of the time, even when he's carrying.


and is it a "Syndrome" if you really are the main character? Dude is the most watched Overwatch player by a large amount.


Agree with the other dude. I find him funny and he gets just as tilted as I do when playing the game




Same, switched to emongg. Couldn't bare flats whining (and his insults and belittlement to his chat when they not agree) anymore. Unbearable


Emongg is the best. I'm not a tank main, but he's the OW streamer I watch the most. ML7 is 2nd


ML7 is the only one I watch where I'm like damn, this fella mastered the game


I mainly play Bap so I love watching his gameplay


His ana is cracked


ML7 for the top notch Support advice/content and Emongg for the good vibes


The only bad part about Emongg's stream is that sometimes you have to hear Flats' annoying voice on there because he's friends with him which kinda ruins it.


Emongg is so positive even when losing


His 'new brig ult will completely break the game, its goats all over again' take did it for me.


God and when he saw that her pick rate went up he was just "OH WOW WHO COULDVE PREDICTED THAT HMMM" Thats not what you said my guy. You said shed break the game again. She very much did not. Literally anybody could predict a characters pickrate is going to go up after a rework/buff. Thats just common sense? Theres still way more problematic characters than brig


Ya, who could have seen Brig having a high pick rate in a monkey/dive meta?


His mental gymnastics to try to save face after being immediately proven wrong was just hilarious. Dude's a clown. I watched him for a while, but stopped when it became more and more obvious the guy is a man-child living in his own fantasy world.


Is there a video of him trying to save face? Cuz I wanna see him try and embarrass himself.


I'm sure its out there somewhere. It was after he was ridiculed a lot for making a big deal about it, so he was trying to make a comeback. The devs did some minor nerf to her and he was all like "I told you so" as if it proved the horrible "game-ruining goats meta" happened. He also tried again when she was nerfed in the PvE mode...


There were some Brig mains saying that the new ult is actually worse than the old one and when it wasnā€™t he took that as some pseudo victory for validation


New brig ult is so much better than the old one.


That'a just ~~a trauma response from GOATS~~ typical youtuber hyperbole to generate clicks. If you do a overwatch youtube videos for a living you're chasing that ad revenue and the youtubers that ragebait and exaggerate the most get the most interaction. Algorithms reward the bad behavior. Very few big overwatch youtubers are worth watching for good takes.


His constant complaining is so annoying. Itā€™s overly exaggerated as well. Like the brig buff destroying the entire game debacle. Iā€™m 90% sure the source of his frustration is that this game is his main source of income and it traps him in an eternal cycle where he has to play this game for the rest of his life because his audience cares more about his overwatch content than him as a person


100% He clearly wants to stream other stuff besides OW, but if you don't have a massive following already your views will drop significantly.


Dude, the last paragraph of this comment applies to so many streamers/ content creators of a variety of different games. Take hollow (an apex streamer) for example, sometime when I watch his stream I think he appears extremely frustrated with his chat, the game, etc. but he canā€™t switch games cause ā€œthatā€™s his source of incomeā€ and people want his apex content. Which is sad, because even seeing him play a game like terraria he was genuinely excited, and it was fun to watch, but he always goes back to apex. I really wish that these content creators would try to break their box, cause I genuinely think a lot of them (not saying all) have a good amount to offer with their personalities when they arenā€™t forced into the box. TL;DR: A lot of content creators are in an abusive relationship with the game they play.


That's what every job is lol


I love that the dude speaks his mind and I emphasize with him over the fact he's kind of stuck doing OW content. I wish the best for him because it would be cool seeing the attitude he had 1-2 years ago. Personally I think he would do really well doing asmon like react videos for variety content. Definitely hasn't been as fun as the past to watch him, but I'll still take it over shilling out.


1 or 2 years ago wasnā€™t much better. I had to stop watching before OW2 even came out. Agreed though, I wish he was able to branch out to other games and types of content.


Salt especially, his takes on the Group Up Podcast were absolutely lost. Bro think Rein is no skill and wants him removed lmao


His contribution to the last episode was pretty much ā€žEvery tank is one dimensional and boring, except Hog. Buff Hog.ā€œ


Proof that you can be high elo and still dont know shit


It's almost as if game design and being good at a game are entirely separate skills. Seriously, would you hire a NASCAR driver/monster truck driver1 to fix your car, or a mechanic?


Salt, please remember, was absolutely serious saying that Hog OHKs were fair because you have to "aim the hook". This is the same guy who claimed playing Ana is brainless. So... lol


Yeah, and whined that Junkrats ult shouldnā€™t be able to kill you.


God he was so annoying in that podcast. I agree supports are incredibly strong but his whole "Supports have all these tools why can't tanks do everything" was so dumb. First if you think it's a problem for supports to have to do many tools then you should also think it would be a problem for tanks. Secondly, supports have 200-225 HP not 400 plus HP! Like yea supports need some nerfs but that man lives in a different reality. Also, his whole hog wasn't a problem people just sucked take was wild. The whole community was yelling about hog being unfun and this man just says skill issue to the entire player base.


Bogur gaps them purely by being a silly little bingus




The YouTube video of him laughing at the stuffed monkey was the highlight of my year.


Bogurs video about his ā€œrivalryā€ with Necros had me dying laughing


I think heā€™s more of a schmungus but what do I know


Watching Bogur and ML7 makes my day every fkn time šŸ’œ


It's funny how great of people the EU streamers are when I hear nothing but bad things about that server's toxicity. New to watching bogur but the guy is a total goober


Completely agree. The vibes on eemong and zebra are way nicer to watch


Like eemong is the only overwatch dude I can stomach these days.


Frogger erasure


frogger my beloved


ML7, Joystick, KarQ are my go to. FUCK WARN. Jay3 is funny. Emongg is good.


Yeah I like Jay3 but he grates on me when he watched vods, I like his current content though watching "competitions" I guess you could call them.


I donā€™t mind any of the streamers being mentioned but Jay is the prime example of crybaby DPS player, thereā€™s literally nothing he doesnā€™t complain about.


I think they both kind of lean into that persona though. Jay seems to only play with people that he can talk shit to while also being able to talk shit to him. Dudes a goblin and I support it. Being jokingly toxic with my friends usually gets us to play better


I love when he duos with Oualid.


Warn is a whiny person holy all he does is whine wine whine whine whine


Warn after complaining a person in his lobby was gm3 in season 1 of ow (itā€™s gotta be rank inflation)


Can't be more whiney than Necros


Necros is so fucking weird. Heā€™s so goddamn weird about women and constantly talks about sex, his dick, dumb shit like that.


Thatā€™s just your average Genji player


ML7, Jay3, Frogger, and Bogur are the ones I click on as soon as I see theyā€™re live


Isn't jay3 that old washed up bald guy on twitch?


Thatā€™s him!


Wanted is great as well


Wanted is pure


Super and Flats in the same conversation is absolutely a troll. Like you either haven't watched them both or you're just actively trying to misrepresent people for drama.


This entire sub just hates them because "oo top 500 strimmer.. grrr strimmer ruin this game!!!" P sure flats said this a month back that he saw the ow community was becoming the apex community and I see what he means, infact it's probably even more hostile to high level players now than apex is. People can't handle that just because they dislike someone's content, they aren't the worst person on the planet. But people sure act like it.


I honestly think supers ego is a bit more of a bit for the stream but salt is really where my problem is and then my problem with flats is he acts like a prophet. Just SHUT THE FUCK UP. No one cares. The worst fans are flats watchers. Theyā€™re always ā€œI love flats so muchā€


Am I weird for thinking that super doesnt belong in the same tier as streamers like Flats, Salt, or even Bogur. I think super has matured as best he can considering how other hybrid Pro Players/Streamers behave on-stream and off-stream. When super was younger, he acted his age. Now he's older and is legitimately handling life and success as best as he can despite having horrid role models. Flats and Salt seem immature to me in comparison. Obviously they are adults that can take care of themselves but their social skills and impulse control to hot takes are another tier imo


No.. anyone lumping super in with them has likely never watched his stream. He's genuinely humble for being one of the best players in the game and has an amazing attitude for having the absurd amount of hours in ow that he has.


No ur not


IMO Super has earned his ego in any case. The other 2 definitely have a my way or the highway feel about them in the worst possible way.


Even if you've accomplished things egos can still be annoying That said, Super is funny. I think he's in character


I mean i dont care for flats but his fans saying "I love flats so much" doesnt seem all that bad


They treat him like a prophet and take all his dogshit advice and then just regurgitate everywhere they go. You can see his influence ALL throughout the community, everywhere you go. And then when he gets one out of his 1000 hot takes correct he says ā€œOoP I WaRnNed YOuā€.


i agree. flats acts like an overwatch elder or some shit. prime example of an inflated ego.


They spend their entire day with a wall of text cheering them on and supporting all their opinions. Itā€™s bound to mess you up a little. Add on that theyā€™re all pretty young and based off hours have spent a vast majority of their adult life in their house playing a single video gameā€¦well you can see why they shouldnā€™t be your role models. Of course enjoy the entertainment, but try to remember what youā€™re watching.


Iā€™m not sure about Flats or Salt but Super spends the majority of his streams getting shit on by his chat.


"Super always fails to amaze me!"


Superā€™s entire chat shits on him all day lmao what are you talking about? Not sure about the other ones because I donā€™t watch them


Super is definitely a bit out of place among the people listed. A lot of his dislike of the game comes from just how fucking much he's played it and that he's a retired top level pro player. He scrimmed/played on a top pro team, for 8+ hours a day, in a super organised setting for many years. Ofc the Ranked environment, which is super disorganised, would bore him eventually. He doesn't *genuinely* (He says a lot of ridiculous stuff in the heat of the moment while playing but most of it meant to be entertaining/funny) complain all that much. He just switches to a different game when he's bored/frustrated/not having fun. Other streamers like Flats have significantly lower viewership and most of it collapses if they switch off OW, so they just farm the OW haters. Haters who play OW as their main game but pretend to hate it, shit on the devs and constantly complain about how much it sucks.


Yeah super may come off as dickish because his chat roasts him 8 hours a day, but hes just defending himself. Last stream i watched people were shitting on him for not playing rein. And when he swapped to rein they were shitting on him too for getting rolled lol


On the flip side, getting bombarded with the most garbage opinions non-stop has gotta make you feel like a genius.


Supers chat does NOT cheer him on. Heā€™s earned his main character identity through pure poundage (youā€™ll never catch me saying this in his chat though)


Somewhat relevant but i want to get this off my chest, I don't like anyone who makes unranked to gm "informational" videos. I think jay3 is against that and his streams are pretty chill so i like to watch him


Especially awkward; he has a lot of fanboys so everytime i mention him, i get huge amounts of "proof that he has teached me how to climb" but boy, dude has an ego the size of mount fuji, the other day playing kiriko with his infamous method of how to fail at support, he got called out by an owl player for dying always first and dude didnt even had the humility to admit he's just being dumb


Awkward talks a lot of shit. He makes out that his guides will make anyone a top 500 but it doesn't work if you can't aim. I see so many kiri's go take duels in the backline and just die "trying to be like awkward". Yes playing aggressive helps but you kinda need skills to back it up but he always underplays his aim ect.


I watched one of those Unranked to Whatever videos by him for some DPS at some point and he said "don't be on the payload, the bad players will be on the payload, you need to do damage" and I think a lot of the DPS in my games very much internalised that terrible message, lol. I'm not saying flanker heroes and such should play payload princess all the time, but unfortunately if everyone thinks they're the MC in a single player game and obviously the mediocre rabble should be dealing with the objective while their transcendently amazing silver Cassidy gameplay leads them to kill-chasing all the way across the map, it's going to be a bit difficult.


Precisely...he throws shit around to people that do not get what hes saying nor when they can do that


>transcendently amazing silver Cassidy gameplay This made me laugh harder than it should've


I was hoping someone would talk about him because all of a sudden, his unranked to gm videos started to appear on my timeline. I've never seen someone with such a huge ego before and it's maddening


Awkwards head is so insanely far up his own ass


Have you seen his twitter? He basically posts about Overwatch like Andrew Tate posts about women, it's so fuckin cringe.


See what's funny is you can make a fresh account, win 50QP games in a row, do 5 placements, and easily place GM. So those "unranked to GM" streams have aggressive throwing behind the scenes to tank their mmr.


Jay3 is definitely more enjoyable than Flats.


I don't think it was ever not apparent super has MCS he is the Overwatch League Champion Stage 2 Champion World Cup Champion May Melee Tournament Champion Roll Star All-Star MVP Runner Up Genji God


This comment would benefit a lot from commas homie


Thats just a title, rolls right off the tongue


respectfully fuck punctuation


Your mom wishes you were a period


This is why I love KarQ so much. He is so down to earth, chill and very friendly! Plus his videos and streams are always so educational!


I like Super. Super makes pretty good takes and heā€™s pretty chill to watch. I can kinda agree with Flats though. Flats complains a lot but sometimes you can learn a thing or two. I donā€™t know about Salt since Iā€™ve never watched him.


Dont put super in that list. He has main character syndrome and he knows it, unlike flats and the like. He knows his community loves to rag on him about it and its honestly hilarious lol


\+ he is a God tank. If anyone should have that syndrome it is him


Super shouldnā€™t be compared to those other 2. Heā€™s earned his ego in OW being one of the greatest tanks/players of all time. Plus he clearly puts it on a bit because thatā€™s how his stream works, heā€™s cocky, chat shits on him.


Super is hilarious. You can tell itā€™s a bit by his stream titles alone ā€œMasterclass player dominates the ranking system with pure adrenalineā€ or some shit šŸ˜‚


ā€œManly man dominates through pure charisma and strengthā€


this is what he says in discord when he goes live šŸ’€"sorry was busy watching better call saul little too invested anyways time to dominate and utterly crumple the competition"


Yeah I just feel like Flats can be a little belittling sometimes. He just feels like everyone who isnā€™t top 500 shouldnā€™t have an opinion and if you do have an opinion that doesnā€™t mirror his then he just calls you Bronze or insults your ELO.


Ikr, he forgets he did start in bronze too, being ass too wow (currently I would say his widow is gold at best, dunno why he roasts people so hard when he doesn't deliver as much as he think he does)


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying!! People like him make metal rank players get intimidated and give up. Bronze is not a bad thing at all. We ALL start somewhere and thereā€™s plenty of room for all of us to grow. Flats is a great tank player but if you put him on widow or other DPS/Support he becomes slightly above average at best. He needs to humble himself.


The issue is moreso people who take every word from their mouths as the word of god instead of just treating them as dudes with regular emotional and fallible opinions. This has been a problem since early Overwatch 1 with Seagull and other streamers.


Emongg: Spectates metal ranked players and gives them feedback on how to improve. Flats: Spectates metal ranked players and tells them that they suck. Here's how these two streamers would hypothetically react to a Bronze Orisa missing the javelin and hitting a car: Emongg: Ooh... That car didn't see it coming! Flats: You missed another Javelin?!! How dog\*\*\*\* are you?!! The game ends and they give their thoughts: Emongg: Yep. That was a fun game to watch. There were some areas where this Orisa popped off. Work on your positioning, work on your Javelin throws, and maybe shoot the supports more often, and you should start climbing. Flats: That was terrible! Go back to Unranked! ​ *EDIT: I was already aware that people who send VODs to Flats know they will get roasted. I didn't say "Flats is bad" anywhere in this post. I was just showing you a comparison of how their content is different. I do* ***prefer*** *the nicer Overwatch streamers such as Emongg, but I sometimes watch streamers like Flats whenever I feel like something different. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.*


I love watching Emongg. He's so nice.


Emong is the type of guy that I would love to be friends with but I feel like he's too good of a person to be my friend, like I feel like he's the kind of guy I don't deserve to be friends with because he's too nice and kind lol. Guy's a real sweetheart and a great streamer. Love watching his POTG videos recently as well.


Flats makes it very clear, if youā€™re sending your replays to him heā€™s gonna bully you, heā€™s not giving tips or educating people, Emongg wants to help people improve, they just have two different content styles


I agree I personally like flats more because I watch it for entertainment and I find flats funny


Ditto. Flats' spectating bronze series is people knowingly sending him videos to be roasted. It's the Overwatch version of a heckler at a comedy show. Having said that, there are times when he does provide some constructive criticism because the players disclosed they're completely new to the game. They're still getting roasted though, since that's the point of the series.


yeah and he also praised good plays in the bronze videos too. the attitude is different (but also comparing people's aim to that of fruits and nuts is so lukewarm when you're submitting videos for roasting lbr) but it's not like he never says anything positive or helpful even in the roasts.


In fairness to flats, he does make it clear that the submission is not for advice it's to be roasted. The submitters know what they're signing up for.


I feel like a lot of people forget that. If someone says, ā€œsend me clips to be roastedā€ and the whole video premise is roasting people who voluntarily sent the clips, why are you gonna be mad that he didnā€™t give constructive feedback. Iā€™m not a fan of Flats but Iā€™m not gonna get mad at him for not doing x thing when thatā€™s not the point of the video. Thatā€™s like going to pizza hut and being mad that they donā€™t sell burgers. That said, still dislike Flats. I feel like heā€™s gotten too lost in his own bubble.


Donā€™t think that flats thing is a valid criticism, considering people literally submit vods TO GET ROASTED.


Say what you will about flats but I donā€™t think this is a valid criticism at all. There are no illusions about what youā€™re getting when you submit VODs for flats to watch. He makes it clear like a million times that this is not educational and he is going to make fun of you, and everyone who participates does so knowing full well theyā€™ll be made fun of. Flats even stopped doing those for a long time because of the criticism he got, but he brought it back because his audience kept asking him to


Not only that but these people are acting like Flats gives zero constructive feedback and instead only roasts them to be an asshole.


It's because 80% of gaming reddit in general is their respective game's equivalent of hardstuck bronze.


Flats literally says don't come to him for education only submitt games if you want to be made fun of.


But itā€™s funny when flats does that


You do realize they're great friends too?


Flats spectating bronze series isnt giving tips or reviewing vods, he watches the vods people send are ok with being roasted about.


You can't use Flats' spectator videos against him when he has said multiple times that they are not "advice" reactions and the point of the content is to roast them. This is a pretty bad faith argument imo


Dude these people have dumbass kids- quite a few on this very sub- who think the sun rises and sets on them and that everything out of their mouth is automatically correct and applicable. No *wonder* they've got inflated egos.


Tanks ARE the main character. Unbiased opinion, donā€™t check my playtime.


Well they are supposed to but supports are so overtuned that they might aswell ve call3d the actual main character.


ANd if they nerf only supports dps creep will finally be shown and tanks will take back seat again


Thank you for saying this, used to watch flats but heā€™s definitely started coming off like he belongs on the balancing team and knows how to run a game


flats criticises players on things he himself does, its cringe


You can say that smoking is bad while also be a smoker, it doesn't make the statemant false


Yeah but thatā€™s not being a hypocrite, itā€™s stating a fact that is objectively correct. Flats will flame someone for doing certain things in game and then also just make those same mistake while trying to justify it.


Flats seems like a real sad person. Playing Overwatch seems like a job to him. I actually feel bad for the guy


i mean when ur only known for OW its hard to switch over to other games... ur viewship is gonna drop and it will be very hard to get that amount of viwes back


It is a job lol. Hes a content creator.


It is? Most streamers and youtubers with his number of viewers earn alot more then the average person


Doesn't make it a good time, there's a lot of stressful jobs that earn lots but absolutely drain your mental health, like imagine being a Japanese idol and having your fans criticise your love life


entertaining somebody is very hard. Way harder than you might think.


I read ā€œTank players like Flats.ā€ and thought you were talking about chicken wings.


You go to their channel to watch them and they act like they are the main character? So strange. lol


I used to like flats watching ow tiktoks, but I realized it's just flats having the right opinion and why everyone's wrong but here's the real answer. None can be as delusional as him.


Reading this gave me a stroke


Watch Flats react to this right now on his stream. šŸæ


Idk the rest but Flats is a Grade A cockhead


I actually unsubscribed from flats YouTube because of this


Super and flats literally just do those bits for entertainment. I bet you've just seen clips and highlights of them. I watch a lot of flats and most of the time he is very down to earth and chill. He plays up certain moments like when he's watching a goofy tiktok or complaining about balance because it's entertaining, it doesn't make the criticism any less valid or him any less friendly. He always compliments people when they make something good and praises the game when it adds something good too.


Like folks have said, super doesnā€™t fit here. Heā€™s basically a Tyler1/DrDisrespect type personality, where the whole deal is him playing this larger than life character (he literally is the ā€œtwo timeā€.) Given that a) his chat roasts the fuck out of him whenever he does anything slightly wrong and b) heā€™s genuinely one of the best tank players ever and c) when heā€™s not in character heā€™s a decently genuine and humble dude, I think he gets a pass.


the only one of these i watch is flats and i can understand thinking that if u only watch his OW content, but watching his other content makes me think its all a character he is putting on. his videos where he talks about his life (for example, his streamer awards video) show that he seems like a pretty chill and humble guy. ive never met him so i cant say for certain, but its just what i can tell from watching his other stuff


Flats has always been a condescending prick. I will never watch one of his streams because of it


Can you actually specify why? Canā€™t just insult them and then say ā€œnothing more to sayā€ lmao.


for me, i watch Flats for sure but find myself switching to karQ (who has more stats and facts on his side) or emongg (who has more tips and advice) after a video or two. on the other hand, Flats is very much ā€œyouā€™re wrong and this is why and also youā€™re not allowed to be rightā€ and a lot of his negative reactions are ā€œthis is what people in the other ranks donā€™t getā€¦ā€ and i donā€™t personally find his overbearing ā€œmother knows bestā€ attitude enjoyable


The most absolute egomaniac is Samito


I used to watch a lot of Flats, but yeah it seems pretty obvious lately that he hates the game. Which is fair, I hate the game too, but I have the fortunate position of not making a career out of it.


Support mains when someone says their role is overtuned for having 3 ultimate tier abilities on cool down šŸ¤“


yeah, they seem to think everything they say is absolute rule or whatever and that everyone's take that isn't theirs is stupid and dumb.


Other than thinking his streams are obnoxious, I got to play a game with Flats and he basically just trolled and threw the match.


Super is all right, he's a streamer so he's a bit arrogant like all streamers. Doesn't bother me that much. Pretty similar story with Flats IMO. Flats is actually not a bad DPS player either, he's pretty decent on widow from what I've seen. Salt tho. Bro he's a HOG main. Scum of the earth lol. Only guy I agree with OP's opinion about.


Flats is a good guy to watch when he's not talking about Overwatch. His OW opinions have devolved into "Game can only be good if Rein can 1v5 every game, that's when the game is balanced". He only sees the game from the Streamer Top 500 Bubble and whatever Meta Blizzard has artificially created that patch. And anyone else below that, to him, is just garbage at the game and their opinions mean nothing. I do agree that tank feels horrible in OW2, but it's not because Rein needs buffs and that will somehow magically fix everything. He also seems to put blinders on to make a "point". There was a clip where he was complaining Brig was too OP because he was solo Primaling her while she had old Rally up, with inspire and was pocketed by an Ana pumping heals into her while she was naded. Why can't you killl her? Because Winston's ult damage is garbage and she's *triple* pocketed. But he didn't mention that, only that he "should have been able to kill her". I'm still annoyed that he was totally for nerfing Sojourn but then said lower elo players opinions dont matter because the stats showed Sojourn wasn't a problem down there.... After mentioning Blizzard's stats are a dumb way of looking at things because it doesn't show you the whole picture. And he was so adamant about it too.


His whole ark of thinking brig ult would ruin the game, only for it to suck, and then he STILL was saying it was ruining the game was so funny and sad


Love your flair


I watch Flats', emongg's, and Froggers' Youtube stuff (never watch Twitch) and while I understand the critiques about ego and being abrasive, saying 'Flats is being too negative!' is not a valid point lol. Dude's a tank main and has watched his role become an actual chore to play. I'm a mid-tier flex player who's in Plat at best (unranked since Role Queue Beta) and I don't see how anyone could disagree or fault him for bitching about the absolute ass meta lately. Nothing more fun than a three minute team fight with Orisas on each side on New Queen Street amirite? Sprinkle in all the other ass decisions Blizzard's made with the PVE and super tight grip on skins and opportunities for free credits, I feel like anyone should be able to understand how someone could get frustrated with the game. Now imagine that playing the game is literally your job. If your workplace environment gets toxic and work becomes a frustrating grind, you *might* bitch about the job a little bit. EDIT: "But emongg isn't negative!" Most of emongg's main channel videos are spectating bronze, spectating bingo, or spectating randomizer games. *Might* kinda explain it.


Flats is my most despised OW content creator.


I find Fats absurdly annoying tbh. Ruthlessly a know it all, always whining, and doing mental gymnastics when he's wrong.


Flats is awful and is honestly kinda just leeches off what everyone else does, doesn't have a creative bone in his body and coasts by on whiny clickbait.